@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+import type { El } from "typeit/dist/types";
+import TypeIt, { type TypeItOptions } from "typeit";
+import { ref, defineComponent, onMounted, type PropType } from "vue";
+// 打字机效果组件(配置项详情请查阅 https://www.typeitjs.com/docs/vanilla/usage#options)
+export default defineComponent({
+ name: "TypeIt",
+ props: {
+ options: {
+ type: Object as PropType<TypeItOptions>,
+ default: () => ({}) as TypeItOptions
+ }
+ },
+ setup(props, { slots, expose }) {
+ /**
+ * 输出错误信息
+ * @param message 错误信息
+ */
+ function throwError(message: string) {
+ throw new TypeError(message);
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取浏览器默认语言
+ */
+ function getBrowserLanguage() {
+ return navigator.language;
+ }
+ const typedItRef = ref<Element | null>(null);
+ onMounted(() => {
+ const $typed = typedItRef.value!.querySelector(".type-it") as El;
+ if (!$typed) {
+ const errorMsg =
+ getBrowserLanguage() === "zh-CN"
+ ? "请确保有且只有一个具有class属性为 'type-it' 的元素"
+ : "Please make sure that there is only one element with a Class attribute with 'type-it'";
+ throwError(errorMsg);
+ }
+ const typeIt = new TypeIt($typed, props.options).go();
+ expose({
+ typeIt
+ });
+ });
+ return () => (
+ <div ref={typedItRef}>
+ {slots.default?.() ?? <span class="type-it"></span>}
+ </div>
+ );
+ }