Browse Source


duanxiaoduan 3 years ago

+ 2 - 2

@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ ENV = 'development'
 # base api
 # 测试线
 # 沙巍


+ 10 - 9

@@ -35,14 +35,14 @@
       <el-button class="successBorder" @click="handleSearch">查询</el-button>
       <el-button class="successBorder" @click="handleRefresh">重置</el-button>
     <div class="operation">
-      <el-button v-if="isRoleEdit" class="success" icon="el-icon-plus" @click="handleCreate">新增</el-button>
-      <el-button v-if="isRoleEdit" class="danger" icon="el-icon-delete" @click="handleDelete">删除</el-button>
-      <el-button class="success" icon="el-icon-receiving" @click="handleFeedBank">饲料库</el-button>
-      <el-button v-if="isOrder && isRoleEdit" icon="el-icon-sort" style="float: left;" class="success" @click="handleChangeOrder">更改顺序</el-button>
-       <div v-else style="float: left;margin-left: 10px;">
+      <el-button v-if="isRoleEdit" style="float:left;" class="success" icon="el-icon-plus" @click="handleCreate">新增</el-button>
+      <el-button v-if="isRoleEdit" style="float:left;" class="danger" icon="el-icon-delete" @click="handleDelete">删除</el-button>
+      <el-button class="success" style="float:left;" icon="el-icon-receiving" @click="handleFeedBank">饲料库</el-button>
+      <el-button v-if="isOrder && isRoleEdit" style="float:left;" icon="el-icon-sort" class="success" @click="handleChangeOrder">更改顺序</el-button>
+       <div v-else style="float:left;margin-left: 10px;">
         <el-button v-if="isRoleEdit" icon="el-icon-folder-checked" class="success" @click="saveChangeOrder">保存</el-button>
         <el-button v-if="isRoleEdit" icon="el-icon-close" class="sortCancel" @click="cancelChangeOrder">取消</el-button>
@@ -77,7 +77,8 @@
         style="width: 100%;"
-        class="elTable table-fixed"
+        class="elTable table-fixed"
+        row-key="id"
         <el-table-column type="selection" align="center" width="50" fixed="left" />
@@ -939,10 +940,10 @@ export default {
            import('@/vendor/Export2Excel').then(excel => {
              const list1 =
              const tHeader = [
-               '饲料名称', '饲料分类', '唯一编码', '计划类型', '允许误差数(kg)', '包装单位重量(kg)', '单价', '跳转重量域(kg)', '跳转延时', '确认开始', '继电器位置', '无上域', '备用字段01', '备用字段02', '备用字段03', '错误信息' 
+               '饲料名称', '饲料分类', '唯一编码', '计划类型', '允许误差数(kg)', '包装单位重量(kg)', '单价', '跳转重量域(kg)', '跳转延时', '确认开始', '继电器位置', '无上域', '备用字段01', '备用字段02', '备用字段03', '错误信息'
              const filterVal = [
                '饲料名称', '饲料分类', '唯一编码', '计划类型', '允许误差数(kg)', '包装单位重量(kg)', '单价', '跳转重量域(kg)', '跳转延时', '确认开始', '继电器位置', '无上域', '备用字段01', '备用字段02', '备用字段03',  'error_msg'

+ 90 - 11

@@ -31,12 +31,19 @@
       <el-button class="successBorder" @click="handleRefresh">重置</el-button>
     <div class="operation">
-      <el-button v-if="isRoleEdit" class="success" icon="el-icon-plus" @click="handleCreate">新增</el-button>
-      <el-button v-if="isRoleEdit" class="danger" icon="el-icon-delete" @click="handleDelete">删除</el-button>
+      <el-button v-if="isRoleEdit" style="float:left;" class="success" icon="el-icon-plus" @click="handleCreate">新增</el-button>
+      <el-button v-if="isRoleEdit" style="float:left;" class="danger" icon="el-icon-delete" @click="handleDelete">删除</el-button>
+      <el-button v-if="isOrder && isRoleEdit" style="float:left;" icon="el-icon-sort" class="success" @click="handleChangeOrder">更改顺序</el-button>
+       <div v-else style="float:left;margin-left: 10px;">
+        <el-button v-if="isRoleEdit" icon="el-icon-folder-checked" class="success" @click="saveChangeOrder">保存</el-button>
+        <el-button v-if="isRoleEdit" icon="el-icon-close" class="sortCancel" @click="cancelChangeOrder">取消</el-button>
+      </div>
     <div class="table">
-      <el-table
-        :key="table.tableKey"
+      <el-table
+        id="table"
+        :key="table.tableKey"
+        ref="table"
@@ -46,7 +53,8 @@
         style="width: 100%;"
-        class="elTable table-fixed"
+        class="elTable table-fixed"
+        row-key="id"
         <el-table-column type="selection" align="center" width="50" />
@@ -84,7 +92,7 @@
           <template slot-scope="scope">
             <span v-if="scope.row.NoEdit">{{ scope.row.autosecondname }}</span>
             <el-select v-if="scope.row.Edit" v-model="scope.row.autosecond" filterable class="filter-item" style="width: 95%;padding:10px 0;" @change="changeAutosecond">
-              <el-option v-for="item in jumpDelayList" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.value" />  
+              <el-option v-for="item in jumpDelayList" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.value" />
               <!-- <el-option v-for="item in jumpDelayList" :key="item.label" :label="item.label" :value="item.label" /> -->
@@ -124,12 +132,14 @@
 import { GetDataByName, GetDataByNames, PostDataByName, failproccess, ExecDataByConfig, checkButtons } from '@/api/common'
-import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
+import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
+import draggable from 'vuedraggable'
+import Sortable from 'sortablejs'
 import Pagination from '@/components/Pagination'
 import { MessageBox } from 'element-ui'
 export default {
   name: 'GroupColumn',
-  components: { Pagination },
+  components: { Pagination,draggable },
   data() {
     return {
       isRoleEdit: [],
@@ -168,8 +178,9 @@ export default {
       arrowDown: true,
       arrowUp: false,
       rowStyle: { maxHeight: 30 + 'px', height: 30 + 'px' },
-      cellStyle: { padding: 0 + 'px' }
+      cellStyle: { padding: 0 + 'px' },
+      dropState: false,
+      isOrder: true,
@@ -536,7 +547,75 @@ export default {
-    }
+    },
+    handleChangeOrder() {
+      this.isOrder = false
+      this.rowDrop()
+    },
+    saveChangeOrder() {
+      // 保存顺序
+      var sortArr = []
+      for (let i = 0; i < this.table.list.length; i++) {
+        var obj = {}
+        obj.sort = i + 1
+ = this.table.list[i].id
+        obj.pastureid = this.table.list[i].pastureid
+        sortArr.push(obj)
+      }
+      this.requestParam = {}
+      this.requestParam.common = { 'returnmap': '0' }
+ = []
+[0] = { 'name': 'insertSpotList', 'resultmaps': { 'list': sortArr }}
+[0].children = []
+[0].children[0] = { 'name': 'updateBarSort', 'type': 'e', 'parammaps': {
+        id: '',
+        pastureid: '@insertSpotList.pastureid',
+        sort: '@insertSpotList.sort'
+      }}
+      ExecDataByConfig(this.requestParam).then(response => {
+        console.log('顺序切换保存发送参数', this.requestParam)
+        if (response.msg === 'fail') {
+          this.$notify({ title: '顺序切换失败', message:, type: 'warning', duration: 2000 })
+        } else {
+          this.$notify({ title: '', message: '顺序切换成功', type: 'success', duration: 2000 })
+          this.getList()
+          this.isOrder = true
+        }
+      })
+    },
+    cancelChangeOrder() {
+      // 取消顺序
+      this.getList()
+      this.isOrder = true
+    },
+     // 行拖拽
+    rowDrop() {
+      console.log(document.querySelector('#table .el-table__body-wrapper tbody'))
+      const tbody = document.querySelector('#table .el-table__body-wrapper tbody')
+      const that = this
+      var sortable = Sortable.create(tbody, {
+        disabled: that.dropState,
+        onChoose({ newIndex, oldIndex }) {
+          console.log(that.isOrder, 'that.isOrder == false')
+          console.log(that.dropState, 'that.dropState')
+          if (that.dropState == true || that.isOrder == true) {
+            sortable.destroy()
+          }
+        },
+        onEnd({ newIndex, oldIndex }) {
+          const currRow = that.table.list.splice(oldIndex, 1)[0]
+          that.table.list.splice(newIndex, 0, currRow)
+          console.log('currRow', currRow)
+          console.log('oldIndex', oldIndex)
+          console.log('索引newIndex', newIndex)
+          console.log('拖动数据', currRow)
+          console.log('上', that.table.list[newIndex - 1])
+          console.log('下', that.table.list[newIndex + 1])
+        }
+      })
+    },

+ 102 - 60

@@ -331,68 +331,89 @@
           <!-- 撒料 -->
           <div class="spreadingMaterial">
-            <div class="spreadingMaterialList">
-              <div v-for="element in create.list2" :key="" class="list-group-item2 item">
-                <div class="arr-l" :style="{'background':element.tbackground}">
-                  <div class="arr-l-t">
-                    <div class="arr-l-t-t" />
-                    <el-select
-                      v-model="element.tmrid"
-                      placeholder="撒料设备"
-                      class="arr-l-t-b el-icon-arrow-down"
-                      @change="(value)=> {changeEquipment(value, element.fttype,}"
-                    >
-                      <el-option
-                        v-for="item in equipmentList"
-                        :key=""
-                        :label="item.tname"
-                        :value=""
-                      />
-                    </el-select>
+            <div class="spreadingMaterialList">
+              <!-- 注释内容后续版本更 -->
+              <!-- <draggable
+                :disabled="isDropState"
+                id="1"
+                data-source="juju"
+                :list="create.list2"
+                class="list-group1"
+                draggable=".item"
+                group="a"
+                animation="500"
+                force-fallback="true"
+                :move="move1"
+                @change="changeLog1(create.temp)"
+                @start="start1"
+                @end="end1(create.temp)"
+              > -->
+              <!-- 注释内容后续版本更 -->
+                <div v-for="element in create.list2" :key="" class="list-group-item2 item">
+                  <div class="arr-l" :style="{'background':element.tbackground}">
+                    <div class="arr-l-t">
+                      <div class="arr-l-t-t" />
+                      <el-select
+                        v-model="element.tmrid"
+                        placeholder="撒料设备"
+                        class="arr-l-t-b el-icon-arrow-down"
+                        @change="(value)=> {changeEquipment(value, element.fttype,}"
+                      >
+                        <el-option
+                          v-for="item in equipmentList"
+                          :key=""
+                          :label="item.tname"
+                          :value=""
+                        />
+                      </el-select>
+                    </div>
+                    <div class="arr-l-b">
+                      <el-tooltip placement="top" class="list-group-item1 item" style="height: 18px;line-height: 18px;">
+                        <div slot="content">{{ element.tmrname }}</div>
+                        <div class="tmrname">{{ element.tmrname }}</div>
+                      </el-tooltip>
+                    </div>
+                    <div v-if="element.fttype==0" style="background: #009C69;position:absolute;bottom: 0;left: 0;">补</div>
-                  <div class="arr-l-b">
-                    <el-tooltip placement="top" class="list-group-item1 item" style="height: 18px;line-height: 18px;">
-                      <div slot="content">{{ element.tmrname }}</div>
-                      <div class="tmrname">{{ element.tmrname }}</div>
-                    </el-tooltip>
+                  <div class="arr-r">
+                    <div class="arr-r-l">
+                      <el-tooltip placement="top">
+                        <div slot="content">{{ element.barname }}</div>
+                        <div class="barname">{{ element.barname }}</div>
+                      </el-tooltip>
+                    </div>
+                    <div class="arr-r-c">-</div>
+                    <div class="arr-r-r">
+                      <el-tooltip placement="top">
+                        <div slot="content">{{ element.weight }}</div>
+                        <input
+                          ref="weight"
+                          v-model="element.weight"
+                          :autofocus="element.focusState"
+                          type="number"
+                          placeholder="重量"
+                          step="0.01"
+                          class="filter-item2"
+                          style="display: inline-block;height:25px;padding:4px 4px 4px 0;text-align:right;font-size:12px;width: 95%;border: 1px solid #e6e6e6;"
+                          @keyup.enter="$"
+                          @focus="focusWeight"
+                          @blur="blurWeight(element)"
+                        >
+                      </el-tooltip>
+                    </div>
-                  <div v-if="element.fttype==0" style="background: #009C69;position:absolute;bottom: 0;left: 0;">补</div>
-                </div>
-                <div class="arr-r">
-                  <div class="arr-r-l">
-                    <el-tooltip placement="top">
-                      <div slot="content">{{ element.barname }}</div>
-                      <div class="barname">{{ element.barname }}</div>
-                    </el-tooltip>
-                  </div>
-                  <div class="arr-r-c">-</div>
-                  <div class="arr-r-r">
-                    <el-tooltip placement="top">
-                      <div slot="content">{{ element.weight }}</div>
-                      <input
-                        ref="weight"
-                        v-model="element.weight"
-                        :autofocus="element.focusState"
-                        type="number"
-                        placeholder="重量"
-                        step="0.01"
-                        class="filter-item2"
-                        style="display: inline-block;height:25px;padding:4px 4px 4px 0;text-align:right;font-size:12px;width: 95%;border: 1px solid #e6e6e6;"
-                        @keyup.enter="$"
-                        @blur="blurWeight(element)"
-                      >
-                    </el-tooltip>
+                  <div class="arr-t" :style="{'background':element.background}">
+                    <i class="el-icon-close" style="position: absolute;right: 0;" @click="handleFLDelete(element)" />
-                </div>
-                <div class="arr-t" :style="{'background':element.background}">
-                  <i class="el-icon-close" style="position: absolute;right: 0;" @click="handleFLDelete(element)" />
-                </div>
-              </div>
+                </div>
+              <!-- 注释内容后续版本更 -->
+              <!-- </draggable> -->
+              <!-- 注释内容后续版本更 -->
-          <div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
-            <el-button class="cancelClose" :disabled="isokDisable" @click="close()">关闭</el-button>
-            <el-button class="save" :disabled="isokDisable" @click="updateData()">确认</el-button>
+          <div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer" style="height:55px;">
+            <el-button class="cancelClose" :disabled="isokDisable" @click="close()" style="top:40px;">关闭</el-button>
+            <el-button class="save" :disabled="isokDisable" @click="updateData()" style="top:40px;">确认</el-button>
@@ -403,9 +424,13 @@
 import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
 import Sortable from 'sortablejs'
+import draggable from 'vuedraggable'
 import { checkButtons, postJson,ExecDataByConfig } from '@/api/common'
 import { MessageBox } from 'element-ui'
-export default {
+export default {
+  components: {
+    draggable
+  },
   name: 'MaterialIssuancePlan',
   directives: {
     focus: {
@@ -528,7 +553,8 @@ export default {
       TMRNumberList: [], // TMR编号
       equipmentList: [], // 撒料设备
       templateFormulationList: [], // 模板配方
-      isDispaly: false
+      isDispaly: false,
+      isDropState:false
   watch: {
@@ -876,8 +902,12 @@ export default {
       console.log('isRoleEdit==>', this.isRoleEdit)
       this.$set(item, 'isWeight', true)
       this.$set(item, 'focusState', true)
+    },
+    focusWeight(){
+      this.isDropState = true
-    blurWeight(item) {
+    blurWeight(item) {
+      this.isDropState = false
       if (parseFloat(item.weight) <= 0) {
           type: 'error',
@@ -1426,6 +1456,18 @@ export default {
           this.$notify({ title: '', message: '保存成功', type: 'success', duration: 2000 })
+    },
+    move1(evt, originalEvent){
+      console.log('move1===>', evt, originalEvent)
+    },
+    changeLog1(){},
+    start1(evt){
+      console.log('start1===>', evt)
+      // this.$set(this.table.startObj, 'from', evt.from.className)
+      // this.$set(this.table.startObj, 'to', evt.from.className)
+    },
+    end1(evt){
+      console.log('end1===>', evt)
     // 减少车次
     handleReduceTrains() {

+ 2875 - 0
src/views/formulationPlan/materialIssuancePlan/index - 副本.vue

@@ -0,0 +1,2875 @@
+  <div v-loading="fullscreenLoading" element-loading-text="给我一点时间" class="app-container">
+    <div class="menuList">
+      <div class="menuList-t">
+        <div class="menuList-t-l">
+          <span>班次:</span>
+          <el-radio-group v-model="menuRadio" size="small" @change="changeMenu">
+            <el-radio-button v-if="maxTime.isTime1" label="一班">一班</el-radio-button>
+            <el-radio-button v-if="maxTime.isTime2" label="二班">二班</el-radio-button>
+            <el-radio-button v-if="maxTime.isTime3" label="三班">三班</el-radio-button>
+            <el-radio-button v-if="maxTime.isTime4" label="四班">四班</el-radio-button>
+          </el-radio-group>
+        </div>
+        <div class="menuList-t-r">
+          <div v-if="!isBarracks" class="menuList-t-r-l" @click="clickBarracks(2);">栏舍计划统计-展开<i
+            class="el-icon-arrow-down"
+          /></div>
+          <div v-if="isBarracks" class="menuList-t-r-r" @click="clickBarracks(1);">栏舍计划统计-收起<i
+            class="el-icon-arrow-up"
+          /></div>
+          <div v-if="isBarracks" class="columnHouse">
+            <div class="smallTable">
+              <el-table
+                :list-loading="smallMenu.listLoading"
+                element-loading-text="给我一点时间"
+                :data="smallMenu.list"
+                :row-style="rowStyle2"
+                :cell-style="cellStyle2"
+                :header-row-style="headerRowStyle2"
+                :header-cell-style="headerCellStyle2"
+                show-summary
+                sum-text="总栏舍"
+                class="elTable"
+              >
+                <el-table-column label="配方/班次" min-width="80px" align="center" prop="tname" />
+                <el-table-column label="总数" min-width="50px" align="center" prop="usedsum" />
+                <el-table-column
+                  v-if="maxTime.isTime1"
+                  label="第一班未分配"
+                  min-width="105px"
+                  align="center"
+                  prop="onetime"
+                />
+                <el-table-column
+                  v-if="maxTime.isTime2"
+                  label="第二班未分配"
+                  min-width="105px"
+                  align="center"
+                  prop="twotime"
+                />
+                <el-table-column
+                  v-if="maxTime.isTime3"
+                  label="第三班未分配"
+                  min-width="105px"
+                  align="center"
+                  prop="threetime"
+                />
+                <el-table-column
+                  v-if="maxTime.isTime4"
+                  label="第四班未分配"
+                  min-width="105px"
+                  align="center"
+                  prop="fourtime"
+                />
+              </el-table>
+            </div>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div class="menuList-b">
+        <ul v-loading="listLoadingTimes" class="draggableList">
+          <li v-for="element in MenuList" :key="element.arrid">
+            <span v-if="element.isShowTitle" class="draggableTitle">{{ element.ftname }}:</span>
+            <draggable
+              v-if="dropState== false && isRoleEdit"
+              id="1"
+              data-source="juju1"
+              :list="element.arrList"
+              class="list-group1"
+              draggable=".item"
+              group="a"
+              animation="500"
+              force-fallback="true"
+              :move="move"
+              @change="changeLog"
+              @start="start"
+              @end="end"
+            >
+              <div
+                v-for="item in element.arrList"
+                id="item1"
+                :key=""
+                class="list-group-item1 item"
+                style="width: 88px;float: left;margin:5px 5px;height: 36px;"
+              >
+                <div style="position: relative;">
+                  <el-tooltip
+                    placement="top"
+                    style="height: 18px;line-height: 18px;"
+                    :style="{'background':item.background}"
+                  >
+                    <div slot="content">{{ item.barname }}</div>
+                    <div class="draggableName not-select">{{ item.barname }}</div>
+                  </el-tooltip>
+                  <div class="draggableWeight not-select" :style="{ background: 'rgba('+item.background2+ ',0.1)' }">
+                    <!-- <span v-if="item.isfill==1" style="background: #009C69;color:#fff;position: absolute;left: 0;top: 0;">补</span> -->
+                    {{ item.weight }}
+                  </div>
+                </div>
+              </div>
+            </draggable>
+            <div
+              v-else
+              id="1"
+              data-source="juju1"
+              :list="element.arrList"
+              class="list-group1"
+              draggable=".item"
+              group="a"
+              animation="500"
+              force-fallback="true"
+              :move="move"
+              @change="changeLog"
+              @start="start"
+              @end="end"
+            >
+              <div
+                v-for="item in element.arrList"
+                :key=""
+                class="list-group-item1 item"
+                style="width: 88px;float: left;margin:5px 5px;height: 36px;"
+              >
+                <div style="position: relative">
+                  <el-tooltip
+                    placement="top"
+                    style="height: 18px;line-height: 18px;"
+                    :style="{'background':item.background}"
+                  >
+                    <div slot="content">{{ item.barname }}</div>
+                    <div class="draggableName not-select">{{ item.barname }}</div>
+                  </el-tooltip>
+                  <div class="draggableWeight not-select" :style="{ background: 'rgba('+item.background2+ ',0.1)' }">
+                    {{ item.weight }} </div>
+                  <!-- <span v-if="item.isfill==1" style="background: #009C69;color:#fff;position: absolute;left: 0;top: 18px;">补</span> -->
+                </div>
+              </div>
+            </div>
+          </li>
+        </ul>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <div ref="list" class="list">
+      <div class="operation">
+        <el-button v-if="isRoleEdit" class="success" icon="el-icon-plus" style="float:left;" @click="handleCreate">新增车次
+        </el-button>
+        <el-button
+          v-if="isRoleEdit"
+          class="danger"
+          icon="el-icon-delete"
+          style="float:left;"
+          @click="handleReduceTrains"
+        >减少车次</el-button>
+        <el-button
+          v-if="isRoleEdit"
+          class="success"
+          icon="el-icon-download"
+          style="float:left;"
+          @click="handleAutomaticGeneration"
+        >自动生成</el-button>
+        <el-button
+          v-if="isOrder && isRoleEdit"
+          icon="el-icon-sort"
+          style="float: left;"
+          class="success"
+          @click="handleChangeOrder"
+        >更改顺序</el-button>
+        <div v-else style="float: left;margin-left: 10px;">
+          <el-button v-if="isRoleEdit" icon="el-icon-folder-checked" class="success" @click="saveChangeOrder">保存
+          </el-button>
+          <el-button v-if="isRoleEdit" icon="el-icon-close" class="sortCancel" @click="cancelChangeOrder">取消</el-button>
+        </div>
+        <el-button v-if="isRoleEdit" class="success" icon="el-icon-open" style="float: left;" @click="handleTakeEffect">
+          生效</el-button>
+        <el-button v-if="isRoleEdit" class="danger" icon="el-icon-turn-off" style="float: left;" @click="handleDisable">
+          禁用</el-button>
+        <el-button class="success" icon="el-icon-time" style="float:right;" @click="handleHistoryRecord">历史记录
+        </el-button>
+      </div>
+      <div class="table">
+        <el-table
+          id="table"
+          :key="table.tableKey"
+          ref="table"
+          v-loading="table.listLoading"
+          v-loadmore="loadMore"
+          element-loading-text="给我一点时间"
+          :data="table.list"
+          border
+          highlight-current-row
+          style="width: 100%;"
+          :height="height"
+          :row-style="rowStyle"
+          :cell-style="cellStyle"
+          class="elTable"
+          row-key="id"
+          @selection-change="handleSelect"
+        >
+          <el-table-column type="selection" width="50" />
+          <el-table-column label="车次" width="80px" align="center" class-name="small-padding fixed-width" fixed="">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span v-show="scope.row.NoEdit">{{ scope.row.sort }}</span>
+              <el-input
+                v-show="scope.row.Edit"
+                v-model="scope.row.sort"
+                type="number"
+                placeholder="车次"
+                class="filter-item"
+                style="display: inline-block;width: 95%;"
+              />
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column
+            label="TMR编号"
+            width="110px"
+            align="center"
+            class-name="small-padding fixed-width"
+            fixed="left"
+          >
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span v-show="scope.row.NoEdit">{{ scope.row.tmrname }}</span>
+              <el-select
+                v-show="scope.row.Edit"
+                v-model="scope.row.tmrid"
+                placeholder="TMR编号"
+                class="filter-item"
+                style="width:95%;"
+                @change="(value)=> {changeTMRNumber(value, scope.row)}"
+              >
+                <el-option v-for="item in TMRNumberList" :key="" :label="item.eqcode" :value="" />
+              </el-select>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column label="描述" width="110px" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span v-show="scope.row.NoEdit">{{ scope.row.display }}</span>
+              <el-input
+                v-show="scope.row.Edit"
+                v-model="scope.row.display"
+                type="textarea"
+                :autosize="{ minRows: 1.3, maxRows: 4}"
+                placeholder="描述"
+                maxlength="255"
+                class="filter-item"
+                style="display: inline-block;width: 95%;"
+              />
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column label="生效" width="80px" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <el-switch
+                v-model="scope.row.sel"
+                :disabled="scope.row.NoEdit"
+                active-color="#13ce66"
+                inactive-color="#ff4949"
+                :active-value="1"
+                :inactive-value="0"
+                @change="handleTakeEffectChange(scope.$index, scope.row)"
+              />
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column label="班次" width="100px" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span v-show="scope.row.NoEdit">{{ scope.row.timesstr }}</span>
+              <el-select
+                v-show="scope.row.Edit"
+                v-model="scope.row.times"
+                :disabled="scope.row.Disabled"
+                placeholder="班次"
+                class="filter-item"
+                style="width:95%;"
+              >
+                <el-option v-for="item in frequencyList" :key="" :label="" :value="" />
+              </el-select>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column label="时间" width="125px" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span v-show="scope.row.NoEdit">{{ scope.row.begintime }}</span>
+              <el-time-picker
+                v-show="scope.row.Edit"
+                v-model="scope.row.begintime"
+                type="datetime"
+                placeholder="选择时间"
+                format="HH:mm"
+                value-format="HH:mm"
+                style="display: inline-block;width: 95%;"
+              />
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column label="最大重量" width="75px" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ scope.row.maxweight }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column label="合计重量" width="80px" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ scope.row.sumweight }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column label="模板配方" width="120px" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span v-show="scope.row.NoEdit">{{ scope.row.ftname }}</span>
+              <el-select
+                v-show="scope.row.Edit"
+                v-model="scope.row.ftid"
+                :disabled="scope.row.Disabled"
+                placeholder="模板配方"
+                class="filter-item"
+                style="width:95%;"
+                @change="(value)=> {changeTemplateFormulation(value, scope.row)}"
+              >
+                <el-option
+                  v-for="item in templateFormulationList"
+                  :key=""
+                  :label="item.tname"
+                  :value=""
+                />
+              </el-select>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column v-show="isInforvalue" label="是否提前小料拆分" width="80px" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <el-switch
+                v-model="scope.row.issplit"
+                :disabled="scope.row.NoEdit"
+                active-color="#13ce66"
+                inactive-color="#ff4949"
+                :active-value="1"
+                :inactive-value="0"
+                @change="handleIssplitChange(scope.$index, scope.row)"
+              />
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column label="撒料" width="950px" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <draggable
+                v-if="dropState== false && isRoleEdit"
+                id="2"
+                data-source="juju"
+                :list="scope.row.arrList"
+                class="list-group2"
+                draggable=".item"
+                group="a"
+                animation="500"
+                force-fallback="true"
+                :move="move2"
+                @change="changeLog2(scope.row)"
+                @start="start2"
+                @end="end2(scope.row)"
+              >
+                <div v-for="element in scope.row.arrList" :key="" class="list-group-item2 item">
+                  <div class="arr-l" :style="{'background':element.tbackground}">
+                    <div class="arr-l-t">
+                      <div class="arr-l-t-t" />
+                      <el-select
+                        v-model="element.tmrid"
+                        placeholder="撒料设备"
+                        class="arr-l-t-b el-icon-arrow-down"
+                        @change="(value)=> {changeEquipment(value, scope.row,element.fttype,}"
+                      >
+                        <el-option
+                          v-for="item in equipmentList"
+                          :key=""
+                          :disabled="table.myTemp.isUpdateSave"
+                          :label="item.tmrmix"
+                          :value=""
+                        />
+                      </el-select>
+                    </div>
+                    <div class="arr-l-b">
+                      <el-tooltip placement="top" class="list-group-item1 item" style="height: 18px;line-height: 18px;">
+                        <div slot="content">{{ element.tmrname }}</div>
+                        <div class="tmrname">{{ element.tmrname }}</div>
+                      </el-tooltip>
+                    </div>
+                    <!-- <div v-if="element.fttype==0" style="background: #009C69;position:absolute;bottom: 0;left: 0;">补</div> -->
+                  </div>
+                  <div class="arr-r">
+                    <div class="arr-r-l">
+                      <el-tooltip placement="top">
+                        <div slot="content">{{ element.barname }}</div>
+                        <div class="barname">{{ element.barname }}</div>
+                      </el-tooltip>
+                    </div>
+                    <div class="arr-r-c">-</div>
+                    <div class="arr-r-r">
+                      <el-tooltip v-show="!element.isWeight" placement="top">
+                        <div slot="content">{{ element.weight }}</div>
+                        <div class="weight" @dblclick="dbclickWeight(element)">{{ element.weight }}</div>
+                      </el-tooltip>
+                      <el-tooltip v-show="element.isWeight && isRoleEdit" placement="top">
+                        <div slot="content">{{ element.weight }}</div>
+                        <input
+                          ref="weight"
+                          v-model="element.weight"
+                          v-focus="element.focusState"
+                          :disabled="table.myTemp.isUpdateSave"
+                          type="number"
+                          placeholder="重量"
+                          step="0.01"
+                          class="filter-item2"
+                          style="display: inline-block;height:25px;padding:4px 0px; font-size:12px;width: 95%;border: 1px solid #e6e6e6;"
+                          @blur="(value)=> {blurWeight(scope.row,element.fttype,}"
+                        >
+                      </el-tooltip>
+                      <el-tooltip v-show="element.isWeight && isRoleEdit" placement="top">
+                        <div slot="content">{{ element.weight }}</div>
+                        <div class="weight" @dblclick="dbclickWeight(element)">{{ element.weight }}</div>
+                      </el-tooltip>
+                    </div>
+                  </div>
+                  <div class="arr-t" :style="{'background':element.background}">
+                    <i
+                      class="el-icon-close"
+                      style="position: absolute;right: 0;"
+                      @click="handleFLDelete(element,scope.row)"
+                    />
+                  </div>
+                </div>
+              </draggable>
+              <!-- <div v-else id="2" data-source="juju" :list="scope.row.arrList" class="list-group2" draggable=".item" group="a"> -->
+              <div v-else :list="scope.row.arrList" class="list-group2">
+                <div v-for="element in scope.row.arrList" :key="" class="list-group-item2 item">
+                  <div class="arr-l" :style="{'background':element.tbackground}">
+                    <div class="arr-l-t">
+                      <div class="arr-l-t-t" />
+                      <el-select
+                        v-model="element.tmrid"
+                        placeholder="撒料设备"
+                        :disabled="!isRoleEdit"
+                        class="arr-l-t-b el-icon-arrow-down"
+                        @change="(value)=> {changeEquipment(value, scope.row,element.fttype,}"
+                      >
+                        <el-option
+                          v-for="item in equipmentList"
+                          :key=""
+                          :disabled="table.myTemp.isUpdateSave"
+                          :label="item.tmrmix"
+                          :value=""
+                        />
+                      </el-select>
+                    </div>
+                    <div class="arr-l-b">
+                      <el-tooltip placement="top" class="list-group-item1 item" style="height: 18px;line-height: 18px;">
+                        <div slot="content">{{ element.tmrname }}</div>
+                        <div class="tmrname">{{ element.tmrname }}</div>
+                      </el-tooltip>
+                    </div>
+                    <!-- <div v-if="element.fttype==0" style="background: #009C69;position:absolute;bottom: 0;left: 0;">补</div> -->
+                  </div>
+                  <div class="arr-r">
+                    <div class="arr-r-l">
+                      <el-tooltip placement="top">
+                        <div slot="content">{{ element.barname }}</div>
+                        <div class="barname">{{ element.barname }}</div>
+                      </el-tooltip>
+                    </div>
+                    <div class="arr-r-c">-</div>
+                    <div class="arr-r-r">
+                      <el-tooltip v-show="!element.isWeight" placement="top">
+                        <div slot="content">{{ element.weight }}</div>
+                        <div class="weight" @dblclick="dbclickWeight(element)">{{ element.weight }}</div>
+                      </el-tooltip>
+                      <el-tooltip v-show="element.isWeight && isRoleEdit" placement="top">
+                        <div slot="content">{{ element.weight }}</div>
+                        <input
+                          ref="weight"
+                          v-model="element.weight"
+                          v-focus="element.focusState"
+                          type="number"
+                          placeholder="重量1"
+                          step="0.01"
+                          class="filter-item2"
+                          style="display: inline-block;height:25px;padding:4px 0px; font-size:12px;width: 95%;border: 1px solid #e6e6e6;"
+                          @blur="(value)=> {blurWeight(scope.row,element.fttype,}"
+                        >
+                      </el-tooltip>
+                      <el-tooltip v-show="element.isWeight && !isRoleEdit" placement="top">
+                        <div slot="content">{{ element.weight }}</div>
+                        <div class="weight">{{ element.weight }}</div>
+                      </el-tooltip>
+                    </div>
+                  </div>
+                  <div class="arr-t" :style="{'background':element.background}">
+                    <i
+                      v-if="isRoleEdit"
+                      class="el-icon-close"
+                      style="position: absolute;right: 0;"
+                      @click="handleFLDelete(element,scope.row)"
+                    />
+                  </div>
+                </div>
+              </div>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column label="操作" align="center" width="80" class-name="small-padding fixed-width" fixed="right">
+            <template slot-scope="{row}">
+              <el-button
+                v-if="row.isCreate && isRoleEdit"
+                :disabled="isokDisable"
+                icon="el-icon-folder-checked"
+                class="miniSuccess"
+                @click="createData(row)"
+              />
+              <span v-if="row.isCreate && isRoleEdit" class="centerSpan">|</span>
+              <el-button
+                v-if="row.isCreate && isRoleEdit"
+                class="minCancel"
+                icon="el-icon-close"
+                @click="createCancel(row)"
+              />
+              <el-button
+                v-if="row.isUpdate && isRoleEdit"
+                class="miniSuccess"
+                icon="el-icon-edit-outline"
+                @click="handleUpdate(row)"
+              />
+              <span v-if="row.isUpdate && isRoleEdit" class="centerSpan">|</span>
+              <el-button
+                v-if="row.isUpdate && isRoleEdit"
+                class="miniDanger"
+                icon="el-icon-delete"
+                @click="handleRowDelete(row)"
+              />
+              <el-button
+                v-if="row.isUpdateSave && isRoleEdit"
+                :disabled="isokDisable"
+                icon="el-icon-folder-checked"
+                class="miniSuccess"
+                @click="updateData(row)"
+              />
+              <span v-if="row.isUpdateSave && isRoleEdit" class="centerSpan">|</span>
+              <el-button
+                v-if="row.isUpdateSave && isRoleEdit"
+                class="minCancel"
+                icon="el-icon-close"
+                @click="updateCancel(row)"
+              />
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table>
+        <span
+          v-if="table.listLoading == false"
+          style="margin-right: 30px;margin-top: 10px;font-size: 14px;"
+        >共{{ }}条</span>
+      </div>
+      <!-- 自动生成 -->
+      <el-dialog
+        :fullscreen="dialogFull"
+        :destroy-on-close="true"
+        :visible.sync="automaticGeneration.dialogFormVisible"
+        :close-on-click-modal="false"
+        width="30%"
+      >
+        <template slot="title">
+          <div class="avue-crud__dialog__header">
+            <span class="el-dialog__title">
+              <span style="display:inline-block;width:3px;height:20px;margin-right:5px; float: left;margin-top:2px" />
+              {{ textMap[automaticGeneration.dialogStatus] }}
+            </span>
+            <div class="avue-crud__dialog__menu" @click="dialogFull? dialogFull=false: dialogFull=true">
+              <svg-icon v-if="dialogFull" icon-class="exit-fullscreen" />
+              <svg-icon v-else icon-class="fullscreen" />
+            </div>
+          </div>
+        </template>
+        <div class="app-automaticGeneration" style="margin: 0 auto;">
+          <div style="width: 210px;margin:60px auto 120px;font-weight: 16px;">
+            请选择自动生成方式:<br>
+            清空计划并生成新计划;<br>
+            当前计划基础上继续生成计划;<br>
+          </div>
+          <div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
+            <el-button
+              style="right:240px;"
+              class="cancelClose"
+              @click="automaticGeneration.dialogFormVisible = false; "
+            >关闭</el-button>
+            <el-button style="right:130px;" class="save" :disabled="isokDisable" @click="continueData(0)">继续生成
+            </el-button>
+            <el-button style="right:20px;" class="save" :disabled="isokDisable" @click="continueData(1)">重新生成
+            </el-button>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </el-dialog>
+      <!-- 历史记录 -->
+      <el-dialog
+        :fullscreen="dialogFull"
+        :destroy-on-close="true"
+        :visible.sync="historyRecord.dialogFormVisible"
+        :close-on-click-modal="false"
+        width="90%"
+      >
+        <template slot="title">
+          <div class="avue-crud__dialog__header">
+            <span class="el-dialog__title">
+              <span style="display:inline-block;width:3px;height:20px;margin-right:5px; float: left;margin-top:2px" />
+              {{ textMap[historyRecord.dialogStatus] }}
+            </span>
+            <div class="avue-crud__dialog__menu" @click="dialogFull? dialogFull=false: dialogFull=true">
+              <svg-icon v-if="dialogFull" icon-class="exit-fullscreen" />
+              <svg-icon v-else icon-class="fullscreen" />
+            </div>
+          </div>
+        </template>
+        <div class="historyRecord">
+          <keep-alive>
+            <component :is="historyRecord.myComponent" ref="historyRecord" />
+          </keep-alive>
+        </div>
+        <div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
+          <el-button class="cancelClose cancelClose1" @click="historyRecord.dialogFormVisible = false; ">关闭</el-button>
+        </div>
+      </el-dialog>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  </div>
+import {
+  GetDataByName,
+  postJson,
+  PostDataByName,
+  Autogeneration,
+  ExecDataByConfig,
+  checkButtons
+} from '@/api/common'
+import draggable from 'vuedraggable'
+import Sortable from 'sortablejs'
+import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
+import {
+  MessageBox
+} from 'element-ui'
+  // const id = 1
+export default {
+  inject: ['reload'],
+  name: 'MaterialIssuancePlan',
+  display: 'Two list header slot',
+  order: 14,
+  components: {
+    draggable
+  },
+  directives: {
+    focus: {
+      update: function(el, {
+        value
+      }) {
+        if (value) {
+          el.focus()
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      pagindex: 1, // 页码
+      pagesize: 300, // 页/条数
+      pagetotal: 0, // 一共要请求的次数
+      intertimer: null, // 定时器
+      dialogFull: false,
+      isRoleEdit: [],
+      isInforvalue: false,
+      isBarracks: false,
+      requestParams: {
+        name: 'getTMRListEnableType',
+        offset: 0,
+        parammaps: {
+          pastureid: Cookies.get('pastureid'),
+          eqtype: '1'
+        }
+      },
+      requestParams2: {
+        name: 'getTMRListEnableTypeAll',
+        offset: 0,
+        parammaps: {
+          pastureid: Cookies.get('pastureid'),
+          eqtype: '1'
+        }
+      },
+      requestParams3: {
+        name: 'getFTSWList',
+        offset: 0,
+        parammaps: {
+          pastureid: Cookies.get('pastureid')
+        }
+      },
+      requestParams4: {
+        name: 'getSysoptEnable',
+        offset: 0,
+        parammaps: {
+          pastureid: Cookies.get('pastureid'),
+          inforname: 'isSmallMaterial'
+        }
+      },
+      equipmentList: [], // 撒料设备
+      TMRNumberList: [], // TMR编号
+      frequencyList: [], // 班次
+      templateFormulationList: [], // 模板配方
+      // 班次
+      maxTime: {
+        getMaxTimesParm: {
+          name: 'getSysoptEnable',
+          page: 1,
+          offset: 1,
+          pagecount: 1,
+          returntype: 'Map',
+          parammaps: {
+            pastureid: Cookies.get('pastureid'),
+            inforname: 'times'
+          }
+        },
+        // 班次
+        isTime1: false,
+        isTime2: false,
+        isTime3: false,
+        isTime4: false
+      },
+      table: {
+        getdataListParm: {
+          name: 'getLppList',
+          name1: 'getLppdList',
+          page: 1,
+          offset: 1,
+          returntype: 'Map',
+          parammaps: {
+            pastureid: Cookies.get('pastureid')
+          }
+        },
+        list: [],
+        list2: [],
+        total: 0,
+        tableKey: 0,
+        listLoading: false,
+        tabClickIndex: null, // 点击的单元格
+        tabClickLabel: '', // 当前点击的列名
+        temp: {},
+        move1: '',
+        changeList: [],
+        startObj: {},
+        isGoing: false,
+        myTemp: {}
+      },
+      selectList: [], // 选中数据
+      // 班次
+      menuRadio: '一班',
+      MenuList: [], // 配单列表
+      listLoadingTimes: false,
+      // 栏舍统计
+      isLeftButton: true, // 向左
+      isRightButton: false, // 向右
+      rowStyle2: {
+        maxHeight: 20 + 'px',
+        height: 20 + 'px'
+      },
+      cellStyle2: {
+        padding: 0 + 'px'
+      },
+      headerRowStyle2: {
+        maxHeight: 20 + 'px',
+        height: 20 + 'px'
+      },
+      headerCellStyle2: {
+        padding: 0 + 'px'
+      },
+      smallMenu: {
+        getdataListParm: {
+          name: 'getLppUseSUMList',
+          page: 1,
+          offset: 1,
+          pagecount: 10,
+          returntype: 'Map',
+          parammaps: {
+            pastureid: Cookies.get('pastureid')
+          }
+        },
+        total: 0,
+        tableKey: 0,
+        listLoading: false,
+        list: []
+      },
+      // 自动生成
+      automaticGeneration: {
+        dialogFormVisible: false,
+        dialogStatus: ''
+      },
+      historyRecord: {
+        dialogFormVisible: false,
+        dialogStatus: '',
+        myComponent: null
+      },
+      textMap: {
+        automaticGeneration: '提示',
+        historyRecord: '历史记录'
+      },
+      isokDisable: false,
+      requestParam: {},
+      height: document.body.clientHeight - 350 - 50, // table高度
+      rowStyle: {
+        maxHeight: 50 + 'px',
+        height: 50 + 'px'
+      },
+      cellStyle: {
+        padding: 0 + 'px'
+      },
+      dropState: false,
+      isOrder: true,
+      fullscreenLoading: false,
+      getdataListParmAll: {
+        page: 1,
+        offset: 1,
+        pagecount: 0,
+        returntype: 'Map',
+        parammaps: {
+          pastureid: Cookies.get('pastureid'),
+          times: '1',
+          refresh: 0
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  doLayout() {
+    this.$nextTick(() => {
+      this.$refs.table.doLayout()
+    })
+  },
+  created() {
+    this.getButtons()
+    this.getIsDisplay()
+    this.getDownList()
+    this.table.list.forEach(val => {
+    })
+  },
+  methods: {
+    getButtons() {
+      const Edit = 'MaterialIssuancePlan'
+      const isRoleEdit = checkButtons(JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('buttons')), Edit)
+      this.isRoleEdit = isRoleEdit
+    },
+    clickBarracks(item) {
+      this.isBarracks = !this.isBarracks
+    },
+    // 下拉列表
+    getDownList() {
+      GetDataByName(this.requestParams).then(response => {
+        if ( !== null) {
+          this.TMRNumberList =
+        } else {
+          this.TMRNumberList = []
+        }
+      })
+      GetDataByName(this.requestParams2).then(response => {
+        if ( !== null) {
+          this.equipmentList =
+        } else {
+          this.equipmentList = []
+        }
+      })
+      GetDataByName(this.requestParams3).then(response => {
+        if ( !== null) {
+          this.templateFormulationList =
+        } else {
+          this.templateFormulationList = []
+        }
+      })
+      GetDataByName(this.requestParams4).then(response => {
+        if ( !== null) {
+          if ([0].inforvalue == 0) {
+            this.isInforvalue = false
+          } else {
+            this.isInforvalue = true
+          }
+        } else {
+          this.isInforvalue = false
+        }
+      })
+    },
+    // 显示班次
+    getIsDisplay() {
+      GetDataByName(this.maxTime.getMaxTimesParm).then(response => {
+        console.log([0].inforvalue)
+        if ([0].inforvalue == 1) {
+          this.frequencyList = [{
+            id: '1',
+            name: '第一班'
+          }]
+        } else if ([0].inforvalue == 2) {
+          this.frequencyList = [{
+            id: '1',
+            name: '第一班'
+          }, {
+            id: '2',
+            name: '第二班'
+          }]
+        } else if ([0].inforvalue == 3) {
+          this.frequencyList = [{
+            id: '1',
+            name: '第一班'
+          }, {
+            id: '2',
+            name: '第二班'
+          }, {
+            id: '3',
+            name: '第三班'
+          }]
+        } else if ([0].inforvalue == 4) {
+          this.frequencyList = [{
+            id: '1',
+            name: '第一班'
+          }, {
+            id: '2',
+            name: '第二班'
+          }, {
+            id: '3',
+            name: '第三班'
+          }, {
+            id: '4',
+            name: '第四班'
+          }]
+        }
+        if ( !== null) {
+          if ([0].inforvalue == 1) {
+            this.maxTime.isTime1 = true
+            this.maxTime.isTime2 = false
+            this.maxTime.isTime3 = false
+            this.maxTime.isTime4 = false
+          } else if ([0].inforvalue == 2) {
+            this.maxTime.isTime1 = true
+            this.maxTime.isTime2 = true
+            this.maxTime.isTime3 = false
+            this.maxTime.isTime4 = false
+          } else if ([0].inforvalue == 3) {
+            this.maxTime.isTime1 = true
+            this.maxTime.isTime2 = true
+            this.maxTime.isTime3 = true
+            this.maxTime.isTime4 = false
+          } else if ([0].inforvalue == 4) {
+            this.maxTime.isTime1 = true
+            this.maxTime.isTime2 = true
+            this.maxTime.isTime3 = true
+            this.maxTime.isTime4 = true
+          }
+        } else {
+          this.maxTime.isTime1 = false
+          this.maxTime.isTime2 = false
+          this.maxTime.isTime3 = false
+          this.maxTime.isTime4 = false
+        }
+      })
+      this.getSmallMenuList() // 栏舍统计
+      this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 0
+      this.getAllList() // 头部跟表格
+    },
+    getAllList() {
+      const url = 'authdata/spillage'
+      const data = this.getdataListParmAll
+      postJson(url, data).then(response => {
+        console.log(response)
+        if ( !== undefined) {
+          if ( !== null) {
+            for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
+              this.$set([i], 'isShowTitle', true)
+              if ([i].arrList == null) {
+                this.$set([i], 'isShowTitle', false)
+              } else {
+                for (let j = 0; j <[i].arrList.length; j++) {
+                  this.$set([i].arrList[j], 'background2', this.colorRgb([
+                    i].arrList[j].background))
+                }
+              }
+            }
+            this.MenuList =
+          } else {
+            this.MenuList = []
+          }
+        }
+        if ( !== undefined) {
+          if ( !== null) {
+            console.log('table数据',
+            for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
+              this.$set([i], 'Edit', false) // 编辑
+              this.$set([i], 'NoEdit', true) // 不可编辑/输入
+              this.$set([i], 'isCreate', false) // 新增操作
+              this.$set([i], 'isUpdate', true) // 编辑操作
+              this.$set([i], 'isUpdateSave', false) // 编辑保存
+              this.$set([i], 'Disabled', true) // 班次/模板配方不可输入
+              if ([i].arrList == null) {
+                this.$set([i], 'Disabled', false)
+                this.$set([i], 'arrList', [])
+              } else {
+                for (let j = 0; j <[i].arrList.length; j++) {
+                  this.$set([i].arrList[j], 'isWeight', false)
+                  this.$set([i].arrList[j], 'focusState', false)
+                }
+              }
+            }
+            // this.table.list =
+            var arr = []
+            for (let a = 0; a <; a++) {
+              if (a < 5) {
+                arr.push([a])
+              }
+              //, - 1)
+            }
+            this.table.list = arr
+            this.table.list2 =
+            console.log(this.table.list2, 'this.table.list2 ')
+            this.table.changeList = []
+            this.table.startObj = {}
+   =
+            setTimeout(() => {
+              this.$refs.table.doLayout()
+            }, 100)
+            this.getPageInter(this.table.list2)
+          } else {
+            this.table.list = []
+          }
+        }
+        // this.listLoadingTimes = false
+        // this.table.listLoading = false
+      })
+    },
+    loadMore() {
+      this.getPageInter(this.table.list2)
+    },
+    getPageInter(map) {
+      this.intertimer = setInterval(() => {
+        this.intervalData(map) // 每三秒调用一次方法
+      }, 1000)
+    },
+    intervalData(map) {
+      if (this.pagindex * 5 < {
+        this.pagindex += 1
+        const arr = []
+        for (let i = 0; i < map.length; i++) {
+          if (i < this.pagindex * 5) {
+            arr.push(map[i])
+          }
+        }
+        this.table.list = arr
+      } else {
+        clearInterval(this.intertimer)
+      }
+      console.log(123)
+    },
+    colorRgb(sColor) {
+      sColor = sColor.toLowerCase()
+      var reg = /^#([0-9a-fA-f]{3}|[0-9a-fA-f]{6})$/
+      // 如果是16进制颜色
+      if (sColor && reg.test(sColor)) {
+        if (sColor.length === 4) {
+          var sColorNew = '#'
+          for (var i = 1; i < 4; i += 1) {
+            sColorNew += sColor.slice(i, i + 1).concat(sColor.slice(i, i + 1))
+          }
+          sColor = sColorNew
+        }
+        // 处理六位的颜色值
+        var sColorChange = []
+        for (var i = 1; i < 7; i += 2) {
+          sColorChange.push(parseInt('0x' + sColor.slice(i, i + 2)))
+        }
+        return sColorChange.join(',')
+      }
+      return 'rgba(' + sColorChange.join(',') + ')'
+    },
+    // 切换班次
+    changeMenu(val) {
+      console.log(val)
+      if (this.menuRadio === '一班') {
+        this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.times = '1'
+        this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 2
+        this.pagindex = 1
+        this.getAllList()
+      } else if (this.menuRadio === '二班') {
+        this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.times = '2'
+        this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 2
+        this.pagindex = 1
+        this.getAllList()
+        this.MenuList = this.twoMenuList
+      } else if (this.menuRadio === '三班') {
+        this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.times = '3'
+        this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 2
+        this.getAllList()
+      } else if (this.menuRadio === '四班') {
+        this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.times = '4'
+        this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 2
+        this.pagindex = 1
+        this.getAllList()
+      }
+    },
+    // 右侧栏舍统计
+    getSmallMenuList() {
+      this.smallMenu.listLoading = true
+      GetDataByName(this.smallMenu.getdataListParm).then(response => {
+        if ( !== null) {
+          for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
+            if ([i].onetime == undefined) {
+              this.$set([i], 'onetime', 0)
+            } else {
+    [i].onetime = parseFloat([i].onetime)
+            }
+            if ([i].twotime == undefined) {
+              this.$set([i], 'twotime', 0)
+            } else {
+    [i].twotime = parseFloat([i].twotime)
+            }
+            if ([i].threetime == undefined) {
+              this.$set([i], 'threetime', 0)
+            } else {
+    [i].threetime = parseFloat([i].threetime)
+            }
+            if ([i].fourtime == undefined) {
+              this.$set([i], 'fourtime', 0)
+            } else {
+    [i].fourtime = parseFloat([i].fourtime)
+            }
+            this.$set([i], 'usedsum',[i].onetime +[i]
+              .twotime +[i].threetime +[i].fourtime)
+            this.$set([i], 'all', '')
+          }
+          this.smallMenu.list =
+ =
+        } else {
+          this.smallMenu.list = []
+        }
+        console.log('smallMenu数据',
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          this.smallMenu.listLoading = false
+        }, 100)
+      })
+    },
+    handleChangeOrder() {
+      this.isOrder = false
+      this.rowDrop()
+    },
+    // 行拖拽
+    rowDrop() {
+      console.log(document.querySelector('#table .el-table__body-wrapper tbody'))
+      const tbody = document.querySelector('#table .el-table__body-wrapper tbody')
+      const that = this
+      var sortable = Sortable.create(tbody, {
+        disabled: that.dropState,
+        onChoose({
+          newIndex,
+          oldIndex
+        }) {
+          console.log(that.isOrder, 'that.isOrder == false')
+          console.log(that.dropState, 'that.dropState')
+          if (that.dropState == true || that.isOrder == true) {
+            sortable.destroy()
+          }
+        },
+        onEnd({
+          newIndex,
+          oldIndex
+        }) {
+          const currRow = that.table.list.splice(oldIndex, 1)[0]
+          that.table.list.splice(newIndex, 0, currRow)
+          console.log('索引', newIndex)
+          console.log('拖动数据', currRow)
+          console.log('上', that.table.list[newIndex - 1])
+          console.log('下', that.table.list[newIndex + 1])
+        }
+      })
+    },
+    saveChangeOrder() {
+      // 保存顺序
+      var sortArr = []
+      for (let i = 0; i < this.table.list.length; i++) {
+        var obj = {}
+        obj.sort = i + 1
+ = this.table.list[i].id
+        obj.pastureid = this.table.list[i].pastureid
+        sortArr.push(obj)
+      }
+      this.requestParam = {}
+      this.requestParam.common = {
+        'returnmap': '0'
+      }
+ = []
+[0] = {
+        'name': 'insertSpotList',
+        'resultmaps': {
+          'list': sortArr
+        }
+      }
+[0].children = []
+[0].children[0] = {
+        'name': 'updateLppSort',
+        'type': 'e',
+        'parammaps': {
+          id: '',
+          pastureid: '@insertSpotList.pastureid',
+          sort: '@insertSpotList.sort'
+        }
+      }
+      ExecDataByConfig(this.requestParam).then(response => {
+        console.log('顺序切换保存发送参数', this.requestParam)
+        if (response.msg === 'fail') {
+          this.$notify({
+            title: '顺序切换失败',
+            message:,
+            type: 'warning',
+            duration: 2000
+          })
+        } else {
+          this.$notify({
+            title: '',
+            message: '顺序切换成功',
+            type: 'success',
+            duration: 2000
+          })
+          this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 1
+          this.pagindex = 1
+          this.getAllList()
+          this.isOrder = true
+        }
+      })
+    },
+    cancelChangeOrder() {
+      // 取消顺序
+      this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 1
+      this.pagindex = 1
+      this.getAllList()
+      this.isOrder = true
+    },
+    // TMR编号
+    changeTMRNumber(item, row) {
+      row.tmrname = this.TMRNumberList.find(obj => === item).eqcode
+      row.maxweight = this.TMRNumberList.find(obj => === item).maxstirfeed
+    },
+    // 配方模板
+    changeTemplateFormulation(item, row) {
+      row.ftname = this.templateFormulationList.find(obj => === item).tname
+    },
+    // 增加车次
+    handleCreate() {
+      for (let i = 0; i < this.table.list.length; i++) {
+        if (this.table.list2[i].Edit === true) {
+          this.$message({
+            type: 'error',
+            message: '当前内容未保存,请点击取消或保存继续进行操作',
+            duration: 2000
+          })
+          return false
+        }
+      }
+      if (this.table.list.length == 0) {
+        this.table.list.unshift({
+          'myId': (new Date()).valueOf(),
+          'Edit': true,
+          'NoEdit': false,
+          'isCreate': true,
+          'isUpdate': false,
+          'isUpdateSave': false,
+          'tmrname': '',
+          'tmrid': '',
+          'sort': 1,
+          'sel': 1,
+          'issplit': 1,
+          'times': '',
+          'display': '',
+          'begintime': '',
+          'ftname': '',
+          'ftid': '',
+          'sumweight': '',
+          'sumcowcount': '',
+          'maxweight': '',
+          'arrList': []
+        })
+      } else {
+        this.table.list.unshift({
+          'myId': (new Date()).valueOf(),
+          'Edit': true,
+          'NoEdit': false,
+          'isCreate': true,
+          'isUpdate': false,
+          'isUpdateSave': false,
+          'tmrname': '',
+          'tmrid': '',
+          'sort': parseInt(this.table.list2[this.table.list2.length - 1].sort) + 1,
+          'sel': 1,
+          'issplit': 1,
+          'times': '',
+          'display': '',
+          'begintime': '',
+          'ftname': '',
+          'ftid': '',
+          'sumweight': '',
+          'sumcowcount': '',
+          'maxweight': '',
+          'arrList': []
+        })
+      }
+      // this.$ = 0
+      this.$refs.table.bodyWrapper.scrollTop = 0
+      this.dropState = true
+      console.log('点击了新增')
+    },
+    createData(row) {
+      console.log('点击了新增保存', row)
+      if (row.begintime == null || row.begintime == 'null') {
+        row.begintime = ''
+      }
+      this.table.temp.pastureid = Cookies.get('pastureid')
+      this.table.temp.tmrname = row.tmrname
+      this.table.temp.tmrid = row.tmrid
+      this.table.temp.sort = row.sort
+      this.table.temp.sel = row.sel
+      this.table.temp.issplit = row.issplit
+      this.table.temp.times = row.times
+      this.table.temp.display = row.display
+      this.table.temp.begintime = row.begintime
+      this.table.temp.ftname = row.ftname
+      this.table.temp.ftid = row.ftid
+      this.table.temp.sumweight = 0
+      this.table.temp.maxweight = row.maxweight
+      if (this.table.temp.sort == '' && this.table.temp.tmrid == '' && this.table.temp.times == '' && this.table.temp
+        .ftid == '') {
+        this.$message({
+          type: 'error',
+          message: '车次/TMR编号/班次/模板配方不能为空',
+          duration: 2000
+        })
+        return false
+      } else if (this.table.temp.tmrid == '' && this.table.temp.times == '' && this.table.temp.ftid == '') {
+        this.$message({
+          type: 'error',
+          message: 'TMR编号/班次/模板配方不能为空',
+          duration: 2000
+        })
+        return false
+      } else if (this.table.temp.times == '' && this.table.temp.ftid == '') {
+        this.$message({
+          type: 'error',
+          message: '班次/模板配方不能为空',
+          duration: 2000
+        })
+        return false
+      } else if (this.table.temp.ftid == '') {
+        this.$message({
+          type: 'error',
+          message: '模板配方不能为空',
+          duration: 2000
+        })
+        return false
+      } else if (this.table.temp.times == '') {
+        this.$message({
+          type: 'error',
+          message: '班次不能为空',
+          duration: 2000
+        })
+        return false
+      }
+      for (let i = 0; i < this.table.list2.length; i++) {
+        if (row.sort == this.table.list2[i].sort) {
+          if (row.myId !== this.table.list2[i].myId) {
+            this.$message({
+              type: 'error',
+              message: '车次不可重复',
+              duration: 2000
+            })
+            return false
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      var isInteger = /^\d+$/
+      if (this.table.temp.sort !== '') {
+        if (!isInteger.test(parseFloat(this.table.temp.sort))) {
+          this.$message({
+            type: 'error',
+            message: '车次请输入整数',
+            duration: 2000
+          })
+          return false
+        }
+      }
+      this.isokDisable = true
+      setTimeout(() => {
+        this.isokDisable = false
+      }, 1000)
+      this.requestParam = {}
+ = 'insertLpp'
+      this.requestParam.parammaps = this.table.temp
+      PostDataByName(this.requestParam).then(response => {
+        console.log('新增保存发送参数', this.requestParam)
+        if (response.msg !== 'fail') {
+          this.$notify({
+            title: '成功',
+            message: '保存成功',
+            type: 'success',
+            duration: 2000
+          })
+          this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 1
+          this.pagindex = 1
+          this.getAllList()
+          this.dropState = false
+        } else {
+          this.$notify({
+            title: '保存失败',
+            message:,
+            type: 'warning',
+            duration: 2000
+          })
+        }
+      })
+    },
+    createCancel(row) {
+      this.dropState = false
+      for (let i = 0; i < this.table.list.length; i++) {
+        if (row.myId === this.table.list[i].myId) {
+          var listIndex = this.table.list.indexOf(this.table.list[i])
+        }
+        if (listIndex > -1) {
+          this.table.list.splice(listIndex, 1)
+          this.table.list2.splice(listIndex, 1)
+          return
+        }
+      }
+      // for (let i = 0; i < this.table.list2.length; i++) {
+      //   if (row.myId === this.table.list2[i].myId) {
+      //     var listIndex2 = this.table.list2.indexOf(this.table.list2[i])
+      //   }
+      //   if (listIndex2 > -1) {
+      //     this.table.list2.splice(listIndex2, 1)
+      //     return
+      //   }
+      // }
+      console.log('点击了新增取消')
+    },
+    // 编辑
+    handleUpdate(row) {
+      console.log(row, '点击了行编辑')
+      for (let i = 0; i < this.table.list.length; i++) {
+        if (this.table.list[i].Edit == true) {
+          this.$message({
+            type: 'error',
+            message: '当前内容未保存,请点击取消或保存继续进行操作',
+            duration: 2000
+          })
+          return false
+        }
+      }
+      // 编辑true,不可编辑false
+      row.Edit = true
+      row.NoEdit = false
+      // 新增false,编辑false,编辑保存true
+      row.isCreate = false
+      row.isUpdate = false
+      row.isUpdateSave = true
+      row.times = String(row.times)
+      if (row.sort == undefined) {
+        row.sort = ''
+      }
+      if (row.tmrid == undefined || row.tmrname == undefined) {
+        row.tmrid = ''
+        row.tmrname = ''
+      }
+      if (row.display == undefined) {
+        row.display = ''
+      }
+      if (row.times == undefined) {
+        row.times = ''
+      }
+      if (row.begintime == undefined) {
+        row.begintime = ''
+      }
+      if (row.ftid == undefined || row.ftname == undefined) {
+        row.ftid = ''
+        row.ftname = ''
+      }
+      this.dropState = true
+      this.table.myTemp = Object.assign({}, row)
+    },
+    updateData(row) {
+      console.log('点击了编辑保存', row)
+      this.table.myTemp = Object.assign({}, row)
+      if (row.begintime == null || row.begintime == 'null') {
+        row.begintime = ''
+      }
+      this.table.temp.pastureid = row.pastureid
+ =
+      this.table.temp.tmrname = row.tmrname
+      this.table.temp.tmrid = row.tmrid
+      this.table.temp.sort = row.sort
+      this.table.temp.sel = row.sel
+      this.table.temp.issplit = row.issplit
+      this.table.temp.times = row.times
+      this.table.temp.display = row.display
+      this.table.temp.begintime = row.begintime
+      this.table.temp.ftname = row.ftname
+      this.table.temp.ftid = row.ftid
+      this.table.temp.sumweight = row.sumweight
+      this.table.temp.sumcowcount = row.sumcowcount
+      this.table.temp.maxweight = row.maxweight
+      if (this.table.temp.sort == '' && this.table.temp.tmrid == '' && this.table.temp.times == '' && this.table.temp
+        .ftid == '') {
+        this.$message({
+          type: 'error',
+          message: '车次/TMR编号/班次/模板配方不能为空',
+          duration: 2000
+        })
+        return false
+      } else if (this.table.temp.tmrid == '' && this.table.temp.times == '' && this.table.temp.ftid == '') {
+        this.$message({
+          type: 'error',
+          message: 'TMR编号/班次/模板配方不能为空',
+          duration: 2000
+        })
+        return false
+      } else if (this.table.temp.times == '' && this.table.temp.ftid == '') {
+        this.$message({
+          type: 'error',
+          message: '班次/模板配方不能为空',
+          duration: 2000
+        })
+        return false
+      } else if (this.table.temp.ftid == '') {
+        this.$message({
+          type: 'error',
+          message: '模板配方不能为空',
+          duration: 2000
+        })
+        return false
+      }
+      for (let i = 0; i < this.table.list.length; i++) {
+        if (row.sort == this.table.list[i].sort) {
+          if ( !== this.table.list[i].id) {
+            this.$message({
+              type: 'error',
+              message: '车次不可重复',
+              duration: 2000
+            })
+            return false
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      var isInteger = /^\d+$/
+      if (this.table.temp.sort !== '') {
+        if (!isInteger.test(parseFloat(this.table.temp.sort))) {
+          this.$message({
+            type: 'error',
+            message: '车次请输入整数',
+            duration: 2000
+          })
+          return false
+        }
+      }
+      this.isokDisable = true
+      setTimeout(() => {
+        this.isokDisable = false
+      }, 1000)
+      this.requestParam = {}
+ = 'updateLpp'
+      this.requestParam.parammaps = this.table.temp
+      PostDataByName(this.requestParam).then(response => {
+        console.log('编辑保存发送参数', this.requestParam)
+        if (response.msg !== 'fail') {
+          this.$notify({
+            title: '成功',
+            message: '保存成功',
+            type: 'success',
+            duration: 2000
+          })
+          this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 1
+          this.pagindex = 1
+          this.getAllList()
+          this.table.myTemp.isUpdateSave = false
+          this.dropState = false
+        } else {
+          this.$notify({
+            title: '保存失败',
+            message:,
+            type: 'warning',
+            duration: 2000
+          })
+        }
+      })
+    },
+    updateCancel(row) {
+      console.log('点击了编辑取消')
+      // 编辑false,不可编辑true
+      row.Edit = false
+      row.NoEdit = true
+      // 新增false,编辑true,编辑保存false
+      row.isCreate = false
+      row.isUpdate = true
+      row.isUpdateSave = false
+      this.dropState = false
+      this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 1
+      this.pagindex = 1
+      this.getAllList()
+      this.table.myTemp = Object.assign({}, row)
+    },
+    // 自动生成
+    handleAutomaticGeneration() {
+      this.dialogFull = false
+      this.automaticGeneration.dialogStatus = 'automaticGeneration'
+      this.automaticGeneration.dialogFormVisible = true
+    },
+    continueData(item) {
+      if (item == 0) {
+        console.log('点击继续生成')
+        this.requestParam = {}
+        this.requestParam.pastureid = Cookies.get('pastureid')
+        this.requestParam.type = 0
+        Autogeneration(this.requestParam).then(response => {
+          console.log('新增保存发送参数', this.requestParam)
+          if (response.msg !== 'fail') {
+            this.$notify({
+              title: '成功',
+              message: '保存成功',
+              type: 'success',
+              duration: 2000
+            })
+            this.automaticGeneration.dialogFormVisible = false
+            this.getIsDisplay()
+            this.getDownList()
+          } else {
+            this.$notify({
+              title: '保存失败',
+              message:,
+              type: 'warning',
+              duration: 2000
+            })
+          }
+        })
+      } else {
+        console.log('点击重新生成')
+        MessageBox.confirm('重新生成计划会将原有计划清空再生成,是否确认重新生成?', {
+          confirmButtonText: '确认',
+          cancelButtonText: '取消',
+          type: 'warning'
+        }).then(() => {
+          this.automaticGeneration.dialogFormVisible = false
+          // const loading = this.$loading({
+          //   lock: true,
+          //   text: 'Loading',
+          //   spinner: 'el-icon-loading'
+          // })
+          this.fullscreenLoading = true
+          this.requestParam = {}
+          this.requestParam.pastureid = Cookies.get('pastureid')
+          this.requestParam.type = 1
+          Autogeneration(this.requestParam).then(response => {
+            console.log('新增保存发送参数', this.requestParam)
+            if (response.msg !== 'fail') {
+              // loading.close()
+              this.fullscreenLoading = false
+              this.$notify({
+                title: '成功',
+                message: '保存成功',
+                type: 'success',
+                duration: 2000
+              })
+              this.automaticGeneration.dialogFormVisible = false
+              this.getIsDisplay()
+              this.getDownList()
+            } else {
+              this.fullscreenLoading = false
+              // loading.close()
+              this.$notify({
+                title: '保存失败',
+                message:,
+                type: 'warning',
+                duration: 2000
+              })
+            }
+          })
+        }).catch(() => {
+          this.$message({
+            type: 'info',
+            message: '已取消重新生成'
+          })
+        })
+      }
+    },
+    // 检验
+    // handleCheck() {
+    //   console.log('点击检验')
+    // },
+    // 历史记录
+    handleHistoryRecord() {
+      console.log('点击历史记录')
+      this.dialogFull = false
+      this.historyRecord.dialogStatus = 'historyRecord'
+      this.historyRecord.dialogFormVisible = true
+      const vue = this
+      var myComponent = () => import('./historyRecord.vue')
+      return vue.historyRecord.myComponent = myComponent
+    },
+    // 配方
+    changeLog: function(evt) {
+      console.log('change1', evt)
+    },
+    start(evt) {
+      console.log('start1===>', evt)
+      this.$set(this.table.startObj, 'from', evt.from.className)
+      this.$set(this.table.startObj, 'to', evt.from.className)
+    },
+    end(evt) {
+      console.log('end1===>', evt)
+    },
+    move(evt, originalEvent) {
+      console.log('move1===>', evt, originalEvent)
+      if ( === 'list-group-item1 item' || ===
+          'draggableWeight') {
+        return false
+      }
+      if (evt.from._prevClass == {
+        return false
+      }
+      this.table.move1 = evt.draggedContext.element
+    },
+    start2(evt) {
+      console.log('start2===>', evt)
+      this.$set(this.table.startObj, 'from', evt.from.className)
+      this.$set(this.table.startObj, 'to', evt.from.className)
+    },
+    move2(evt, originalEvent) {
+      console.log('move2===>', evt, originalEvent)
+      if ( === 'list-group-item1 item' || ===
+          'draggableWeight') {
+        return false
+      }
+      this.table.move1 = evt.draggedContext.element
+    },
+    end2(evt) {
+      // console.log(evt)
+      console.log('end2===》', evt)
+    },
+    // 撒料位
+    changeLog2(evt) {
+      // console.log(this.table.startObj)
+      console.log('changeLog2===>', evt)
+      // var _evt = [...evt]
+      this.table.changeList.push(evt)
+      evt = this.table.changeList[0]
+      if (evt.arrList.length == 1) {
+        evt.arrList[0].sort = 0
+      } else if (evt.arrList.length > 1) {
+        for (let i = 0; i < evt.arrList.length; i++) {
+          if (evt.arrList[i].id == && evt.arrList[i].fttype == this.table.move1.fttype) {
+            if (evt.arrList[i - 1] == undefined) {
+              evt.arrList[i].sort = 0
+              evt.sort = 0
+            } else {
+              evt.arrList[i].sort = parseFloat(evt.arrList[i - 1].sort) + 1
+              evt.sort = parseFloat(evt.arrList[i - 1].sort) + 1
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      console.log(evt.arrList, '==========1')
+      console.log(evt, '==========2')
+      console.log(this.table.move1.times, 'this.table.move1.times-------')
+      if (this.table.startObj.from == 'list-group1' && == 'list-group1') {
+        if (parseFloat(evt.maxweight) - parseFloat(evt.sumweight) < parseFloat(this.table.move1.weight)) {
+          this.$set(this.table.move1, 'weight', parseFloat(evt.maxweight) - parseFloat(evt.sumweight))
+        }
+        console.log('this.table.move1.weight===>', this.table.move1.weight)
+        this.requestParam = {}
+        this.requestParam.common = {
+          'returnmap': '0'
+        }
+ = []
+[0] = {
+          'name': 'checkLLPDetailInsert',
+          'type': 'v',
+          'parammaps': {
+            pastureid: this.table.move1.pastureid,
+            barid: this.table.move1.barid,
+            lppid:,
+            times: evt.times,
+            ftid: this.table.move1.ftid,
+            ptsid: this.table.move1.ptsid,
+            ptid: this.table.move1.ptid,
+            fttype: this.table.move1.fttype,
+            timesTem: this.table.move1.times
+          }
+        }
+[1] = {
+          'name': 'updateLpplandtlSorts',
+          'type': 'e',
+          'parammaps': {
+            pastureid: evt.pastureid,
+            sort: evt.sort,
+            lppid:
+          }
+        }
+[2] = {
+          'name': 'insertLppd',
+          'type': 'e',
+          'parammaps': {
+            pastureid: evt.pastureid,
+            lppid:,
+            barid: this.table.move1.barid,
+            barname: this.table.move1.barname,
+            fpdid:,
+            fttype: this.table.move1.fttype,
+            lweight: this.table.move1.weight,
+            sort: evt.sort,
+            tmrid: evt.tmrid,
+            tmrname: evt.tmrname,
+            background: this.table.move1.background,
+            ccountradio: this.table.move1.ccountradio,
+            cowcount: this.table.move1.cowcount
+          }
+        }
+[3] = {
+          'name': 'updateFpdetailUse',
+          'type': 'e',
+          'parammaps': {
+            pastureid: this.table.move1.pastureid,
+            id:,
+            fttype: this.table.move1.fttype,
+            lweight: this.table.move1.weight
+          }
+        }
+        console.log('撒料位上-下新增', this.requestParam)
+        ExecDataByConfig(this.requestParam).then(response => {
+          console.log('撒料位新增保存发送参数', this.requestParam)
+          if (response.msg === 'fail') {
+            this.$notify({
+              title: '保存失败',
+              message:,
+              type: 'warning',
+              duration: 2000
+            })
+            this.getSmallMenuList()
+            this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 0
+            this.pagindex = 1
+            this.getAllList()
+          } else {
+            this.$notify({
+              title: '',
+              message: '保存成功',
+              type: 'success',
+              duration: 2000
+            })
+            this.getIsDisplay()
+            this.getSmallMenuList()
+            this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 0
+            this.pagindex = 1
+            this.getAllList()
+          }
+        })
+      } else if (this.table.startObj.from == 'list-group2' && == 'list-group2') {
+        if (this.table.changeList.length == 1) {
+          this.requestParam = {}
+          this.requestParam.common = {
+            'returnmap': '0'
+          }
+ = []
+[0] = {
+            'name': 'checkLLPDetailInsert',
+            'type': 'v',
+            'parammaps': {
+              pastureid: this.table.move1.pastureid,
+              barid: this.table.move1.barid,
+              lppid:,
+              times: evt.times,
+              ftid: this.table.move1.ftid,
+              ptsid: this.table.move1.ptsid,
+              ptid: this.table.move1.ptid,
+              fttype: this.table.move1.fttype,
+              timesTem: this.table.move1.times
+            }
+          }
+[1] = {
+            'name': 'updateLpplandtlSorts',
+            'type': 'e',
+            'parammaps': {
+              pastureid: evt.pastureid,
+              sort: evt.sort,
+              lppid:
+            }
+          }
+[2] = {
+            'name': 'deleteLppd',
+            'type': 'e',
+            'parammaps': {
+              pastureid: evt.pastureid,
+              id:
+            }
+          }
+[3] = {
+            'name': 'insertLppd',
+            'type': 'e',
+            'parammaps': {
+              pastureid: evt.pastureid,
+              lppid:,
+              barid: this.table.move1.barid,
+              barname: this.table.move1.barname,
+              fpdid: this.table.move1.fpdid,
+              fttype: this.table.move1.fttype,
+              lweight: this.table.move1.weight,
+              sort: evt.sort,
+              tmrid: evt.tmrid,
+              tmrname: evt.tmrname,
+              background: this.table.move1.background,
+              ccountradio: this.table.move1.ccountradio,
+              cowcount: this.table.move1.cowcount
+            }
+          }
+          console.log('撒料位下-下新增', this.requestParam)
+          ExecDataByConfig(this.requestParam).then(response => {
+            console.log('撒料位新增保存发送参数', this.requestParam)
+            if (response.msg === 'fail') {
+              this.$notify({
+                title: '保存失败',
+                message:,
+                type: 'warning',
+                duration: 2000
+              })
+              this.getSmallMenuList()
+              this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 0
+              this.pagindex = 1
+              this.getAllList()
+            } else {
+              this.$notify({
+                title: '',
+                message: '保存成功',
+                type: 'success',
+                duration: 2000
+              })
+              this.getSmallMenuList()
+              this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 0
+              this.pagindex = 1
+              this.getAllList()
+              this.getIsDisplay()
+            }
+          })
+        } else if (this.table.changeList.length == 1) {
+          if (this.table.isGoing == true) {
+            console.log(11111)
+            this.requestParam.common = {
+              'returnmap': '0'
+            }
+   = []
+  [0] = {
+              'name': 'checkLLPDetailInsert',
+              'type': 'e',
+              'parammaps': {
+                pastureid: evt.pastureid,
+                sort: evt.sort,
+                lppid:
+              }
+            }
+  [1] = {
+              'name': 'deleteLppd',
+              'type': 'e',
+              'parammaps': {
+                pastureid: evt.pastureid,
+                id:
+              }
+            }
+  [2] = {
+              'name': 'insertLppd',
+              'type': 'e',
+              'parammaps': {
+                pastureid: evt.pastureid,
+                lppid:,
+                barid: this.table.move1.barid,
+                barname: this.table.move1.barname,
+                fpdid:,
+                fttype: this.table.move1.fttype,
+                lweight: this.table.move1.weight,
+                sort: evt.sort,
+                tmrid: evt.tmrid,
+                tmrname: evt.tmrname,
+                background: this.table.move1.background
+              }
+            }
+  [3] = {
+              'name': 'updateFpdetailUse',
+              'type': 'e',
+              'parammaps': {
+                pastureid: this.table.move1.pastureid,
+                id:,
+                fttype: this.table.move1.fttype,
+                statue: 1
+              }
+            }
+            console.log('撒料位新增', this.requestParam)
+            ExecDataByConfig(this.requestParam).then(response => {
+              console.log('撒料位新增保存发送参数', this.requestParam)
+              if (response.msg === 'fail') {
+                this.$notify({
+                  title: '保存失败',
+                  message:,
+                  type: 'warning',
+                  duration: 2000
+                })
+                this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 0
+                this.pagindex = 1
+                this.getAllList()
+              } else {
+                this.$notify({
+                  title: '',
+                  message: '保存成功',
+                  type: 'success',
+                  duration: 2000
+                })
+                this.getSmallMenuList()
+                this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 0
+                this.pagindex = 1
+                this.getAllList()
+                this.getIsDisplay()
+              }
+            })
+            this.table.isGoing = false
+          } else {
+            this.table.isGoing = true
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    // 编辑-撒料设备
+    changeEquipment(item, row, fttype, myid) {
+      var objList = {}
+      for (let i = 0; i < row.arrList.length; i++) {
+        row.arrList[i].tmrname = this.equipmentList.find(obj => === item).tname
+        if (row.arrList[i].fttype == fttype && row.arrList[i].id == myid) {
+          objList = row.arrList[i]
+        }
+        console.log(item, 'item')
+        console.log(row, 'row')
+        // if (row.tmrid == row.arrList[i].tmrid) {
+        //   if (row.tmrid !== item) {
+        //     this.$message({ type: 'warning', message: '混料设备不可与其它撒料设备同时选择1', duration: 2000 })
+        // this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 1
+        // this.getAllList()
+        //     return false
+        //   }
+        // } else {
+        //   if (row.tmrid == item) {
+        //     this.$message({ type: 'warning', message: '混料设备不可与其它撒料设备同时选择2', duration: 2000 })
+        // this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 1
+        // this.getAllList()
+        //     return false
+        //   }
+        // }
+      }
+      console.log(row)
+      this.requestParam = {}
+      this.requestParam.common = {
+        'returnmap': '0'
+      }
+ = []
+[0] = {
+        'name': 'updateLppd',
+        'type': 'e',
+        'parammaps': {
+          pastureid: row.pastureid,
+          lppid:,
+          barid: objList.barid,
+          barname: objList.barname,
+          fpdid: objList.fpdid,
+          fttype: objList.fttype,
+          lweight: objList.weight,
+          sort: objList.sort,
+          tmrid: objList.tmrid,
+          tmrname: objList.tmrname,
+          background: objList.background,
+          id:
+        }
+      }
+      ExecDataByConfig(this.requestParam).then(response => {
+        console.log('编辑保存发送参数', this.requestParam)
+        if (response.msg === 'fail') {
+          this.$notify({
+            title: '保存失败',
+            message:,
+            type: 'warning',
+            duration: 2000
+          })
+        } else {
+          this.$notify({
+            title: '',
+            message: '保存成功',
+            type: 'success',
+            duration: 2000
+          })
+          this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 0
+          this.pagindex = 1
+          this.getAllList()
+        }
+      })
+    },
+    dbclickWeight(row) {
+      if (this.table.myTemp.isUpdateSave == true) {
+        return false
+      }
+      console.log(row, this.isRoleEdit, '=====')
+      row.isWeight = true
+      row.focusState = true
+      this.dropState = true
+      this.myStart2 = false
+      this.myMove2 = false
+      this.myEnd2 = false
+    },
+    // 编辑-重量
+    blurWeight(row, fttype, myid) {
+      var objList = {}
+      for (let i = 0; i < row.arrList.length; i++) {
+        if (row.arrList[i].fttype == fttype && row.arrList[i].id == myid) {
+          objList = row.arrList[i]
+        }
+      }
+      if (objList.weight !== '') {
+        if (parseFloat(objList.weight) <= 0) {
+          this.$message({
+            type: 'error',
+            message: '重量不可输入小于0的数据',
+            duration: 2000
+          })
+          return false
+        }
+      }
+      if (objList.weight == '') {
+        objList.weight = 0
+      }
+      this.requestParam = {}
+      this.requestParam.common = {
+        'returnmap': '0'
+      }
+ = []
+[0] = {
+        'name': 'checkFPdLeftW',
+        'type': 'v',
+        'parammaps': {
+          pastureid: objList.pastureid,
+          fpdid: objList.fpdid,
+          fttype: objList.fttype,
+          lweight: String(parseFloat(objList.weight) - parseFloat(objList.lweight))
+        }
+      }
+[1] = {
+        'name': 'updateLppd',
+        'type': 'e',
+        'parammaps': {
+          pastureid: row.pastureid,
+          lppid:,
+          barid: objList.barid,
+          barname: objList.barname,
+          fpdid: objList.fpdid,
+          fttype: objList.fttype,
+          lweight: objList.weight,
+          sort: objList.sort,
+          tmrid: objList.tmrid,
+          tmrname: objList.tmrname,
+          background: objList.background,
+          id:
+        }
+      }
+[2] = {
+        'name': 'updateFpdetailUse',
+        'type': 'e',
+        'parammaps': {
+          pastureid: objList.pastureid,
+          id: objList.fpdid,
+          fttype: objList.fttype,
+          lweight: String(parseFloat(objList.weight) - parseFloat(objList.lweight))
+        }
+      }
+      ExecDataByConfig(this.requestParam).then(response => {
+        console.log('编辑保存发送参数', this.requestParam)
+        if (response.msg === 'fail') {
+          this.$notify({
+            title: '保存失败',
+            message:,
+            type: 'warning',
+            duration: 2000
+          })
+          this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 0
+          this.pagindex = 1
+          this.getAllList()
+        } else {
+          this.$notify({
+            title: '',
+            message: '保存成功',
+            type: 'success',
+            duration: 2000
+          })
+          this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 0
+          this.pagindex = 1
+          this.getAllList()
+          this.isWeight = false
+        }
+      })
+    },
+    handleTakeEffectChange() {
+      console.log('点击了生效')
+    },
+    handleIssplitChange() {
+      console.log('是否提前小料拆分')
+    },
+    // 撒料位删除
+    handleFLDelete(ele, row) {
+      if (this.table.myTemp.isUpdateSave == true) {
+        return false
+      }
+      console.log(ele, row, '点击了撒料删除')
+      this.selectList = []
+      this.requestParam = {}
+      this.requestParam.common = {
+        'returnmap': '0'
+      }
+ = []
+[0] = {
+        'name': 'deleteLppd',
+        'type': 'e',
+        'parammaps': {
+          pastureid: ele.pastureid,
+          id:
+        }
+      }
+[1] = {
+        'name': 'updateFpdetailUse',
+        'type': 'e',
+        'parammaps': {
+          pastureid: ele.pastureid,
+          id: ele.fpdid,
+          fttype: ele.fttype,
+          lweight: '-' + parseFloat(ele.weight)
+        }
+      }
+      ExecDataByConfig(this.requestParam).then(response => {
+        console.log('删除保存发送参数', this.requestParam)
+        if (response.msg === 'fail') {
+          this.$notify({
+            title: '删除失败',
+            message:,
+            type: 'warning',
+            duration: 2000
+          })
+        } else {
+          this.$notify({ title: '', message: '删除成功', type: 'success', duration: 2000 })
+          this.reload()
+          // this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 0
+          // this.pagindex = 1
+          // this.getAllList()
+          // this.getSmallMenuList()
+        }
+      })
+    },
+    handleSelect(val) {
+      console.log('勾选数据', val)
+      this.selectList = val
+    },
+    // 减少车次
+    handleReduceTrains() {
+      if (this.selectList.length == 0) {
+        this.$message({
+          type: 'error',
+          message: '请选择车次',
+          duration: 2000
+        })
+        return false
+      } else {
+        // 减少对应车次
+        for (let i = 0; i < this.selectList.length; i++) {
+          if (this.selectList[i].arrList.length > 0) {
+            this.$message({
+              type: 'error',
+              message: '本车次已添加栏舍不可删除',
+              duration: 2000
+            })
+            return false
+          }
+        }
+        MessageBox.confirm('是否确认删除此信息?', {
+          confirmButtonText: '确认',
+          cancelButtonText: '取消',
+          type: 'warning'
+        }).then(() => {
+          console.log(this.selectList)
+          this.requestParam = {}
+          this.requestParam.common = {
+            'returnmap': '0'
+          }
+ = []
+[0] = {
+            'name': 'insertSpotList',
+            'resultmaps': {
+              'list': this.selectList
+            }
+          }
+[0].children = []
+[0].children[0] = {
+            'name': 'deleteLpp',
+            'type': 'e',
+            'parammaps': {
+              id: '',
+              pastureid: '@insertSpotList.pastureid'
+            }
+          }
+          ExecDataByConfig(this.requestParam).then(response => {
+            console.log('删除保存发送参数', this.requestParam)
+            if (response.msg === 'fail') {
+              this.$notify({
+                title: '删除失败',
+                message:,
+                type: 'warning',
+                duration: 2000
+              })
+            } else {
+              this.$notify({
+                title: '',
+                message: '删除成功',
+                type: 'success',
+                duration: 2000
+              })
+              this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 1
+              this.pagindex = 1
+              this.getAllList()
+            }
+          })
+        })
+      }
+    },
+    // 行内删除
+    handleRowDelete(row) {
+      console.log(row, '点击了行删除')
+      if (row.arrList.length == 0) {
+        MessageBox.confirm('是否确认删除此信息?', {
+          confirmButtonText: '确认',
+          cancelButtonText: '取消',
+          type: 'warning'
+        }).then(() => {
+          this.selectList = []
+          this.requestParam = {}
+ = 'deleteLpp'
+          this.requestParam.parammaps = {}
+          this.requestParam.parammaps.pastureid = row.pastureid
+ =
+          PostDataByName(this.requestParam).then(response => {
+            if (response.msg === 'fail') {
+              this.$notify({
+                title: '删除失败',
+                message:,
+                type: 'warning',
+                duration: 2000
+              })
+            } else {
+              this.$notify({
+                title: '成功',
+                message: '删除成功',
+                type: 'success',
+                duration: 2000
+              })
+              this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 1
+              this.pagindex = 1
+              this.getAllList()
+            }
+          })
+        }).catch(() => {
+          this.$message({
+            type: 'info',
+            message: '已取消删除'
+          })
+        })
+      } else {
+        this.$message({
+          type: 'error',
+          message: '本车次已添加栏舍不可删除',
+          duration: 2000
+        })
+        return false
+      }
+    },
+    handleLeftButton() { // 向左
+      console.log('向左', this.isLeftButton)
+      this.isLeftButton = false
+      this.isRightButton = true
+      this.$ = '46%'
+      this.$ = 4
+      // this.$ = 4
+      // this.$ = 4
+      this.getSmallMenuList()
+    },
+    handleRightButton() { // 向右
+      console.log('向右', this.isLeftButton)
+      this.isLeftButton = true
+      this.isRightButton = false
+      this.$ = 1
+      this.$ = '50px'
+      this.$ = 1
+      this.$nextTick(() => {
+        this.$ = 1
+        this.$ = 1
+      })
+    },
+    handleTakeEffect() {
+      if (this.selectList.length == 0) {
+        this.$message({
+          type: 'error',
+          message: '请选择车次信息',
+          duration: 2000
+        })
+      } else {
+        MessageBox.confirm('当前选中' + this.selectList.length + '条信息,是否生效?', {
+          confirmButtonText: '确认',
+          cancelButtonText: '取消',
+          type: 'warning'
+        }).then(() => {
+          for (let i = 0; i < this.selectList.length; i++) {
+            // this.$set(this.selectList[i], 'enable', '1')
+            this.selectList[i].sel = 1
+          }
+          console.log('生效', this.selectList)
+          this.requestParam.common = {
+            'returnmap': '0'
+          }
+ = []
+[0] = {
+            'name': 'insertSpotList',
+            'resultmaps': {
+              'list': this.selectList
+            }
+          }
+[0].children = []
+[0].children[0] = {
+            'name': 'updatelpplanEnable',
+            'type': 'e',
+            'parammaps': {
+              sel: '@insertSpotList.sel',
+              id: '',
+              pastureid: '@insertSpotList.pastureid'
+            }
+          }
+          ExecDataByConfig(this.requestParam).then(response => {
+            console.log('生效保存发送参数', this.requestParam)
+            if (response.msg === 'fail') {
+              this.$notify({
+                title: '生效失败',
+                message:,
+                type: 'warning',
+                duration: 2000
+              })
+            } else {
+              this.$notify({
+                title: '',
+                message: '生效成功',
+                type: 'success',
+                duration: 2000
+              })
+              this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 1
+              this.pagindex = 1
+              this.getAllList()
+            }
+          })
+        })
+      }
+    },
+    handleDisable() {
+      if (this.selectList.length == 0) {
+        this.$message({
+          type: 'error',
+          message: '请选择车次信息',
+          duration: 2000
+        })
+      } else {
+        MessageBox.confirm('当前选中' + this.selectList.length + '条信息,是否禁用?', {
+          confirmButtonText: '确认',
+          cancelButtonText: '取消',
+          type: 'warning'
+        }).then(() => {
+          for (let i = 0; i < this.selectList.length; i++) {
+            // this.$set(this.selectList[i], 'enable', '1')
+            this.selectList[i].sel = 0
+          }
+          console.log('禁用', this.selectList)
+          this.requestParam.common = {
+            'returnmap': '0'
+          }
+ = []
+[0] = {
+            'name': 'insertSpotList',
+            'resultmaps': {
+              'list': this.selectList
+            }
+          }
+[0].children = []
+[0].children[0] = {
+            'name': 'updatelpplanEnable',
+            'type': 'e',
+            'parammaps': {
+              sel: '@insertSpotList.sel',
+              id: '',
+              pastureid: '@insertSpotList.pastureid'
+            }
+          }
+          ExecDataByConfig(this.requestParam).then(response => {
+            console.log('禁用保存发送参数', this.requestParam)
+            if (response.msg === 'fail') {
+              this.$notify({
+                title: '禁用失败',
+                message:,
+                type: 'warning',
+                duration: 2000
+              })
+            } else {
+              this.$notify({
+                title: '',
+                message: '禁用成功',
+                type: 'success',
+                duration: 2000
+              })
+              this.getdataListParmAll.parammaps.refresh = 1
+              this.pagindex = 1
+              this.getAllList()
+            }
+          })
+        })
+      }
+    }
+  }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+  /deep/ .el-radio-button__orig-radio:checked+.el-radio-button__inner {
+    color: #fff;
+    background-color: #009C69;
+    border-color: #009C69;
+    -webkit-box-shadow: -1px 0 0 0 #009C69;
+    box-shadow: -1px 0 0 0 #009C69;
+  }
+  .not-select {
+    -moz-user-select: none;
+    /*火狐*/
+    -webkit-user-select: none;
+    /*webkit浏览器*/
+    -ms-user-select: none;
+    /*IE10*/
+    -khtml-user-select: none;
+    /*早期浏览器*/
+    user-select: none;
+    position: relative;
+  }
+<style lang="scss">
+  /deep/ :focus {
+    outline: 0;
+  }
+  :focus-visible {
+    outline: 0 !important;
+  }
+  // 下拉框
+  .filter-item2 .el-input--suffix .el-input__inner {
+    height: 30px !important;
+    font-size: 8px;
+    padding: 0 2px;
+  }
+  .filter-item2 .el-input--suffix .el-input__suffix .el-input__suffix-inner .el-input__icon {
+    line-height: 30px !important;
+  }
+  // 输入框
+  .filter-item2 .el-input__inner {
+    height: 30px !important;
+    font-size: 8px;
+    padding: 0 2px;
+  }
+<style lang="scss">
+  // /deep/ .el-table__body .el-table__row{
+  //   max-height:50px!important;
+  //   height: 50px!important;
+  // }
+  .menuList {
+    height: 190px;
+    background: red;
+    border-bottom: 2px solid #d8dce5;
+    box-shadow: 0 1px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 0 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04);
+    .menuList-t {
+      height: 60px;
+      background: #fff;
+      display: flex;
+      justify: center;
+      align-items: center;
+      display: -webkit-flex;
+      flex-direction: row;
+      flex-wrap: wrap;
+      justify-content: space-between;
+      .menuList-t-l {}
+      .menuList-t-r {
+        display: flex;
+        flex-direction: row;
+        flex-wrap: wrap;
+        justify-content: space-between;
+        position: relative;
+        .menuList-t-r-l {
+          margin-right: 10px;
+          cursor: pointer;
+          width: 150px;
+          height: 20px;
+          line-height: 20px;
+          text-align: center;
+          background: rgba(25, 138, 244, 0);
+          border: 1px solid #1BBD89;
+          border-radius: 2px;
+          font-size: 12px;
+          color: #1BBD89;
+        }
+        .menuList-t-r-r {
+          margin-right: 10px;
+          cursor: pointer;
+          width: 150px;
+          height: 20px;
+          line-height: 20px;
+          text-align: center;
+          background: rgba(25, 138, 244, 0);
+          border: 1px solid #1BBD89;
+          border-radius: 2px;
+          font-size: 12px;
+          color: #1BBD89;
+        }
+        .columnHouse {
+          width: 650px;
+          background: #fff;
+          box-shadow: 0 0 6px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04), 0 0 6px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04);
+          position: absolute;
+          right: 0;
+          top: 25px;
+          z-index: 5;
+          .el-table {
+            height: 250px;
+            overflow: auto;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    .menuList-b {
+      height: 130px;
+      background: #fff;
+      position: relative;
+      ::-webkit-scrollbar {
+        width: 7px;
+        height: 7px;
+        background-color: #F5F5F5;
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+        box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
+        -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
+        border-radius: 10px;
+        background-color: #F5F5F5;
+      }
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+        border-radius: 10px;
+        box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
+        -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
+        background-color: #c8c8c8;
+      }
+      .draggableList {
+        position: absolute;
+        width: 100%;
+        margin: 0 0;
+        height: 130px;
+        list-style: none;
+        padding: 0 0;
+        overflow: auto;
+        font-size: 12px;
+        .draggableTitle {
+          float: left;
+          width: 105px;
+          white-space: nowrap;
+          overflow: hidden;
+          text-overflow: ellipsis;
+          margin: 5px 5px;
+          border-radius: 7px;
+          text-align: center;
+          color: #000;
+          height: 36px;
+          line-height: 36px;
+        }
+        li {
+          text-align: center;
+          color: #fff;
+          .draggableName {
+            display: block;
+            width: 100%;
+            overflow: hidden;
+            text-overflow: ellipsis;
+            white-space: nowrap;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  .list-group2 {
+    .list-group-item2 {
+      width: 220px;
+      height: 50px;
+      overflow: hidden;
+      float: left;
+      margin: 5px 5px;
+      position: relative;
+      color: #fff;
+      .arr-t {
+        height: 50px;
+        border-radius: 5px 5px;
+      }
+      .arr-l {
+        float: left;
+        width: 60px;
+        height: 50px;
+        overflow: hidden;
+        border-radius: 5px 50% 50% 5px;
+        .arr-l-t {
+          position: relative;
+          .arr-l-t-t {
+            width: 0;
+            height: 0;
+            border-top: 26px solid #3479f2;
+            border-right: 26px solid transparent;
+          }
+          .arr-l-t-b {
+            position: absolute;
+            top: 4px;
+            left: 1px;
+            color: #fff;
+            width: 10px;
+            height: 10px;
+            .el-input--suffix {
+              opacity: 0;
+              .el-input__inner {
+                height: 10px;
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        .arr-l-b {
+          width: 45px;
+          position: absolute;
+          top: 15px;
+          left: 10px;
+          color: #fff !important;
+          font-size: 12px;
+          .tmrname {
+            width: 100%;
+            overflow: hidden;
+            text-overflow: ellipsis;
+            white-space: nowrap;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      .arr-c {
+        position: absolute;
+        top: 0px;
+        left: 0;
+      }
+      .arr-r {
+        float: right;
+        width: 160px;
+        height: 50px;
+        overflow: hidden;
+        line-height: 50px;
+        .arr-r-l {
+          float: left;
+          width: 85px;
+          .barname {
+            width: 100%;
+            overflow: hidden;
+            text-overflow: ellipsis;
+            white-space: nowrap;
+            font-size: 14px;
+          }
+        }
+        .arr-r-c {
+          float: left;
+          width: 10px;
+        }
+        .arr-r-r {
+          float: left;
+          width: 65px;
+          .weight {
+            width: 100%;
+            overflow: hidden;
+            text-overflow: ellipsis;
+            white-space: nowrap;
+            font-size: 14px;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  .draggableWeight {
+    display: block;
+    line-height: 18px;
+    height: 18px;
+    color: #000;
+    width: 100%;
+    margin: 0 auto;
+  }

+ 25 - 12

@@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
   <div class="app-container">
-    <div class="search">
-      <el-select v-model="table.getdataListParm.parammaps.times" filterable placeholder="班次" class="filter-item" style="width: 120px;" @change="changeFrequency">
-        <el-option v-for="item in frequencyList" :key="" :label="" :value="" />
-      </el-select>
-    </div>
     <div class="operation">
       <el-button v-if="isRoleEdit" class="success" icon="el-icon-plus" style="float:left;" @click="handleCreate">新增车次
@@ -19,6 +14,11 @@
       <el-button v-if="isRoleEdit" class="danger" icon="el-icon-turn-off" style="float: left;" @click="handleDisable"> 禁用</el-button>
       <el-button class="success" icon="el-icon-time" style="float:right;" @click="handleHistoryRecord">历史记录 </el-button>
+    <div class="search">
+      <el-select v-model="table.getdataListParm.parammaps.times" filterable placeholder="班次" class="filter-item" style="width: 120px;" @change="changeFrequency">
+        <el-option v-for="item in frequencyList" :key="" :label="" :value="" />
+      </el-select>
+    </div>
     <div class="table">
@@ -268,7 +268,9 @@
           <div class="spreadingMaterial">
             <div class="spreadingMaterialList">
-              <draggable
+              <!-- 注释内容后续版本更 -->
+              <!-- <draggable
+                :disabled="isDropState"
@@ -281,7 +283,8 @@
-              >
+              > -->
+              <!-- 注释内容后续版本更 -->
                 <div v-for="element in create.list2" :key="" class="list-group-item2 item">
                   <div class="arr-l" :style="{'background':element.tbackground}">
                     <div class="arr-l-t">
@@ -329,6 +332,7 @@
                           style="display: inline-block;height:25px;padding:4px 4px 4px 0;text-align:right;font-size:12px;width: 95%;border: 1px solid #e6e6e6;"
+                          @focus="focusWeight"
@@ -338,12 +342,14 @@
                     <i class="el-icon-close" style="position: absolute;right: 0;" @click="handleFLDelete(element)" />
-              </draggable>
+              <!-- 注释内容后续版本更 -->
+              <!-- </draggable> -->
+              <!-- 注释内容后续版本更 -->
-          <div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
-            <el-button class="cancelClose" :disabled="isokDisable" @click="close()">关闭</el-button>
-            <el-button class="save" :disabled="isokDisable" @click="updateData()">确认</el-button>
+          <div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer" style="height: 55px;">
+            <el-button class="cancelClose" :disabled="isokDisable" @click="close()" style="top:40px;">关闭</el-button>
+            <el-button class="save" :disabled="isokDisable" @click="updateData()" style="top:40px;">确认</el-button>
@@ -438,7 +444,9 @@ export default {
       TMRNumberList: [], // TMR编号
       equipmentList: [], // 撒料设备
       templateFormulationList: [], // 模板配方
-      isDispaly: false
+      isDispaly: false,
+      dropState: false,
+      isDropState:false
   created() {
@@ -708,7 +716,11 @@ export default {
       this.$set(item, 'isWeight', true)
       this.$set(item, 'focusState', true)
+    focusWeight(){
+      this.isDropState = true
+    },
     blurWeight(item) {
+      this.isDropState = false
       if (parseFloat(item.weight) <= 0) {
         this.$message({ type: 'error', message: '重量不可输入小于0的数据', duration: 2000 })
         return false
@@ -756,6 +768,7 @@ export default {
         if (response.msg === 'fail') {
           this.$notify({ title: '保存失败', message:, type: 'warning', duration: 2000 })
         } else {
+          // this.isDropState = false
           // this.$notify({ title: '', message: '保存成功', type: 'success', duration: 2000 })

+ 50 - 44

@@ -624,7 +624,8 @@
           <el-button style="float: right;margin-right: 10px;margin-bottom:10px;" class="export" icon="el-icon-upload2" @click="handleExport2">导出</el-button>
         <div class="table">
-          <el-table
+          <u-table
+            ref="plTable2"
@@ -638,26 +639,26 @@
             class="elTable table-fixed"
-            <el-table-column sortable label="日期" min-width="70px" align="center" prop="日期" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="TMR名称" min-width="70px" align="center" prop="TMR名称" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="车次" min-width="50px" align="center" prop="车次" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="班次" min-width="50px" align="center" prop="班次" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="配方名称" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="配方名称" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="饲料" min-width="70px" align="center" prop="饲料" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="理论重量" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="理论重量" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="实际重量" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="实际重量" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="误差值" min-width="45px" align="center" prop="误差值" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="准确率" min-width="45px" align="center" prop="准确率" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="计划时间" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="计划时间" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="开始时间" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="开始时间" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="结束时间" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="结束时间" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="搅拌时间" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="搅拌时间" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="跳转方式" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="跳转方式" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="开始重量" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="开始重量" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="结束重量" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="结束重量" />
-          </el-table>
+            <u-table-column sortable label="日期" min-width="70px" align="center" prop="日期" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="TMR名称" min-width="70px" align="center" prop="TMR名称" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="车次" min-width="50px" align="center" prop="车次" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="班次" min-width="50px" align="center" prop="班次" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="配方名称" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="配方名称" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="饲料" min-width="70px" align="center" prop="饲料" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="理论重量" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="理论重量" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="实际重量" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="实际重量" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="误差值" min-width="45px" align="center" prop="误差值" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="准确率" min-width="45px" align="center" prop="准确率" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="计划时间" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="计划时间" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="开始时间" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="开始时间" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="结束时间" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="结束时间" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="搅拌时间" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="搅拌时间" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="跳转方式" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="跳转方式" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="开始重量" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="开始重量" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="结束重量" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="结束重量" />
+          </u-table>
           <span v-if="tab2.table.listLoading == false" style="margin-right: 30px;margin-top: 10px;font-size: 14px;">共{{ }}条</span>
-          <pagination v-show=">0" :total="" :page.sync="tab2.table.getdataListParm.offset" :limit.sync="tab2.table.getdataListParm.pagecount" @pagination="getTab2List" />
+          <!-- <pagination v-show=">0" :total="" :page.sync="tab2.table.getdataListParm.offset" :limit.sync="tab2.table.getdataListParm.pagecount" @pagination="getTab2List" /> -->
       <el-tab-pane label="撒料统计" name="third">
@@ -683,7 +684,8 @@
           <el-button style="float: right;margin-right: 10px;margin-bottom:10px;" class="export" icon="el-icon-upload2" @click="handleExport3">导出</el-button>
         <div class="table">
-          <el-table
+          <u-table
+            ref="plTable3"
@@ -697,24 +699,24 @@
             class="elTable table-fixed"
-            <el-table-column sortable label="日期" min-width="70px" align="center" prop="日期" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="TMR名称" min-width="70px" align="center" prop="TMR名称" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="车次" min-width="45px" align="center" prop="车次" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="班次" min-width="45px" align="center" prop="班次" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="配方名称" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="配方名称" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="栏舍" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="栏舍" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="理论重量" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="理论重量" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="实际重量" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="实际重量" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="误差值" min-width="45px" align="center" prop="误差值" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="准确率" min-width="45px" align="center" prop="准确率" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="开始时间" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="开始时间" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="结束时间" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="结束时间" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="跳转方式" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="跳转方式" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="开始重量" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="开始重量" />
-            <el-table-column sortable label="结束重量" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="结束重量" />
-          </el-table>
+            <u-table-column sortable label="日期" min-width="70px" align="center" prop="日期" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="TMR名称" min-width="70px" align="center" prop="TMR名称" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="车次" min-width="45px" align="center" prop="车次" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="班次" min-width="45px" align="center" prop="班次" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="配方名称" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="配方名称" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="栏舍" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="栏舍" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="理论重量" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="理论重量" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="实际重量" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="实际重量" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="误差值" min-width="45px" align="center" prop="误差值" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="准确率" min-width="45px" align="center" prop="准确率" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="开始时间" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="开始时间" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="结束时间" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="结束时间" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="跳转方式" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="跳转方式" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="开始重量" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="开始重量" />
+            <u-table-column sortable label="结束重量" min-width="55px" align="center" prop="结束重量" />
+          </u-table>
           <span v-if="tab3.table.listLoading == false" style="margin-right: 30px;margin-top: 10px;font-size: 14px;">共{{ }}条</span>
-          <pagination v-show=">=0" :total="" :page.sync="tab3.table.getdataListParm.offset" :limit.sync="tab3.table.getdataListParm.pagecount" @pagination="getTab3List" />
+          <!-- <pagination v-show=">=0" :total="" :page.sync="tab3.table.getdataListParm.offset" :limit.sync="tab3.table.getdataListParm.pagecount" @pagination="getTab3List" /> -->
@@ -1167,7 +1169,7 @@ export default {
             name: 'getStatisticsHL',
             page: 1,
             offset: 1,
-            pagecount: 10,
+            pagecount: '',
             returntype: 'Map',
             parammaps: {
               pastureid: Cookies.get('pastureid'),
@@ -1198,7 +1200,7 @@ export default {
             name: 'getStatisticsSL',
             page: 1,
             offset: 1,
-            pagecount: 10,
+            pagecount: '',
             returntype: 'Map',
             parammaps: {
               pastureid: Cookies.get('pastureid'),
@@ -3562,10 +3564,12 @@ export default {
       GetDataByName(this.tab2.table.getdataListParm).then(response => {
         if ( !== null) {
-          this.tab2.table.list =
+          // this.tab2.table.list =
+          this.$refs.plTable2.reloadData(
         } else {
-          this.tab2.table.list = []
+          this.$refs.plTable2.reloadData([])
+          // this.tab2.table.list = []
         setTimeout(() => {
           this.tab2.table.listLoading = false
@@ -3611,10 +3615,12 @@ export default {
       GetDataByName(this.tab3.table.getdataListParm).then(response => {
         if ( !== null) {
-          this.tab3.table.list =
+          // this.tab3.table.list =
+          this.$refs.plTable3.reloadData(
         } else {
-          this.tab3.table.list = []
+          // this.tab3.table.list = []
+          this.$refs.plTable3.reloadData([])
         setTimeout(() => {
           this.tab3.table.listLoading = false