@@ -739,3 +739,151 @@ func autogeneration(typeIN int64, pastureid string, tx *xorm.Session) error {
return nil
+func GetSpillage(c *gin.Context) {
+ appG := app.Gin{C: c}
+ dataByte, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(c.Request.Body)
+ fsion := gofasion.NewFasion(string(dataByte))
+ parammaps := fsion.Get("parammaps")
+ pastureid := parammaps.Get("pastureid").ValueInt64()
+ times := parammaps.Get("times").ValueInt64()
+ refresh := parammaps.Get("refresh").ValueInt64()
+ fmt.Println(pastureid, times)
+ tx := restful.Engine.NewSession()
+ defer tx.Close()
+ data := make(map[string]interface{})
+ if refresh == 0 || refresh == 2 {
+ ftList, err := tx.SQL(`SELECT trim(feedp.pastureid) pastureid,barname,trim(barid) barid,trim(ftid) arrid,1 as type,? as times,ft.tname ftname,ft.tcolor background,0 isfill FROM feedp
+ inner join feedtemplet ft
+ on ft.id = feedp.ftid and ft.pastureid=?
+ WHERE feedp.pastureid = ?
+ GROUP BY feedp.ftid
+ SELECT trim(feedp.pastureid) pastureid,barname,barid,trim(ptsfid) arrid,0 as type,? as times,ft.tname ptsfname ,ft.tcolor background,1 isfill FROM feedp
+ inner join feedtemplet ft
+ on ft.id = feedp.ptsfid and ft.pastureid=?
+ WHERE feedp.pastureid = ? and (SELECT inforvalue FROM sysopt WHERE sysopt.pastureid=feedp.pastureid AND sysopt.inforname= 'isEnableSupplyFeed') = 1
+ GROUP BY feedp.ptsfid`, times, pastureid, pastureid, times, pastureid, pastureid).Query().List()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Println("GetSpillage-error-1: ", err)
+ appG.Response(http.StatusOK, e.ERROR, nil)
+ return
+ }
+ ftDetailList, err := tx.SQL(`SELECT TRIM(id) id,times,tratio,ROUND(ptsrate*weight,2)-ptsuse weight,TRIM(barid) barid,TRIM(pastureid) pastureid,TRIM(ptid) ptid,TRIM(ptsid ) ptsid ,
+ (select bname from bar where pastureid =fpdetail.pastureid and id = fpdetail.barid ) barname,0 AS fttype,cowcount,ccountradio,1 isfill FROM fpdetail
+ WHERE fpdetail.pastureid = ? AND times=? AND ptsuse< ROUND(ptsrate*weight,2)
+ SELECT TRIM(id) id,times,tratio,ROUND((1-ptsrate)*weight,2)-ptuse weight,TRIM(barid) barid,TRIM(pastureid) pastureid,TRIM(ptid) ptid,TRIM(ptsid ) ptsid ,
+ (select bname from bar where pastureid =fpdetail.pastureid and id = fpdetail.barid ) barname,1 AS fttype,cowcount,ccountradio,0 isfill FROM fpdetail
+ WHERE fpdetail.pastureid = ? AND times=? AND ptuse<ROUND((1-ptsrate)*weight,2)
+ ORDER BY barid`, pastureid, times, pastureid, times).Query().List()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Println("GetSpillage-error-2: ", err)
+ appG.Response(http.StatusOK, e.ERROR, nil)
+ return
+ }
+ for _, ft := range ftList {
+ arrList := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)
+ arrid := ft["arrid"].(string)
+ for _, detail := range ftDetailList {
+ // var ptsid, ptid string
+ if _, ok := detail["ptid"]; ok {
+ if arrid == detail["ptid"].(string) && ft["isfill"].(int64) == detail["isfill"].(int64) {
+ detail["background"] = ft["background"]
+ arrList = append(arrList, detail)
+ }
+ } else if _, ok := detail["ptsid"]; ok {
+ if arrid == detail["ptsid"].(string) && ft["isfill"].(int64) == detail["isfill"].(int64) {
+ detail["background"] = ft["background"]
+ arrList = append(arrList, detail)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if len(arrList) > 0 {
+ ft["arrList"] = arrList
+ }
+ }
+ data["ftlist"] = ftList
+ }
+ if refresh == 0 || refresh == 1 {
+ lppList, err := tx.SQL(`SELECT
+ ifnull((select eqcode from tmr where pastureid =lpplan.pastureid and id = lpplan.tmrid ),lpplan.tmrname) tmrname,trim(tmrid) tmrid,sort,sel,
+ CASE times
+ '第一班'
+END timesstr,issplit,
+(select tname from feedtemplet where pastureid =lpplan.pastureid and id = lpplan.ftid ) ftname,sumcowcount,
+IFNULL(round((SELECT SUM(lpplandtl1.lweight) FROM lpplandtl1 WHERE lpplandtl1.lppid=lpplan.id),2),0) sumweight ,
+ifnull((select maxstirfeed from tmr where pastureid =lpplan.pastureid and id = lpplan.tmrid ),100000) maxweight,
+TRIM(ftid) ftid,
+TRIM(id) id,
+TRIM(id) lppid,
+TRIM(pastureid) pastureid
+ lpplan
+WHERE pastureid = ? and times <= (SELECT sysopt.inforvalue FROM sysopt
+ WHERE sysopt.pastureid= lpplan.pastureid AND sysopt.inforname='times')
+ORDER BY lpplan.sort`, pastureid).Query().List()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Println("GetSpillage-error-3: ", err)
+ appG.Response(http.StatusOK, e.ERROR, nil)
+ return
+ }
+ arrList, _ := tx.SQL(`SELECT
+ trim(lpplandtl1.lppid) lppid,lweight,
+ lpplandtl1.lweight weight,lpplandtl1.sort,
+ (select bname from bar where pastureid =lpplandtl1.pastureid and id = lpplandtl1.barid ) barname,
+ TRIM(lpplandtl1.fpdid) fpdid,
+ TRIM(lpplandtl1.barid) barid,
+ TRIM(lpplandtl1.id) id,
+ TRIM(lpplandtl1.pastureid) pastureid,
+ (SELECT tcolor FROM feedtemplet WHERE pastureid =lpplandtl1.pastureid AND id = IF(lpplandtl1.fttype=1,fpdetail.ptid,fpdetail.ptsid) ) background,
+ lpplandtl1.fttype,
+ trim(lpplandtl1.tmrid) tmrid,
+ ifnull((select eqcode from tmr where pastureid =lpplandtl1.pastureid and id = lpplandtl1.tmrid ),lpplandtl1.tmrname) tmrname,
+ ifnull((select tcolor from tmr where pastureid =lpplandtl1.pastureid and id = lpplandtl1.tmrid ),'#ccc') tbackground,
+ fpdetail.ptid,
+ fpdetail.ptsid,
+ fpdetail.times,
+ fpdetail.cowcount,
+ fpdetail.ccountradio
+ lpplandtl1
+ inner join fpdetail
+ on lpplandtl1.fpdid= fpdetail.id and lpplandtl1.pastureid = fpdetail.pastureid
+ WHERE lpplandtl1.pastureid = ? and lpplandtl1.lweight>0
+ ORDER BY lpplandtl1.sort`, pastureid).QueryString() //获取
+ for _, query := range lppList {
+ list := make([]map[string]string, 0)
+ for _, arr := range arrList {
+ if query["lppid"].(string) == arr["lppid"] {
+ list = append(list, arr)
+ }
+ }
+ query["arrList"] = list
+ }
+ data["list"] = lppList
+ data["total"] = len(lppList)
+ }
+ appG.Response(http.StatusOK, e.SUCCESS, data)