123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109 |
- [canal]
- # MySQL host
- host =
- # MySQL port
- port = 3326
- # MySQL user, must have replication privilege
- user = root
- # MySQL password
- password = root
- # Flavor: mysql or mariadb
- flavor = mariadb
- # Unique Server ID
- serverID = 101
- # mysqldump execution path
- mysqldump = mysqldump
- # dump databases, seperated by comma
- dbs = oldtmrgo
- # dump tables, seperated by comma, will overwrite dbs templetdry
- tables = downloadedplan,downloadplandtl1
- ; barfeedremain,barmilk,downloadedplan,downloadplandtl1,downloadplandtl1_exec,downloadplandtl2,recweight
- # barfeedremain,barmilk,templetdry,downloadedplan,downloadplandtl1,downloadplandtl1_exec,downloadplandtl2,recweight
- # database for dump tables, seperated by comma, will overwrite dbs
- tableDB = oldtmrgo
- # ignore tables, must be database.table format, separated by comma
- ignoreTables =
- # start sync from binlog name
- startName =
- # start sync from binlog position of
- startPos =
- # master heartbeat period(*time.Second)
- heartbeatPeriod = 60
- # connection read timeout(*time.Second)
- readTimeout = 90
- # nodename key name intpastureid
- nodename = pasturecode
- # nodevalue value
- nodevalue = fc2d498de550b48e81
- # showlog
- showlog = 0
- onetimerows = 50
- [kafka]
- # enable kafka
- kafkaEnable = true
- Offset =
- kafka_host = ckafka-ga5pqo3z.ap-chengdu.ckafka.tencentcloudmq.com
- kafka_port = 50001
- kafka_topic = PRD-WiseFarm-KBTTMR-Up
- saslEnable = true
- username = ckafka-ga5pqo3z#kpt
- saslpassword = Kpt123456*
- tlsEnable = false
- clientcert =
- clientkey =
- cacert =
- [mqtt]
- # enable kafka
- mqttEnable = false
- topic = IIZ2DO368V/MQTT/event
- ; topic = $thing/down/raw/IIZ2DO368V/MQTT
- qos = 1
- CleanSession = true
- host = IIZ2DO368V.iotcloud.tencentdevices.com
- port = 1883
- path =
- #host = auuhfh5e8d294-ats.iot.us-east-2.amazonaws.com
- #port = 8883
- #path = /MyIotThing
- saslEnable = true
- username = IIZ2DO368VMQTT;12010126;782b4;1733241600
- saslpassword = 092972868fdc06630cb642368d0d1952d609c31384f6d3505f241d640f0f9e41;hmacsha256
- tlsEnable = false
- clientcert = pem/bbbc7ee0f6-certificate.pem.crt
- clientkey = pem/bbbc7ee0f6-private.pem.key
- cacert =
- [Service]
- ServiceName = KPTCanalService
- ServiceDisplayName = KPTCanalService
- ServiceDescription = 科湃腾数据同步服务1
- [barfeedremain]
- barname = ztFeedpName
- deleteField = pastureid,operatetime,emp,pid,times
- [barmilk]
- barname = feedpbname
- deleteField = pastureid,avgmonthage,bw,dayw,fetal,dayspre,pro,lactose,tem,cowsum,cowclass,cowclassid,bigcowclass,emp
- [downloadedplan]
- deleteField = pastureid,plantime,outitems,ptstempid,ptstempletname,thoweight,fpweight,lweight,iweight,oweight,tversion,ptversion,enable,isUse,completedtime
- [downloadplandtl1]
- flpid = FPointID
- dryfeed = Dry
- pricefeed = UPrice
- deleteField = pastureid,begintime,optdevice,outweight,type,date
- [downloadplandtl1_exec]
- deleteField = pastureid,flpid,begintime,optdevice,type,date
- [downloadplandtl2]
- allowratio = feedpallowratio
- deleteField = pastureid,type,lweighthis,remainleftw,allowrw,begintime,begintag,endtag,optdevice,bigcowname,priceweight,fpid,useinbartype,date
- [recweight]
- deleteField = pastureid