package backend import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "kpt-tmr-group/model" "kpt-tmr-group/pkg/logger/zaplog" "kpt-tmr-group/pkg/xerr" operationPb "kpt-tmr-group/proto/go/backend/operation" "net/http" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "" "" ) type PastureClientHandler func(ctx context.Context, pastureId int64, body interface{}) error // type eventHandler func(ev map[string]interface{}, openID string, appID string, enterpriseID int, cts int64, conn redis.Conn) error // PastureDetailById 获取指定牧场详情 func (s *StoreEntry) PastureDetailById(ctx context.Context, pastureId int64) (*model.GroupPasture, error) { result := &model.GroupPasture{Id: pastureId} if err := s.DB.Where("is_delete = ? and is_show = ?", operationPb.IsShow_OK, operationPb.IsShow_OK).First(result).Error; err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } return result, nil } func (s *StoreEntry) PastureHttpClient(ctx context.Context, apiUrl string, pastureId int64, body, response interface{}) error { pastureDetail, err := s.PastureDetailById(ctx, pastureId) if err != nil { zaplog.Error("SearchFormulaEstimateList", zap.Any("Err", err), zap.Int64("pastureId", pastureId)) return xerr.Customf("该牧场数据错误,Err:%s", err) } pastureClient := model.NewPastureClient(pastureDetail) url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", pastureDetail.Domain, apiUrl) result, err := pastureClient.DoPost(url, body) if err != nil { return xerr.WithStack(err) } zaplog.Info("PastureHttpClient", zap.String("url", url), zap.Any("request", body), zap.String("response", string(result))) if err = json.Unmarshal(result, response); err != nil { return xerr.WithStack(err) } return nil } // SearchFormulaEstimateList 配方评估 func (s *StoreEntry) SearchFormulaEstimateList(ctx context.Context, req *operationPb.SearchFormulaEstimateRequest) (*model.PastureCommonResponse, error) { body := &model.PastureCommonRequest{ Name: req.ApiName, Page: req.Pagination.Page, Offset: req.Pagination.PageOffset, PageCount: req.Pagination.PageSize, ReturnType: "Map", ParamMaps: &model.FormulaEstimateParams{ PastureId: fmt.Sprintf("%d", req.PastureId), StartTime: req.StartTime, StopTime: req.EndTime, Search: fmt.Sprintf("%d", req.SearchType), TempletId: fmt.Sprintf("%d", req.TemplateId), Barid: fmt.Sprintf("%d", req.BarnId), }, } response := &model.PastureCommonResponse{Data: &model.PastureCommonData{}} if err := s.PastureHttpClient(ctx, model.UrlDataByName, int64(req.PastureId), body, response); err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } return response, nil } // SearchInventoryStatistics 库存管理-库存统计 func (s *StoreEntry) SearchInventoryStatistics(ctx context.Context, req *operationPb.SearchInventoryStatisticsRequest) (*model.PastureCommonResponse, error) { body := &model.PastureCommonRequest{ Name: req.ApiName, Page: req.Pagination.Page, Offset: req.Pagination.PageOffset, PageCount: req.Pagination.PageSize, ReturnType: "Map", ParamMaps: &model.InventoryStatisticsParams{ PastureId: fmt.Sprintf("%d", req.PastureId), StartTime: req.StartTime, StopTime: req.EndTime, FeedName: req.FeedName, }, } response := &model.PastureCommonResponse{ Data: &model.PastureCommonData{ List: make([]*model.InventoryStatisticsList, 0), }, } if err := s.PastureHttpClient(ctx, model.UrlDataByName, int64(req.PastureId), body, response); err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } return response, nil } // InventoryStatisticsExcelExport 库存管理-库存统计-报表导出 func (s *StoreEntry) InventoryStatisticsExcelExport(ctx context.Context, req *operationPb.SearchInventoryStatisticsRequest) (*bytes.Buffer, error) { result, err := s.SearchInventoryStatistics(ctx, req) if err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } b, _ := json.Marshal(result.Data.List) inventoryStatisticsList := make([]*model.InventoryStatisticsList, 0) if err = json.Unmarshal(b, &inventoryStatisticsList); err != nil { return nil, xerr.Customf("牧场端返回数据错误") } file := excelize.NewFile() defer file.Close() streamWriter, err := file.NewStreamWriter(model.DefaultSheetName) if err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } // 表头 titles := map[string][]interface{}{ "A1": {"饲料名称", "期初", nil, "用料", nil, nil, nil, "期末"}, "A2": {nil, "期初库存(kg)", "期初金额(元)", "入库重量(kg)", "系统出库重量(kg)", "人工用料重量(kg)", "损耗重量", "期末库存(kg)", "期末金额(kg)"}, } for cell, values := range titles { if err = streamWriter.SetRow(cell, values); err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } } for i, item := range inventoryStatisticsList { cell, err := excelize.CoordinatesToCellName(1, i+3) if err != nil { zaplog.Error("InventoryStatisticsExcelExport CoordinatesToCellName", zap.Any("Err", err)) continue } row := make([]interface{}, 0) row = append(row, item.FeedName, item.StartSum, item.StartPrice, item.LaidSum, item.UseSumXT, item.UseSumRG, item.UseSumXH, item.StopSum, item.StopPrice) if err = streamWriter.SetRow(cell, row); err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } } hvCell := map[string]string{ "A1": "A2", "B1": "C1", "D1": "G1", "H1": "I1", } // 合并单元格 for h, v := range hvCell { if err = streamWriter.MergeCell(h, v); err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } } // 修改样式 /*style1, err := file.NewStyle(&excelize.Style{ Fill: excelize.Fill{Type: "pattern", Color: []string{"#DFEBF6"}, Pattern: 1}, Alignment: &excelize.Alignment{Horizontal: "center"}, }) if err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } style1, err := file.NewStyle(&excelize.Style{ //Fill: excelize.Fill{Type: "pattern", Color: []string{"#DFEBF6"}, Pattern: 1}, Alignment: &excelize.Alignment{Horizontal: "center"}, }) if err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } if err = file.SetCellStyle(model.DefaultSheetName, "A1", "A1", style1); err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) }*/ if err = streamWriter.Flush(); err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } return file.WriteToBuffer() } // SearchUserMaterialsStatistics 库存管理-用料分析 func (s *StoreEntry) SearchUserMaterialsStatistics(ctx context.Context, req *operationPb.SearchUserMaterialsStatisticsRequest) (*model.PastureCommonResponse, error) { body := &model.PastureCommonRequest{ Name: req.ApiName, Page: req.Pagination.Page, Offset: req.Pagination.PageOffset, PageCount: req.Pagination.PageSize, ReturnType: "Map", Checked: req.ErrorCheck, ParamMaps: &model.UserMaterialsStatisticsParams{ PastureId: fmt.Sprintf("%d", req.PastureId), StartTime: req.StartTime, StopTime: req.EndTime, FeedName: req.FeedName, Typea: fmt.Sprintf("%d", req.TypeCheck), }, } response := &model.PastureCommonResponse{Data: &model.PastureCommonData{ List: &model.UserMaterialsList{}, }} if err := s.PastureHttpClient(ctx, model.UrlReportForm, int64(req.PastureId), body, response); err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } return response, nil } func (s *StoreEntry) UserMaterialsStatisticsExcelExport(ctx context.Context, req *operationPb.SearchUserMaterialsStatisticsRequest) (*bytes.Buffer, error) { result, err := s.SearchUserMaterialsStatistics(ctx, req) if err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } b, _ := json.Marshal(result.Data.List) userMaterialsList := &model.UserMaterialsList{} if err = json.Unmarshal(b, userMaterialsList); err != nil { return nil, xerr.Customf("牧场端返回数据错误") } file := excelize.NewFile() defer file.Close() streamWriter, err := file.NewStreamWriter(model.DefaultSheetName) if err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } // 表数据 excelValuesList := map[int][]interface{}{} cProp := make([]string, 0) for _, data2 := range userMaterialsList.Data2 { excelValuesList[1] = append(excelValuesList[1], data2.Label) for _, c := range data2.Children { excelValuesList[2] = append(excelValuesList[2], c.Label) cProp = append(cProp, c.Prop) } } for cell, values := range excelValuesList { if err = streamWriter.SetRow(fmt.Sprintf("A%d", cell), values); err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } delete(excelValuesList, cell) } for i, data1 := range userMaterialsList.Data1 { data1Map, ok := data1.(map[string]interface{}) if ok { for _, prop := range cProp { newValue := "" if value, yes := data1Map[prop]; yes { if value != nil { switch v := value.(type) { case string: newValue = v case int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64: newValue = fmt.Sprintf("%d", v) default: newValue = fmt.Sprintf("%v", v) } } excelValuesList[i+3] = append(excelValuesList[i+3], newValue) } } } } excelValuesKeys := make([]int, 0) for k, _ := range excelValuesList { excelValuesKeys = append(excelValuesKeys, k) } sort.Ints(excelValuesKeys) for _, v := range excelValuesKeys { if err = streamWriter.SetRow(fmt.Sprintf("A%d", v), excelValuesList[v]); err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } } if err = streamWriter.Flush(); err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } return file.WriteToBuffer() } // SearchPriceStatistics 库存管理-价格分析 func (s *StoreEntry) SearchPriceStatistics(ctx context.Context, req *operationPb.SearchPriceStatisticsRequest) (*model.PastureCommonResponse, error) { body := &model.PastureCommonRequest{ Name: req.ApiName, Page: req.Pagination.Page, Offset: req.Pagination.PageOffset, PageCount: req.Pagination.PageSize, ReturnType: "Map", ParamMaps: &model.PriceStatisticsParams{ PastureId: fmt.Sprintf("%d", req.PastureId), StartTime: req.StartTime, StopTime: req.EndTime, FeedName: req.FeedName, }, } response := &model.PastureCommonResponse{Data: &model.PastureCommonData{}} if err := s.PastureHttpClient(ctx, model.UrlReportForm, int64(req.PastureId), body, response); err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } return response, nil } // SearchFeedStatistics 饲喂效率-效率统计 func (s *StoreEntry) SearchFeedStatistics(ctx context.Context, req *operationPb.SearchFeedStatisticsRequest) (*model.PastureCommonResponse, error) { body := &model.PastureCommonRequest{ Name: req.ApiName, Page: req.Pagination.Page, Offset: req.Pagination.PageOffset, PageCount: req.Pagination.PageSize, ReturnType: "Map", ParamMaps: &model.FeedStatisticsParams{ PastureId: fmt.Sprintf("%d", req.PastureId), StartTime: req.StartTime, StopTime: req.StartTime, Date: req.StartTime, FeedTName: req.FormulaTemplate, BarName: req.BarnName, CowClass: req.CattleCategoryName, Times: fmt.Sprintf("%d", req.ClassNumber), }, } response := &model.PastureCommonResponse{Data: &model.PastureCommonData{}} if err := s.PastureHttpClient(ctx, model.UrlDataByName, int64(req.PastureId), body, response); err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } return response, nil } // FeedChartStatistics 饲喂效率图表分析 func (s *StoreEntry) FeedChartStatistics(ctx context.Context, req *operationPb.FeedChartStatisticsRequest) (*model.PastureCommonResponse, error) { body := &model.FeedChartParams{ ParamMaps: &model.ParamMaps{ PastureId: fmt.Sprintf("%d", req.PastureId), StartTime: req.StartTime, StopTime: req.StartTime, Status: req.Status, }, } url, ok := model.UrlChart[req.ApiType] if !ok { return nil, xerr.Customf("错误的接口类型:%s", req.ApiType) } response := &model.PastureCommonResponse{Data: &model.PastureCommonData{}} if err := s.PastureHttpClient(ctx, url, int64(req.PastureId), body, response); err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } return response, nil } // CowsAnalysis 饲喂效率-牛群评估 func (s *StoreEntry) CowsAnalysis(ctx context.Context, req *operationPb.CowsAnalysisRequest) (*model.PastureCommonResponse, error) { body := &model.PastureCommonRequest{ Name: req.ApiName, Page: req.Pagination.Page, Offset: req.Pagination.PageOffset, PageCount: req.Pagination.PageSize, ReturnType: "Map", ParamMaps: &model.MixFeedStatisticsParams{ PastureId: fmt.Sprintf("%d", req.PastureId), StartTime: req.StartTime, StopTime: req.StartTime, }, } response := &model.PastureCommonResponse{Data: &model.PastureCommonData{}} if err := s.PastureHttpClient(ctx, model.UrlDataByName, int64(req.PastureId), body, response); err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } return response, nil } // SearchAccuracyAggStatistics 准确性分析-汇总分析 func (s *StoreEntry) SearchAccuracyAggStatistics(ctx context.Context, req *operationPb.AccuracyAggStatisticsRequest) (*model.PastureCommonResponse, error) { body := &model.FeedChartParams{ ParamMaps: &model.AccuracyAggParams{ PastureId: fmt.Sprintf("%d", req.PastureId), StartTime: req.StartTime, StopTime: req.EndTime, FName: req.Fname, Sort: req.Sort, Status: req.Status, Times: req.Times, Genre: req.Genre, IsDate: req.Isdate, Hlwc1: req.Hlwc1, Hlwc2: req.Hlwc2, Hlzq1: req.Hlzq1, Hlzq2: req.Hlzq2, Hlzql1: req.Hlzql1, Hlzql2: req.Hlzql2, Slwc1: req.Slwc1, Slwc2: req.Slwc2, Slzq1: req.Slzq1, Slzq2: req.Slzq2, Slzql1: req.Slzql1, Slzql2: req.Slzql2, Error: req.IsError, }, } response := &model.PastureCommonResponse{Data: &model.PastureCommonData{}} if err := s.PastureHttpClient(ctx, model.UrlSummary, int64(req.PastureId), body, response); err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } return response, nil } // SearchMixFeedStatistics 准确性分析-混料统计 func (s *StoreEntry) SearchMixFeedStatistics(ctx context.Context, req *operationPb.MixFeedStatisticsRequest) (*model.PastureCommonResponse, error) { times := "" if req.ClassNumber > 0 { times = fmt.Sprintf("%d", req.ClassNumber) } body := &model.PastureCommonRequest{ Name: req.ApiName, Page: req.Pagination.Page, Offset: req.Pagination.PageOffset, PageCount: req.Pagination.PageSize, ReturnType: "Map", ParamMaps: &model.MixFeedStatisticsParams{ PastureId: fmt.Sprintf("%d", req.PastureId), StartTime: req.StartTime, StopTime: req.StartTime, TmrTName: req.EquipmentName, ProjName: req.TrainNumber, Times: times, ButtonType: req.ButtonType, TempletName: req.FormulationName, Isuse: req.IsUse, Hlwc1: req.Hlwc1, Hlwc2: req.Hlwc2, Hlzq1: req.Hlzq1, Hlzq2: req.Hlzq2, Hlzql1: req.Hlzql1, Hlzql2: req.Hlzql2, Error: req.IsError, }, } response := &model.PastureCommonResponse{Data: &model.PastureCommonData{}} if err := s.PastureHttpClient(ctx, model.UrlDataByName, int64(req.PastureId), body, response); err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } return response, nil } // SearchSprinkleStatistics 准确性分析-撒料统计 func (s *StoreEntry) SearchSprinkleStatistics(ctx context.Context, req *operationPb.SprinkleStatisticsRequest) (*model.PastureCommonResponse, error) { times := "" if req.ClassNumber > 0 { times = fmt.Sprintf("%d", req.ClassNumber) } body := &model.PastureCommonRequest{ Name: req.ApiName, Page: req.Pagination.Page, Offset: req.Pagination.PageOffset, PageCount: req.Pagination.PageSize, ReturnType: "Map", ParamMaps: &model.SprinkleStatisticsParams{ PastureId: fmt.Sprintf("%d", req.PastureId), StartTime: req.StartTime, StopTime: req.StartTime, TmrTName: req.EquipmentName, ProjName: req.TrainNumber, Times: times, ButtonType: req.ButtonType, TempletName: req.FormulationName, Isuse: req.IsUse, Fname: req.BarnName, Slwc1: req.Slwc1, Slwc2: req.Slwc2, Slzq2: req.Slzq2, Slzq1: req.Slzq1, Slzql1: req.Slzql1, Slzql2: req.Slzql2, Error: req.IsError, }, } response := &model.PastureCommonResponse{Data: &model.PastureCommonData{}} if err := s.PastureHttpClient(ctx, model.UrlDataByName, int64(req.PastureId), body, response); err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } return response, nil } // SearchProcessAnalysis 过程分析 func (s *StoreEntry) SearchProcessAnalysis(ctx context.Context, req *operationPb.ProcessAnalysisRequest) (*model.PastureCommonResponse, error) { body := &model.PastureCommonRequest{ Name: req.ApiName, Page: req.Pagination.Page, Offset: req.Pagination.PageOffset, PageCount: req.Pagination.PageSize, ReturnType: "Map", ParamMaps: &model.ProcessAnalysisParams{ PastureId: fmt.Sprintf("%d", req.PastureId), StartTime: req.StartTime, StopTime: req.StartTime, TmrTName: req.TmrName, IsCompleted: "", LpPlanType: fmt.Sprintf("%d", req.PlanType), FClassId: req.MixFeedType, Hlzq1: req.Hlzq1, Hlzq2: req.Hlzq2, Hlwc1: req.Hlwc1, Hlwc2: req.Hlwc2, Slwc1: req.Slwc1, Slwc2: req.Slwc2, Slzq2: req.Slzq2, Slzq1: req.Slzq1, Error: req.ErrorRange, }, } response := &model.PastureCommonResponse{Data: &model.PastureCommonData{}} if err := s.PastureHttpClient(ctx, model.UrlProcess, int64(req.PastureId), body, response); err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } return response, nil } // GetTrainNumber 获取班次 func (s *StoreEntry) GetTrainNumber(ctx context.Context, req *operationPb.TrainNumberRequest) (*operationPb.TrainNumberResponse, error) { body := &model.PastureCommonRequest{ Name: req.ApiName, Page: req.Pagination.Page, Offset: req.Pagination.PageOffset, PageCount: req.Pagination.PageSize, ReturnType: "Map", ParamMaps: &model.TrainNumberParams{ PastureId: fmt.Sprintf("%d", req.PastureId), InfoRName: req.InfoName, }, } response := &model.PastureCommonResponse{Data: &model.PastureCommonData{}} if err := s.PastureHttpClient(ctx, model.UrlDataByName, int64(req.PastureId), body, response); err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } result := &operationPb.TrainNumberResponse{ Code: http.StatusOK, Msg: "ok", Data: &operationPb.TrainNumberData{List: make([]*operationPb.FormulaOptionEnum, 0)}, } if response.Data.List == nil { return result, nil } b, _ := json.Marshal(response.Data.List) trainNumberList := make([]*model.TrainNumberList, 0) if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &trainNumberList); err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } formulaOption := make([]*operationPb.FormulaOptionEnum, 0) if len(trainNumberList) > 0 { infoValue := trainNumberList[0].InfoValue switch infoValue { case "1": formulaOption = append(formulaOption, &operationPb.FormulaOptionEnum{ Value: 1, Label: "第一班", }) case "2": formulaOption = append(formulaOption, &operationPb.FormulaOptionEnum{ Value: 1, Label: "第一班", }, &operationPb.FormulaOptionEnum{ Value: 2, Label: "第二班", }) case "3": formulaOption = append(formulaOption, &operationPb.FormulaOptionEnum{ Value: 1, Label: "第一班", }, &operationPb.FormulaOptionEnum{ Value: 2, Label: "第二班", }, &operationPb.FormulaOptionEnum{ Value: 3, Label: "第三班", }) } } result.Data.List = formulaOption return result, nil } func (s *StoreEntry) SearchAnalysisAccuracy(ctx context.Context, req *operationPb.SearchAnalysisAccuracyRequest) (*model.SearchAnalysisAccuracyResponse, error) { dataList := &model.CommonValueRatio{ MaxValue: "", MiddleValue: "", MinValue: "", PastureName: make([]string, 0), DateDay: make([]string, 0), DataList: make([][]string, 0), PastureIds: make([]int32, 0), } res := &model.SearchAnalysisAccuracyResponse{ Code: http.StatusOK, Msg: "ok", Data: &model.AnalysisAccuracyData{ Chart: &model.Chart{ MixedFodderAccurateRatio: dataList, MixedFodderCorrectRatio: dataList, SprinkleFodderAccurateRatio: dataList, SprinkleFodderCorrectRatio: dataList, }, Table: &model.Table{ TitleList: make([]*model.TableList, 0), DataList: make([]*interface{}, 0), }, }, } res.Data.Table.TitleList = append(res.Data.Table.TitleList, &model.TableList{ Name: "title", Value: "牧场", }) analysisAccuracy := make([]*model.OptionsAnalysisAccuracy, 0) pref := s.DB.Model(new(model.AnalysisAccuracy)) if req.EndDate != "" && req.StartDate != "" { pref.Where("date_day BETWEEN ? AND ?", req.StartDate, req.EndDate) } if req.CattleParentCategoryId > 0 { pref.Where("cattle_parent_category_id = ?", req.CattleParentCategoryId) } if req.FeedFormulaId > 0 { pref.Where("feed_formula_id = ?", req.FeedFormulaId) } if len(req.PastureIds) > 0 { pref.Where("pasture_id IN ?", req.PastureIds) } if err := pref.Select("pasture_id,pasture_name,date_day,sum(iweight) as all_iweight,sum(lweight) as all_lweight,sum(oweight) as all_oweight,sum(actual_weight_minus) as all_actual_weight_minus,sum(allow_ratio) as all_allow_ratio,sum(alweight) as all_alweight"). Group("pasture_id,pasture_name,date_day").Order("pasture_name,date_day").Find(&analysisAccuracy).Debug().Error; err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } mixedFodderAccurateRatio := make([]float64, 0) mapPastureName := make(map[string]bool, 0) mapDateDay := make(map[string]bool, 0) mapRatio := make(map[string]bool, 0) tableList := make([]*model.TableList, 0) for k, v := range analysisAccuracy { if _, ok := mapPastureName[v.PastureName]; !ok { res.Data.Chart.MixedFodderAccurateRatio.PastureName = append(res.Data.Chart.MixedFodderAccurateRatio.PastureName, v.PastureName) res.Data.Chart.MixedFodderAccurateRatio.PastureIds = append(res.Data.Chart.MixedFodderAccurateRatio.PastureIds, int32(v.PastureId)) mapPastureName[v.PastureName] = true } dataDayFormat := strings.TrimRight(v.DateDay, "T00:00:00+08:00") if _, ok := mapDateDay[v.DateDay]; !ok { res.Data.Chart.MixedFodderAccurateRatio.DateDay = append(res.Data.Chart.MixedFodderAccurateRatio.DateDay, dataDayFormat) mapDateDay[v.DateDay] = true } valueRatio1 := float64(v.AllIweight/v.AllLweight) / 100.0 if _, ok := mapRatio[v.DateDay]; !ok { valueRatio := make([]string, 0) for _, a := range analysisAccuracy { if a.DateDay == v.DateDay { valueRatio = append(valueRatio, strconv.FormatFloat(float64(a.AllIweight/a.AllLweight)/100.0, 'f', 2, 64)) } } res.Data.Chart.MixedFodderAccurateRatio.DataList = append(res.Data.Chart.MixedFodderAccurateRatio.DataList, valueRatio) mapRatio[v.DateDay] = true tableList = append(tableList, &model.TableList{ Name: fmt.Sprintf("date%d", k), Value: dataDayFormat, }) } mixedFodderAccurateRatio = append(mixedFodderAccurateRatio, valueRatio1) } mixedFodderAccurateRatioMaxValue, mixedFodderAccurateRatioMiddleValue, mixedFodderAccurateRatioMinValue := calculateRatio(mixedFodderAccurateRatio) res.Data.Chart.MixedFodderAccurateRatio.MaxValue = strconv.FormatFloat(mixedFodderAccurateRatioMaxValue, 'f', 2, 64) res.Data.Chart.MixedFodderAccurateRatio.MiddleValue = strconv.FormatFloat(mixedFodderAccurateRatioMiddleValue, 'f', 2, 64) res.Data.Chart.MixedFodderAccurateRatio.MinValue = strconv.FormatFloat(mixedFodderAccurateRatioMinValue, 'f', 2, 64) res.Data.Table.TitleList = append(res.Data.Table.TitleList, tableList...) return res, nil } func calculateRatio(res []float64) (float64, float64, float64) { var maxValue, middleValue, minValue, allValue float64 = 0, 0, 0, 0 for _, v := range res { if v > maxValue { maxValue = v } if v <= maxValue { minValue = v } allValue += v } middleValue = allValue / float64(len(res)) return maxValue, middleValue, minValue }