package service import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "kpt.xdmy/apiserver/config" "regexp" "strconv" "time" "" log "" _ "" "kpt.xdmy/apiserver/model" "kpt.xdmy/apiserver/model/http" // "kpt.xdmy/pkg/log" ) var partChan chan error // 定时从sap拉取物料(备件等)数据 // 预留参数时间、备件编码,给手动调用接口 func (s *Service) SapMaterial(t time.Time, code string) { partChan = make(chan error, 10) r := new(http.MaterialReq) rp := new(http.MaterialResp) var e error r.Dest.DestID = "EQMAN" r.Dest.BussTp = "MM002" //r.Dest.Url = "" r.Dest.Url = fmt.Sprintf("%s/Common/MM002/QueryMaterial/", config.Conf.Http.Routing) if t.IsZero() { t = time.Now() } r.Data.BudatB = t.Format("20060102") r.Data.BudatE = t.Format("20060102") //r.Data.BudatB = "20221104" //r.Data.BudatE = "20221028" r.Data.Type = http.MTART{MTART: "XD08"} // r.Data.Group = []http.MATKL{{MATKL: "14010101"}} // r.Data.Group = []http.MATKL{{MATKL: "14"}} if code != "" { // r.Data.Codes = []http.MATNR{{Code: ""}} } rbyte, _ := json.Marshal(r) fmt.Println(string(rbyte)) if e = s.SyncSap(r, rp, rbyte); e == nil { if rp.Dest.Status == "S" { log.Infof("sap material success:len=%d", len(rp.Data.Master)) } else { e = errors.Errorf("sap material fail", rp.Dest.MessText) } } else { e = errors.Wrapf(e, "sap material error") } var update error var count int for _, v := range rp.Data.Master { update = nil s.UpdatePart(&v) update = <-partChan if update != nil { log.Error(update) count++ l := model.SapDetailLog{Name: "part", Code: v.Code, ErrorText: update.Error()} if e := s.d.DB.Create(&l); e != nil { log.Errorf("add sapdetail log: %v", e) } } } if e != nil { log.Error(e) } else if update != nil { e = errors.Errorf("material update fail sum:%d", count) } else { log.Infof("material update success sum:%d", len(rp.Data.Master)-count) } s.AddSapLog(r, e) return } // 物料数据更新 func (s *Service) UpdatePart(p *http.MaterialDetail) { part := new(model.Parts) if len(p.ModifyTime) >= 8 { p.ModifyTime = p.ModifyTime[:4] + "-" + p.ModifyTime[4:6] + "-" + p.ModifyTime[6:8] } else { partChan <- errors.New("ModifyTime is invalid:" + p.ModifyTime) } if t, e := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02", p.ModifyTime, time.Local); e != nil { partChan <- errors.Wrapf(e, "time:%s", p.ModifyTime) } else { part.ModifyTime = t } if p.Dflag == "" { part.Enable = 1 part.Statue = 1 } part.PartCode = p.Code part.Note = p.Description part.Category = p.Type part.Unit = p.Unit part.Name = p.Name part.Specification = p.Model if e := s.d.DB.Where(model.Parts{PartCode: p.Code}).Assign(*part).FirstOrCreate(part).Error; e != nil { partChan <- errors.Wrapf(e, "code:%s", p.Code) } else { log.Infof("sap part update success:%s", p.Code) partChan <- nil } } func Exec(rows [][]string) { for i, v := range rows { fmt.Println(i) if i == 0 { continue } fmt.Println(v[1], v[2], v[10]) s.d.DB.Exec(` update emp set tel = ? where empCode = ? `, v[10], v[1]) } //precontractId := model.PartRepertory{} //err := s.d.DB.Raw(`select precontractId from part_repertory where precontractId is not null order by precontractId `).First(&precontractId).Error //if err != nil { // log.Error(err) // //continue //} //contractId := model.PartRepertory{} //err = s.d.DB.Raw(`select (contractId) contractId from part_repertory order by contractId `).First(&contractId).Error //if err != nil { // log.Error(err) // //continue //} //for i, v := range rows { // fmt.Println(i) // if i == 0 { // continue // } // /* // pasture := model.Pasture{} // err := s.d.DB.Where(&model.Pasture{Name: v[1]}).First(&pasture).Error // if err != nil { // fmt.Println(err) // return // } // now := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02") // contractId, partCode := v[13], v[4] // partLaid := model.PartLaid{} // err = s.d.DB.Raw(` select from bigpartlaid bp join partlaid p on p.bigid = // where bp.pastureid = ? and p.contractId = ? and p.partCode = ? and DATE_FORMAT(bp.creatDate,'%Y-%m-%d') = ?`, pasture.ID, contractId, partCode, now).First(&partLaid).Error // if err != nil { // fmt.Println(err) // //return // } // partuse := model.PartUse{} // err = s.d.DB.Raw(` select from bigpartuse bp join partuse p on p.bigid = // where bp.pastureid = ? and p.contractId = ? and p.partCode = ? and DATE_FORMAT(bp.creatDate,'%Y-%m-%d') = ?`, pasture.ID, contractId, partCode, now).First(&partuse).Error // if err != nil { // fmt.Println(err) // //return // } // if partuse.ID > 0 || partLaid.ID > 0 { // continue // } // // err = s.d.DB.Exec(` update part_repertory ps set reportery = ? where id = ? `, v[15], v[0]).Error // if err != nil { // fmt.Println(err) // return // } // */ // // //if v[14] == "新增" { // // // // //1983 // // // // //if v[1] == "M017" || v[1] == "N302" || i <= 47 { // // continue // //} // id := v[0] // ///* // if id == "" && v[11] == "无合同" && v[14] == "M017" { // // parts := model.Parts{} // err := s.d.DB.Where(&model.Parts{PartCode: v[3]}).First(&parts).Error // if err != nil { // log.Error(err) // continue // } // // pasture := model.Pasture{} // err = s.d.DB.Where(&model.Pasture{FactoryCode: "M005"}).First(&pasture).Error // if err != nil { // fmt.Println(err) // continue // } // // w := model.Warehouse{} // err = s.d.DB.Where(&model.Warehouse{PastureID: pasture.ID, Status: 1}).First(&w).Error // if err != nil { // fmt.Println(err) // continue // } // // reportery := v[16] // price := 1 // //reportery := v[2] // providerid := "1975" // providerName := "北京京东" // contractId := fmt.Sprintf("-%d%s%d", pasture.ID, providerid, parts.ID) // // // //// PrecontractID, err := strconv.ParseInt(precontractId.PrecontractID, 10, 64) // err = s.d.DB.Exec(` insert into part_repertory(specification,pastureId,partId,partName,partCode,location,locationId,reportery, // contractId,brandId,unit,price,precontractId,providerNames,providerId) // values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)`, // parts.Specification, pasture.ID, parts.ID, parts.Name, parts.PartCode, w.WarehoseCode, w.ID, reportery, contractId, 0, parts.Unit, // price, contractId, providerName, providerid).Error // } // //*/ // //if err != nil { // // fmt.Println(err) // // return // //} // // //} // //else { // //reportery := v[16] // //id := v[0] // //if id != "" { // // err := s.d.DB.Exec(` update part_repertory ps set reportery = ? where id = ?`, reportery, id).Error // // if err != nil { // // fmt.Println(err) // // return // // } // //} // //} else { // // err := s.d.DB.Exec(` delete from part_repertory where id = ?`, id).Error // // if err != nil { // // fmt.Println(err) // // return // // } // //} // //} //} } func DepartmentExec(rows [][]string) { for i, v := range rows { //fmt.Println(i, v) if i == 0 { continue } id := v[0] name := v[1] parentid := v[4] costCenter_code := v[15] costCenter_code2 := v[17] fmt.Println(id, name, parentid, costCenter_code, costCenter_code2) if id != "新增" { fmt.Println(id, name, parentid, costCenter_code, costCenter_code2) if costCenter_code2 != "" { err := s.d.DB.Exec(` update department ps set costCenter_code = ? where id = ? `, costCenter_code2, id).Error if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } } if v[18] == "无此部门" || v[18] == "未上线牧场" || v[18] == "重复" { err := s.d.DB.Exec(` delete from department where id = ? `, id).Error if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } } } else { fmt.Println(id, name, parentid, costCenter_code, costCenter_code2) if costCenter_code2 != "" { err := s.d.DB.Exec(` insert into department(name,pastureId,isPasture,costCenter_code) values(?,?,?,?) `, name, parentid, 0, costCenter_code2).Error if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } } } } } func ProviderExec(rows [][]string) { //for i, v := range rows { // if i == 0 { // continue // } // id := v[0] // //sapcode := v[4] // //providername := v[5] // status := v[6] // // if status == "删除" || v[4] == "" { // err := s.d.DB.Exec(` delete from provider where id = ? `, id).Error // if err != nil { // fmt.Println(err) // return // } // } //} //for i, v := range rows { // if i == 0 { // continue // } // id := v[0] // sapcode := v[4] // providername := v[5] // status := v[6] // // if status != "删除" { // err := s.d.DB.Exec(` update provider set providerIntro = ? , sapcode = ? where id = ? `, providername, sapcode, id).Error // if err != nil { // fmt.Println(err) // return // } // } //} //for _, v := range rows { //if i == 0 { // continue //} //id := v[0] //sapcode := v[4] //providername := v[1] //providerIntro := v[5] //status := v[6] // //if status != "删除" { // err := s.d.DB.Exec(` update provider set providerIntro = ? , sapcode = ? where id = ? `, providername, sapcode, id).Error // if err != nil { // fmt.Println(err) // return // } //} // err := s.d.DB.Exec(` insert into provider(providerName,providerIntro,providerNumber,sapcode) values(?,?,?,?)`, // providername, providerIntro, sapcode, sapcode).Error // if err != nil { // fmt.Println(err) // return // } //} } func EquipmentExec(rows [][]string) error { errList := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) for i, v := range rows { financeCode := v[13] if financeCode == "" || i == 0 { continue } data := make(map[string]interface{}) fmt.Println(i) eqCode := v[4] eqName := v[3] specification := v[5] //用途 purpose := v[8] //purchaseDate, _ := ExcelIntDate(v[10]) //purchaseDate := v[10] //entranceDate, _ := ExcelIntDate(v[11]) //entranceDate := v[11] depreciation := v[12] yuanzhi := v[14] salvage := v[15] subtractvalue := v[16] upkeepgrade := v[17] if upkeepgrade == "A" { upkeepgrade = "113" } else if upkeepgrade == "B" { upkeepgrade = "114" } else if upkeepgrade == "C" { upkeepgrade = "115" } yearUpkeepCost := v[18] yearMaintainCost := v[19] baseHours := v[20] employeName := v[22] inputUser := v[23] var leaveDate interface{} if v[24] != "" { leaveDate = v[24] //leaveDate, _ = ExcelIntDate(v[24]) } brand := v[6] proName := v[7] maintenance := v[27] var onepushTime, twopushTime, threepushTime interface{} if v[29] == "" { onepushTime = nil } else { onepushTime = v[29] } if v[31] == "" { twopushTime = nil } else { twopushTime = v[31] } if v[33] == "" { threepushTime = nil } else { threepushTime = v[33] } levelone := v[28] leveltwo := v[30] levelthree := v[32] brandInfo := model.Brand{} if brand != "" { err := s.d.DB.Where(&model.Brand{BrandName: brand}).First(&brandInfo).Error if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) //return err } } provider := model.Provider{} if proName != "" { err := s.d.DB.Where(&model.Provider{ProviderName: proName}).First(&provider).Error if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) //return err } } pasture := model.Pasture{} err := s.d.DB.Where(&model.Pasture{Name: v[0]}).First(&pasture).Error if err != nil { data["pasture"] = v[0] data["eqName"] = eqName data["eqCode"] = eqCode data["financeCode"] = financeCode data["err"] = err.Error() errList = append(errList, data) fmt.Println(err) return err } err = s.d.DB.Exec(` update equipment set eqCode = if(? = '',null,?),specification = ?,purpose = ? ,depreciation=?, yuanzhi=?, salvage =?,subtractvalue =?, upkeepgrade= ?,yearUpkeepCost=? ,yearMaintainCost=?,baseHours=?,employeName=(select empname from emp where replace(empname,' ','') = ? and pastureId = ? and enable = 1 ), employeeId = (select id from emp where replace(empname,' ','') = ? and pastureId = ? and enable = 1 ),inputUser=?,leaveDate=? , brand = ?, brandId = ? ,proId= ?,proName= ? ,eqClassName = ?,eqClassId = (select id from eqclass where typeName = ?),eqName = ?, maintenance= (select GROUP_CONCAT(id) from emp where FIND_IN_SET(replace(empname,' ',''),replace(?,' ','')) and pastureId = ? and enable = 1 ),levelone=(select id from emp where replace(empname,' ','') = replace(?,' ','') and pastureId = ? and enable = 1 ) , leveltwo = (select id from emp where replace(empname,' ','') = replace(?,' ','') and pastureId = ? and enable = 1 ),levelthree=(select id from emp where replace(empname,' ','') = replace(?,' ','') and pastureId = ? and enable = 1 ) ,leveloneTime = ? ,leveltwoTime = ?,levelthreeTime= ? where financeCode = ? `, eqCode, eqCode, specification, purpose, depreciation, yuanzhi, salvage, subtractvalue, upkeepgrade, yearUpkeepCost, yearMaintainCost, baseHours, employeName, pasture.ID, employeName, pasture.ID, inputUser, leaveDate, brandInfo.BrandName, brandInfo.ID, provider.ID, provider.ProviderName, eqName, v[1], v[3], maintenance, pasture.ID, levelone, pasture.ID, leveltwo, pasture.ID, levelthree, pasture.ID, onepushTime, twopushTime, threepushTime, financeCode).Error if err != nil { data["pasture"] = v[0] data["eqName"] = eqName data["eqCode"] = eqCode data["financeCode"] = financeCode data["err"] = err.Error() errList = append(errList, data) fmt.Println(err) //return err continue } eqclass := model.EqClass{} err = s.d.DB.Table("eqclass").Where("typeName = ?", v[1]).First(&eqclass).Error if err != nil { data["pasture"] = v[0] data["eqName"] = eqName data["eqCode"] = eqCode data["financeCode"] = financeCode data["err"] = err.Error() errList = append(errList, data) fmt.Println(err) //return err continue } if eqclass.ID == 0 { continue } if v[2] == "" { err = s.d.DB.Exec(` update equipment set assetCode = (select cerateEQNumber((select typeCode from eqclass where typeName = ?),?)) where financeCode = ? `, v[1], pasture.ID, financeCode).Error if err != nil { data["pasture"] = v[0] data["eqName"] = eqName data["eqCode"] = eqCode data["financeCode"] = financeCode data["err"] = err.Error() errList = append(errList, data) fmt.Println(err) //return err } } } return nil } func ExcelIntDate(dateStr string) (dt time.Time, err error) { var dateValue float64 matched, err := regexp.MatchString(`^\d+$`, dateStr) if err != nil { return } if !matched { err = errors.New("not excel time") return } dateValue, err = strconv.ParseFloat(dateStr, 64) if err != nil { return } epoch := time.Date(1899, 12, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) // UTC 1899/12/30 00:00:00 dt = epoch.Add(time.Duration(dateValue) * 24 * time.Hour) return } func EquipmentExecAdd(rows [][]string) error { for i, v := range rows { financeCode := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s", v[0], v[1], v[2]) fmt.Println(financeCode, v[11], i) //financeCode := v[13] if i == 0 || (v[0] != "1042" && v[0] != "1002") { continue } err := s.d.DB.Exec(` update equipment set pastureid = (SELECT pastureid FROM department WHERE costCenter_code = ? ) where financeCode = ? `, v[11], financeCode).Error fmt.Println(err) //var purchaseDate, entranceDate string //if v[9] != "" { // date, _ := ExcelIntDate(v[9]) // purchaseDate = date.Format("2006-01-02") //} //if v[10] != "" { // date, _ := ExcelIntDate(v[10]) // entranceDate = date.Format("2006-01-02") //} //a1, _ := strconv.Atoi() //a1, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(v[12][:3], 64) //n := strings.Index(v[12][3:], "6") //if n > 0 { // a1 += 0.5 //} } return nil } func ContractExec(rows [][]string) { for i, v := range rows { if i < 6 { continue } partCode := v[1] providerSapCode := v[3] pastureCode := v[6] price := v[8] //fmt.Println(partCode, providerSapCode, pastureCode, price) pasture := model.Pasture{} err := s.d.DB.Where(model.Pasture{FactoryCode: pastureCode}).First(&pasture).Error if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) //return continue } //fmt.Println(pasture, err) provider := model.Provider{} err = s.d.DB.Where(model.Provider{SapCode: providerSapCode}).First(&provider).Error if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) continue } contract := model.Contract{} s.d.DB.Raw(`SELECT FROM contract c JOIN bigcontract bc ON = c.bigid WHERE c.partCode = ? AND ? IN ( SELECT pb.pasture_id FROM bigcontract bct JOIN pasture_bigcontract pb ON pb.bigcontract_id = WHERE bct.contractCode LIKE concat( "%", LEFT ( bc.contractCode, 12 ), "%" ) ) AND bc.providerId = ? `, partCode, pasture.ID, provider.ID).First(&contract) fmt.Println(pasture.Name, provider.ProviderName, price, pastureCode, i) if contract.ID > 0 { s.d.DB.Exec(" update contract set price = ? where id = ? ", price, contract.ID) } } }