BUILD.bazel 9.2 KB

  1. # This file was automatically generated by BuildFileGenerator
  2. #
  3. # Most of the manual changes to this file will be overwritten.
  4. # It's **only** allowed to change the following rule attribute values:
  5. # - names of *_gapic_assembly_* rules
  6. # - certain parameters of *_gapic_library rules, including but not limited to:
  7. # * extra_protoc_parameters
  8. # * extra_protoc_file_parameters
  9. # The complete list of preserved parameters can be found in the source code.
  10. ##############################################################################
  11. # Common
  12. ##############################################################################
  13. load("@rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_library")
  14. load(
  15. "@com_google_googleapis_imports//:imports.bzl",
  16. "cc_grpc_library",
  17. "cc_proto_library",
  18. "csharp_gapic_assembly_pkg",
  19. "csharp_gapic_library",
  20. "csharp_grpc_library",
  21. "csharp_proto_library",
  22. "go_gapic_assembly_pkg",
  23. "go_gapic_library",
  24. "go_proto_library",
  25. "go_test",
  26. "java_gapic_assembly_gradle_pkg",
  27. "java_gapic_library",
  28. "java_gapic_test",
  29. "java_grpc_library",
  30. "java_proto_library",
  31. "nodejs_gapic_assembly_pkg",
  32. "nodejs_gapic_library",
  33. "php_gapic_assembly_pkg",
  34. "php_gapic_library",
  35. "php_grpc_library",
  36. "php_proto_library",
  37. "proto_library_with_info",
  38. "py_gapic_assembly_pkg",
  39. "py_gapic_library",
  40. "py_test",
  41. "ruby_cloud_gapic_library",
  42. "ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg",
  43. "ruby_grpc_library",
  44. "ruby_proto_library",
  45. )
  46. # This is an API workspace, having public visibility by default makes perfect sense.
  47. package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
  48. proto_library(
  49. name = "cloudprofiler_proto",
  50. srcs = [
  51. "profiler.proto",
  52. ],
  53. deps = [
  54. "//google/api:annotations_proto",
  55. "//google/api:client_proto",
  56. "@com_google_protobuf//:duration_proto",
  57. "@com_google_protobuf//:field_mask_proto",
  58. ],
  59. )
  60. proto_library_with_info(
  61. name = "cloudprofiler_proto_with_info",
  62. deps = [
  63. ":cloudprofiler_proto",
  64. "//google/cloud:common_resources_proto",
  65. ],
  66. )
  67. java_proto_library(
  68. name = "cloudprofiler_java_proto",
  69. deps = [":cloudprofiler_proto"],
  70. )
  71. java_grpc_library(
  72. name = "cloudprofiler_java_grpc",
  73. srcs = [":cloudprofiler_proto"],
  74. deps = [":cloudprofiler_java_proto"],
  75. )
  76. java_gapic_library(
  77. name = "cloudprofiler_java_gapic",
  78. srcs = [":cloudprofiler_proto_with_info"],
  79. grpc_service_config = "cloudprofiler_grpc_service_config.json",
  80. rest_numeric_enums = False,
  81. test_deps = [
  82. ":cloudprofiler_java_grpc",
  83. ],
  84. transport = "grpc+rest",
  85. deps = [
  86. ":cloudprofiler_java_proto",
  87. ],
  88. )
  89. java_gapic_test(
  90. name = "cloudprofiler_java_gapic_test_suite",
  91. test_classes = [
  92. "",
  93. "",
  94. ],
  95. runtime_deps = [":cloudprofiler_java_gapic_test"],
  96. )
  97. # Open Source Packages
  98. java_gapic_assembly_gradle_pkg(
  99. name = "google-cloud-devtools-cloudprofiler-v2-java",
  100. include_samples = True,
  101. transport = "grpc+rest",
  102. deps = [
  103. ":cloudprofiler_java_gapic",
  104. ":cloudprofiler_java_grpc",
  105. ":cloudprofiler_java_proto",
  106. ":cloudprofiler_proto",
  107. ],
  108. )
  109. go_proto_library(
  110. name = "cloudprofiler_go_proto",
  111. compilers = ["@io_bazel_rules_go//proto:go_grpc"],
  112. importpath = "",
  113. protos = [":cloudprofiler_proto"],
  114. deps = [
  115. "//google/api:annotations_go_proto",
  116. ],
  117. )
  118. go_gapic_library(
  119. name = "cloudprofiler_go_gapic",
  120. srcs = [":cloudprofiler_proto_with_info"],
  121. grpc_service_config = "cloudprofiler_grpc_service_config.json",
  122. importpath = ";cloudprofiler",
  123. rest_numeric_enums = False,
  124. service_yaml = "cloudprofiler_v2.yaml",
  125. transport = "grpc+rest",
  126. deps = [
  127. ":cloudprofiler_go_proto",
  128. "@io_bazel_rules_go//proto/wkt:duration_go_proto",
  129. ],
  130. )
  131. go_test(
  132. name = "cloudprofiler_go_gapic_test",
  133. srcs = [":cloudprofiler_go_gapic_srcjar_test"],
  134. embed = [":cloudprofiler_go_gapic"],
  135. importpath = "",
  136. )
  137. # Open Source Packages
  138. go_gapic_assembly_pkg(
  139. name = "gapi-cloud-devtools-cloudprofiler-v2-go",
  140. deps = [
  141. ":cloudprofiler_go_gapic",
  142. ":cloudprofiler_go_gapic_srcjar-test.srcjar",
  143. ":cloudprofiler_go_proto",
  144. ],
  145. )
  146. py_gapic_library(
  147. name = "cloudprofiler_py_gapic",
  148. srcs = [":cloudprofiler_proto"],
  149. grpc_service_config = "cloudprofiler_grpc_service_config.json",
  150. rest_numeric_enums = False,
  151. transport = "grpc",
  152. )
  153. py_test(
  154. name = "cloudprofiler_py_gapic_test",
  155. srcs = [
  156. "",
  157. "",
  158. ],
  159. legacy_create_init = False,
  160. deps = [":cloudprofiler_py_gapic"],
  161. )
  162. # Open Source Packages
  163. py_gapic_assembly_pkg(
  164. name = "devtools-cloudprofiler-v2-py",
  165. deps = [
  166. ":cloudprofiler_py_gapic",
  167. ],
  168. )
  169. php_proto_library(
  170. name = "cloudprofiler_php_proto",
  171. deps = [":cloudprofiler_proto"],
  172. )
  173. php_grpc_library(
  174. name = "cloudprofiler_php_grpc",
  175. srcs = [":cloudprofiler_proto"],
  176. deps = [":cloudprofiler_php_proto"],
  177. )
  178. php_gapic_library(
  179. name = "cloudprofiler_php_gapic",
  180. srcs = [":cloudprofiler_proto_with_info"],
  181. grpc_service_config = "cloudprofiler_grpc_service_config.json",
  182. rest_numeric_enums = False,
  183. transport = "grpc+rest",
  184. deps = [
  185. ":cloudprofiler_php_grpc",
  186. ":cloudprofiler_php_proto",
  187. ],
  188. )
  189. # Open Source Packages
  190. php_gapic_assembly_pkg(
  191. name = "google-cloud-devtools-cloudprofiler-v2-php",
  192. deps = [
  193. ":cloudprofiler_php_gapic",
  194. ":cloudprofiler_php_grpc",
  195. ":cloudprofiler_php_proto",
  196. ],
  197. )
  198. nodejs_gapic_library(
  199. name = "cloudprofiler_nodejs_gapic",
  200. package_name = "@google-cloud/cloudprofiler",
  201. src = ":cloudprofiler_proto_with_info",
  202. extra_protoc_parameters = ["metadata"],
  203. grpc_service_config = "cloudprofiler_grpc_service_config.json",
  204. package = "google.devtools.cloudprofiler.v2",
  205. rest_numeric_enums = False,
  206. service_yaml = "cloudprofiler_v2.yaml",
  207. transport = "grpc+rest",
  208. deps = [],
  209. )
  210. nodejs_gapic_assembly_pkg(
  211. name = "devtools-cloudprofiler-v2-nodejs",
  212. deps = [
  213. ":cloudprofiler_nodejs_gapic",
  214. ":cloudprofiler_proto",
  215. ],
  216. )
  217. ruby_proto_library(
  218. name = "cloudprofiler_ruby_proto",
  219. deps = [":cloudprofiler_proto"],
  220. )
  221. ruby_grpc_library(
  222. name = "cloudprofiler_ruby_grpc",
  223. srcs = [":cloudprofiler_proto"],
  224. deps = [":cloudprofiler_ruby_proto"],
  225. )
  226. ruby_cloud_gapic_library(
  227. name = "cloudprofiler_ruby_gapic",
  228. srcs = [":cloudprofiler_proto_with_info"],
  229. extra_protoc_parameters = [
  230. "ruby-cloud-gem-name=google-cloud-profiler-v2",
  231. "ruby-cloud-env-prefix=PROFILER",
  232. "ruby-cloud-product-url=",
  233. "",
  234. "ruby-cloud-api-shortname=cloudprofiler",
  235. ],
  236. grpc_service_config = "cloudprofiler_grpc_service_config.json",
  237. rest_numeric_enums = False,
  238. ruby_cloud_description = "Cloud Profiler is a statistical, low-overhead profiler that continuously gathers CPU usage and memory-allocation information from your production applications. It attributes that information to the application's source code, helping you identify the parts of the application consuming the most resources, and otherwise illuminating the performance characteristics of the code.",
  239. ruby_cloud_title = "Cloud Profiler V2",
  240. deps = [
  241. ":cloudprofiler_ruby_grpc",
  242. ":cloudprofiler_ruby_proto",
  243. ],
  244. )
  245. # Open Source Packages
  246. ruby_gapic_assembly_pkg(
  247. name = "google-cloud-devtools-cloudprofiler-v2-ruby",
  248. deps = [
  249. ":cloudprofiler_ruby_gapic",
  250. ":cloudprofiler_ruby_grpc",
  251. ":cloudprofiler_ruby_proto",
  252. ],
  253. )
  254. csharp_proto_library(
  255. name = "cloudprofiler_csharp_proto",
  256. deps = [":cloudprofiler_proto"],
  257. )
  258. csharp_grpc_library(
  259. name = "cloudprofiler_csharp_grpc",
  260. srcs = [":cloudprofiler_proto"],
  261. deps = [":cloudprofiler_csharp_proto"],
  262. )
  263. csharp_gapic_library(
  264. name = "cloudprofiler_csharp_gapic",
  265. srcs = [":cloudprofiler_proto_with_info"],
  266. common_resources_config = "@gax_dotnet//:Google.Api.Gax/ResourceNames/CommonResourcesConfig.json",
  267. grpc_service_config = "cloudprofiler_grpc_service_config.json",
  268. rest_numeric_enums = False,
  269. service_yaml = "cloudprofiler_v2.yaml",
  270. deps = [
  271. ":cloudprofiler_csharp_grpc",
  272. ":cloudprofiler_csharp_proto",
  273. ],
  274. )
  275. # Open Source Packages
  276. csharp_gapic_assembly_pkg(
  277. name = "google-cloud-devtools-cloudprofiler-v2-csharp",
  278. deps = [
  279. ":cloudprofiler_csharp_gapic",
  280. ":cloudprofiler_csharp_grpc",
  281. ":cloudprofiler_csharp_proto",
  282. ],
  283. )
  284. cc_proto_library(
  285. name = "cloudprofiler_cc_proto",
  286. deps = [":cloudprofiler_proto"],
  287. )
  288. cc_grpc_library(
  289. name = "cloudprofiler_cc_grpc",
  290. srcs = [":cloudprofiler_proto"],
  291. grpc_only = True,
  292. deps = [":cloudprofiler_cc_proto"],
  293. )