select contractid ,count(*)c from part_repertory group by contractid having count(*)>1 select contractid ,count(*)c from part_repertory group by partCode,locationId,contractId,providerId,price having count(*)>1 show create table part_repertory drop table part_repertory2 CREATE TABLE `part_repertory3` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '主键', `pastureId` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '牧场主键', `partId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '设备主键', `partName` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `partCode` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `specification` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '规格', `location` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '位置', `locationId` int(11) NOT NULL, `reportery` decimal(10,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '库存', `minRepertory` decimal(11,0) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '最低库存', `maxRepertory` decimal(11,0) NOT NULL DEFAULT 10 COMMENT '最高库存', `contractId` bigint(50) NOT NULL, `providerId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `providerNames` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `brand` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '品牌', `brandId` int(11) NOT NULL, `unit` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '单位', `price` decimal(15,5) NOT NULL COMMENT '单价', `enable` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `precontractId` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), index `pastureId` (`partCode`,`precontractId`,`locationId`), index `contractId` (`contractId`), index `partcode` (`partCode`,`locationId`,`contractId`,`providerId`,`price`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=587461 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC describe buydetail alter table buydetail modify column contractId bigint(50) ; describe checkpart alter table checkpart modify column contractId bigint(50) ; show index from part_repertory insert into part_repertory2 alter table part_repertory add unique index (partCode, locationId, contractId, providerId, price) describe part_repertory select pr.partCode, pr.locationId, pr.contractId, pr.providerId, pr.price, pr.reportery from part_repertory pr join ( select partCode,locationId,contractId,providerId,price from part_repertory group by partCode,locationId,contractId,providerId,price having count(*)>1 )t on pr.partCode= t.partCode and pr.locationId= t.locationId and pr.contractId= t.contractId and pr.providerId= t.providerId and pr.price= t.price order by pr.partCode, pr.locationId, pr.contractId, pr.providerId, pr.price insert into part_repertory2 ( select pr.* from part_repertory pr join ( select partCode,locationId,contractId,providerId,price from part_repertory group by partCode,locationId,contractId,providerId,price having count(*)>1 )t on pr.partCode= t.partCode and pr.locationId= t.locationId and pr.contractId= t.contractId and pr.providerId= t.providerId and pr.price= t.price order by pr.partCode, pr.locationId, pr.contractId, pr.providerId, pr.price ) describe contract describe part_repertory select, pr.partcode ,pr.contractId , ,c.partcode,,c2.partcode from part_repertory pr left join contract c on =pr.contractId left join contract c2 on c2.partcode = pr.partcode join bigcontract bc on =c2.bigid where pr.providerId = bc.providerId and pr.brandid =c2.brandid and pr.price =c2.price and c.partcode <>c2.partcode select count(*) from part_repertory pr left join contract c on =pr.contractId left join contract c2 on c2.partcode = pr.partcode join bigcontract bc on =c2.bigid where pr.providerId = bc.providerId and pr.brandid =c2.brandid and pr.price =c2.price and c.partcode <>c2.partcode delete from part_repertory3 insert into part_repertory3 ( select distinct pr.* from part_repertory pr left join contract c on =pr.contractId left join contract c2 on c2.partcode = pr.partcode join bigcontract bc on =c2.bigid where pr.providerId = bc.providerId and pr.brandid =c2.brandid and pr.price =c2.price and c.partcode <>c2.partcode ) select t1.* from ( select, pr.partcode ,pr.contractId , cid ,c.partcode , c2id,c2.partcode from part_repertory pr left join contract c on =pr.contractId left join contract c2 on c2.partcode = pr.partcode join bigcontract bc on =c2.bigid where pr.providerId = bc.providerId and pr.brandid =c2.brandid and pr.price =c2.price and c.partcode <>c2.partcode )t1 join ( select from part_repertory pr left join contract c on =pr.contractId left join contract c2 on c2.partcode = pr.partcode join bigcontract bc on =c2.bigid where pr.providerId = bc.providerId and pr.brandid =c2.brandid and pr.price =c2.price and c.partcode <>c2.partcode group by having count(*) >1 )t2 on update part_repertory pr left join contract c on =pr.contractId left join contract c2 on c2.partcode = pr.partcode join bigcontract bc on =c2.bigid set pr.contractId = where pr.providerId = bc.providerId and pr.brandid =c2.brandid and pr.price =c2.price and c.partcode <>c2.partcode select contractid ,count(*)c from part_repertory group by contractid having count(*)>1 show index from part_repertory alter table part_repertory add index(contractId) alter table part_repertory drop index contractId show create table part_repertory alter table part_repertory add UNIQUE index (`partCode`,`locationId`,`contractId`,`providerId`,`price`) select group_concat(id,',') from part_repertory group by partCode,locationId,contractId,providerId,price having count(*)>1 select * from part_repertory where instr ( ( select group_concat(id,',') from part_repertory group by partCode,locationId,contractId,providerId,price having count(*)>1 ),id ) select * from part_repertory where instr('123',id ) delete pr from part_repertory pr left join contract c on =pr.contractId left join contract c2 on c2.partcode = pr.partcode join bigcontract bc on =c2.bigid where pr.providerId = bc.providerId and pr.brandid =c2.brandid and pr.price =c2.price and c.partcode <>c2.partcode and pr.reportery <0 alter table part_repertory add UNIQUE index (`partCode`,`locationId`,`contractId`,`providerId`,`price`) select pr.* from part_repertory pr join (select group_concat(id,',') gid ,partCode,locationId,contractId,providerId,price from part_repertory group by partCode,locationId,contractId,providerId,price having count(*)>1 )t on pr.partCode= t.partCode and pr.locationId= t.locationId and pr.contractId= t.contractId and pr.providerId= t.providerId and pr.price= t.price and instr (t.gid,pr, >1 CREATE TABLE `part_repertory5` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '主键', `pastureId` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '牧场主键', `partId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '设备主键', `partName` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `partCode` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `specification` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '规格', `location` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '位置', `locationId` int(11) NOT NULL, `reportery` decimal(10,2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '库存', `minRepertory` decimal(11,0) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '最低库存', `maxRepertory` decimal(11,0) NOT NULL DEFAULT 10 COMMENT '最高库存', `contractId` bigint(50) NOT NULL, `providerId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `providerNames` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `brand` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '品牌', `brandId` int(11) NOT NULL, `unit` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '单位', `price` decimal(15,5) NOT NULL COMMENT '单价', `enable` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `precontractId` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), index `pastureId` (`partCode`,`precontractId`,`locationId`), index `contractId` (`contractId`), index `partcode` (`partCode`,`locationId`,`contractId`,`providerId`,`price`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=587461 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=dynamic insert into part_repertory4 ( select * from part_repertory where reportery <0 ) delete from part_repertory where reportery <0 select * from part_repertory4 insert into part_repertory4 select pr.* from part_repertory pr join (select partCode,locationId,contractId,providerId,price from part_repertory group by partCode,locationId,contractId,providerId,price having count(*)>1 )t on pr.partCode= t.partCode and pr.locationId= t.locationId and pr.contractId= t.contractId and pr.providerId= t.providerId and pr.price= t.price select t2.ranking,pr.* from part_repertory pr join ( select , rank() over (partition by pr.partCode, pr.locationId, pr.contractId, pr.providerId, pr.price order by id) as Ranking from part_repertory pr join (select partCode,locationId,contractId,providerId,price from part_repertory group by partCode,locationId,contractId,providerId,price having count(*)>1 )t on pr.partCode= t.partCode and pr.locationId= t.locationId and pr.contractId= t.contractId and pr.providerId= t.providerId and pr.price= t.price )t2 on where t2.Ranking >1 delete pr from part_repertory pr join ( select , rank() over (partition by pr.partCode, pr.locationId, pr.contractId, pr.providerId, pr.price order by id) as Ranking from part_repertory pr join (select partCode,locationId,contractId,providerId,price from part_repertory group by partCode,locationId,contractId,providerId,price having count(*)>1 )t on pr.partCode= t.partCode and pr.locationId= t.locationId and pr.contractId= t.contractId and pr.providerId= t.providerId and pr.price= t.price )t2 on where t2.Ranking >1 alter table part_repertory add UNIQUE index (`partCode`,`locationId`,`contractId`,`providerId`,`price`) show index from part_repertory alter table part_repertory drop index partcode update part_repertory pr join ( select sum(reportery)c,partCode,locationId,contractId,providerId,price from part_repertory4 where reportery >0 group by partCode,locationId,contractId,providerId,price )t on pr.partCode= t.partCode and pr.locationId= t.locationId and pr.contractId= t.contractId and pr.providerId= t.providerId and pr.price= t.price set pr.reportery =pr.reportery+t.c select rank() over (partition by partCode, locationId, contractId, providerId, price order by id) as Ranking,partCode,locationId,contractId,providerId,price ,group_concat(id,',') from part_repertory4 where reportery >0 select * from part_repertory4 where reportery >0 select * from part_repertory pr join ( select t.* from ( select rank() over (partition by partCode, locationId, contractId, providerId, price order by id) as Ranking,p.* from part_repertory4 p where reportery >0 )t where t.ranking =2 )t2 on pr.partCode= t2.partCode and pr.locationId= t2.locationId and pr.contractId= t2.contractId and pr.providerId= t2.providerId and pr.price= t2.price update part_repertory pr join ( select t.* from ( select rank() over (partition by partCode, locationId, contractId, providerId, price order by id) as Ranking,p.* from part_repertory4 p where reportery >0 )t where t.ranking =2 )t2 on pr.partCode= t2.partCode and pr.locationId= t2.locationId and pr.contractId= t2.contractId and pr.providerId= t2.providerId and pr.price= t2.price set pr.reportery =pr.reportery +t2.reportery