@@ -1,3 +1,39 @@
+# 5.2.0 (2024-03-22)
+### ✔️ refactor
+- Place the full screen button at the top to make it visible and easy to operate
+### 🎫 Feat
+- Added `v-ripple` command (water ripple effect)
+- Add global `Stretch` configuration to the content area to customize compact pages and easily find the required information
+- Added roaming guidance based on `ElTour`
+- Improve role management-menu permission function, novel interactive experience
+- Add system monitoring-online users
+- Add system monitoring-login log
+- Add system monitoring-operation log
+- Add system monitoring-system log
+- Add more more convenient `pure-admin-table` editable table examples (overall editing, single row editing, cell editing)
+- The `ReSegmented` component has a new `block` attribute to make it fit the width of the parent element
+- Add [vue-flow](https://vueflow.dev/) flow chart example
+- Add virtual table example
+- Added Gantt chart example
+- Add graphic verification code example
+- Add form examples, which can be generated through `JSON` format configuration (basic form, pop-up form, drawer form, step-by-step form, search form)
+- Add a folding and expanding menu function on the middle right side of the left menu
+### 🐞 Bug fixes
+- Fixed the scroll bar issue when clicking on the registration page under `windwos`
+- Fixed the problem of scroll bars appearing in the content area when switching pages under `windows`
+- Fixed the problem of status style disappearing in `pure-table` with status table under dark overall style
+- Fixed the problem of turning on the gray mode and dark overall style in the project configuration and refreshing the overall style of the page.
+### 🍏 Perf
+- All pages of system management and system monitoring are compatible with mobile terminals
# 5.1.0 (2024-03-02)
### ✔️ refactor