node {

    script {
        mysql_addr = '' // service cluster ip
        redis_addr = '' // service cluster ip
        user_addr = '' // nodeIp : port

    // 使用 Jenkinsfile 会关联 Git 仓库,代码已经一起拉下来
    stage('get commit_id from github') {
        echo "first stage: get commit_id"
        script {
            commit_id = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git rev-parse --short HEAD').trim()

    stage('build image') {
        echo "second stage: build docker image"
        sh "docker build -t aoho/user:${commit_id} section11/user/"

    stage('push image') {
        echo "third stage: push docker image to registry"
        sh "docker login -u aoho -p xxxxxx"
        sh "docker push aoho/user:${commit_id}"

    stage('deploy to Kubernetes') {
        echo "forth stage: deploy to Kubernetes"
        sh "sed -i 's/<COMMIT_ID_TAG>/${commit_id}/' user-service.yaml"
        sh "sed -i 's/<MYSQL_ADDR_TAG>/${mysql_addr}/' user-service.yaml"
        sh "sed -i 's/<REDIS_ADDR_TAG>/${redis_addr}/' user-service.yaml"
        sh "kubectl apply -f user.yaml"

    stage('http test') {
        echo "fifth stage: http test"
        sh "cd section11/user/transport && go test  -args ${user_addr}"
