[canal] # MySQL host host = # MySQL port port = 3326 # MySQL user, must have replication privilege user = root # MySQL password password = root # Flavor: mysql or mariadb flavor = mariadb # Unique Server ID serverID = 101 # mysqldump execution path mysqldump = mysqldump # dump databases, seperated by comma dbs = tmrwatch1 # dump tables, seperated by comma, will overwrite dbs tables = barfeedremain,barmilk,templetdry,downloadedplan,downloadplandtl1,downloadplandtl1_exec,downloadplandtl2,recweight # barfeedremain,barmilk,templetdry,downloadedplan,downloadplandtl1,downloadplandtl1_exec,downloadplandtl2,recweight # database for dump tables, seperated by comma, will overwrite dbs tableDB = tmrwatch1 # ignore tables, must be database.table format, separated by comma ignoreTables = # start sync from binlog name startName = # start sync from binlog position of startPos = # master heartbeat period(*time.Second) heartbeatPeriod = 60 # connection read timeout(*time.Second) readTimeout = 90 # nodename key name intpastureid nodename = pasturecode # nodevalue value nodevalue = test # showlog showlog = 0 onetimerows = 500 [kafka] # enable kafka kafkaEnable = false Offset = kafka_host = www.kptyun.com kafka_port = 9092 kafka_topic = tmrwatch_uploaddata_ saslEnable = false username = root saslpassword = root tlsEnable = false clientcert = clientkey = cacert = [mqtt] # enable kafka mqttEnable = true topic = MyIotThing_ qos = 1 CleanSession = true host = port = 1983 path = #host = auuhfh5e8d294-ats.iot.us-east-2.amazonaws.com #port = 8883 #path = /MyIotThing saslEnable = true username = kptmqtt saslpassword = kepaiteng tlsEnable = false clientcert = pem/bbbc7ee0f6-certificate.pem.crt clientkey = pem/bbbc7ee0f6-private.pem.key cacert = [Service] ServiceName = KPTCanalService ServiceDisplayName = KPTCanalService ServiceDescription = 科湃腾数据同步服务