package yq import ( "crypto/md5" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "strings" "time" "tmr-watch/conf/setting" "tmr-watch/http/handle/restful" "tmr-watch/pkg/logging" "" "" "" ) type udPastureInfo struct { Token string `xorm:"token"` Pastureid string `xorm:"pastureid"` Werks string `xorm:"werks"` } func YqCron() { tx := restful.Engine.NewSession() defer tx.Close() pastureinfo := new(udPastureInfo) err := tx.SQL(`select column_default as pastureid,(select werks from pasture where pastureid = column_default) werks from information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE table_name = 'recweight' AND table_schema = ? AND column_name = 'pastureid'`, setting.DatabaseSetting.Name).GetFirst(pastureinfo).Error if err != nil { logs.Error(err) return } token := getToken() fmt.Println("aaaaaaaaaaaa ", token) c := cron.New() c.AddFunc("0 0 1 * * *", func() { token := getToken() now := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02") YcFeedtempletPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, now, token) YcFeedPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, token) YcPlanPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, now, token) YcUtirPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, now, token) YcMaterialIssuePush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, now, token) YcBarFeedRemainPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, now, token) }) c.AddFunc("0 0 6 * * *", func() { token := getToken() now := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02") YcPlanPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, now, token) YcUtirPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, now, token) YcMaterialIssuePush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, now, token) }) c.AddFunc("0 0 7 * * *", func() { token := getToken() now := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02") YcFeedtempletPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, now, token) YcBarFeedRemainPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, now, token) }) c.AddFunc("0 0 12 * * *", func() { token := getToken() now := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02") YcPlanPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, now, token) YcUtirPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, now, token) YcMaterialIssuePush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, now, token) }) c.AddFunc("0 0 18 * * *", func() { token := getToken() now := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02") YcPlanPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, now, token) YcUtirPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, now, token) YcMaterialIssuePush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, now, token) }) c.AddFunc("0 0 23 * * *", func() { token := getToken() now := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02") YcFeedtempletPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, now, token) YcFeedPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, token) YcPlanPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, now, token) YcUtirPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, now, token) YcMaterialIssuePush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, now, token) YcBarFeedRemainPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, now, token) }) duetimecst2, _ := time.ParseInLocation("15:04:05", "00:05:00", time.Local) duetimecst3, _ := time.ParseInLocation("15:04:05", "00:00:00", time.Local) spec := fmt.Sprintf("@every %v", duetimecst2.Sub(duetimecst3)) c.AddFunc(spec, func() { token := getToken() now := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02") YcUtirPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, now, token) YcMaterialIssuePush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, now, token) }) c.Start() // YcFeedtempletPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, "", token) // fmt.Println(getToken()) // YcFeedPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, token) // YcPlanPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, "", token) // YcUtirPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, "", token) // YcMaterialIssuePush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, "", token) // YcBarFeedRemainPush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, "", token) // YcMaterialIssuePush(pastureinfo.Pastureid, pastureinfo.Werks, "", token) } func createApiSign(appId, timeStamp, apiKey, secretKey string) string { return getMD5Encode(fmt.Sprintf("%s#%s#%s#%s", appId, timeStamp, apiKey, secretKey)) } func getMD5Encode(data string) string { fmt.Println(data) hasher := md5.New() hasher.Write([]byte(data)) digest := hasher.Sum(nil) md5HashString := hex.EncodeToString(digest) return md5HashString } func getToken() string { appId := "6Zub5bed5Yqo55uS" apiKey := "3c6bbff8cf1e496eb8eb9025cd8537fh" secretKey := "26b5d9f63b6142de8f102afb1aa2eb7g" req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", nil) if err != nil { logs.Error(err) } now := time.Now() nanos := now.UnixNano() timeStamp := fmt.Sprintf("%d", nanos/int64(time.Millisecond)) apiSign := createApiSign(appId, timeStamp, apiKey, secretKey) req.Header.Set("appId", appId) req.Header.Set("apiKey", apiKey) req.Header.Set("secretKey", secretKey) req.Header.Set("timeStamp", timeStamp) req.Header.Set("apiSign", apiSign) client := &http.Client{} resp, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil { logs.Error(err) return "" } defer resp.Body.Close() body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) data := make(map[string]string, 0) json.Unmarshal(body, &data) fmt.Println(string(body)) if _, ok := data["data"]; ok { return data["data"] } return "" } func postPush(data string, msgtype int, tx *xorm.Session, pastureId, token string) { // jsonStr, _ := json.Marshal(data) url := "" req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, strings.NewReader((data))) if err != nil { logs.Error(err) // return nil } // req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json") // req.Header.Set("Content-Length", "13444") req.Header.Add("Authorization", token) // req.Header.Set("Host", "") // req.Header.Set("Accept", "*/*") // req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "Apifox/1.0.0 (") // req.Header.Add("User-Agent", "Apifox/1.0.0 (") req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json") // req.Header.Add("Accept", "*/*") // req.Header.Add("Host", "") // req.Header.Add("Connection", "keep-alive") client := &http.Client{} resp, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil { logs.Error(err) return } defer resp.Body.Close() body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) fmt.Println(string(body)) if strings.Index(resp.Status, "200") > -1 { bodyData := make(map[string]string) json.Unmarshal(body, &bodyData) if _, ok := bodyData["data"]; ok { tx.Exec(` insert into saplog(pastureId,request,response,status,msgtext,createTime,msgtype,dataDate,url) values(?,?,?,?,?,now(),?,now(),?)`, pastureId, data, bodyData["data"], "", "", msgtype, url) } else { tx.Exec(` insert into saplog(pastureId,request,response,status,msgtext,createTime,msgtype,dataDate,url) values(?,?,?,?,?,now(),?,now(),?)`, pastureId, data, string(body), "", "", msgtype, url) } } else { tx.Exec(` insert into saplog(pastureId,request,response,status,msgtext,createTime,msgtype,dataDate,url) values(?,?,?,?,?,now(),?,now(),?)`, pastureId, data, string(body), "", "", msgtype, url) } } func YcFeedtempletPush(pastureId, farmId, date, token string) error { tx := restful.Engine.NewSession() defer tx.Close() var now string if date != "" { now = date } else { now = time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -1).Format("2006-01-02") } dataList, err := tx.SQL(`SELECT ft.tcode AS recipeId, ft.TNAME AS recipeName, f.feedcode AS ingId, ifnull(f.udname,f.fname) AS ingName, round( f.dry * ftd.FWEIGHT, 2 ) AS dmQty, ftd.FWEIGHT AS afQty, ftd.SORT AS mixNo, round( f.Uprice * ftd.FWEIGHT, 2 ) AS recipeCost, fc.fcname AS ingType, f.AllowRatio AS allowableError ,fc.fcname ingType FROM feedtempletdate ft JOIN ftdetaildate ftd ON = ftd.FTID and = JOIN feed f ON ftd.FID = JOIN feedclass fc ON f.fclassid = WHERE ft.ENABLE = 1 AND ft.isDelete != 1 and = ? `, now).Query().List() if err != nil { logging.Error(err) return err } dataByte, _ := json.Marshal(&dataList) reqJson := `{ "reqMethod": "PARTY", "param": { "code": "1", "method": "getfeedtempletinfo", "resultData": %s, "farmId": "%s", "rowCount": %d, "errMessage": "" }, "regCode": "cpt180511", "command": "3d6e4752", "apiId": "getCptData" }` reqJson = fmt.Sprintf(reqJson, string(dataByte), farmId, len(dataList)) fmt.Println(reqJson) postPush(reqJson, 4, tx, pastureId, token) return nil } func YcFeedPush(pastureId, farmId, token string) error { tx := restful.Engine.NewSession() defer tx.Close() dataList, err := tx.SQL(`SELECT dry dmQty, sort, feedcode ingId, fname ingName, fclass ingType, allowratio allowableError FROM feed WHERE pastureId = ? `, pastureId).Query().List() if err != nil { logging.Error(err) return err } dataByte, _ := json.Marshal(&dataList) reqJson := `{ "apiId": "getKPTData ", "param": { "farmId": "%s", "method":"getfeedinfo", "rowCount": %d, "resultData":%s } }` reqJson = fmt.Sprintf(reqJson, farmId, len(dataList), string(dataByte)) fmt.Println(reqJson) postPush(reqJson, 2, tx, pastureId, token) return nil } func YcPlanPush(pastureId, farmId, date, token string) error { tx := restful.Engine.NewSession() defer tx.Close() dataList, err := tx.SQL(`SELECT projname planName, datacaptureno tmrNo, times loadShift, tempid recipeId, templetname recipeName, lweight expWeight, tmrtname tmrName, '是' STATUS, feedpcount cowCount, id planId, DATE_FORMAT( mydate, '%H:%i:%s' ) planTime, DATE_FORMAT( mydate, '%Y-%m-%d' ) planDate, IF( iscompleted = 1, '是', '否' ) isCompleted, IF(dlp.driverId != 0,( SELECT drivername FROM driver WHERE id = dlp.driverId ),( SELECT dr.driver FROM dutyrecord dr WHERE dr.pastureid = dlp.pastureid AND dr.eqid = dlp.tmrid AND dr.times = dlp.times AND dr.operatetime <= dlp.mydate ORDER BY dr.operatetime DESC LIMIT 1 )) driverName FROM downloadedplan dlp WHERE havebutton = 1 AND mydate = ? `, date).Query().List() if err != nil { logging.Error(err) return err } dataByte, _ := json.Marshal(&dataList) reqJson := `{ "apiId": "getKPTData ", "param": { "farmId": "%s", "method":"getplaninfo", "rowCount": %d, "resultData":%s } }` reqJson = fmt.Sprintf(reqJson, farmId, len(dataList), string(dataByte)) fmt.Println(reqJson) postPush(reqJson, 2, tx, pastureId, token) return nil } //搅拌 func YcUtirPush(pastureId, farmId, date, token string) error { tx := restful.Engine.NewSession() defer tx.Close() var now string if date != "" { now = date } else { now = time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -1).Format("2006-01-02") } dataList, err := tx.SQL(`select date_format(,'%Y-%m-%d') dropDate,d.times loadShift,d.datacaptureno tmrNo,ft.tcode recipeId,ft.ccname recipeName,if(d1.feedcode = -1 ,d1.fid,f.feedcode) ingId,ifnull(f.fname,ftd.fname) ingName, ifnull(ifnull(fc.fcname,(select fcname from feedclass fc1 join feed f1 on f1.fclassid = where =ftd.fid )),'饲料') ingType, ifnull(f.dry * d1.actualweightminus,0) dmPct,d1.sort mixNo,ifnull(d1.feedallowratio,0) allowableError , if(f.fname is not null, ifnull(d1.lweight,''), ifnull(ftd.fweight / (select sum(fweight) from ftdetaildate where date = and ftid = d1.fid ) * d1.lweight,"") ) expWeight, if(f.fname is not null, ifnull(d1.actualweightminus,''), ifnull(ftd.fweight / (select sum(fweight) from ftdetaildate where date = and ftid = d1.fid ) * d1.actualweightminus,"") ) actualWeight, DATE_FORMAT(IFNULL((SELECT MAX(intime) FROM downloadplandtl1 d2 WHERE AND d1.pastureid = d2.pastureid AND d2.intime