select -- m.*, m.created_at, m.updated_at, timestampdiff(minute,m.updated_at,now()) dif, mt.interval_time , date_format(now(),'%H:%i') now_time, push_time from message m join message_type mt on m.sys_name=mt.sys_name and m.pasture_id=mt.pasture_id and m.service_id=mt.service_id where -- m.status=0 =1407 and ( mt.remind_type=1 or ( mt.remind_type=2 and timestampdiff(minute,m.created_at,now())>=mt.delay_time and (date_format(now(),'%H:%i')>=mt.push_time or mt.push_time='') and ( cycle_type=1 or cycle_type=3 or ( cycle_type=2 and timestampdiff(minute,m.updated_at,now()) >=mt.interval_time and m.push_count=mt.push_time and ( push_count=0 or ( day(now())> day(mt.updated_at) and push_count>0) ) ) )