chromeosuidetection_v1.yaml 496 B

  1. type: google.api.Service
  2. config_version: 3
  3. name:
  4. title: ChromeOS UI Detection API
  5. apis:
  6. - name: google.chromeos.uidetection.v1.UiDetectionService
  7. documentation:
  8. summary: |-
  9. ChromeOS UI Detection API allows image-based UI detection in E2E testing
  10. frameworks of ChromeOS. It will be used by ChromeOS labs and ChromeOS
  11. partners.
  12. backend:
  13. rules:
  14. - selector: google.chromeos.uidetection.v1.UiDetectionService.ExecuteDetection
  15. deadline: 30.0