CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` PROCEDURE `createdownloadedplanUndo`(dateIN VARCHAR(50), dateStopIN VARCHAR(50), pastureidIN BIGINT (20)) label:BEGIN DECLARE positionIdS, checkResults, amount,amount1, providerIdA, countId2,fttypes INT (20); DECLARE positionNameS,examineS,standardS, noteS,lpplanids,dateTem,timesOs,issmallmaterial,isEnableRemainFeed VARCHAR (100); DECLARE i INT(11) DEFAULT 0; DECLARE a INT(11) DEFAULT 0; DECLARE b INT(11) DEFAULT 0; DECLARE msg1 TEXT; DECLARE code1 CHAR(5) DEFAULT '00000'; DECLARE t_error INTEGER DEFAULT 0; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR SQLEXCEPTION BEGIN -- 获取异常code,异常信息 GET DIAGNOSTICS CONDITION 1 code1 = RETURNED_SQLSTATE, msg1 = MESSAGE_TEXT; END; #开启事务 START TRANSACTION; CALL refreshdata(pastureidIN); DELETE FROM downloadedplan WHERE pastureid = pastureidIN AND mydate = dateIN; DELETE FROM downloadplandtl1 WHERE pastureid = pastureidIN AND `date` = dateIN; DELETE FROM downloadplandtl2 WHERE pastureid = pastureidIN AND `date` = dateIN; DELETE FROM downloadplandtl1_exec WHERE pastureid = pastureidIN AND `date` = dateIN; CALL createLPPdate(dateIN,pastureidIN,''); CALL creatFTdate(dateIN,pastureidIN,''); CALL creatFPdate(dateIN,pastureidIN,''); CALL createPreReHis(dateIN,pastureidIN,''); SELECT sysopt.inforvalue INTO timesOs FROM sysopt WHERE sysopt.`pastureid`= pastureidIN AND sysopt.`inforname`='times'; SELECT sysopt.inforvalue INTO issmallmaterial FROM sysopt WHERE sysopt.`pastureid`= pastureidIN AND sysopt.`inforname`='isSmallMaterial'; SELECT sysopt.inforvalue INTO isEnableRemainFeed FROM sysopt WHERE sysopt.`pastureid`= pastureidIN AND sysopt.`inforname`='isEnableRemainFeed'; ### 混料与撒料是相同车 INSERT INTO downloadedplan(pastureid,mydate,projname,datacaptureno, tmrid,tmrtname,times,sort,remark,itemnum,outitems,pid,tempid, templetname,lweight,lpplantype,plantime,feedpname,feedpcount,tversion) SELECT lpplan.pastureid, dateIN, -- CONCAT(times,'.', -- LPAD(lpplan.sort ,3,'0'),'2' -- ), CONCAT(times,'.', LPAD(lpplan.sort ,3,'0'),'0' ), tmr.`datacaptureno`, tmrid,tmrname, lpplan.times, lpplan.sort, lpplan.display, 0, 0,, lpplan.`ftid`, lpplan.`ftname`, 0, 0,# 类型 lpplan.`begintime`, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(barname) FROM lpplandtl1 WHERE lpplandtl1.pastureid = pastureidIN AND lppid= lpplan.`id` AND lpplandtl1.`tmrid`=lpplan.`tmrid`), (SELECT SUM(cowcount) FROM lpplandtl1 WHERE lpplandtl1.pastureid = pastureidIN AND lppid= lpplan.`id` ), (SELECT feedtemplet.`version` FROM `feedtemplet` WHERE feedtemplet.pastureid = lpplan.`pastureid` AND feedtemplet.`id` =lpplan.`ftid` ) FROM `lpplan` LEFT JOIN tmr ON = lpplan.`tmrid` AND tmr.`pastureid` = lpplan.`pastureid` WHERE lpplan.pastureid =pastureidIN AND lpplan.times <= timesOs AND lpplan.sel=1 AND (SELECT SUM(lweight) FROM `lpplandtl1` INNER JOIN `fpdetail` fd ON fd.`id` = lpplandtl1.fpdid AND fd.pastureid = lpplandtl1.pastureid WHERE lpplandtl1.`pastureid` = lpplan.`pastureid` AND lpplandtl1.`lppid` = lpplan.`id`) >0 ORDER BY lpplan.`sort`; INSERT INTO downloadedplan(pastureid,mydate,projname,datacaptureno, tmrid,tmrtname,times,sort,remark,itemnum,outitems,pid,tempid, templetname,lweight,lpplantype,plantime,feedpname,feedpcount,tversion,oldtmrid) ### 混料与撒料是不同车 SELECT lpplan.pastureid, dateIN, CONCAT(times,'.', LPAD(lpplan.sort ,3,'0'),"333" ), tmr.`datacaptureno`, lpplandtl1.tmrid, lpplandtl1.tmrname, lpplan.times, lpplan.sort, lpplan.display, ### 0, 0, ###, lpplan.`ftid`, lpplan.`ftname`, 0, 2,# 类型 lpplan.`begintime`, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(barname) FROM lpplandtl1 WHERE lpplandtl1.pastureid = pastureidIN AND lppid= lpplan.`id` AND lpplandtl1.`tmrid`<>lpplan.`tmrid` ), (SELECT SUM(cowcount) FROM lpplandtl1 WHERE lpplandtl1.pastureid = pastureidIN AND lppid= lpplan.`id` ), (SELECT feedtemplet.`version` FROM `feedtemplet` WHERE feedtemplet.pastureid = lpplan.`pastureid` AND feedtemplet.`id` =lpplan.`ftid` ),lpplandtl1.tmrid FROM `lpplan` JOIN `lpplandtl1` ON lpplandtl1.`pastureid` = lpplan.`pastureid` AND lpplandtl1.`lppid` = lpplan.`id` AND lpplandtl1.`tmrid` <> lpplan.`tmrid` LEFT JOIN tmr ON = lpplandtl1.`tmrid` AND tmr.`pastureid` = lpplandtl1.`pastureid` WHERE lpplan.pastureid =pastureidIN AND lpplan.times <= timesOs AND lpplan.sel=1 AND lpplandtl1.`lweight`> 0 GROUP BY,tmr.`id`, lpplandtl1.`tmrid` ORDER BY lpplan.`sort`,lpplandtl1.`sort`; # 日执行子表1 INSERT INTO downloadplandtl1(pastureid,pid,flpid,fid,lweight,sort,feedcode,fname, feedallowratio,stirdelay,fweight,tmrloadname,`date`,dryfeed,pricefeed,optdevice) SELECT lpplandtl1.pastureid, (SELECT id FROM downloadedplan d WHERE d.pastureid = lpplandtl1.`pastureid` AND = lpplan.`id` AND d.mydate =dateIN AND lpplantype = 0 LIMIT 1), lpplandtl1.`lppid`, ftd.fid, IF((SELECT sysopt.inforvalue FROM sysopt WHERE sysopt.`pastureid`= pastureidIN AND sysopt.`inforname`='isLockCount')=0, ftd.fweight/(SELECT SUM(fweight) FROM ftdetail WHERE ftid AND pastureid=ft.pastureid )*lpplandtl1.`lweight`, ##未启用锁定牛头数 IF(ftd.islockcount=0, ((SELECT SUM(fweight) FROM ftdetail WHERE ftdetail.ftid AND ftdetail.pastureid=ft.pastureid AND ftdetail.`islockcount`=0 ) / (SELECT SUM(fweight) FROM ftdetail WHERE ftdetail.ftid AND ftdetail.pastureid=ft.pastureid ) *lpplandtl1.`lweight` * ftd.fweight/ (SELECT SUM(fweight) FROM ftdetail WHERE ftdetail.ftid AND ftdetail.pastureid=ft.pastureid AND ftdetail.`islockcount`=0 )), ((SELECT SUM(fweight) FROM ftdetail WHERE ftdetail.ftid AND ftdetail.pastureid=ft.pastureid AND ftdetail.`islockcount`=1 ) / (SELECT SUM(fweight) FROM ftdetail WHERE ftdetail.ftid AND ftdetail.pastureid=ft.pastureid ) *lpplandtl1.`lweight` * ftd.fweight/ (SELECT SUM(fweight) FROM ftdetail WHERE ftdetail.ftid AND ftdetail.pastureid=ft.pastureid AND ftdetail.`islockcount`=1 )) ) ), (SELECT COUNT(*)+1 FROM ftdetail WHERE ftdetail.`pastureid` = lpplandtl1.`pastureid` AND ftdetail.`ftid` = ft.`id` AND ftdetail.sort 0 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE downloadplandtl1.lweight = downloadplandtl1.lweight+ftd.fweight/(SELECT SUM(fweight) FROM ftdetail WHERE ftid AND pastureid=ft.pastureid )*lpplandtl1.`lweight` ; INSERT INTO downloadplandtl1(pastureid,pid,flpid,fid,lweight,sort,feedcode,fname, feedallowratio,stirdelay,fweight,tmrloadname,`date`,dryfeed,pricefeed,optdevice,TYPE) SELECT lpplandtl1.pastureid, (SELECT id FROM downloadedplan d WHERE d.pastureid = lpplandtl1.`pastureid` AND = lpplan.`id` AND d.mydate =dateIN AND lpplantype = 2 AND d.`tmrid` =lpplandtl1.`tmrid` LIMIT 1), lpplandtl1.`lppid`, lpplan.`tmrid`, SUM(lpplandtl1.`lweight`), 1, '', lpplan.`tmrname`, 0, 0, 0, lpplandtl1.`tmrname`, dateIN, 0, 0, lpplandtl1.`tmrid`, 1 FROM `lpplandtl1` INNER JOIN lpplan ON lpplan.`id` = lpplandtl1.`lppid` AND lpplan.`pastureid` = lpplandtl1.`pastureid` WHERE lpplandtl1.pastureid = pastureidIN AND lpplan.times <= timesOs AND lpplan.sel=1 AND lpplandtl1.`tmrid` <> lpplan.`tmrid` AND lpplandtl1.`lweight` > 0 GROUP BY,lpplandtl1.`tmrid`; # 日执行子表2 SELECT COUNT( amount1 FROM `lpplan` WHERE pastureid=pastureidIN AND lpplan.times <= timesOs AND lpplan.sel=1; WHILE amount1>0 DO SELECT amount1-1 INTO amount1; SELECT INTO lpplanids FROM `lpplan` WHERE pastureid=pastureidIN AND lpplan.times <= timesOs AND lpplan.sel=1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET amount1; SELECT COUNT( amount FROM `lpplandtl1` INNER JOIN `fpdetail` fd ON fd.`id` = lpplandtl1.fpdid AND fd.pastureid = pastureidIN INNER JOIN feedtemplet ft ON IF(lpplandtl1.`fttype`=1,fd.`ptid` =,fd.`ptsid` = ) AND ft.pastureid = pastureidIN WHERE lpplandtl1.pastureid = pastureidIN AND lpplandtl1.lppid=lpplanids ; SELECT 0,0 INTO a,b; WHILE amount>0 DO SELECT amount-1 INTO amount; SELECT lpplandtl1.`fttype` INTO fttypes FROM `lpplandtl1` WHERE lpplandtl1.pastureid = pastureidIN AND lpplandtl1.lppid=lpplanids ORDER BY lpplandtl1.sort DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET amount; IF (fttypes = 0) THEN SELECT b+1 INTO b; END IF; IF (fttypes= 1) THEN SELECT a+1 INTO a; END IF; INSERT INTO downloadplandtl2 (pastureid,pid,fbarid,fname,lweight,sort,flpid, feedtempletid,feedtempletname,fpid,`date`,allowratio,optdevice) SELECT lpplandtl1.`pastureid`,(SELECT id FROM downloadedplan d WHERE d.pastureid = lpplandtl1.`pastureid` AND = lpplandtl1.`lppid` AND d.mydate =dateIN AND lpplantype = IF(lpplandtl1.`tmrid`=lpplan.`tmrid`,0,2)AND lpplandtl1.`tmrid`=d.`tmrid`), lpplandtl1.barid,lpplandtl1.`barname`,lpplandtl1.lweight, IF(lpplandtl1.`fttype`=1,a+100,b+150), lpplandtl1.`lppid`, ftid,ft.`tname`, lpplandtl1.`fpdid`,dateIN, (SELECT allowratio FROM bar WHERE bar.`pastureid` =lpplandtl1.`pastureid` AND = lpplandtl1.`barid` LIMIT 1), lpplandtl1.`tmrid` FROM `lpplandtl1` INNER JOIN lpplan ON lpplandtl1.`pastureid` = lpplan.`pastureid` AND lpplandtl1.`lppid` = INNER JOIN `fpdetail` fd ON fd.`id` = lpplandtl1.fpdid AND fd.pastureid = pastureidIN INNER JOIN feedtemplet ft ON IF(lpplandtl1.`fttype`=1,fd.`ptid` =,fd.`ptsid` = ) AND ft.pastureid = pastureidIN WHERE lpplandtl1.pastureid = pastureidIN AND lpplandtl1.lppid=lpplanids AND lpplandtl1.`lweight` > 0 ORDER BY lpplandtl1.sort DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET amount; INSERT INTO downloadplandtl2 (pastureid,pid,fbarid,fname,lweight,sort,flpid, feedtempletid,feedtempletname,fpid,`date`,allowratio,optdevice,`type`) SELECT lpplandtl1.`pastureid`,(SELECT id FROM downloadedplan d WHERE d.pastureid = lpplandtl1.`pastureid` AND = lpplandtl1.`lppid` AND d.mydate =dateIN AND lpplantype = 0), lpplandtl1.`tmrid`,lpplandtl1.`tmrname`,SUM(lpplandtl1.lweight), IF(lpplandtl1.`fttype`=1,a+100,b+150), lpplandtl1.`lppid`, ftid,ft.`tname`, lpplandtl1.`fpdid`,dateIN, (SELECT allowratio FROM bar WHERE bar.`pastureid` =lpplandtl1.`pastureid` AND = lpplandtl1.`barid` LIMIT 1), lpplan.`tmrid`, 1 FROM `lpplandtl1` INNER JOIN lpplan ON lpplandtl1.`pastureid` = lpplan.`pastureid` AND lpplandtl1.`lppid` = INNER JOIN `fpdetail` fd ON fd.`id` = lpplandtl1.fpdid AND fd.pastureid = pastureidIN INNER JOIN feedtemplet ft ON IF(lpplandtl1.`fttype`=1,fd.`ptid` =,fd.`ptsid` = ) AND ft.pastureid = pastureidIN WHERE lpplandtl1.pastureid = pastureidIN AND lpplandtl1.lppid=lpplanids AND lpplandtl1.`tmrid` <> lpplan.`tmrid` AND lpplandtl1.`lweight` > 0 GROUP BY lpplan.`id`,lpplandtl1.`tmrid` ORDER BY lpplandtl1.sort DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET amount; END WHILE; END WHILE; UPDATE `downloadedplan` d SET d.`lpplantype` = 1 WHERE d.pastureid = pastureidIN AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `downloadplandtl2` d2 WHERE d2.pastureid = d.pastureid AND = AND d2.`type` = 1 ) > 0 AND d.lpplantype = 0 AND d.mydate = dateIN ; SELECT dateIN INTO dateTem; IF issmallmaterial = '1' # 是否开启小料 THEN CALL createsmallmaterialplan(dateIN,timesOs,pastureidIN); END IF ; ################################## 预混计划 INSERT INTO downloadedplan(pastureid,mydate,projname,datacaptureno, tmrid,tmrtname,times,sort,remark,itemnum,outitems,pid,tempid, templetname,lweight,lpplantype,plantime,feedpname,feedpcount,tversion) SELECT premixplan.pastureid,dateIN, IF(premixplan.lppcode IS NULL, CONCAT(times,'.0000'), CONCAT(times,'.', LPAD(SUBSTRING_INDEX( premixplan.lppcode, ' ',1 ),3,'0'),'01',LPAD(premixplan.sort,3,'0') ) ), tmr.`datacaptureno`, tmrid,tmrcode, premixplan.times, premixplan.sort, '预混计划', ### ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ftdetail ftd WHERE ftd.`ftid` = premixplan.`ftid` AND ftd.`pastureid`=premixplan.pastureid), 0 , ###, premixplan.`ftid`, premixplan.`ftname`, premixplan.`operateweight`, 4, premixplan.`ptime`, '', 0, (SELECT feedtemplet.`version` FROM `feedtemplet` WHERE feedtemplet.pastureid = premixplan.`pastureid` AND feedtemplet.`id` =premixplan.`ftid` ) FROM `premixplan` INNER JOIN tmr ON tmr.pastureid = premixplan.`pastureid` AND = premixplan.`tmrid` WHERE premixplan.pastureid =pastureidIN AND premixplan.times <= timesOs AND premixplan.enable=1; INSERT INTO downloadplandtl1(pastureid,pid,flpid,fid,lweight,sort,feedcode,fname, feedallowratio,stirdelay,fweight,tmrloadname,`date`,dryfeed,pricefeed,optdevice) SELECT premixplan.pastureid, (SELECT id FROM downloadedplan d WHERE d.pastureid = premixplan.`pastureid` AND = premixplan.`id` AND d.mydate =dateIN AND lpplantype = 4 ), premixplan.`id`, ftd.fid, ftd.fweight/(SELECT SUM(fweight) FROM ftdetail WHERE ftid AND pastureid=ft.pastureid )*premixplan.`operateweight`, ftd.sort, f.feedcode, IFNULL(f.fname,ftd.fname), f.allowratio, ftd.autosecond, ftd.fweight, ftd.feedgroup, dateIN, fu.dry, f.uprice, premixplan.`tmrid` FROM `premixplan` INNER JOIN feedtemplet ft ON premixplan.`ftid` AND ft.pastureid = premixplan.pastureid LEFT JOIN ftdetail ftd ON ftd.`ftid` = ft.`id` AND ftd.pastureid = premixplan.pastureid LEFT JOIN feed f ON ftd.`fid` = f.`id` AND f.pastureid = premixplan.pastureid LEFT JOIN feednur fu ON AND fu.pastureid= premixplan.pastureid WHERE premixplan.pastureid = pastureidIN AND premixplan.times <= timesOs AND premixplan.enable=1; UPDATE premixplan SET `enable` = 0 WHERE premixplan.pastureid =pastureidIN AND premixplan.enable=1; #################剩料计划 IF isEnableRemainFeed = '1' # 是否开启剩料 THEN INSERT INTO downloadedplan(pastureid,mydate,projname,datacaptureno, tmrid,tmrtname,times,sort,remark,itemnum,outitems,pid,tempid, templetname,lweight,lpplantype,plantime,feedpname,feedpcount) SELECT remainplan.pastureid, dateIN, IF(remainplan.lppcode IS NULL, CONCAT(times,'.0001'), CONCAT(times,'.', LPAD(SUBSTRING_INDEX( remainplan.lppcode, ' ',1 ),3,'0'),'31',LPAD(remainplan.sort,3,'0') ) ), tmr.`datacaptureno`, tmrid,tmrcode, remainplan.times, remainplan.sort, '剩料计划', 0, 1,, NULL, '', 0, 3, remainplan.`rtime`, bar, IFNULL((SELECT cowsum FROM barmilk WHERE barmilk.pastureid = remainplan.`pastureid` AND barmilk.`barid`= remainplan.`barid` ORDER BY barmilk.productdate DESC LIMIT 1 ),0) FROM `remainplan` INNER JOIN tmr ON tmr.pastureid = remainplan.`pastureid` AND = remainplan.`tmrid` WHERE remainplan.pastureid =pastureidIN AND remainplan.times <= timesOs AND remainplan.enable=1; INSERT INTO downloadplandtl2(pastureid,pid,fbarid,fname,lweight,sort,flpid,useinbartype,fpid,`date`,allowratio,optdevice) SELECT remainplan.`pastureid`, (SELECT id FROM downloadedplan d WHERE d.pastureid = remainplan.`pastureid` AND = remainplan.`id` AND d.mydate =dateIN AND lpplantype = 3), rpd.barid, rpd.`bar`,0, rpd.sort,remainplan.`id`, IF(treatmethod='继续饲喂',2, rpd.type), remainplan.`id`,dateIN, (SELECT allowratio FROM bar WHERE bar.`pastureid` =remainplan.`pastureid` AND = rpd.`barid` LIMIT 1), remainplan.`tmrid` FROM `remainplan` INNER JOIN rpdetail rpd ON rpd.pastureid =remainplan.pastureid AND rpd.bigid = WHERE remainplan.pastureid = pastureidIN AND remainplan.times <= timesOs AND remainplan.enable=1; END IF ; ############################################################################################################################################ UPDATE downloadplandtl2 SET lweighthis = lweight, cowclassname = (SELECT `cowclass` FROM `barmilk` WHERE pastureid = downloadplandtl2.`pastureid` AND `barid` = downloadplandtl2.`fbarid` ORDER BY `productdate` DESC LIMIT 1 ), cowclassid = (SELECT `cowclassid` FROM `barmilk` WHERE pastureid = downloadplandtl2.`pastureid` AND `barid` = downloadplandtl2.`fbarid` ORDER BY `productdate` DESC LIMIT 1) WHERE pastureid = pastureidIN AND DATE = dateIN; INSERT INTO downloadplandtl1_exec (id,pastureid,pid,flpid,lweight,optdevice,sort,fname,fcount,tmrloadname,feedallowratio,stirdelay,DATE,TYPE) SELECT id,pastureid,pid,flpid,SUM(lweight),optdevice,sort,GROUP_CONCAT(fname),COUNT(fname),tmrloadname,feedallowratio,stirdelay,DATE,TYPE FROM downloadplandtl1 WHERE downloadplandtl1.`pastureid`= pastureidIN AND =dateIN GROUP BY pid,sort ORDER BY sort; CALL updatedownloadprojname(pastureidIN,dateIN); # UPDATE downloadedplan SET itemnum = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `downloadplandtl1` WHERE pastureid = downloadedplan.`pastureid` AND pid =downloadedplan.`id`), outitems = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `downloadplandtl2` WHERE pastureid = downloadedplan.`pastureid` AND pid =downloadedplan.`id`), lweight =IFNULL(IFNULL((SELECT SUM(lweight) FROM `downloadplandtl2` WHERE pastureid = downloadedplan.`pastureid` AND pid =downloadedplan.`id`), (SELECT SUM(lweight) FROM `downloadplandtl1` WHERE pastureid = downloadedplan.`pastureid` AND pid =downloadedplan.`id`)),0) WHERE pastureid = pastureidIN AND mydate = dateIN; # 复制 WHILE dateIN