package backend import ( "context" "fmt" "kpt-pasture/model" "kpt-pasture/util" "net/http" "strings" "time" pasturePb "" "" "" "" ) // WeightScatterPlot 体重散点图 获取图表数据 func (s *StoreEntry) WeightScatterPlot(ctx context.Context, req *pasturePb.SearchGrowthCurvesRequest) (*pasturePb.GrowthCurvesResponse, error) { userModel, err := s.GetUserModel(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, xerr.Custom("当前用户信息错误,请退出重新登录") } // 查询数据 cowList := make([]*model.Cow, 0) pref := s.DB.Model(new(model.Cow)). Where("admission_status = ?", pasturePb.AdmissionStatus_Admission). Where("pasture_id = ?", userModel.AppPasture.Id) if req.GetCowId() != "" { pref.Where("id IN ?", strings.Split(req.CowId, ",")) } if len(req.BirthDate) == 2 && req.BirthDate[0] != "" && req.BirthDate[1] != "" { t0, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, req.BirthDate[0]) t1, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, req.BirthDate[1]) pref.Where("birth_at BETWEEN ? AND ?", t0.Unix(), t1.Unix()+86399) } if err = pref.Find(&cowList).Error; err != nil { return nil, err } penList, err := s.GetPenList(ctx, userModel.AppPasture.Id) if err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } // 计算图表数据 chartsList := &pasturePb.Charts{ CowId: make([]int32, 0), Weight: make([]float32, 0), AdmissionAge: make([]int32, 0), } cowData := make([]*pasturePb.CowList, 0) for _, cow := range cowList { currentWeight := float32(cow.CurrentWeight) / 1000 penName := "" for _, v := range penList { if cow.PenId != v.Id { continue } penName = v.Name } cowData = append(cowData, &pasturePb.CowList{ CowId: int32(cow.Id), EarNumber: cow.EarNumber, DayAge: cow.GetDayAge(), PenName: penName, CurrentWeight: currentWeight, BirthAt: int32(cow.BirthAt), BirthWeight: float32(cow.BirthWeight) / 1000, LastWeightAt: int32(cow.LastWeightAt), DailyWeightGain: float32(cow.GetDayWeight() / 1000), AverageDailyWeightGain: float32(cow.GetAverageDailyWeight() / 1000), PreviousStageDailyWeight: float32(cow.GetPreviousStageDailyWeight() / 1000), AdmissionAge: cow.GetAdmissionAge(), }) chartsList.CowId = append(chartsList.CowId, int32(cow.Id)) chartsList.Weight = append(chartsList.Weight, currentWeight) chartsList.AdmissionAge = append(chartsList.AdmissionAge, cow.GetAdmissionAge()) } // 返回数据 return &pasturePb.GrowthCurvesResponse{ Code: http.StatusOK, Msg: "success", Data: &pasturePb.GrowthCurveData{ Table: cowData, Charts: chartsList, }, }, nil } func (s *StoreEntry) WeightRange(ctx context.Context, req *pasturePb.WeightRangeRequest) (*pasturePb.WeightRangeResponse, error) { userModel, err := s.GetUserModel(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } cowWeightRange := make([]*model.CowWeightRange, 0) prefix := s.DB.Model(new(model.Cow)). Where("admission_status = ?", pasturePb.AdmissionStatus_Admission). Where("pasture_id = ?", userModel.AppPasture.Id) if req.CowKind > 0 { prefix.Where("cow_kind = ?", req.CowKind) } if err = prefix.Select(` CASE WHEN current_weight BETWEEN 0 AND 50000 THEN '0-50' WHEN current_weight BETWEEN 50001 AND 100000 THEN '51-100' WHEN current_weight BETWEEN 100001 AND 150000 THEN '101-150' WHEN current_weight BETWEEN 150001 AND 200000 THEN '151-200' WHEN current_weight BETWEEN 200001 AND 250000 THEN '201-250' WHEN current_weight BETWEEN 250001 AND 300000 THEN '251-300' WHEN current_weight BETWEEN 300001 AND 350000 THEN '301-350' WHEN current_weight BETWEEN 350001 AND 400000 THEN '351-400' WHEN current_weight BETWEEN 400001 AND 450000 THEN '401-450' WHEN current_weight BETWEEN 450001 AND 500000 THEN '451-500' WHEN current_weight BETWEEN 500001 AND 550000 THEN '500-550' WHEN current_weight BETWEEN 550001 AND 600000 THEN '551-600' WHEN current_weight BETWEEN 600001 AND 650000 THEN '601-650' WHEN current_weight BETWEEN 650001 AND 700000 THEN '651-700' WHEN current_weight BETWEEN 700001 AND 750000 THEN '701-750' ELSE '750+' END AS weight_range, COUNT(*) AS count `, ).Group("weight_range").Order("MIN(current_weight)").Find(&cowWeightRange).Error; err != nil { return nil, err } if len(cowWeightRange) == 0 { return &pasturePb.WeightRangeResponse{ Code: http.StatusOK, Msg: "ok", Data: &pasturePb.WeightRangeData{ CowList: make([]*pasturePb.CowList, 0), WeightBarChart: &pasturePb.WeightBarChart{ Header: make([]string, 0), Data: make([]int32, 0), }, }, }, nil } header := make([]string, 0) data := make([]int32, 0) for _, v := range cowWeightRange { header = append(header, v.WeightRange) data = append(data, v.Count) } // 牛只详情列表 pref := s.DB.Model(new(model.Cow)). Where("admission_status = ?", pasturePb.AdmissionStatus_Admission). Where("pasture_id = ?", userModel.AppPasture.Id) if req.CowKind > 0 { pref.Where("cow_kind = ?", req.CowKind) } cowList := make([]*model.Cow, 0) if req.MinWeight >= 0 && req.MaxWeight >= 0 && req.MinWeight < req.MaxWeight { pref.Where("current_weight BETWEEN ? AND ? ", req.MinWeight*1000, req.MaxWeight*1000) } if err = pref.Find(&cowList).Error; err != nil { return nil, err } penMap := s.PenMap(ctx, userModel.AppPasture.Id) return &pasturePb.WeightRangeResponse{ Code: http.StatusOK, Msg: "ok", Data: &pasturePb.WeightRangeData{ CowList: model.CowSlice(cowList).WeightRangeToPB(penMap), WeightBarChart: &pasturePb.WeightBarChart{ Header: header, Data: data, }, }, }, nil } func (s *StoreEntry) MatingTimely(ctx context.Context, req *pasturePb.MatingTimelyRequest) (*model.MatingTimelyResponse, error) { userModel, err := s.GetUserModel(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } matingTimelyChart := make([]*model.MatingTimelyChart, 0) pastureWhereSql := fmt.Sprintf(" AND pasture_id = %d", userModel.AppPasture.Id) sql := `SELECT calving_age,cow_type, DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(reality_day), '%Y-%m-%d') AS reality_day, lact_group FROM ( SELECT calving_age, cow_type,reality_day, '0' AS lact_group FROM event_mating WHERE lact = 0 AND status = 1 ` + pastureWhereSql + ` UNION ALL SELECT calving_age,cow_type, reality_day, '1' AS lact_group FROM event_mating WHERE lact = 1 AND status = 1 ` + pastureWhereSql + ` UNION ALL SELECT calving_age,cow_type, reality_day, '2' AS lact_group FROM event_mating WHERE lact = 2 AND status = 1 ` + pastureWhereSql + ` UNION ALL SELECT calving_age, cow_type, reality_day, '3+' AS lact_group FROM event_mating WHERE lact >= 3 AND status = 1 ` + pastureWhereSql + ` ) AS subquery WHERE 1 = 1 ` whereSql := "" if req.CowType > 0 { whereSql += fmt.Sprintf("AND cow_type = %d ", req.CowType) } if req.StartDayAt > 0 && req.EndDayAt > 0 { whereSql += fmt.Sprintf("AND reality_day BETWEEN %d AND %d", req.StartDayAt, req.EndDayAt) } if err = s.DB.Raw(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", sql, whereSql)).Find(&matingTimelyChart).Error; err != nil { return nil, err } chart := &model.CowMatingChart{ Lact0: make([][]string, 0), Lact1: make([][]string, 0), Lact2: make([][]string, 0), Lact3: make([][]string, 0), } if len(matingTimelyChart) == 0 { return &model.MatingTimelyResponse{ Code: http.StatusOK, Msg: "ok", Data: &model.MatingTimelyData{ CowList: make([]*pasturePb.CowList, 0), Chart: chart, }, }, nil } for _, v := range matingTimelyChart { t, _ := time.Parse(model.LayoutDate2, v.RealityDay) switch v.LactGroup { case "0": chart.Lact0 = append(chart.Lact0, []string{fmt.Sprintf("%d", t.Day()), fmt.Sprintf("%d", v.CalvingAge), v.RealityDay}) case "1": chart.Lact1 = append(chart.Lact1, []string{fmt.Sprintf("%d", t.Day()), fmt.Sprintf("%d", v.CalvingAge), v.RealityDay}) case "2": chart.Lact2 = append(chart.Lact2, []string{fmt.Sprintf("%d", t.Day()), fmt.Sprintf("%d", v.CalvingAge), v.RealityDay}) case "3+": chart.Lact3 = append(chart.Lact3, []string{fmt.Sprintf("%d", t.Day()), fmt.Sprintf("%d", v.CalvingAge), v.RealityDay}) } } // 牛只详情列表 eventMatingList := make([]*model.EventMating, 0) pref := s.DB.Model(new(model.EventMating)). Where("status = ?", pasturePb.IsShow_Ok) if req.CowType > 0 { pref.Where("cow_type = ?", req.CowType) } if req.StartDayAt > 0 && req.EndDayAt > 0 { pref.Where("reality_day BETWEEN ? AND ?", req.StartDayAt, req.EndDayAt) } if err = pref.Find(&eventMatingList).Error; err != nil { return nil, err } return &model.MatingTimelyResponse{ Code: http.StatusOK, Msg: "ok", Data: &model.MatingTimelyData{ CowList: model.EventMatingSlice(eventMatingList).ToPB2(), Chart: chart, }, }, nil } func (s *StoreEntry) PenWeight(ctx context.Context, req *pasturePb.PenWeightRequest, pagination *pasturePb.PaginationModel) (*pasturePb.PenWeightResponse, error) { userModel, err := s.GetUserModel(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } penWeightList := make([]*model.PenWeight, 0) pref := s.DB.Model(new(model.Cow)). Select(` pen_id, CEILING(AVG(current_weight) / 1000 ) AS avg_weight, CEILING(SUM(current_weight) / 1000 ) AS all_weight, COUNT(*) AS cow_count`, ). Where("pasture_id = ?", userModel.AppPasture.Id). Where("admission_status = ?", pasturePb.AdmissionStatus_Admission) if len(req.PenId) > 0 && req.BarId <= 0 { pref.Where("pen_id IN ?", req.PenId) } if err = pref.Group("pen_id"). Order("pen_id"). Find(&penWeightList).Error; err != nil { return nil, err } chart := &pasturePb.PenWeightChart{ Header: make([]string, 0), AllWeight: make([]int32, 0), AvgWeight: make([]int32, 0), CowCount: make([]int32, 0), } if len(penWeightList) <= 0 { return &pasturePb.PenWeightResponse{ Code: http.StatusOK, Msg: "ok", Data: &pasturePb.PenWeightData{ CowList: make([]*pasturePb.CowList, 0), Chart: chart, }, }, nil } cowList := make([]*model.Cow, 0) var count int64 = 0 prefList := s.DB.Model(new(model.Cow)). Where("admission_status = ?", pasturePb.AdmissionStatus_Admission) if len(req.PenId) > 0 { prefList.Where("pen_id IN (?)", req.PenId) } else if req.BarId > 0 { prefList.Where("pen_id = ?", []int32{req.BarId}) } if err = prefList.Count(&count).Limit(int(pagination.PageSize)). Offset(int(pagination.PageOffset)).Order("pen_id"). Find(&cowList).Error; err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } penMap := s.PenMap(ctx, userModel.AppPasture.Id) return &pasturePb.PenWeightResponse{ Code: http.StatusOK, Msg: "ok", Data: &pasturePb.PenWeightData{ CowList: model.CowSlice(cowList).ToPB2(penMap, penWeightList), Total: int32(count), Page: pagination.Page, PageSize: pagination.PageSize, Chart: model.PenWeightSlice(penWeightList).ToPB(penMap), }, }, nil } func (s *StoreEntry) AbortionRate(ctx context.Context, req *pasturePb.AbortionRateRequest) (*pasturePb.AbortionRateResponse, error) { userModel, err := s.GetUserModel(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } dayTimeList, err := util.GetMonthsInRange(req.StartDayTime, req.EndDayTime) if err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } lastDayForMonth := make([]string, 0) for _, v := range dayTimeList { lastDayTime, _ := util.GetLastDayOfMonth(v) lastDayForMonth = append(lastDayForMonth, lastDayTime) } // 历史每月怀孕牛头数量 cowPregnantMonthList := make([]*model.CowPregnantMonth, 0) pref := s.DB.Model(new(model.EventMating)). Select(` COUNT(cow_id) AS cow_count, DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(reality_day),'%Y-%m') as month`, ).Where("cow_type = ?", req.CowType). Where("pasture_id = ?", userModel.AppPasture.Id). Where("status = ?", pasturePb.IsShow_Ok). Where("mating_result = ?", pasturePb.MatingResult_Pregnant). Where("DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(`reality_day`),'%Y-%m-%d') IN ?", lastDayForMonth) if req.Lact >= 0 && req.Lact <= 3 { pref.Where("lact = ?", req.Lact) } else { pref.Where("lact > ?", req.Lact) } if err = pref.Group("month"). Find(&cowPregnantMonthList).Error; err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } // 历史每月流产牛头数量 cowAbortionMonthList := make([]*model.CowPregnantMonth, 0) pref2 := s.DB.Model(new(model.EventAbortion)). Select(` COUNT(cow_id) AS cow_count, DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(abortion_at),'%Y-%m') as month`, ).Where("cow_type = ?", req.CowType). Where("DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(abortion_at),'%Y-%m') IN ?", dayTimeList) if req.Lact >= 0 { pref2.Where("lact = ?", req.Lact) } if err = pref2.Group("month").Find(&cowAbortionMonthList).Error; err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } chart := &pasturePb.AbortionRateChart{ Header: make([]string, 0), AbortionCountMonth: make([]int32, 0), PregnantCountMonth: make([]int32, 0), AbortionRateMonth: make([]float32, 0), } table := make([]*pasturePb.AbortionRateTable, 0) for _, v2 := range cowAbortionMonthList { pregnantCountMonth := int32(0) for _, v := range cowPregnantMonthList { if v.Month == v2.Month { pregnantCountMonth = v.CowCount } } abortionRateMonth := float64(0) if pregnantCountMonth > 0 && v2.CowCount > 0 { abortionRateMonth = util.RoundToTwoDecimals(float64(v2.CowCount) / float64(pregnantCountMonth) * 100) } chart.Header = append(chart.Header, v2.Month) chart.AbortionCountMonth = append(chart.AbortionCountMonth, v2.CowCount) chart.PregnantCountMonth = append(chart.PregnantCountMonth, pregnantCountMonth) chart.AbortionRateMonth = append(chart.AbortionRateMonth, float32(abortionRateMonth)) table = append(table, &pasturePb.AbortionRateTable{ AbortionCount: v2.CowCount, MonthName: v2.Month, PregnantCount: pregnantCountMonth, AbortionRate: float32(abortionRateMonth), }) } return &pasturePb.AbortionRateResponse{ Code: http.StatusOK, Msg: "ok", Data: &pasturePb.AbortionRateData{ Chart: chart, Table: table, }, }, nil } func (s *StoreEntry) TwentyOnePregnantRate(ctx context.Context, req *pasturePb.TwentyOnePregnantRateRequest) (*pasturePb.TwentyOnePregnantRateResponse, error) { userModel, err := s.GetUserModel(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } startUnix := util.TimeParseLocalUnix(req.StartDate) endUnix := util.TimeParseLocalUnix(req.EndDate) if startUnix > endUnix { return nil, xerr.Customf("开始时间不能大于结束时间: %s ~ %d", req.StartDate, req.EndDate) } nowDateTime := time.Now() if endUnix > nowDateTime.Unix() { return nil, xerr.Customf("结束时间不能大于当前时间: %s ~ %s", req.EndDate, nowDateTime.Format(model.LayoutDate2)) } dataRange, err := util.Get21DayPeriods(req.StartDate, req.EndDate) if err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } chart := &pasturePb.TwentyOnePregnantRateChart{ Header: make([]string, 0), PregnantRate: make([]float32, 0), MatingRate: make([]float32, 0), } // 牛只主动停配期 systemBasicName := "" switch req.CowType { case pasturePb.CowType_Breeding_Calf: systemBasicName = model.ProactivelyStopBreedingForAdult case pasturePb.CowType_Reserve_Calf: systemBasicName = model.ProactivelyStopBreedingForBackup default: return nil, xerr.Customf("不支持的牛只类型: %d", req.CowType) } systemBasic, err := s.GetSystemBasicByName(ctx, systemBasicName) if err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } stopBreedingDay := systemBasic.MinValue * 86400 dateCowList := make([][]*model.Cow, len(dataRange)) twentyOnePregnantRateList := make([]*pasturePb.TwentyOnePregnantRateList, 0) for i, v := range dataRange { middleDay, err := util.GetRangeDayMiddleDay(v, 11) if err != nil { return nil, xerr.WithStack(err) } middleDayUnix := util.TimeParseLocalEndUnix(middleDay) chart.Header = append(chart.Header, fmt.Sprintf("%s ~ %s", v[0], v[1])) cowList := s.TwentyOnePregnantCowList(userModel.AppPasture.Id, req.CowType, stopBreedingDay, middleDayUnix, []int64{}) twentyOnePregnantRateList = append(twentyOnePregnantRateList, &pasturePb.TwentyOnePregnantRateList{ StartDay: v[0], EndDay: v[1], ShouldBreedCount: int32(len(cowList)), RealityBreedCount: 0, BreedRate: 0, ShouldPregnantCount: 0, RealityPregnantCount: 0, PregnantRate: 0, RealityAbortionCount: 0, AbortionRate: 0, }) dateCowList[i] = cowList } return &pasturePb.TwentyOnePregnantRateResponse{ Code: http.StatusOK, Msg: "ok", Data: &pasturePb.TwentyOnePregnantRateData{ Chart: chart, Table: &pasturePb.TwentyOnePregnantRateTable{ List: twentyOnePregnantRateList, Total: int32(len(dataRange)), }, }, }, nil } // TwentyOnePregnantCowList 21天牛只停配期牛只列表 func (s *StoreEntry) TwentyOnePregnantCowList( pastureId int64, cowType pasturePb.CowType_Kind, stopBreedingDay int32, middleDay int64, notInCow []int64, ) []*model.Cow { cowList := make([]*model.Cow, 0) switch cowType { case pasturePb.CowType_Reserve_Calf: pref := s.DB.Model(new(model.Cow)). Where("pasture_id = ?", pastureId). Where("cow_type = ?", cowType). Where("admission_status = ?", pasturePb.AdmissionStatus_Admission). Where("is_pregnant = ?", pasturePb.IsShow_No). Where("lact = ?", 0). Where("birth_at + ? < ?", stopBreedingDay, middleDay) if len(notInCow) > 0 { pref = pref.Where("id NOT IN ?", notInCow) } if err := pref.Find(&cowList).Error; err != nil { zaplog.Error("TwentyOnePregnantCowList", zap.Any("cowType", cowType), zap.Any("stopBreedingDay", stopBreedingDay), zap.Any("middleDay", middleDay), zap.Any("notInCow", notInCow), ) } case pasturePb.CowType_Breeding_Calf: } return cowList }