123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216 |
- // Copyright 2022 Google LLC
- //
- // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- // You may obtain a copy of the License at
- //
- // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- //
- // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- // limitations under the License.
- syntax = "proto3";
- package google.spanner.v1;
- import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";
- import "google/spanner/v1/query_plan.proto";
- import "google/spanner/v1/transaction.proto";
- import "google/spanner/v1/type.proto";
- option cc_enable_arenas = true;
- option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.Spanner.V1";
- option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/spanner/v1;spanner";
- option java_multiple_files = true;
- option java_outer_classname = "ResultSetProto";
- option java_package = "com.google.spanner.v1";
- option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\Spanner\\V1";
- option ruby_package = "Google::Cloud::Spanner::V1";
- // Results from [Read][google.spanner.v1.Spanner.Read] or
- // [ExecuteSql][google.spanner.v1.Spanner.ExecuteSql].
- message ResultSet {
- // Metadata about the result set, such as row type information.
- ResultSetMetadata metadata = 1;
- // Each element in `rows` is a row whose format is defined by
- // [metadata.row_type][google.spanner.v1.ResultSetMetadata.row_type]. The ith element
- // in each row matches the ith field in
- // [metadata.row_type][google.spanner.v1.ResultSetMetadata.row_type]. Elements are
- // encoded based on type as described
- // [here][google.spanner.v1.TypeCode].
- repeated google.protobuf.ListValue rows = 2;
- // Query plan and execution statistics for the SQL statement that
- // produced this result set. These can be requested by setting
- // [ExecuteSqlRequest.query_mode][google.spanner.v1.ExecuteSqlRequest.query_mode].
- // DML statements always produce stats containing the number of rows
- // modified, unless executed using the
- // [ExecuteSqlRequest.QueryMode.PLAN][google.spanner.v1.ExecuteSqlRequest.QueryMode.PLAN] [ExecuteSqlRequest.query_mode][google.spanner.v1.ExecuteSqlRequest.query_mode].
- // Other fields may or may not be populated, based on the
- // [ExecuteSqlRequest.query_mode][google.spanner.v1.ExecuteSqlRequest.query_mode].
- ResultSetStats stats = 3;
- }
- // Partial results from a streaming read or SQL query. Streaming reads and
- // SQL queries better tolerate large result sets, large rows, and large
- // values, but are a little trickier to consume.
- message PartialResultSet {
- // Metadata about the result set, such as row type information.
- // Only present in the first response.
- ResultSetMetadata metadata = 1;
- // A streamed result set consists of a stream of values, which might
- // be split into many `PartialResultSet` messages to accommodate
- // large rows and/or large values. Every N complete values defines a
- // row, where N is equal to the number of entries in
- // [metadata.row_type.fields][google.spanner.v1.StructType.fields].
- //
- // Most values are encoded based on type as described
- // [here][google.spanner.v1.TypeCode].
- //
- // It is possible that the last value in values is "chunked",
- // meaning that the rest of the value is sent in subsequent
- // `PartialResultSet`(s). This is denoted by the [chunked_value][google.spanner.v1.PartialResultSet.chunked_value]
- // field. Two or more chunked values can be merged to form a
- // complete value as follows:
- //
- // * `bool/number/null`: cannot be chunked
- // * `string`: concatenate the strings
- // * `list`: concatenate the lists. If the last element in a list is a
- // `string`, `list`, or `object`, merge it with the first element in
- // the next list by applying these rules recursively.
- // * `object`: concatenate the (field name, field value) pairs. If a
- // field name is duplicated, then apply these rules recursively
- // to merge the field values.
- //
- // Some examples of merging:
- //
- // # Strings are concatenated.
- // "foo", "bar" => "foobar"
- //
- // # Lists of non-strings are concatenated.
- // [2, 3], [4] => [2, 3, 4]
- //
- // # Lists are concatenated, but the last and first elements are merged
- // # because they are strings.
- // ["a", "b"], ["c", "d"] => ["a", "bc", "d"]
- //
- // # Lists are concatenated, but the last and first elements are merged
- // # because they are lists. Recursively, the last and first elements
- // # of the inner lists are merged because they are strings.
- // ["a", ["b", "c"]], [["d"], "e"] => ["a", ["b", "cd"], "e"]
- //
- // # Non-overlapping object fields are combined.
- // {"a": "1"}, {"b": "2"} => {"a": "1", "b": 2"}
- //
- // # Overlapping object fields are merged.
- // {"a": "1"}, {"a": "2"} => {"a": "12"}
- //
- // # Examples of merging objects containing lists of strings.
- // {"a": ["1"]}, {"a": ["2"]} => {"a": ["12"]}
- //
- // For a more complete example, suppose a streaming SQL query is
- // yielding a result set whose rows contain a single string
- // field. The following `PartialResultSet`s might be yielded:
- //
- // {
- // "metadata": { ... }
- // "values": ["Hello", "W"]
- // "chunked_value": true
- // "resume_token": "Af65..."
- // }
- // {
- // "values": ["orl"]
- // "chunked_value": true
- // "resume_token": "Bqp2..."
- // }
- // {
- // "values": ["d"]
- // "resume_token": "Zx1B..."
- // }
- //
- // This sequence of `PartialResultSet`s encodes two rows, one
- // containing the field value `"Hello"`, and a second containing the
- // field value `"World" = "W" + "orl" + "d"`.
- repeated google.protobuf.Value values = 2;
- // If true, then the final value in [values][google.spanner.v1.PartialResultSet.values] is chunked, and must
- // be combined with more values from subsequent `PartialResultSet`s
- // to obtain a complete field value.
- bool chunked_value = 3;
- // Streaming calls might be interrupted for a variety of reasons, such
- // as TCP connection loss. If this occurs, the stream of results can
- // be resumed by re-sending the original request and including
- // `resume_token`. Note that executing any other transaction in the
- // same session invalidates the token.
- bytes resume_token = 4;
- // Query plan and execution statistics for the statement that produced this
- // streaming result set. These can be requested by setting
- // [ExecuteSqlRequest.query_mode][google.spanner.v1.ExecuteSqlRequest.query_mode] and are sent
- // only once with the last response in the stream.
- // This field will also be present in the last response for DML
- // statements.
- ResultSetStats stats = 5;
- }
- // Metadata about a [ResultSet][google.spanner.v1.ResultSet] or [PartialResultSet][google.spanner.v1.PartialResultSet].
- message ResultSetMetadata {
- // Indicates the field names and types for the rows in the result
- // set. For example, a SQL query like `"SELECT UserId, UserName FROM
- // Users"` could return a `row_type` value like:
- //
- // "fields": [
- // { "name": "UserId", "type": { "code": "INT64" } },
- // { "name": "UserName", "type": { "code": "STRING" } },
- // ]
- StructType row_type = 1;
- // If the read or SQL query began a transaction as a side-effect, the
- // information about the new transaction is yielded here.
- Transaction transaction = 2;
- // A SQL query can be parameterized. In PLAN mode, these parameters can be
- // undeclared. This indicates the field names and types for those undeclared
- // parameters in the SQL query. For example, a SQL query like `"SELECT * FROM
- // Users where UserId = @userId and UserName = @userName "` could return a
- // `undeclared_parameters` value like:
- //
- // "fields": [
- // { "name": "UserId", "type": { "code": "INT64" } },
- // { "name": "UserName", "type": { "code": "STRING" } },
- // ]
- StructType undeclared_parameters = 3;
- }
- // Additional statistics about a [ResultSet][google.spanner.v1.ResultSet] or [PartialResultSet][google.spanner.v1.PartialResultSet].
- message ResultSetStats {
- // [QueryPlan][google.spanner.v1.QueryPlan] for the query associated with this result.
- QueryPlan query_plan = 1;
- // Aggregated statistics from the execution of the query. Only present when
- // the query is profiled. For example, a query could return the statistics as
- // follows:
- //
- // {
- // "rows_returned": "3",
- // "elapsed_time": "1.22 secs",
- // "cpu_time": "1.19 secs"
- // }
- google.protobuf.Struct query_stats = 2;
- // The number of rows modified by the DML statement.
- oneof row_count {
- // Standard DML returns an exact count of rows that were modified.
- int64 row_count_exact = 3;
- // Partitioned DML does not offer exactly-once semantics, so it
- // returns a lower bound of the rows modified.
- int64 row_count_lower_bound = 4;
- }
- }