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Merge branch 'feature/bug-list' of xuyiping/kpt-tmr-group into develop

xuyiping 1 year ago
1 changed files with 34 additions and 16 deletions
  1. 34 16

+ 34 - 16

@@ -210,7 +210,11 @@ func (s *StoreEntry) FeedSyncData(ctx context.Context, req *operationPb.FeedForm
 				Page:      int32(page),
 				PageSize:  int32(pageSize),
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+			response := &model.FeedListResponse{}
 			response := &model.FeedFormulaListResponse{}
+>>>>>>> develop
 			if _, err = s.PastureHttpClient(ctx, model.FeedAsyncUrl, int64(req.PastureId), body, response); err != nil {
 				return xerr.WithStack(err)
@@ -230,26 +234,40 @@ func (s *StoreEntry) FeedSyncData(ctx context.Context, req *operationPb.FeedForm
 	return nil
-func (s *StoreEntry) FeedInsert(ctx context.Context, groupPasture *model.GroupPasture, list []*model.FeedTemplate) error {
-	res := make([]*model.FeedFormula, 0)
+func (s *StoreEntry) FeedInsert(ctx context.Context, groupPasture *model.GroupPasture, list []*model.Feed) error {
+	res := make([]*model.Forage, 0)
 	for _, data := range list {
-		res = append(res, &model.FeedFormula{
-			Name:               data.TName,
-			Colour:             data.TColor,
-			EncodeNumber:       data.TCode,
-			CattleCategoryId:   operationPb.CattleCategoryParent_Kind(data.CCid),
-			CattleCategoryName: data.CCName,
-			FormulaTypeId:      data.FTTypeId,
-			FormulaTypeName:    data.FTType,
-			DataSourceId:       operationPb.DataSource_FROM_PASTURE,
-			DataSourceName:     "牧场同步",
-			Remarks:            data.Remark,
-			Version:            data.Version,
-			PastureId:          groupPasture.PastureId,
+		forageSourceName := data.Source
+		forageSourceId := operationPb.ForageSource_SYSTEM_BUILT_IN
+		if forageSourceName == "用户自定义" {
+			forageSourceId = operationPb.ForageSource_USER_DEFINED
+		}
+		res = append(res, &model.Forage{
+			Name:               data.FName,
+			CategoryId:         data.FClassId,
+			CategoryName:       data.FClass,
+			MaterialType:       0,
+			UniqueEncode:       data.FeedCode,
+			ForageSourceId:     forageSourceId,
+			ForageSourceName:   forageSourceName,
+			PlanTypeId:         operationPb.ForagePlanType_Kind(data.PrintGroupId),
+			PlanTypeName:       data.PrintGroup,
+			SmallMaterialScale: data.SmtMrName,
+			AllowError:         data.AllowRatio,
+			PackageWeight:      data.UnitWeight,
+			Price:              int64(data.UPrice * 100),
+			JumpWeight:         data.AutoZone,
+			JumpDelay:          operationPb.JumpDelaType_Kind(data.AutoSecond),
+			ConfirmStart:       operationPb.IsShow_Kind(data.ConfirmStart),
+			RelayLocations:     int64(data.TrgAddress),
+			Jmp:                operationPb.IsShow_Kind(data.Jmp),
+			DataSource:         operationPb.DataSource_FROM_PASTURE,
+			Sort:               int64(data.Sort),
 			PastureName:        groupPasture.Name,
 			PastureDataId:      data.Id,
 			IsShow:             operationPb.IsShow_Kind(data.Enable),
-			IsModify:           operationPb.IsShow_Kind(data.IsModify),
 			IsDelete:           operationPb.IsShow_OK,