@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ import (
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+ "gitee.com/xuyiping_admin/pkg/xerr"
pasturePb "gitee.com/xuyiping_admin/go_proto/proto/go/backend/cow"
@@ -13,18 +17,24 @@ func (s *StoreEntry) GrowthCurve(ctx context.Context, req *pasturePb.SearchGrowt
// 查询数据
cowList := make([]*model.Cow, 0)
pref := s.DB.Model(new(model.Cow)).Where("is_remove = ?", pasturePb.IsShow_Ok)
if req.GetCowId() != "" {
- pref.Where("id IN ?", req.GetCowId())
+ pref.Where("id IN ?", strings.Split(req.CowId, ","))
- if req.BirthStartDate > 0 && req.BirthEndDate > 0 && req.BirthStartDate <= req.BirthEndDate {
- pref.Where("birth_at BETWEEN ? AND ?", req.GetBirthStartDate(), req.GetBirthEndDate())
+ if len(req.BirthDate) == 2 && req.BirthDate[0] != "" && req.BirthDate[1] != "" {
+ t0, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, req.BirthDate[0])
+ t1, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, req.BirthDate[1])
+ pref.Where("birth_at BETWEEN ? AND ?", t0.Unix(), t1.Unix()+86399)
if err := pref.Find(&cowList).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
+ penList, err := s.GetPenList(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, xerr.WithStack(err)
+ }
// 计算图表数据
chartsList := &pasturePb.Charts{
CowId: make([]int32, 0),
@@ -34,22 +44,31 @@ func (s *StoreEntry) GrowthCurve(ctx context.Context, req *pasturePb.SearchGrowt
cowData := make([]*pasturePb.CowList, 0)
for _, cow := range cowList {
currentWeight := float32(cow.CurrentWeight) / 100
+ penName := ""
+ for _, v := range penList {
+ if cow.PenId != v.Id {
+ continue
+ }
+ penName = v.Name
+ }
cowData = append(cowData, &pasturePb.CowList{
CowId: int32(cow.Id),
EarNumber: cow.EarNumber,
DayAge: cow.GetDayAge(),
- PenName: "",
+ PenName: penName,
CurrentWeight: currentWeight,
BirthAt: int32(cow.BirthAt),
BirthWeight: float32(cow.BirthWeight) / 100,
LastWeightAt: int32(cow.LastWeightAt),
- DailyWeightGain: 0,
- AverageDailyWeightGain: 0,
+ DailyWeightGain: float32(cow.GetDayWeight() / 100),
+ AverageDailyWeightGain: float32(cow.GetAverageDailyWeight() / 100),
chartsList.CowId = append(chartsList.CowId, int32(cow.Id))
chartsList.Weight = append(chartsList.Weight, currentWeight)
chartsList.DayAge = append(chartsList.DayAge, cow.GetDayAge())
// 返回数据
return &pasturePb.GrowthCurvesResponse{
Code: http.StatusOK,