@@ -1,20 +1,16 @@
-package mqtt
+package crontab
import (
- "kpt-pasture/module/crontab"
+ "kpt-pasture/util"
pasturePb "gitee.com/xuyiping_admin/go_proto/proto/go/backend/cow"
- "gorm.io/gorm"
- "go.uber.org/zap"
+ "go.uber.org/zap"
const (
@@ -26,22 +22,156 @@ const (
DefaultScore = 100
-func (e *Entry) PastureUpdateActiveHabit() {
+var (
+ defaultLimit = int32(1000)
+ isDelete bool
+// NeckRingOriginalMergeData 把脖环数据合并成2个小时的
+func (e *Entry) NeckRingOriginalMergeData() error {
+ var err error
+ limit := e.Cfg.NeckRingLimit
+ if limit <= 0 {
+ limit = defaultLimit
+ }
+ newTime := time.Now()
+ createdAt := newTime.Add(-1 * time.Hour)
+ neckRingList := make([]*model.NeckRingOriginal, 0)
+ if err = e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckRingOriginal)).
+ Where("is_show <= ?", pasturePb.IsShow_No).
+ Where("created_at <= ?", createdAt.Unix()).
+ Order("neck_ring_number,active_date,frameid").
+ Limit(int(limit)).Find(&neckRingList).Error; err != nil {
+ return xerr.WithStack(err)
+ }
+ if len(neckRingList) <= 0 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ defer func() {
+ if newTime.Day()%15 == 0 && !isDelete {
+ // 原始数据删除15天前的
+ e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckRingOriginal)).
+ Where("created_at < ?", newTime.AddDate(0, 0, -15).Unix()).
+ Delete(new(model.NeckRingOriginal))
+ // 活动数据删除6个月前的数据
+ e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
+ Where("created_at < ?", newTime.AddDate(0, -6, 0).Unix()).
+ Delete(new(model.NeckActiveHabit))
+ isDelete = true
+ }
+ }()
+ // 计算合并
+ neckActiveHabitList := e.recalculate(neckRingList)
+ if len(neckActiveHabitList) <= 0 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ zaplog.Info("NeckRingOriginalMergeData start", zap.Any("neckRingListLen", len(neckRingList)))
+ for _, neckActiveHabit := range neckActiveHabitList {
+ //更新脖环牛只相关信息 新数据直接插入
+ historyNeckActiveHabit, ct := e.IsExistNeckActiveHabit(neckActiveHabit.NeckRingNumber, neckActiveHabit.HeatDate, neckActiveHabit.Frameid)
+ if ct <= 0 {
+ if err = e.DB.Create(neckActiveHabit).Error; err != nil {
+ zaplog.Info("NeckRingOriginalMergeData-1", zap.Any("err", err), zap.Any("neckActiveHabit", neckActiveHabit))
+ }
+ newNeckRingProcess := model.NewNeckRingProcess(neckActiveHabit)
+ if err = e.DB.Create(newNeckRingProcess).Error; err != nil {
+ zaplog.Info("NeckRingOriginalMergeData-2", zap.Any("err", err), zap.Any("neckActiveHabit", neckActiveHabit))
+ }
+ if err = e.UpdateNeckRingOriginalIsShow(neckActiveHabit); err != nil {
+ zaplog.Error("NeckRingOriginalMergeData-3", zap.Any("err", err), zap.Any("neckActiveHabit", neckActiveHabit))
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ if historyNeckActiveHabit == nil || historyNeckActiveHabit.Id <= 0 {
+ zaplog.Error("NeckRingOriginalMergeData-4", zap.Any("historyNeckActiveHabit", historyNeckActiveHabit), zap.Any("ct", ct), zap.Any("neckActiveHabit", neckActiveHabit))
+ continue
+ }
+ // 重新计算
+ newNeckActiveHabit := e.againRecalculate(historyNeckActiveHabit)
+ if newNeckActiveHabit != nil {
+ if err = e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
+ Select("rumina", "intake", "inactive", "gasp", "other", "high", "active").
+ Where("id = ?", historyNeckActiveHabit.Id).
+ Updates(newNeckActiveHabit).Error; err != nil {
+ zaplog.Error("NeckRingOriginalMergeData-5", zap.Any("historyNeckActiveHabit", historyNeckActiveHabit), zap.Any("ct", ct), zap.Any("newNeckActiveHabit", newNeckActiveHabit))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+func (e *Entry) NeckRingCalculate() error {
pastureList := e.FindPastureList()
if pastureList == nil || len(pastureList) == 0 {
- return
+ return nil
for _, pasture := range pastureList {
if err := e.EntryUpdateActiveHabit(pasture.Id); err != nil {
- zaplog.Error("PastureUpdateActiveHabit", zap.Any("PastureUpdateActiveHabit", err), zap.Any("pasture", pasture))
+ zaplog.Error("PastureUpdateActiveHabit", zap.Any("err", err), zap.Any("pasture", pasture))
zaplog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("PastureUpdateActiveHabit Success %d", pasture.Id))
+ return nil
+// recalculate 合并计算
+func (e *Entry) recalculate(neckRingList []*model.NeckRingOriginal) []*model.NeckActiveHabit {
+ originalMapData := make(map[string]*model.NeckRingOriginalMerge)
+ // 合并成2个小时的
+ for _, v := range neckRingList {
+ xframeId := util.XFrameId(v.Frameid)
+ mapKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s%s%d", v.NeckRingNumber, model.JoinKey, v.ActiveDate, model.JoinKey, xframeId) // 0001/2023-12-04/0 0001/2023-12-03/4
+ if originalMapData[mapKey] == nil {
+ originalMapData[mapKey] = new(model.NeckRingOriginalMerge)
+ }
+ originalMapData[mapKey].IsMageData(v, xframeId)
+ }
+ currTime := time.Now()
+ // 算平均值
+ for k, v := range originalMapData {
+ // 过滤掉合并后不满6条数据
+ if v.RecordCount != 6 {
+ currMaxXframeId := util.FrameIdMapReverse[int32(currTime.Hour())]
+ activeDateString := fmt.Sprintf("%s %02d:00:00", v.ActiveDate, v.XframeId*2+1)
+ activeDate, _ := time.Parse(model.LayoutTime, activeDateString)
+ if currMaxXframeId-v.XframeId <= 1 && currTime.Add(-1*time.Hour).Unix() < activeDate.Unix() {
+ delete(originalMapData, k)
+ }
+ }
+ v.SumAvg()
+ }
+ return model.NeckRingOriginalMap(originalMapData).ForMatData()
+func (e *Entry) againRecalculate(data *model.NeckActiveHabit) *model.NeckActiveHabit {
+ originalList := make([]*model.NeckRingOriginal, 0)
+ frameIds := util.FrameIds(data.Frameid)
+ if err := e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckRingOriginal)).
+ Where("neck_ring_number = ?", data.NeckRingNumber).
+ Where("active_date = ?", data.HeatDate).
+ Where("frameid IN (?)", frameIds).
+ Find(&originalList).Error; err != nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ newDataList := e.recalculate(originalList)
+ if len(newDataList) != 1 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ return newDataList[0]
func (e *Entry) EntryUpdateActiveHabit(pastureId int64) (err error) {
- lastMaxHabitData, err := e.GetSystemConfigure2(pastureId, model.MaxHabit)
+ lastMaxHabitData, err := e.GetSystemConfigure(pastureId, model.MaxHabit)
if err != nil {
return xerr.WithStack(err)
@@ -51,7 +181,7 @@ func (e *Entry) EntryUpdateActiveHabit(pastureId int64) (err error) {
if err = e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
Where("id > ?", lastMaxHabitId).
Where("pasture_id = ?", pastureId).
- Where(e.DB.Where("record_count = ?", model.AvgHours).Or("is_show = ?", pasturePb.IsShow_Ok)).
+ Where("is_show = ?", pasturePb.IsShow_No).
Order("id desc").First(currMaxHabit).Error; err != nil {
return xerr.WithStack(err)
@@ -70,29 +200,36 @@ func (e *Entry) EntryUpdateActiveHabit(pastureId int64) (err error) {
// 获取这段执行数据内最大日期和最小日期
xToday := &XToday{}
- activeLowest, err := e.GetSystemConfigure2(pastureId, model.ActiveLowest)
+ activeLowest, err := e.GetSystemConfigure(pastureId, model.High)
if err != nil {
return xerr.WithStack(err)
- ruminaLowest, err := e.GetSystemConfigure2(pastureId, model.RuminaLowest)
+ ruminaLowest, err := e.GetSystemConfigure(pastureId, model.Rumina)
if err != nil {
return xerr.WithStack(err)
- xRuminaDisc, err := e.GetSystemConfigure2(pastureId, model.XRuminaDisc)
+ xRuminaDisc, err := e.GetSystemConfigure(pastureId, model.XRuminaDisc)
if err != nil {
return err
- xChangeDiscount, err := e.GetSystemConfigure2(pastureId, model.XChangeDiscount)
+ xChangeDiscount, err := e.GetSystemConfigure(pastureId, model.XChangeDiscount)
if err != nil {
return err
- xToday.ActiveLowest = int32(activeLowest.Value)
- xToday.RuminaLowest = int32(ruminaLowest.Value)
+ weeklyActive, err := e.GetSystemConfigure(pastureId, model.WeeklyActive)
+ if err != nil {
+ return xerr.WithStack(err)
+ }
+ xToday.High = int32(activeLowest.Value)
+ xToday.Rumina = int32(ruminaLowest.Value)
xToday.XRuminaDisc = int32(xRuminaDisc.Value)
xToday.XChangeDiscount = int32(xChangeDiscount.Value)
- xToday.LastMaxHabitId = lastMaxHabitId // 上次执行的id
- xToday.CurrMaxHabitId = currMaxHabit.Id // 本次执行的id
+ xToday.CurrMaxHabitId = currMaxHabit.Id
+ xToday.LastMaxHabitId = lastMaxHabitId
+ xToday.WeeklyActive = int32(weeklyActive.Value)
// 更新活动滤波
if err = e.FirstFilterUpdate(pastureId, xToday); err != nil {
zaplog.Error("EntryUpdateActiveHabit", zap.Any("FirstFilterUpdate", err), zap.Any("xToday", xToday))
@@ -112,8 +249,9 @@ func (e *Entry) EntryUpdateActiveHabit(pastureId int64) (err error) {
if err = e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
+ Where("id BETWEEN ? AND ?", xToday.LastMaxHabitId, xToday.CurrMaxHabitId).
Where("pasture_id = ?", pastureId).
- Where("id BETWEEN ? AND ?", xToday.LastMaxHabitId, xToday.CurrMaxHabitId).
+ Where("is_show = ?", pasturePb.IsShow_No).
Where("change_filter = ?", model.InitChangeFilter).
"change_filter": model.DefaultChangeFilter,
@@ -124,12 +262,14 @@ func (e *Entry) EntryUpdateActiveHabit(pastureId int64) (err error) {
if err = e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
+ Where("id BETWEEN ? AND ?", xToday.LastMaxHabitId, xToday.CurrMaxHabitId).
Where("pasture_id = ?", pastureId).
- Where("id BETWEEN ? AND ?", xToday.LastMaxHabitId, xToday.CurrMaxHabitId).
+ Where("is_show = ?", pasturePb.IsShow_No).
Where("change_filter < ?", 0).
Where("filter_correct < ?", model.DefaultFilterCorrect).
"filter_correct": model.DefaultFilterCorrect,
+ "is_show": pasturePb.IsShow_Ok,
}).Error; err != nil {
zaplog.Error("EntryUpdateActiveHabit", zap.Any("filter_correct", err), zap.Any("xToday", xToday))
@@ -141,20 +281,44 @@ func (e *Entry) EntryUpdateActiveHabit(pastureId int64) (err error) {
return nil
+// CurrentMaxXFrameId 当前最大frameid
+func (e *Entry) CurrentMaxXFrameId(neckRingNumber, activeDate string) (frameid int32) {
+ type Fm struct {
+ Frameid int32
+ }
+ maxFx := &Fm{}
+ if err := e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckRingOriginal)).
+ Select("frameid").
+ Where("neck_ring_number = ?", neckRingNumber).
+ Where("active_date = ?", activeDate).
+ Order("frameid DESC").First(maxFx).Error; err != nil {
+ zaplog.Error("CurrentMaxXFrameId", zap.Any("err", err))
+ return 0
+ }
+ return maxFx.Frameid
// FirstFilterUpdate 首次更新活动滤波
func (e *Entry) FirstFilterUpdate(pastureId int64, xToDay *XToday) error {
newNeckActiveHabitList := make([]*model.NeckActiveHabit, 0)
if err := e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
- Where("id BETWEEN ? AND ?", xToDay.LastMaxHabitId, xToDay.CurrMaxHabitId).
+ Where("id <= ?", xToDay.CurrMaxHabitId).
Where("pasture_id = ?", pastureId).
+ Where("is_show = ?", pasturePb.IsShow_No).
Where("change_filter = ?", model.InitChangeFilter).
- Where(e.DB.Where("high >= ?", xToDay.ActiveLowest).Or("rumina >= ?", xToDay.RuminaLowest)). // 活动量过低牛只不参与计算
+ Where(e.DB.Where("high >= ?", xToDay.High).Or("rumina >= ?", xToDay.Rumina)). // 活动量过低牛只不参与计算
Limit(int(defaultLimit)).Find(&newNeckActiveHabitList).Error; err != nil {
return xerr.WithStack(err)
// 活动量滤波
for _, v := range newNeckActiveHabitList {
+ // 过滤牛只未绑定的脖环的数据
+ cowInfo := e.GetCowInfoByNeckRingNumber(v.PastureId, v.NeckRingNumber)
+ if cowInfo == nil || cowInfo.Id <= 0 {
+ continue
+ }
firstFilterData := &FirstFilterData{}
frameId := v.Frameid
heatDate := v.HeatDate
@@ -169,7 +333,12 @@ func (e *Entry) FirstFilterUpdate(pastureId int64, xToDay *XToday) error {
Where("heat_date = ?", heatDate).
Where("frameid = ?", frameId).
First(&firstFilterData).Error; err != nil {
- zaplog.Error("EntryUpdateActiveHabit", zap.Any("FirstFilterUpdate", err))
+ zaplog.Error("FirstFilterUpdate",
+ zap.Any("err", err),
+ zap.Any("NeckRingNumber", v.NeckRingNumber),
+ zap.Any("heatDate", heatDate),
+ zap.Any("frameId", frameId),
+ )
if v.FilterHigh > 0 {
@@ -200,14 +369,18 @@ func (e *Entry) FirstFilterUpdate(pastureId int64, xToDay *XToday) error {
firstFilterData.FilterChew = v.Rumina + v.Intake
// 更新过滤值
if err := e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
- Select("filter_high", "filter_rumina", "filter_chew").
+ Select("filter_high", "filter_rumina", "filter_chew", "cow_id", "lact", "calving_age").
Where("id = ?", v.Id).
"filter_high": firstFilterData.FilterHigh,
"filter_rumina": firstFilterData.FilterRumina,
"filter_chew": firstFilterData.FilterChew,
+ "cow_id": cowInfo.Id,
+ "lact": cowInfo.Lact,
+ "calving_age": cowInfo.CalvingAge,
}).Error; err != nil {
return xerr.WithStack(err)
@@ -218,137 +391,125 @@ func (e *Entry) FirstFilterUpdate(pastureId int64, xToDay *XToday) error {
// WeeklyActiveAvgUpdate 更新周平均值
func (e *Entry) WeeklyActiveAvgUpdate(pastureId int64, xToday *XToday) (err error) {
- weeklyActive, err := e.GetSystemConfigure2(pastureId, model.WeeklyActive)
- if err != nil {
+ neckActiveHabitList := make([]*model.NeckActiveHabit, 0)
+ if err = e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
+ Where("id <= ?", xToday.CurrMaxHabitId).
+ Where("pasture_id = ?", pastureId).
+ Where("change_filter = ?", model.InitChangeFilter).
+ Where("is_show = ?", pasturePb.IsShow_No).
+ Where(e.DB.Where("high > ?", xToday.High).Or("rumina >= ?", xToday.Rumina)).
+ Order("neck_ring_number,heat_date,frameid").
+ Limit(int(defaultLimit)).Find(&neckActiveHabitList).Error; err != nil {
return xerr.WithStack(err)
- if err = e.DB.Transaction(func(tx *gorm.DB) error {
- neckActiveHabitList := make([]*model.NeckActiveHabit, 0)
- if err = tx.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
- Where("id BETWEEN ? AND ?", xToday.LastMaxHabitId, xToday.CurrMaxHabitId).
- Where("pasture_id = ?", pastureId).
- Where("change_filter = ?", model.InitChangeFilter).
- Where(e.DB.Where("high > ?", xToday.ActiveLowest).Or("rumina > ?", xToday.RuminaLowest)).
- Order("neck_ring_number,frameid").
- Limit(int(defaultLimit)).Find(&neckActiveHabitList).Error; err != nil {
- return xerr.WithStack(err)
- }
- zaplog.Info("WeeklyActiveAvgUpdate-0", zap.Any("neckActiveHabitList", neckActiveHabitList))
- for _, v := range neckActiveHabitList {
- beginDayDate, _ := time.Parse(model.LayoutDate2, v.HeatDate)
- before7DayDate := beginDayDate.AddDate(0, 0, -7).Format(model.LayoutDate2)
- before1DayDate := beginDayDate.AddDate(0, 0, -1).Format(model.LayoutDate2)
- weekHabitData := &crontab.WeekHabit{}
- if err = tx.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
- Select("neck_ring_number").
- Select("IF(COUNT(1)>=3, ROUND((SUM(filter_high) -MIN(filter_high) -MAX(filter_high))/ABS(COUNT(1) -2),0), -1) as avg_high_habit").
- Select("IF(COUNT(1)>=3, ROUND((SUM(filter_rumina) -MIN(filter_rumina) -MAX(filter_rumina))/ABS(COUNT(1) -2),0), -1) as avg_rumina_habit").
- Select("IF(COUNT(1)>=3, ROUND((SUM(filter_chew) -MIN(filter_chew) -MAX(filter_chew))/ABS(COUNT(1) -2),0), -1) as avg_chew_habit").
- Select("ROUND(AVG(intake),0) as avg_intake_habit").
- Select("ROUND(AVG(inactive),0) as avg_inactive_habit").
- Where("heat_date BETWEEN ? AND ?", before7DayDate, before1DayDate).
- Where("pasture_id = ?", pastureId).
- Where("neck_ring_number = ? AND frameid = ?", v.NeckRingNumber, v.Frameid).
- Where(e.DB.Where("high > ?", xToday.ActiveLowest).Or("rumina > ?", xToday.RuminaLowest)).
- Group("neck_ring_number").First(weekHabitData).Error; err != nil {
- zaplog.Error("WeeklyActiveAvgUpdate-1", zap.Any("error", err), zap.Any("xToday", xToday))
- }
- // 累计24小时数值
- sumHabitData := &SumHabit{}
- if err = tx.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
- Select("neck_ring_number").
- Select("IF(COUNT(1)>6, ROUND(AVG( h2.filter_rumina)*12,0), 0) as sum_rumina").
- Select("IF(COUNT(1)>6, ROUND(AVG( h2.intake)*12,0), 0) as sum_intake").
- Select("IF(COUNT(1)>6, ROUND(AVG( h2.inactive)*12,0), 0) as sum_inactive").
- Select("IF(COUNT(1)>6, ROUND(AVG( h2.active)*12,0), 0) as sum_active").
- Select("MAX(h2.change_filter) as sum_max_high").
- Select("MIN(IF(change_filter > ?, change_filter, ?)) as sum_min_high", model.DefaultChangeFilter, model.InitChangeFilter).
- Select("MIN( CASE WHEN filter_chew > ? THEN filter_chew WHEN filter_rumina >= ? THEN filter_rumina ELSE 0 END) as sum_min_chew", model.DefaultChangeFilter, model.DefaultRuminaFilter).
- Where("pasture_id = ?", pastureId).
- Where("heat_date BETWEEN ? AND ?", before1DayDate, beginDayDate).
- Where("active_time BETWEEN ? AND ?", beginDayDate.Add(-23*time.Hour).Format(model.LayoutTime), beginDayDate.Format(model.LayoutTime)).
- Where(e.DB.Where("high > ?", xToday.ActiveLowest).Or("rumina >= ?", xToday.RuminaLowest)).
- Where("neck_ring_number = ? AND frameid = ?", v.NeckRingNumber, v.Frameid).
- Group("neck_ring_number").
- First(sumHabitData).Error; err != nil {
- zaplog.Error("WeeklyActiveAvgUpdate-2", zap.Any("error", err), zap.Any("xToday", xToday))
- }
+ for _, v := range neckActiveHabitList {
+ beginDayDate, _ := time.Parse(model.LayoutDate2, v.HeatDate)
+ before7DayDate := beginDayDate.AddDate(0, 0, -7).Format(model.LayoutDate2)
+ before1DayDate := beginDayDate.AddDate(0, 0, -1).Format(model.LayoutDate2)
- // 变化百分比
- if v.WeekHighHabit > 0 {
- if v.FilterHigh-v.WeekHighHabit > 0 {
- v.ChangeHigh = (v.FilterHigh - v.WeekHighHabit) / int32(float64(v.WeekHigh)*0.6+float64(v.WeekHighHabit)*0.2+float64(weeklyActive.Value)*0.2)
- } else {
- v.ChangeHigh = v.FilterHigh - v.WeekHighHabit/v.WeekHighHabit*100
- }
+ activeTime := fmt.Sprintf("%s %02d:00:00", v.HeatDate, v.Frameid*2+1)
+ activeStartTimeParse, _ := time.Parse(model.LayoutTime, activeTime)
+ activeStartTime := activeStartTimeParse.Add(-23 * time.Hour).Format(model.LayoutTime)
- v.ChangeRumina = v.RuminaFilter - v.WeekRuminaHabit/v.WeekHighHabit*100
- v.ChangeChew = v.FilterChew - v.WeekChewHabit/v.WeekHighHabit*100
- if err = e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
- Select("change_high", "change_rumina", "change_chew").
- Where("id = ?", v.Id).
- Updates(v).Error; err != nil {
- return xerr.WithStack(err)
- }
- }
+ weekHabitData := &WeekHabit{}
+ if err = e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
+ Select(
+ "neck_ring_number",
+ "IF(COUNT(1)>=3, ROUND((SUM(filter_high) -MIN(filter_high) -MAX(filter_high))/ABS(COUNT(1) -2),0), -1) as week_high_habit",
+ "IF(COUNT(1)>=3, ROUND((SUM(filter_rumina) -MIN(filter_rumina) -MAX(filter_rumina))/ABS(COUNT(1) -2),0), -1) as week_rumina_habit",
+ "IF(COUNT(1)>=3, ROUND((SUM(filter_chew) -MIN(filter_chew) -MAX(filter_chew))/ABS(COUNT(1) -2),0), -1) as week_chew_habit",
+ "ROUND(AVG(intake),0) as week_intake_habit",
+ "ROUND(AVG(inactive),0) as week_inactive_habit",
+ ).Where("pasture_id = ?", pastureId).
+ Where("heat_date BETWEEN ? AND ?", before7DayDate, before1DayDate).
+ Where("neck_ring_number = ? ", v.NeckRingNumber).
+ Where("frameid = ?", v.Frameid).
+ Where(e.DB.Where("high > ?", xToday.High).Or("rumina >= ?", xToday.Rumina)).
+ Group("neck_ring_number").First(weekHabitData).Error; err != nil {
+ zaplog.Error("WeeklyActiveAvgUpdate-1", zap.Any("error", err), zap.Any("xToday", xToday))
+ }
+ // 累计24小时数值
+ sumHabitData := &SumHabit{}
+ if err = e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
+ Select(
+ "neck_ring_number",
+ "IF(COUNT(1)>6, ROUND(AVG(filter_rumina)*12,0), 0) as sum_rumina",
+ "IF(COUNT(1)>6, ROUND(AVG(intake)*12,0), 0) as sum_intake",
+ "IF(COUNT(1)>6, ROUND(AVG(inactive)*12,0), 0) as sum_inactive",
+ "IF(COUNT(1)>6, ROUND(AVG(active)*12,0), 0) as sum_active",
+ "MAX(change_filter) as sum_max_high",
+ fmt.Sprintf("MIN(IF(change_filter > %d, change_filter, %d)) as sum_min_high", model.DefaultChangeFilter, model.InitChangeFilter),
+ fmt.Sprintf("MIN( CASE WHEN filter_chew > %d THEN filter_chew WHEN filter_rumina >= %d THEN filter_rumina ELSE 0 END) as sum_min_chew", model.DefaultChangeFilter, model.DefaultRuminaFilter),
+ ).
+ Where("pasture_id = ?", pastureId).
+ Where("heat_date BETWEEN ? AND ?", before1DayDate, beginDayDate).
+ Where("active_time BETWEEN ? AND ?", activeStartTime, activeTime).
+ Where(e.DB.Where("high > ?", xToday.High).Or("rumina >= ?", xToday.Rumina)).
+ Where("neck_ring_number = ? AND frameid = ?", v.NeckRingNumber, v.Frameid).
+ Group("neck_ring_number").First(sumHabitData).Error; err != nil {
+ zaplog.Error("WeeklyActiveAvgUpdate-2", zap.Any("error", err), zap.Any("xToday", xToday))
+ }
- // 三天前的反刍和采食
- before3DaysNeckActiveHabit := &model.NeckActiveHabit{}
- before3DayDate := beginDayDate.AddDate(0, 0, -3).Format(model.LayoutDate2)
- if err = e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
- Select("sum_rumina", "sum_intake").
- Where("pasture_id = ?", pastureId).
- Where("neck_ring_number = ?", v.NeckRingNumber).
- Where("heat_date = ?", before3DayDate).
- Where("frameid = ? ", v.Frameid).
- First(before3DaysNeckActiveHabit).Error; err != nil {
- zaplog.Error("WeeklyActiveAvgUpdate-3", zap.Any("error", err), zap.Any("xToday", xToday))
- }
+ highDiff := v.FilterHigh - weekHabitData.WeekHighHabit
+ denominator := float64(v.WeekHigh)*0.6 + float64(weekHabitData.WeekHighHabit)*0.2 + float64(xToday.WeeklyActive)*0.2
+ if highDiff > 0 {
+ v.ChangeHigh = int32(math.Round((float64(highDiff) / denominator) * 100))
+ } else {
+ v.ChangeHigh = int32(math.Round(float64(highDiff) / denominator * 100))
+ }
- if err = tx.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
- Select("avg_high_habit", "avg_rumina_habit", "avg_chew_habit", "avg_intake_habit", "avg_inactive_habit").
- Select("sum_rumina", "sum_intake", "sum_inactive", "sum_active", "sum_max_high", "sum_min_high", "sum_min_chew").
- Select("change_high", "change_rumina", "change_chew", "sum_rumina_before_three_day", "sum_intake_before_three_day").
- Where("id = ?", v.Id).
- Updates(map[string]interface{}{
- "week_high_habit": weekHabitData.AvgHighHabit,
- "week_rumina_habit": weekHabitData.AvgRuminaHabit,
- "week_chew_habit": weekHabitData.AvgChewHabit,
- "week_intake_habit": weekHabitData.AvgIntakeHabit,
- "week_inactive_habit": weekHabitData.AvgIntakeHabit,
- "sum_rumina": sumHabitData.SumRumina,
- "sum_intake": sumHabitData.SumIntake,
- "sum_inactive": sumHabitData.SumInactive,
- "sum_active": sumHabitData.SumActive,
- "sum_max_high": sumHabitData.SumMaxHigh,
- "sum_min_high": sumHabitData.SumMinHigh,
- "sum_min_chew": sumHabitData.SumMinChew,
- "change_high": v.ChangeHigh,
- "change_rumina": v.ChangeRumina,
- "change_chew": v.ChangeChew,
- "sum_rumina_before_three_day": before3DaysNeckActiveHabit.SumRumina,
- "sum_intake_before_three_day": before3DaysNeckActiveHabit.SumIntake,
- }).Error; err != nil {
- zaplog.Error("WeeklyActiveAvgUpdate-6", zap.Any("error", err), zap.Any("xToday", xToday))
- }
+ if weekHabitData.WeekRuminaHabit != 0 {
+ v.ChangeRumina = int32(math.Round(float64(v.FilterRumina-weekHabitData.WeekRuminaHabit) / float64(weekHabitData.WeekRuminaHabit) * 100))
+ } else {
+ v.ChangeRumina = 0
+ }
+ if weekHabitData.WeekChewHabit != 0 {
+ v.ChangeChew = int32(math.Round(float64(v.FilterChew-weekHabitData.WeekChewHabit) / float64(weekHabitData.WeekChewHabit) * 100))
+ } else {
+ v.ChangeChew = 0
+ }
+ // 三天前的反刍和采食
+ before3DaysNeckActiveHabit := &model.NeckActiveHabit{}
+ before3DayDate := beginDayDate.AddDate(0, 0, -3).Format(model.LayoutDate2)
+ if err = e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
+ Select("sum_rumina", "sum_intake").
+ Where("pasture_id = ?", pastureId).
+ Where("neck_ring_number = ?", v.NeckRingNumber).
+ Where("heat_date = ?", before3DayDate).
+ Where("frameid = ? ", v.Frameid).
+ First(before3DaysNeckActiveHabit).Error; err != nil {
+ zaplog.Error("WeeklyActiveAvgUpdate-3", zap.Any("error", err), zap.Any("xToday", xToday))
+ }
- zaplog.Info("WeeklyActiveAvgUpdate-7",
- zap.Any("v", v),
- zap.Any("xToday", xToday),
- zap.Any("before3DaysNeckActiveHabit", before3DaysNeckActiveHabit),
- zap.Any("sumHabitData", sumHabitData),
- zap.Any("weekHabitData", weekHabitData),
- )
+ if err = e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
+ Select(
+ "week_high_habit", "week_rumina_habit", "week_chew_habit", "week_intake_habit", "week_inactive_habit",
+ "sum_rumina", "sum_intake", "sum_inactive", "sum_active", "sum_max_high", "sum_min_high", "sum_min_chew",
+ "change_high", "change_rumina", "change_chew", "before_three_sum_rumina", "before_three_sum_intake",
+ ).Where("id = ?", v.Id).
+ Updates(map[string]interface{}{
+ "week_high_habit": weekHabitData.WeekHighHabit,
+ "week_rumina_habit": weekHabitData.WeekRuminaHabit,
+ "week_chew_habit": weekHabitData.WeekChewHabit,
+ "week_intake_habit": weekHabitData.WeekIntakeHabit,
+ "week_inactive_habit": weekHabitData.WeekIntakeHabit,
+ "sum_rumina": sumHabitData.SumRumina,
+ "sum_intake": sumHabitData.SumIntake,
+ "sum_inactive": sumHabitData.SumInactive,
+ "sum_active": sumHabitData.SumActive,
+ "sum_max_high": sumHabitData.SumMaxHigh,
+ "sum_min_high": sumHabitData.SumMinHigh,
+ "sum_min_chew": sumHabitData.SumMinChew,
+ "change_high": v.ChangeHigh,
+ "change_rumina": v.ChangeRumina,
+ "change_chew": v.ChangeChew,
+ "before_three_sum_rumina": before3DaysNeckActiveHabit.SumRumina,
+ "before_three_sum_intake": before3DaysNeckActiveHabit.SumIntake,
+ }).Error; err != nil {
+ zaplog.Error("WeeklyActiveAvgUpdate-6", zap.Any("error", err), zap.Any("xToday", xToday))
- return nil
- }); err != nil {
- return xerr.WithStack(err)
- zaplog.Info("WeeklyActiveAvgUpdate-Success", zap.Any("xToday", xToday))
return nil
@@ -356,9 +517,9 @@ func (e *Entry) WeeklyActiveAvgUpdate(pastureId int64, xToday *XToday) (err erro
func (e *Entry) SecondUpdateChangeFilter(pastureId int64, xToday *XToday) (err error) {
newChangeFilterList := make([]*ChangeFilterData, 0)
if err = e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
- Select("id,neck_ring_number,change_high,change_filter,rumina_filter,change_rumina,chew_filter,change_chew,heat_date,frameid").
- Select("IF(lact = 0, 0.8, 1) as xlc_dis_count").
- Where("id BETWEEN ? AND ?", xToday.XMin2Id, xToday.CurrMaxHabitId).
+ Select("id", "neck_ring_number", "change_high", "change_filter", "rumina_filter", "change_rumina",
+ "chew_filter", "change_chew", "heat_date", "frameid", "IF(lact = 0, 0.8, 1) as xlc_dis_count").
+ Where("heat_date >= ?", time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -2).Format(model.LayoutDate2)).
Where("pasture_id = ?", pastureId).
Where("change_filter = ?", model.InitChangeFilter).
Where("change_high > ?", MinChangeHigh).
@@ -430,8 +591,6 @@ func (e *Entry) SecondUpdateChangeFilter(pastureId int64, xToday *XToday) (err e
if err = e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
Select("change_filter", "rumina_filter", "chew_filter").
Where("id = ?", v.Id).
- Where("neck_ring_number = ?", v.NeckRingNumber).
- Where("change_filter = ?", model.InitChangeFilter).
"change_filter": secondFilterData.ChangeFilter,
"rumina_filter": secondFilterData.RuminaFilter,
@@ -439,12 +598,8 @@ func (e *Entry) SecondUpdateChangeFilter(pastureId int64, xToday *XToday) (err e
}).Error; err != nil {
zaplog.Error("SecondUpdateChangeFilter-1", zap.Any("error", err), zap.Any("xToday", xToday))
- zaplog.Info("SecondUpdateChangeFilter",
- zap.Any("secondFilterData", secondFilterData),
- zap.Any("xToday", xToday),
- zap.Any("v", v),
- )
+ zaplog.Info("SecondUpdateChangeFilter-Success")
return nil
@@ -454,16 +609,13 @@ func (e *Entry) FilterCorrectAndScoreUpdate(pastureId int64, xToday *XToday) err
before7DayDate := beginDayDate.AddDate(0, 0, -7).Format(model.LayoutDate2)
before1DayDate := beginDayDate.AddDate(0, 0, -1).Format(model.LayoutDate2)
- activityVolumeList := make([]*crontab.ActivityVolume, 0)
- activityVolumeMap := make(map[string]*crontab.ActivityVolume)
+ activityVolumeList := make([]*ActivityVolume, 0)
+ activityVolumeMap := make(map[string]*ActivityVolume)
if err := e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
- Select("neck_ring_number").
- Select("AVG(IF(change_filter>=60, 60, change_filter)) as avg_filter").
- Select("ROUND(STD(IF(change_filter>=60, 60, change_filter))) as std_filter").
- Select("COUNT(1) as nb").
+ Select("neck_ring_number", "AVG(IF(change_filter>=60, 60, change_filter)) as avg_filter", "ROUND(STD(IF(change_filter>=60, 60, change_filter))) as std_filter", "COUNT(1) as nb").
Where("heat_date BETWEEN ? AND ?", before7DayDate, before1DayDate).
Where("pasture_id = ?", pastureId).
- Where(e.DB.Where("high > ?", xToday.ActiveLowest).Or("rumina >= ?", xToday.RuminaLowest)).
+ Where(e.DB.Where("high > ?", xToday.High).Or("rumina >= ?", xToday.Rumina)).
Where("active_time <= ?", beginDayDate.Add(-12*time.Hour).Format(model.LayoutTime)).
Where("change_filter > ?", MinChangeFilter).
Having("nb > ?", DefaultNb).
@@ -480,9 +632,10 @@ func (e *Entry) FilterCorrectAndScoreUpdate(pastureId int64, xToday *XToday) err
neckActiveHabitList := make([]*model.NeckActiveHabit, 0)
if err := e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
- Where("id BETWEEN ? AND ?", xToday.XMin2Id, xToday.CurrMaxHabitId).
+ Where("id <= ?", xToday.CurrMaxHabitId).
+ Where("heat_date >= ?", before1DayDate).
Where("pasture_id = ?", pastureId).
- Where(e.DB.Where("high > ?", xToday.ActiveLowest).Or("rumina > ?", xToday.RuminaLowest)).
+ Where(e.DB.Where("high > ?", xToday.High).Or("rumina > ?", xToday.Rumina)).
Find(&neckActiveHabitList).Error; err != nil {
zaplog.Error("ActivityVolumeChanges-1", zap.Any("error", err), zap.Any("xToday", xToday))
return xerr.WithStack(err)
@@ -500,15 +653,10 @@ func (e *Entry) FilterCorrectAndScoreUpdate(pastureId int64, xToday *XToday) err
- // 健康评分
- if v.Score != 0 {
- continue
- }
cowScore := calculateScore(v)
if err := e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
Where("id = ?", v.Id).
- Where("neck_ring_number = ?", v.NeckRingNumber).
Update("score", cowScore).Error; err != nil {
zaplog.Error("ActivityVolumeChanges-2", zap.Any("error", err), zap.Any("xToday", xToday))
@@ -522,6 +670,11 @@ func (e *Entry) FilterCorrectAndScoreUpdate(pastureId int64, xToday *XToday) err
func (e *Entry) UpdateChangeAdJust(pastureId int64, xToday *XToday) error {
res := make([]*model.NeckRingBarChange, 0)
oneDayAgo := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -1).Format(model.LayoutDate2)
+ //SELECT h.neck_ring_number,h.heat_date, h.frameid, c.pen_id, c.pen_name, COUNT(*) as nb, ROUND(AVG(h.change_high)) as change_high,
+ //ROUND(AVG(h.change_filter)) as change_filter F
+ //ROM neck_active_habit as h JOIN cow as c ON h.neck_ring_number = c.neck_ring_number
+ //WHERE h.pasture_id = 1 AND h.heat_date >= '2025-01-16' AND h.cow_id >= 0
+ //GROUP BY h.heat_date, h.frameid, c.pen_id ORDER BY h.heat_date, h.frameid, c.pen_name
if err := e.DB.Table(fmt.Sprintf("%s as h", new(model.NeckActiveHabit).TableName())).
Select("h.neck_ring_number,h.heat_date, h.frameid, c.pen_id, c.pen_name, COUNT(*) as nb, ROUND(AVG(h.change_high)) as change_high, ROUND(AVG(h.change_filter)) as change_filter").
Joins("JOIN cow as c ON h.neck_ring_number = c.neck_ring_number").
@@ -538,7 +691,6 @@ func (e *Entry) UpdateChangeAdJust(pastureId int64, xToday *XToday) error {
if err := e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckActiveHabit)).
Where("id > ?", xToday.LastMaxHabitId).
Where("heat_date = ?", v.HeatDate).
- Where("heat_date >= ?", oneDayAgo).
Where("frameid = ?", v.FrameId).
Where("neck_ring_number = ?", v.NeckRingNumber).
Update("change_adjust", v.ChangeHigh).Error; err != nil {
@@ -548,7 +700,18 @@ func (e *Entry) UpdateChangeAdJust(pastureId int64, xToday *XToday) error {
return nil
-// 辅助函数来计算过滤值
+func (e *Entry) UpdateNeckRingOriginalIsShow(neckRingList *model.NeckActiveHabit) error {
+ if err := e.DB.Model(new(model.NeckRingOriginal)).
+ Where("neck_ring_number = ?", neckRingList.NeckRingNumber).
+ Where("active_date = ?", neckRingList.HeatDate).
+ Where("frameid IN (?)", util.FrameIds(neckRingList.Frameid)).
+ Update("is_show", pasturePb.IsShow_Ok).Error; err != nil {
+ return xerr.WithStack(err)
+ }
+ return nil
+// computeIfPositiveElse 辅助函数来计算过滤值
func computeIfPositiveElse(newValue, prevFilterValue float64, weightPrev, weightNew float64) float64 {
return math.Ceil((prevFilterValue * weightPrev) + (weightNew * newValue))