@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+package gm
+import (
+ "encoding/json"
+ "fmt"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "net/http"
+ "time"
+ "../../../pkg/setting"
+ "../../../routers/restful"
+ "github.com/kptyun/KPTCOMM/pkg/logging"
+func UdBarSync(pastureId string) {
+ url := ""
+ barByte := getPull(url)
+ barMap := make(map[string]interface{})
+ json.Unmarshal(barByte, &barMap)
+ tx := restful.Engine.NewSession()
+ defer tx.Close()
+ tx.Exec(` insert into saplog(pastureId,request,response,status,msgtext,createTime,msgtype,dataDate,url)
+ values(?,?,?,?,?,now(),?,now(),?)`, pastureId, "", string(barByte), "", "", 3, url)
+ for _, item := range barMap["msg"].([]interface{}) {
+ bar := item.(map[string]interface{})
+ barname := bar["barname"].(string) + "_ud"
+ barExist, _ := tx.SQL(` select count(1) from bar where bcode = ? `, bar["barcode"]).Exist()
+ tx.Exec(`insert into bar(pastureid,bcode,bname)values(?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE bname = ? `, pastureId, bar["barcode"], barname, barname)
+ _, _ = tx.Exec(`insert into feedp(pastureid,barid,barname,softccount,ccount)values(?,(select id from bar where bcode= ? and pastureId = ? ),?,?,?)
+ ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE softccount = ? `,
+ pastureId, bar["barcode"], pastureId, barname, bar["cowcount"], bar["cowcount"], bar["cowcount"])
+ if !barExist {
+ tx.Exec(`insert into fpdetail(pastureId,barid,weight,ptsrate,times,barname) values(?,(select id from bar where bcode= ? and pastureId = ? ),0,0,?,?)`,
+ pastureId, bar["barcode"], 1, barname)
+ tx.Exec(`insert into fpdetail(pastureId,barid,weight,ptsrate,times,barname) values(?,(select id from bar where bcode= ? and pastureId = ? ),0,0,?,?)`,
+ pastureId, bar["barcode"], 2, barname)
+ tx.Exec(`insert into fpdetail(pastureId,barid,weight,ptsrate,times,barname) values(?,(select id from bar where bcode= ? and pastureId = ? ),0,0,?,?)`,
+ pastureId, bar["barcode"], 3, barname)
+ tx.Exec(`insert into fpdetail(pastureId,barid,weight,ptsrate,times,barname) values(?,(select id from bar where bcode= ? and pastureId = ? ),0,0,?,?)`,
+ pastureId, bar["barcode"], 4, barname)
+ tx.Exec(`insert into fpdetail(pastureId,barid,weight,ptsrate,times,barname) values(?,(select id from bar where bcode= ? and pastureId = ? ),0,0,?,?)`,
+ pastureId, bar["barcode"], 5, barname)
+ tx.Exec(`insert into fpdetail(pastureId,barid,weight,ptsrate,times,barname) values(?,(select id from bar where bcode= ? and pastureId = ? ),0,0,?,?)`,
+ pastureId, bar["barcode"], 6, barname)
+ }
+ }
+func UdFeedSync(pastureId string) {
+ url := ""
+ feedByte := getPull(url)
+ tx := restful.Engine.NewSession()
+ defer tx.Close()
+ tx.Exec(` insert into saplog(pastureId,request,response,status,msgtext,createTime,msgtype,dataDate,url)
+ values(?,?,?,?,?,now(),?,now(),?)`, pastureId, "", string(feedByte), "", "", 3, url)
+ feedMap := make(map[string]interface{})
+ json.Unmarshal(feedByte, &feedMap)
+ for _, item := range feedMap["msg"].([]interface{}) {
+ fmt.Println(item)
+ feed := item.(map[string]interface{})
+ feedname := feed["feedname"].(string) + "_ud"
+ feedClassExist, _ := tx.SQL(` select count(1) from feedclass where fccode = ? and pastureId = ? `, feed["feedclass"], pastureId).Exist()
+ if !feedClassExist {
+ tx.Exec(`insert into feedclass(pastureId,fcname,fccode,bigfeedclassname,sort) values(?,?,?,?,(select max(sort) +1 from feedclass where pastureId = ? and fccode = ? ))`,
+ pastureId, feed["feedclass"], feed["feedclass"], feed["feedclass"], pastureId, feed["feedclass"])
+ }
+ ids, err := setting.SnowIds.NextId()
+ if err != nil {
+ ids = time.Now().UnixNano()
+ logging.Info("create SnowIds err", err)
+ }
+ _, err = tx.Exec(`insert into feed(id,pastureId,feedcode,fname,fclassid,fclass) values(?,?,?,?,(select id from feedclass where fccode = ? and pastureId = ? ),?)
+ ids, pastureId, feed["feedcode"], feedname, feed["feedclass"], pastureId, feed["feedclass"], feedname)
+ }
+func getPull(url string) []byte {
+ client := &http.Client{}
+ req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Println("创建请求时发生错误:", err)
+ return nil
+ }
+ resp, err := client.Do(req)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Println("发送请求时发生错误:", err)
+ return nil
+ }
+ defer resp.Body.Close()
+ body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Println("读取响应时发生错误:", err)
+ return nil
+ }
+ return body
+func UdUtirPush(pastureId string) {
+ tx := restful.Engine.NewSession()
+ defer tx.Close()
+ now := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -1).Format("2006-01-02")
+ tx.SQL(`select d1.date loadDate,d.times loadShift,d.datacaptureno tmrNo,ft.tcode recipeId,ft.ccname,d1.feedcode,d1.fname,f.fclass,
+ f.dry * d1.actualweightminus dmPct,d1.sort mixNo,d1.feedallowratio allowableError ,d1.lweight expWeight,d1.actualweightminus actualWeight,d1.begintime startTime,
+ d1.intime endTime, d.tmrtname tmrName , d.pid id ,ftd.sort premixFeedSort ,
+ (select feedcode from feed where id = ftd.fid) premixFeedId,ftd.fname premixFeedName,
+ ftd.fweight / (select sum(fweight) from ftdetaildate where date = d1.date and ftid = d1.fid ) * d1.actualweightminus premixFeedWeight
+ from downloadplandtl1 d1 join downloadedplan d on d.id = d1.pid
+ left join feedtempletdate ft on ft.id = d.tempid and ft.date = d1.date
+ left join feed f on f.feedcode = d1.feedcode
+ left join ftdetaildate ftd on ftd.date = d1.date and ftd.ftid = d1.fid
+ where d1.date = ?`, now).Query().List()
+func UdMaterialIssuePush(pastureId string) {
+ tx := restful.Engine.NewSession()
+ defer tx.Close()
+ now := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -1).Format("2006-01-02")
+ tx.SQL(`SELECT dd.feedsort feedSort, dd.feedcode feedId,dd.fname feedName,
+ d.id,IFNULL(ft.tcode,d2.feedtempletid ) recipeId,
+ IFNULL(d.templetName,d2.feedtempletName ) recipeName,
+ date_format(d.mydate,'%Y-%m-%d') as dropDate,ifnull((select sort from downloadedplan where pid=d.pid and lpplanType !=d.lpplanType and mydate=d.mydate),d.sort) as tmrNo,
+ d.Times as dropShift,b.bcode as penId,d2.Fname as penName,fp.CCOUNT as cowCount, d2.SORT as feedingNo,
+ifnull(ROUND(d2.lweight * (dd.actualweightminus/ (select sum(actualweightminus) from downloadplandtl1 where pid = dd.pid and type = 0) ),2) ,0)as expWeight,
+ ifnull(d2.ActualWeightMinus,0) as actualWeight, ifnull(date_format(timestamp(d2.InTime,CONCAT('-',d2.processTime)),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'),d.mydate) as startTime,
+ ifnull(date_format(d2.InTime,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'),d.mydate) as endTime,ifnull((SELECT dr.driver FROM dutyrecord dr
+WHERE dr.pastureid = d.pastureid AND dr.eqid = d.tmrid AND dr.times= d.times AND dr.operatetime <=d.mydate
+ORDER BY dr.operatetime DESC LIMIT 1),"") as tmrName ,d.tmrtname equipmentId ,
+ ifnull(TRIM(if(( select sum(dd2.actualweightminus) from downloadplandtl2 dd2 where dd2.pid = d2.pid) >0 , ROUND( d2.actualweightminus/( select sum(dd2.actualweightminus) from downloadplandtl2 dd2 where dd2.pid = d2.pid) * (dd.actualweightminus ),2), ROUND( d2.lweight/( select sum(dd2.lweight) from downloadplandtl2 dd2 where dd2.pid = d2.pid) * (dd.actualweightminus ),2))),0) feedWeight
+ ,ftd.sort premixFeedSort ,
+ (select feedcode from feed where id = ftd.fid) premixFeedId,ftd.fname premixFeedName,
+ ftd.fweight / (select sum(fweight) from ftdetaildate where date = dd.date and ftid = dd.fid ) * dd.actualweightminus premixFeedWeight
+ from downloadedplan d
+ LEFT JOIN downloadplandtl2 d2 on d.id=d2.PID
+ LEFT JOIN (select dd.pid as lppid,dd1.* from downloadedplan dd join downloadplandtl1 dd1 on dd1.pid = dd.id and dd1.type = 0
+ where dd.mydate= date_format(?,'%Y-%m-%d') and dd.lpplanType in (0,1) ) dd on dd.lppid = d.pid
+ LEFT JOIN feedp fp on d2.FBarID=fp.barid
+ left join bar b on fp.barid = b.id and d.pastureid = b.pastureid
+ left JOIN feedtemplet ft on d.tempid=ft.id
+ left join ftdetaildate ftd on ftd.date = dd.date and ftd.ftid = dd.fid
+ where d.mydate= date_format(?,'%Y-%m-%d') and d.lpplanType!=1 and d.pastureid = ? and dd.fname is not null order by tmrno `, now, now, pastureId).Query().List()
+func UdBarFeedRemainPush(pastureId string) {
+ tx := restful.Engine.NewSession()
+ defer tx.Close()
+ now := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -1).Format("2006-01-02")
+ '' startTime,
+ '' endTime,
+ br.RemainDate AS overplusDate,
+ b.bcode AS penId,
+ b.BNAME AS penName,
+ br.Remain AS actualWeight
+ barfeedremain br
+ LEFT JOIN feedp fp ON br.barid = fp.id
+ left join bar b on b.id = fp.barid
+ date_format( RemainDate, '%Y-%m-%d' ) =? `, now).Query().List()