@@ -3,20 +3,20 @@ package module
import (
+ "fmt"
+ operationPb "gitee.com/xuyiping_admin/go_proto/proto/go/backend/operation"
- "time"
- operationPb "gitee.com/xuyiping_admin/go_proto/proto/go/backend/operation"
// SearchTrmGearByTmrId 查询撒料电机档位数据
func SearchTrmGearByTmrId(ctx context.Context, tmrId int64) ([]*models.TmrGear, error) {
res := make([]*models.TmrGear, 0)
- if err := restful.Engine.NewSession().Table(new(models.TmrGear).TableName()).Where("is_delete = ?", operationPb.IsShow_OK).
+ if err := restful.Engine.NewSession().Table(new(models.TmrGear).TableName()).
+ Where("is_delete = ?", operationPb.IsShow_OK).
Where("tmr_id = ?", tmrId).Find(&res); err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, xorm.ErrNotExist) {
return nil, err
@@ -40,10 +40,7 @@ func CreateOrUpdateTmrGear(ctx context.Context, req *operationPb.UpdateOrCreateT
if len(tmrGearList) >= 1 {
- if _, err = tx.Table(new(models.TmrGear).TableName()).Where("tmr_id = ?", req.TmrId).Update(map[string]interface{}{
- "is_delete": operationPb.IsShow_NO,
- "updated_at": time.Now().Unix(),
- }); err != nil {
+ if _, err = tx.Table(new(models.TmrGear).TableName()).Where("tmr_id = ?", req.TmrId).Delete(new(models.TmrGear)); err != nil {
return xerr.WithStack(err)
@@ -56,3 +53,70 @@ func CreateOrUpdateTmrGear(ctx context.Context, req *operationPb.UpdateOrCreateT
return tx.Commit()
+func UseTmrGear(ctx context.Context, req *operationPb.UseGearRequest) ([]*models.TmrGearDetail, error) {
+ sqlName := fmt.Sprintf(
+ `SELECT sort,fname,weight,LENGTH,bcode,ccount,speed,gear_rate,useinbar FROM
+ (SELECT a.sort,a.fname,a.lweight weight,a.fpid, IF(a.useinbartype=0,'转投剩料', IF(a.useinbartype=1,'撒','继续饲喂') ) useinbar,
+ CONCAT(a.fbarid) fbarid,
+ CONCAT(a.pid) pid,
+ b.bcode,
+ b.length,
+ c.ccount,
+ d.speed,
+ (((a.lweight / b.length) * f.volume) / d.volume_rate) / (60 * 60 / 1000 / d.speed) AS gear_rate
+ FROM downloadplandtl2 a
+ JOIN bar b ON a.fbarid = b.id
+ JOIN feedp c ON c.barid = a.fbarid
+ JOIN downloadedplan g ON a.pid = g.id
+ JOIN tmr d ON d.id = g.tmrid
+ JOIN feedtemplet f ON c.ftid = f.id
+ WHERE a.pastureid = %s
+ AND a.pid= %s
+ AND d.id = %d
+ ORDER BY a.sort) AS B`, req.PastureId, req.Id, req.TmrId)
+ tx := restful.Engine.NewSession()
+ defer tx.Close()
+ resultList, err := tx.QueryString(sqlName)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, xerr.WithStack(err)
+ }
+ tmrGearDetailList := make([]*models.TmrGearDetail, 0)
+ for _, v := range resultList {
+ sort, _ := strconv.ParseInt(v["sort"], 10, 64)
+ fname := v["fname"]
+ bcode := v["bcode"]
+ weight, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(v["weight"], 64)
+ length, _ := strconv.ParseInt(v["length"], 10, 64)
+ ccount, _ := strconv.ParseInt(v["ccount"], 10, 64)
+ speed, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(v["speed"], 64)
+ gearRate, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(v["gear_rate"], 64)
+ tmrGearDetailList = append(tmrGearDetailList, &models.TmrGearDetail{
+ Sort: int32(sort),
+ FName: fname,
+ Weight: weight,
+ Length: int32(length),
+ BCode: bcode,
+ CCount: int32(ccount),
+ Speed: speed,
+ GearRate: gearRate,
+ })
+ }
+ return tmrGearDetailList, nil
+func TmrGearListByTmrId(tmrId int64) ([]*models.TmrGear, error) {
+ tmrGearList := make([]*models.TmrGear, 0)
+ tx := restful.Engine.NewSession()
+ defer tx.Close()
+ err := tx.Table(new(models.TmrGear).TableName()).Where("tmr_id = ?", tmrId).Select("*").Find(&tmrGearList)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, xerr.WithStack(err)
+ }
+ return tmrGearList, nil