123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 2013 IBM Corp.
- *
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Seth Hoenig
- * Allan Stockdill-Mander
- * Mike Robertson
- */
- package mqtt
- import (
- "errors"
- "io"
- "net"
- "reflect"
- "strings"
- "sync"
- "time"
- "github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.golang/packets"
- )
- const closedNetConnErrorText = "use of closed network connection" // error string for closed conn (https://golang.org/src/net/error_test.go)
- // ConnectMQTT takes a connected net.Conn and performs the initial MQTT handshake. Parameters are:
- // conn - Connected net.Conn
- // cm - Connect Packet with everything other than the protocol name/version populated (historical reasons)
- // protocolVersion - The protocol version to attempt to connect with
- //
- // Note that, for backward compatibility, ConnectMQTT() suppresses the actual connection error (compare to connectMQTT()).
- func ConnectMQTT(conn net.Conn, cm *packets.ConnectPacket, protocolVersion uint) (byte, bool) {
- rc, sessionPresent, _ := connectMQTT(conn, cm, protocolVersion)
- return rc, sessionPresent
- }
- func connectMQTT(conn io.ReadWriter, cm *packets.ConnectPacket, protocolVersion uint) (byte, bool, error) {
- switch protocolVersion {
- case 3:
- DEBUG.Println(CLI, "Using MQTT 3.1 protocol")
- cm.ProtocolName = "MQIsdp"
- cm.ProtocolVersion = 3
- case 0x83:
- DEBUG.Println(CLI, "Using MQTT 3.1b protocol")
- cm.ProtocolName = "MQIsdp"
- cm.ProtocolVersion = 0x83
- case 0x84:
- DEBUG.Println(CLI, "Using MQTT 3.1.1b protocol")
- cm.ProtocolName = "MQTT"
- cm.ProtocolVersion = 0x84
- default:
- DEBUG.Println(CLI, "Using MQTT 3.1.1 protocol")
- cm.ProtocolName = "MQTT"
- cm.ProtocolVersion = 4
- }
- if err := cm.Write(conn); err != nil {
- ERROR.Println(CLI, err)
- return packets.ErrNetworkError, false, err
- }
- rc, sessionPresent, err := verifyCONNACK(conn)
- return rc, sessionPresent, err
- }
- // This function is only used for receiving a connack
- // when the connection is first started.
- // This prevents receiving incoming data while resume
- // is in progress if clean session is false.
- func verifyCONNACK(conn io.Reader) (byte, bool, error) {
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "connect started")
- ca, err := packets.ReadPacket(conn)
- if err != nil {
- ERROR.Println(NET, "connect got error", err)
- return packets.ErrNetworkError, false, err
- }
- if ca == nil {
- ERROR.Println(NET, "received nil packet")
- return packets.ErrNetworkError, false, errors.New("nil CONNACK packet")
- }
- msg, ok := ca.(*packets.ConnackPacket)
- if !ok {
- ERROR.Println(NET, "received msg that was not CONNACK")
- return packets.ErrNetworkError, false, errors.New("non-CONNACK first packet received")
- }
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "received connack")
- return msg.ReturnCode, msg.SessionPresent, nil
- }
- // inbound encapsulates the output from startIncoming.
- // err - If != nil then an error has occurred
- // cp - A control packet received over the network link
- type inbound struct {
- err error
- cp packets.ControlPacket
- }
- // startIncoming initiates a goroutine that reads incoming messages off the wire and sends them to the channel (returned).
- // If there are any issues with the network connection then the returned channel will be closed and the goroutine will exit
- // (so closing the connection will terminate the goroutine)
- func startIncoming(conn io.Reader) <-chan inbound {
- var err error
- var cp packets.ControlPacket
- ibound := make(chan inbound)
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "incoming started")
- go func() {
- for {
- if cp, err = packets.ReadPacket(conn); err != nil {
- // We do not want to log the error if it is due to the network connection having been closed
- // elsewhere (i.e. after sending DisconnectPacket). Detecting this situation is the subject of
- // https://github.com/golang/go/issues/4373
- if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), closedNetConnErrorText) {
- ibound <- inbound{err: err}
- }
- close(ibound)
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "incoming complete")
- return
- }
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "startIncoming Received Message")
- ibound <- inbound{cp: cp}
- }
- }()
- return ibound
- }
- // incomingComms encapsulates the possible output of the incomingComms routine. If err != nil then an error has occurred and
- // the routine will have terminated; otherwise one of the other members should be non-nil
- type incomingComms struct {
- err error // If non-nil then there has been an error (ignore everything else)
- outbound *PacketAndToken // Packet (with token) than needs to be sent out (e.g. an acknowledgement)
- incomingPub *packets.PublishPacket // A new publish has been received; this will need to be passed on to our user
- }
- // startIncomingComms initiates incoming communications; this includes starting a goroutine to process incoming
- // messages.
- // Accepts a channel of inbound messages from the store (persisted messages); note this must be closed as soon as the
- // everything in the store has been sent.
- // Returns a channel that will be passed any received packets; this will be closed on a network error (and inboundFromStore closed)
- func startIncomingComms(conn io.Reader,
- c commsFns,
- inboundFromStore <-chan packets.ControlPacket,
- ) <-chan incomingComms {
- ibound := startIncoming(conn) // Start goroutine that reads from network connection
- output := make(chan incomingComms)
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "startIncomingComms started")
- go func() {
- for {
- if inboundFromStore == nil && ibound == nil {
- close(output)
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "startIncomingComms goroutine complete")
- return // As soon as ibound is closed we can exit (should have already processed an error)
- }
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "logic waiting for msg on ibound")
- var msg packets.ControlPacket
- var ok bool
- select {
- case msg, ok = <-inboundFromStore:
- if !ok {
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "startIncomingComms: inboundFromStore complete")
- inboundFromStore = nil // should happen quickly as this is only for persisted messages
- continue
- }
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "startIncomingComms: got msg from store")
- case ibMsg, ok := <-ibound:
- if !ok {
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "startIncomingComms: ibound complete")
- ibound = nil
- continue
- }
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "startIncomingComms: got msg on ibound")
- // If the inbound comms routine encounters any issues it will send us an error.
- if ibMsg.err != nil {
- output <- incomingComms{err: ibMsg.err}
- continue // Usually the channel will be closed immediately after sending an error but safer that we do not assume this
- }
- msg = ibMsg.cp
- c.persistInbound(msg)
- c.UpdateLastReceived() // Notify keepalive logic that we recently received a packet
- }
- switch m := msg.(type) {
- case *packets.PingrespPacket:
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "startIncomingComms: received pingresp")
- c.pingRespReceived()
- case *packets.SubackPacket:
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "startIncomingComms: received suback, id:", m.MessageID)
- token := c.getToken(m.MessageID)
- if t, ok := token.(*SubscribeToken); ok {
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "startIncomingComms: granted qoss", m.ReturnCodes)
- for i, qos := range m.ReturnCodes {
- t.subResult[t.subs[i]] = qos
- }
- }
- token.flowComplete()
- c.freeID(m.MessageID)
- case *packets.UnsubackPacket:
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "startIncomingComms: received unsuback, id:", m.MessageID)
- c.getToken(m.MessageID).flowComplete()
- c.freeID(m.MessageID)
- case *packets.PublishPacket:
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "startIncomingComms: received publish, msgId:", m.MessageID)
- output <- incomingComms{incomingPub: m}
- case *packets.PubackPacket:
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "startIncomingComms: received puback, id:", m.MessageID)
- c.getToken(m.MessageID).flowComplete()
- c.freeID(m.MessageID)
- case *packets.PubrecPacket:
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "startIncomingComms: received pubrec, id:", m.MessageID)
- prel := packets.NewControlPacket(packets.Pubrel).(*packets.PubrelPacket)
- prel.MessageID = m.MessageID
- output <- incomingComms{outbound: &PacketAndToken{p: prel, t: nil}}
- case *packets.PubrelPacket:
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "startIncomingComms: received pubrel, id:", m.MessageID)
- pc := packets.NewControlPacket(packets.Pubcomp).(*packets.PubcompPacket)
- pc.MessageID = m.MessageID
- c.persistOutbound(pc)
- output <- incomingComms{outbound: &PacketAndToken{p: pc, t: nil}}
- case *packets.PubcompPacket:
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "startIncomingComms: received pubcomp, id:", m.MessageID)
- c.getToken(m.MessageID).flowComplete()
- c.freeID(m.MessageID)
- }
- }
- }()
- return output
- }
- // startOutgoingComms initiates a go routine to transmit outgoing packets.
- // Pass in an open network connection and channels for outbound messages (including those triggered
- // directly from incoming comms).
- // Returns a channel that will receive details of any errors (closed when the goroutine exits)
- // This function wil only terminate when all input channels are closed
- func startOutgoingComms(conn net.Conn,
- c commsFns,
- oboundp <-chan *PacketAndToken,
- obound <-chan *PacketAndToken,
- oboundFromIncoming <-chan *PacketAndToken,
- ) <-chan error {
- errChan := make(chan error)
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "outgoing started")
- go func() {
- for {
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "outgoing waiting for an outbound message")
- // This goroutine will only exits when all of the input channels we receive on have been closed. This approach is taken to avoid any
- // deadlocks (if the connection goes down there are limited options as to what we can do with anything waiting on us and
- // throwing away the packets seems the best option)
- if oboundp == nil && obound == nil && oboundFromIncoming == nil {
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "outgoing comms stopping")
- close(errChan)
- return
- }
- select {
- case pub, ok := <-obound:
- if !ok {
- obound = nil
- continue
- }
- msg := pub.p.(*packets.PublishPacket)
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "obound msg to write", msg.MessageID)
- writeTimeout := c.getWriteTimeOut()
- if writeTimeout > 0 {
- if err := conn.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(writeTimeout)); err != nil {
- ERROR.Println(NET, "SetWriteDeadline ", err)
- }
- }
- if err := msg.Write(conn); err != nil {
- ERROR.Println(NET, "outgoing obound reporting error ", err)
- pub.t.setError(err)
- // report error if it's not due to the connection being closed elsewhere
- if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), closedNetConnErrorText) {
- errChan <- err
- }
- continue
- }
- if writeTimeout > 0 {
- // If we successfully wrote, we don't want the timeout to happen during an idle period
- // so we reset it to infinite.
- if err := conn.SetWriteDeadline(time.Time{}); err != nil {
- ERROR.Println(NET, "SetWriteDeadline to 0 ", err)
- }
- }
- if msg.Qos == 0 {
- pub.t.flowComplete()
- }
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "obound wrote msg, id:", msg.MessageID)
- case msg, ok := <-oboundp:
- if !ok {
- oboundp = nil
- continue
- }
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "obound priority msg to write, type", reflect.TypeOf(msg.p))
- if err := msg.p.Write(conn); err != nil {
- ERROR.Println(NET, "outgoing oboundp reporting error ", err)
- if msg.t != nil {
- msg.t.setError(err)
- }
- errChan <- err
- continue
- }
- if _, ok := msg.p.(*packets.DisconnectPacket); ok {
- msg.t.(*DisconnectToken).flowComplete()
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "outbound wrote disconnect, closing connection")
- // As per the MQTT spec "After sending a DISCONNECT Packet the Client MUST close the Network Connection"
- // Closing the connection will cause the goroutines to end in sequence (starting with incoming comms)
- conn.Close()
- }
- case msg, ok := <-oboundFromIncoming: // message triggered by an inbound message (PubrecPacket or PubrelPacket)
- if !ok {
- oboundFromIncoming = nil
- continue
- }
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "obound from incoming msg to write, type", reflect.TypeOf(msg.p), " ID ", msg.p.Details().MessageID)
- if err := msg.p.Write(conn); err != nil {
- ERROR.Println(NET, "outgoing oboundFromIncoming reporting error", err)
- if msg.t != nil {
- msg.t.setError(err)
- }
- errChan <- err
- continue
- }
- }
- c.UpdateLastSent() // Record that a packet has been received (for keepalive routine)
- }
- }()
- return errChan
- }
- // commsFns provide access to the client state (messageids, requesting disconnection and updating timing)
- type commsFns interface {
- getToken(id uint16) tokenCompletor // Retrieve the token for the specified messageid (if none then a dummy token must be returned)
- freeID(id uint16) // Release the specified messageid (clearing out of any persistent store)
- UpdateLastReceived() // Must be called whenever a packet is received
- UpdateLastSent() // Must be called whenever a packet is successfully sent
- getWriteTimeOut() time.Duration // Return the writetimeout (or 0 if none)
- persistOutbound(m packets.ControlPacket) // add the packet to the outbound store
- persistInbound(m packets.ControlPacket) // add the packet to the inbound store
- pingRespReceived() // Called when a ping response is received
- }
- // startComms initiates goroutines that handles communications over the network connection
- // Messages will be stored (via commsFns) and deleted from the store as necessary
- // It returns two channels:
- // packets.PublishPacket - Will receive publish packets received over the network.
- // Closed when incoming comms routines exit (on shutdown or if network link closed)
- // error - Any errors will be sent on this channel. The channel is closed when all comms routines have shut down
- //
- // Note: The comms routines monitoring oboundp and obound will not shutdown until those channels are both closed. Any messages received between the
- // connection being closed and those channels being closed will generate errors (and nothing will be sent). That way the chance of a deadlock is
- // minimised.
- func startComms(conn net.Conn, // Network connection (must be active)
- c commsFns, // getters and setters to enable us to cleanly interact with client
- inboundFromStore <-chan packets.ControlPacket, // Inbound packets from the persistence store (should be closed relatively soon after startup)
- oboundp <-chan *PacketAndToken,
- obound <-chan *PacketAndToken) (
- <-chan *packets.PublishPacket, // Publishpackages received over the network
- <-chan error, // Any errors (should generally trigger a disconnect)
- ) {
- // Start inbound comms handler; this needs to be able to transmit messages so we start a go routine to add these to the priority outbound channel
- ibound := startIncomingComms(conn, c, inboundFromStore)
- outboundFromIncoming := make(chan *PacketAndToken) // Will accept outgoing messages triggered by startIncomingComms (e.g. acknowledgements)
- // Start the outgoing handler. It is important to note that output from startIncomingComms is fed into startOutgoingComms (for ACK's)
- oboundErr := startOutgoingComms(conn, c, oboundp, obound, outboundFromIncoming)
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "startComms started")
- // Run up go routines to handle the output from the above comms functions - these are handled in separate
- // go routines because they can interact (e.g. ibound triggers an ACK to obound which triggers an error)
- var wg sync.WaitGroup
- wg.Add(2)
- outPublish := make(chan *packets.PublishPacket)
- outError := make(chan error)
- // Any messages received get passed to the appropriate channel
- go func() {
- for ic := range ibound {
- if ic.err != nil {
- outError <- ic.err
- continue
- }
- if ic.outbound != nil {
- outboundFromIncoming <- ic.outbound
- continue
- }
- if ic.incomingPub != nil {
- outPublish <- ic.incomingPub
- continue
- }
- ERROR.Println(STR, "startComms received empty incomingComms msg")
- }
- // Close channels that will not be written to again (allowing other routines to exit)
- close(outboundFromIncoming)
- close(outPublish)
- wg.Done()
- }()
- // Any errors will be passed out to our caller
- go func() {
- for err := range oboundErr {
- outError <- err
- }
- wg.Done()
- }()
- // outError is used by both routines so can only be closed when they are both complete
- go func() {
- wg.Wait()
- close(outError)
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "startComms closing outError")
- }()
- return outPublish, outError
- }
- // ackFunc acknowledges a packet
- // WARNING the function returned must not be called if the comms routine is shutting down or not running
- // (it needs outgoing comms in order to send the acknowledgement). Currently this is only called from
- // matchAndDispatch which will be shutdown before the comms are
- func ackFunc(oboundP chan *PacketAndToken, persist Store, packet *packets.PublishPacket) func() {
- return func() {
- switch packet.Qos {
- case 2:
- pr := packets.NewControlPacket(packets.Pubrec).(*packets.PubrecPacket)
- pr.MessageID = packet.MessageID
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "putting pubrec msg on obound")
- oboundP <- &PacketAndToken{p: pr, t: nil}
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "done putting pubrec msg on obound")
- case 1:
- pa := packets.NewControlPacket(packets.Puback).(*packets.PubackPacket)
- pa.MessageID = packet.MessageID
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "putting puback msg on obound")
- persistOutbound(persist, pa)
- oboundP <- &PacketAndToken{p: pa, t: nil}
- DEBUG.Println(NET, "done putting puback msg on obound")
- case 0:
- // do nothing, since there is no need to send an ack packet back
- }
- }
- }