@@ -584,15 +584,18 @@ func syncBar(token, pastureid, werks string) {
arg := item.(map[string]interface{})
if fmt.Sprintf("%v", arg["farmId"]) == werks {
+ if _, ok := arg["sheepCount"]; !ok {
+ arg["sheepCount"] = 0
+ }
_, err := tx.Exec(` insert into bar(pen,bname,bcode,pastureid)values(?,?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE pen = ? `, arg["districtName"],
- fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", arg["houseName"], arg["compartmentName"]), fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", arg["houseName"], arg["compartmentName"]), pastureid, arg["houseName"])
+ fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v-%v", arg["districtName"], arg["houseName"], arg["compartmentName"]), fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v-%v", arg["districtName"], arg["houseName"], arg["compartmentName"]), pastureid, arg["districtName"])
insertSql := `insert into feedp(pastureid,barname,barid,ccount)VALUES(?,?,(select id from bar where bname = ?),?)
- ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ccount = ? ,barname = ? `
+ ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ccount = ? ,barname = ? `
_, err = tx.SQL(insertSql, pastureid, fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", arg["houseName"], arg["compartmentName"]),
- fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", arg["houseName"], arg["compartmentName"]), arg["sheepCount"], arg["sheepCount"],
- fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", arg["houseName"], arg["compartmentName"])).Execute()
+ fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v-%v", arg["districtName"], arg["houseName"], arg["compartmentName"]), arg["sheepCount"], arg["sheepCount"],
+ fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v-%v", arg["districtName"], arg["houseName"], arg["compartmentName"])).Execute()
// tx.SQL(` select from feedp where barname = ? `)
@@ -601,12 +604,12 @@ func syncBar(token, pastureid, werks string) {
// b.BarName = fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", arg["houseName"], arg["compartmentName"])
// b.Ccount = arg["sheepCount"]
err = tx.SQL(` select fp.barname,fp.ccount,ratio,ft.tname ftname,ifnull((select tratio from fpdetail where barid = fp.barid and times = 1 ),0) times1,
- ifnull((select tratio from fpdetail where barid = fp.barid and times = 2 ),0) times2 ,
- ifnull((select tratio from fpdetail where barid = fp.barid and times = 3 ),0) times3 ,
- ifnull((select tratio from fpdetail where barid = fp.barid and times = 4 ),0) times4 ,
- ifnull((select tratio from fpdetail where barid = fp.barid and times =5 ),0) times5 ,
- ifnull((select tratio from fpdetail where barid = fp.barid and times =6 ),0) times6
- from feedp fp join feedtemplet ft on ft.id = fp.ftid where ratio > 0 and fp.barname = ? `, fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", arg["houseName"], arg["compartmentName"])).GetFirst(b).Error
+ ifnull((select tratio from fpdetail where barid = fp.barid and times = 2 ),0) times2 ,
+ ifnull((select tratio from fpdetail where barid = fp.barid and times = 3 ),0) times3 ,
+ ifnull((select tratio from fpdetail where barid = fp.barid and times = 4 ),0) times4 ,
+ ifnull((select tratio from fpdetail where barid = fp.barid and times =5 ),0) times5 ,
+ ifnull((select tratio from fpdetail where barid = fp.barid and times =6 ),0) times6
+ from feedp fp join feedtemplet ft on ft.id = fp.ftid where ratio > 0 and fp.barname = ? `, fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v-%v", arg["districtName"], arg["houseName"], arg["compartmentName"])).GetFirst(b).Error
fpdBatchEdit(pastureid, b)
// {"pastureId":"1653271339","barList":[{"barname":"14","ccount":155,"ratio":"100.00","ftname":"高产2配方",