package api import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "math" "net/http" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" "../../utils" "../../pkg/app" "../../pkg/e" "../../routers/restful" "" "" "" "" ) func GetProductAreas(c *gin.Context) { appG := app.Gin{C: c} dataByte, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(c.Request.Body) fsion := gofasion.NewFasion(string(dataByte)) offset := fsion.Get("offset").ValueDefaultInt(0) pagecount := fsion.Get("pagecount").ValueDefaultInt(0) parammaps := fsion.Get("parammaps") productname := parammaps.Get("productname").ValueStr() classids := parammaps.Get("productclassid").ValueStr() var recordcount int64 = 0 queryData := make([]map[string]interface{}, 1) var err error tx := restful.Engine.NewSession() defer tx.Close() { sqlstr := `SELECT,t1.productname,t1.spec FROM productinfo t1 INNER JOIN prounit t2 ON t1.prounit = where 1=1 and t1.enable = 1 ` if len(classids) > 0 { sqlstr += fmt.Sprintf(" and t1.productclass in ('%s')", classids) } if len(productname) > 0 { sqlstr += fmt.Sprintf(" and t1.productname like ('%s')", "%"+productname+"%") } tt, err := tx.SQL(sqlstr).Query().Count() if err != nil { log.Println("GetProductAreas-err1: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } recordcount = int64(tt) } if pagecount == 0 { sqlstr := `SELECT as productid,t1.productname,ifnull(t1.spec,"") as specifications,ifnull(t2.unitname,"") as unit FROM productinfo t1 INNER JOIN prounit t2 ON t1.prounit = where 1=1 and t1.enable = 1 ` if len(classids) > 0 { sqlstr += fmt.Sprintf(" and t1.productclass in ('%s')", classids) } if len(productname) > 0 { sqlstr += fmt.Sprintf(" and t1.productname like ('%s')", "%"+productname+"%") } query := tx.SQL(sqlstr) queryData, err = query.Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("GetProductAreas-err2: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } } else { sqlstr := `SELECT as productid,t1.productname,ifnull(t1.spec,"") as specifications,ifnull(t2.unitname,"") as unit FROM productinfo t1 INNER JOIN prounit t2 ON t1.prounit = where 1=1 and t1.enable = 1 ` if len(classids) > 0 { sqlstr += fmt.Sprintf(" and t1.productclass in ('%s')", classids) } if len(productname) > 0 { sqlstr += fmt.Sprintf(" and t1.productname like ('%s')", "%"+productname+"%") } queryData, err = tx.SQL(sqlstr).Limit(pagecount, (offset-1)*pagecount).Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("GetProductAreas-err3: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } } headlist := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) areaData := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) { sqlstr := `SELECT AS productareaid, t1.AreaId as areaid,, t1.Productid as productid FROM productarea t1 INNER JOIN canton t2 ON t1.AreaId = t2.ID order by areaid` areaData, err = tx.SQL(sqlstr).Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("GetProductAreas-err4: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } areaMap := make(map[interface{}]interface{}) contactlistMap := make(map[interface{}][]interface{}) for _, area := range areaData { areaMap[area["areaid"]] = area["name"] contactlistMap[area["productid"]] = append(contactlistMap[area["productid"]], area["areaid"]) } areaids := []int64{} for areaid, _ := range areaMap { areaids = append(areaids, areaid.(int64)) } utils.QuickSort(areaids, 0, int64(len(areaids)-1)) for _, v := range areaids { head := make(map[string]interface{}) head["column_name"] = fmt.Sprintf("column%v", v) head["column_title"] = areaMap[v] head["column_id"] = v headlist = append(headlist, head) } for _, data := range queryData { for id, _ := range areaMap { data[fmt.Sprintf("column%v", id)] = 0 } if _, ok := contactlistMap[data["productid"]]; ok { for _, areaid := range contactlistMap[data["productid"]] { data[fmt.Sprintf("column%v", areaid)] = 1 } } } } data := make(map[string]interface{}) data["headlist"] = headlist data["list"] = queryData data["total"] = recordcount data["code"] = 0 data["message"] = "ok" if pagecount > 0 { data["pages"] = math.Ceil(float64(recordcount) / float64(pagecount)) data["pageNum"] = math.Ceil(float64(offset+1) / float64(pagecount)) } data["pageSize"] = pagecount appG.Response(http.StatusOK, e.SUCCESS, data) } //查看发布价格 func GetPublishPrice(c *gin.Context) { areaids := getroleareaid(c.GetHeader("token")) user, _ := util.ParseToken(c.GetHeader("token")) appG := app.Gin{C: c} dataByte, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(c.Request.Body) fsion := gofasion.NewFasion(string(dataByte)) offset := fsion.Get("offset").ValueDefaultInt(0) pagecount := fsion.Get("pagecount").ValueDefaultInt(0) parammaps := fsion.Get("parammaps") productclass := parammaps.Get("productclassid").ValueInt64() date := parammaps.Get("starttime").ValueStr() productname := parammaps.Get("productname").ValueStr() data := make(map[string]interface{}) var err error queryData := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) var recordcount int tx := restful.Engine.NewSession() defer tx.Close() { sqlstr := `select if(t5.code= "",0,1) as coedisnull ,ifnull(t5.code,"") as productcode ,t3.classname, as productid,t1.productname,t1.productclass,ifnull(t1.spec,"") as specifications ,ifnull(t2.unitname,"") as unit from productinfo t1 left join prounit t2 on = t1.prounit join productclass t3 on = t1.productclass join productarea t4 on = t4.Productid ` if len(areaids) > 0 { sqlstr += fmt.Sprintf(" and t4.Areaid in (%s)", areaids) // args = append(args, areaids) } var args []interface{} args = append(args, user.Username) sqlstr += "left join productusercode t5 on t5.userid = ? and t5.productid =" sqlstr += ` where 1=1 and t1.enable = 1 ` if productclass > 0 { sqlstr += " and t1.productclass = ?" args = append(args, productclass) } if len(productname) > 0 { sqlstr += " and t1.productname like CONCAT('%',?,'%')" args = append(args, productname) } sqlstr += " group by order by coedisnull desc ,t5.code +0 , t3.ordernum,,t1.ordernum, asc " if pagecount > 0 { sqlstr += " limit ?,?" args = append(args, (offset-1)*pagecount, pagecount) } productrow := tx.SQL(sqlstr, args...) defer productrow.Close() queryData, err = productrow.Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("GetPublishPrice-err1: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } // var args1 []interface{} // sqlstr1 := `select from productinfo t1 // join prounit t2 on = t1.prounit where 1=1 and t1.enable = 1 ` // if productclass > 0 { // sqlstr1 += " and t1.productclass = ?" // args1 = append(args1, productclass) // } // if len(productname) > 0 { // sqlstr1 += " and t1.productname like CONCAT('%',?,'%')" // args1 = append(args1, productname) // } // row := tx.SQL(sqlstr1, args1...) // defer row.Close() // count, err := row.Query().Count() // if err != nil { // log.Println("GetPublishPrice-err2: ", err) // appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) // return // } // recordcount = count } productidlist := []string{"0"} for _, data := range queryData { productidlist = append(productidlist, strconv.FormatInt(data["productid"].(int64), 10)) } type areaid struct { areaid int64 name string parentid int64 layer int64 sort int64 } headlist := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) { // sqlstr := `select,,t1.parent_id as parentid ,t1.layer,t1.ord from canton t1 // join (select DISTINCT(areaid) as areaid, from productarea t1 join canton t2 on = t1.areaid // where productid in (%s)) t2 on ( = t2.areaid or t1.PARENT_ID = t2.areaid)` sqlstr := ` select,,t1.parent_id as parentid ,t1.layer,t1.ord from canton t1 where layer >0 ` if len(areaids) > 0 { sqlstr += fmt.Sprintf(" and (parent_id in (%s) or id in (%s))", areaids, areaids) } arearow := tx.SQL(sqlstr) areaData, err := arearow.Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("GetPublishPrice-err3: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } bigarea := make([]*areaid, 0) wg := sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(len(areaData)) for _, area := range areaData { go func(area map[string]interface{}) { if area["layer"].(int64) == 1 { bigarea = append(bigarea, &areaid{ areaid: area["id"].(int64), name: area["name"].(string), parentid: area["parentid"].(int64), layer: area["layer"].(int64), sort: area["ord"].(int64), }) } wg.Done() }(area) } wg.Wait() sort.Slice(bigarea, func(i, j int) bool { return bigarea[i].areaid < bigarea[j].areaid // 升序 }) sort.Slice(bigarea, func(i, j int) bool { return bigarea[i].sort < bigarea[j].sort // 升序 }) for _, big := range bigarea { head := make(map[string]interface{}) head["column_id"] = big.areaid head["column_name"] = fmt.Sprintf("column_%d", big.areaid) head["column_title"] = smallarea := make([]*areaid, 0) for _, area := range areaData { if area["parentid"].(int64) == big.areaid { smallarea = append(smallarea, &areaid{ areaid: area["id"].(int64), name: area["name"].(string), parentid: area["parentid"].(int64), layer: area["layer"].(int64), sort: area["ord"].(int64), }) } } sort.Slice(smallarea, func(i, j int) bool { return smallarea[i].areaid < smallarea[j].areaid // 升序 }) sort.Slice(smallarea, func(i, j int) bool { return smallarea[i].sort < smallarea[j].sort // 升序 }) smallhead := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) for _, small := range smallarea { data1 := make(map[string]interface{}) data1["column_id"] = small.areaid data1["column_name"] = fmt.Sprintf("column_%d", small.areaid) data1["column_title"] = smallhead = append(smallhead, data1) } head["headlist"] = smallhead headlist = append(headlist, head) } productpricesql := `SELECT productid,marketid as smallareaid , marketclass as bigareaid,price FROM ( SELECT * FROM productprice WHERE productid in (%s) ` productpricesql = fmt.Sprintf(productpricesql, strings.Join(productidlist, ",")) if date != "" { start := fmt.Sprintf("%s 00:00:00", date) end := fmt.Sprintf("%s 23:59:59", date) productpricesql += fmt.Sprintf(" and pricedate BETWEEN '%s' and '%s' ", start, end) } productpricesql += " ORDER BY pricedate DESC limit 1000000000000000) AS t where 1=1" if len(areaids) > 0 { productpricesql += fmt.Sprintf(" and t.marketclass in (%s)", areaids) } productpricesql += " group by productid, marketid " productpricerow := tx.SQL(productpricesql) defer productpricerow.Close() productpriceData, err := productpricerow.Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println(err) return } type priceStruct struct { marketid int64 price float64 } priceMap := make(map[int64][]priceStruct) for _, productprice := range productpriceData { priceintface, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(productprice["price"].(string), 64) priceMap[productprice["productid"].(int64)] = append(priceMap[productprice["productid"].(int64)], priceStruct{ marketid: productprice["smallareaid"].(int64), price: priceintface, }) } wg.Add(len(queryData)) for _, query := range queryData { go func(query map[string]interface{}) { for _, area := range areaData { if area["layer"].(int64) == 2 { query[fmt.Sprintf("column_%v", area["id"])] = 0 } } query["Edit"] = false query["NoEdit"] = true query["isCreate"] = false query["isUpdate"] = true query["isUpdateSave"] = false wg.Done() }(query) } wg.Wait() wg.Add(len(queryData)) for _, query := range queryData { go func(query map[string]interface{}) { for _, price := range priceMap[query["productid"].(int64)] { query[fmt.Sprintf("column_%d", price.marketid)] = price.price } wg.Done() }(query) } wg.Wait() data["list"] = queryData } data["headlist"] = headlist data["total"] = recordcount data["code"] = 0 data["message"] = "ok" if pagecount > 0 { data["pages"] = math.Ceil(float64(recordcount) / float64(pagecount)) data["pageNum"] = math.Ceil(float64(offset+1) / float64(pagecount)) } data["pageSize"] = pagecount appG.Response(http.StatusOK, e.SUCCESS, data) } //修改发布价格信息 func UpdatePublishPrice(c *gin.Context) { appG := app.Gin{C: c} user, _ := util.ParseToken(c.GetHeader("token")) dataByte, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(c.Request.Body) fsion := gofasion.NewFasion(string(dataByte)) params := fsion.Get("params").Array() tx := restful.Engine.NewSession() defer tx.Close() areamap := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) pricemap := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) var err error if len(params) > 0 { areaidlist := []string{"0"} for _, key := range params[0].Keys() { if strings.Index(key, "column_") > -1 { areaidlist = append(areaidlist, key[len("column_"):]) } } areamap, err = tx.SQL(fmt.Sprintf(`select,t1.PARENT_ID as parentid from canton t1 join canton t2 on t1.PARENT_ID = where in (%s) order by t2.ORD ,t1.ORD,`, strings.Join(areaidlist, ","))).Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("UpdatePublishPrice-err1: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } productidlist := []string{} for _, param := range params { productidlist = append(productidlist, param.Get("productid").ValueStr()) } pricemap, err = tx.SQL(fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT t.marketid ,t.marketclass,t.price , t.pricedate,id,productid FROM ( SELECT * FROM productprice WHERE productid in (%s) ORDER BY pricedate DESC limit 10000000000000000 ) AS t GROUP BY t.marketid ,productid `, strings.Join(productidlist, ","))).Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("UpdatePublishPrice-err2: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } } var wg sync.WaitGroup for _, param := range params { productid := param.Get("productid").ValueInt64() productclass := param.Get("productclass").ValueStr() productcode := param.Get("productcode").ValueStr() for _, area := range areamap { pricenum := param.Get(fmt.Sprintf("column_%v", area["id"])).ValueFloat64() isupdateprice := false exist := false for _, price := range pricemap { if area["id"].(int64) == price["marketid"].(int64) && productid == price["productid"].(int64) { priceintface, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(price["price"].(string), 64) if priceintface == pricenum { isupdateprice = true } exist = true break } } if (!isupdateprice && (exist)) || (!isupdateprice && !exist && pricenum != 0) { var args []interface{} args = append(args, productid, area["id"], pricenum, area["parentid"], productclass) _, err := tx.SQL("insert into productprice(productid,marketid,price,marketclass,productclass,pricedate)values(?,?,?,?,?,now())", args...).Execute() if err != nil { log.Println("UpdatePublishPrice-err4: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } } } wg.Add(1) go func(user *util.Claims, productcode string, productid int64) { defer wg.Done() _, err := tx.SQL(`insert into productusercode(userid,code,productid)value(?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE code = ?`, user.Username, productcode, productid, productcode).Execute() if err != nil { log.Println("UpdatePublishPrice-err5: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } }(user, productcode, productid) } wg.Wait() appG.Response(http.StatusOK, e.SUCCESS, nil) } //查看产品信息 GetProductInfo func GetProductInfo(c *gin.Context) { appG := app.Gin{C: c} dataByte, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(c.Request.Body) fsion := gofasion.NewFasion(string(dataByte)) offset := fsion.Get("offset").ValueDefaultInt(0) pagecount := fsion.Get("pagecount").ValueDefaultInt(0) parammaps := fsion.Get("parammaps") smallclassid := parammaps.Get("smallclassid").ValueStr() productname := parammaps.Get("productname").ValueStr() var args []interface{} tx := restful.Engine.NewSession() defer tx.Close() sqlstr := ` select as productid ,t1.productname, IFNULL(t1.spec,'') as specifications ,t2.unitname as unit,t1.prounit as unitid ,t1.enable,t1.ordernum as sort , t3.productclass , as smallclassid from productinfo t1 inner join prounit t2 on = t1.prounit inner join (select t1.classname as smallname,t2.classname as bigname,,CONCAT(t2.classname,'-',t1.classname)as productclass ,t1.ordernum as smallsort ,t2.ordernum as bigsort from productclass t1 join productclass t2 on = t1.parentid where t1.leavel = 2) t3 on = t1.productclass where 1=1 ` if smallclassid != "" { sqlstr += " and t1.productclass = ? " args = append(args, smallclassid) } if productname != "" { sqlstr += " and t1.productname like CONCAT('%',?,'%') " args = append(args, productname) } sqlstr += " order by t3.bigsort,t3.smallsort ,t1.ordernum" arearow := tx.SQL(sqlstr, args...) defer arearow.Close() queryData := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) var err error if pagecount > 0 { queryData, err = arearow.Limit(pagecount, (offset-1)*pagecount).Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("GetProductInfo-err1: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } } else { queryData, err = arearow.Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("GetProductInfo-err1: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } } sqlstrcount := `select from productinfo t1 inner join prounit t2 on = t1.prounit inner join (select t1.classname as smallname,t2.classname as bigname,,CONCAT(t2.classname,'-',t1.classname)as productclass ,t1.ordernum as smallsort ,t2.ordernum as bigsort from productclass t1 join productclass t2 on = t1.parentid where t1.leavel = 2) t3 on = t1.productclass where 1=1 and t1.enable = 1 ` if smallclassid != "" { sqlstrcount += " and t1.productclass = ? " } if productname != "" { sqlstrcount += " and t1.productname like CONCAT('%',?,'%') " } countrow := tx.SQL(sqlstr, args...) recordcount, err := countrow.Query().Count() if err != nil { log.Println("GetProductInfo-err2: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } productids := []string{"0"} for _, query := range queryData { productids = append(productids, fmt.Sprintf("%v", query["productid"])) } pricemap, err := tx.SQL(fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT productid,price FROM ( SELECT * FROM productprice WHERE productid in (%s) ORDER BY pricedate DESC limit 10000000000000000 ) AS t group by productid `, strings.Join(productids, ","))).Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("GetProductInfo-err3: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } for _, query := range queryData { productid := query["productid"].(int64) for _, price := range pricemap { if productid == price["productid"].(int64) { query["price"] = price["price"] } } } data := make(map[string]interface{}) data["list"] = queryData data["total"] = recordcount data["code"] = 0 data["message"] = "ok" if pagecount > 0 { data["pages"] = math.Ceil(float64(recordcount) / float64(pagecount)) data["pageNum"] = math.Ceil(float64(offset+1) / float64(pagecount)) } data["pageSize"] = pagecount appG.Response(http.StatusOK, e.SUCCESS, data) } func GetAveragePrice(c *gin.Context) { areaids := getroleareaid(c.GetHeader("token")) user, _ := util.ParseToken(c.GetHeader("token")) appG := app.Gin{C: c} dataByte, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(c.Request.Body) fsion := gofasion.NewFasion(string(dataByte)) offset := fsion.Get("offset").ValueDefaultInt(0) pagecount := fsion.Get("pagecount").ValueDefaultInt(0) parammaps := fsion.Get("parammaps") productclass := parammaps.Get("productclassid").ValueStr() productid := parammaps.Get("productid").ValueInt64() starttime := parammaps.Get("starttime").ValueStr() endtime := parammaps.Get("endtime").ValueStr() productname := parammaps.Get("productname").ValueStr() userid := parammaps.Get("userid").ValueStr() var productidlist []string if productid != 0 { productidlist = append(productidlist, fmt.Sprintf("%d", productid)) } data := make(map[string]interface{}) var err error queryData := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) var recordcount int tx := restful.Engine.NewSession() defer tx.Close() if userid != "" { productidmap, err := tx.SQL("select Productid as productid from attention where userid = ?", userid).Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("GetAveragePrice-err1: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } for _, product := range productidmap { productidlist = append(productidlist, fmt.Sprintf("%v", product["productid"])) } if len(productidlist) == 0 { appG.Response(http.StatusOK, e.SUCCESS, data) return } } { // sqlstr := `select as productid,t1.productname,t1.productclass,ifnull(t1.spec,"") as specifications ,ifnull(t2.unitname,"") as unit from productinfo t1 // join prounit t2 on = t1.prounit join productclass t3 on = t1.productclass where 1=1 and t1.enable = 1 ` sqlstr := `select if(t5.code= "",0,1) as coedisnull, ifnull(t5.code,"") productcode,t3.classname, as productid,t1.productname,t1.productclass,ifnull(t1.spec,"") as specifications ,ifnull(t2.unitname,"") as unit from productinfo t1 left join prounit t2 on = t1.prounit join productclass t3 on = t1.productclass join productarea t4 on = t4.Productid ` if len(areaids) > 0 { sqlstr += fmt.Sprintf(" and t4.Areaid in (%s)", areaids) } sqlstr += " left join productusercode t5 on t5.userid = ? and t5.productid =" var args []interface{} args = append(args, user.Username) sqlstr += ` where 1=1 and t1.enable = 1 ` // var args []interface{} if len(productclass) > 0 { sqlstr += fmt.Sprintf(" and t1.productclass in (%s)", productclass) } if len(productname) > 0 { sqlstr += " and t1.productname like CONCAT('%',?,'%')" args = append(args, productname) } // if productid != 0 { // sqlstr += " and in (?) " // args = append(args, strings.Join(productidlist, ",")) // } if len(productidlist) > 0 { sqlstr += fmt.Sprintf(" and in (%s) ", strings.Join(productidlist, ",")) } sqlstr += "group by order by coedisnull desc ,t5.code +0 , t3.ordernum,,t1.ordernum," if pagecount > 0 && productid == 0 { sqlstr += " limit ?,?" args = append(args, (offset-1)*pagecount, pagecount) } productrow := tx.SQL(sqlstr, args...) defer productrow.Close() queryData, err = productrow.Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("GetAveragePrice-err1: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } if productid == 0 { var args1 []interface{} sqlstr1 := `select from productinfo t1 left join prounit t2 on = t1.prounit join productarea t4 on = t4.Productid where 1=1 and t1.enable = 1 ` // var args []interface{} if len(areaids) > 0 { // sqlstr1 += " and t4.Areaid in (?)" sqlstr1 += fmt.Sprintf(" and t4.Areaid in (%s)", areaids) // args1 = append(args, areaids) } if len(productclass) > 0 { sqlstr1 += fmt.Sprintf(" and t1.productclass in (%s) ", productclass) } if len(productname) > 0 { sqlstr1 += " and t1.productname like CONCAT('%',?,'%')" args1 = append(args1, productname) } if len(productidlist) > 0 { sqlstr1 += fmt.Sprintf(" and in (%s) ", strings.Join(productidlist, ",")) } sqlstr1 += " group by" row := tx.SQL(sqlstr1, args1...) defer row.Close() count, err := row.Query().Count() if err != nil { log.Println("GetAveragePrice-err2: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } recordcount = count defer row.Close() } defer productrow.Close() } // productidlist := []string{"0"} for _, data := range queryData { productidlist = append(productidlist, strconv.FormatInt(data["productid"].(int64), 10)) } type areaid struct { areaid int64 name string parentid int64 layer int64 sort int64 } headlist := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) if len(productidlist) > 0 { // sqlstr := `select,,t1.parent_id as parentid ,t1.layer,t1.ord from canton t1 // join (select DISTINCT(areaid) as areaid, from productarea t1 join canton t2 on = t1.areaid // where productid in (%s)) t2 on ( = t2.areaid or t1.PARENT_ID = t2.areaid)` sqlstr := ` select,,t1.parent_id as parentid ,t1.layer,t1.ord from canton t1 where layer >0 ` if len(areaids) > 0 { sqlstr += fmt.Sprintf(" and PARENT_ID in (%s) or in(%s)", areaids, areaids) } arearow := tx.SQL(sqlstr) areaData, err := arearow.Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("GetAveragePrice-err3: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } bigarea := make([]*areaid, 0) for _, area := range areaData { if area["layer"].(int64) == 1 { bigarea = append(bigarea, &areaid{ areaid: area["id"].(int64), name: area["name"].(string), parentid: area["parentid"].(int64), layer: area["layer"].(int64), sort: area["ord"].(int64), }) } } sort.Slice(bigarea, func(i, j int) bool { return bigarea[i].areaid < bigarea[j].areaid // 升序 }) sort.Slice(bigarea, func(i, j int) bool { return bigarea[i].sort < bigarea[j].sort // 升序 }) for _, big := range bigarea { head := make(map[string]interface{}) head["column_id"] = big.areaid head["column_name"] = fmt.Sprintf("column_%d", big.areaid) head["column_title"] = smallarea := make([]*areaid, 0) for _, area := range areaData { if area["parentid"].(int64) == big.areaid { smallarea = append(smallarea, &areaid{ areaid: area["id"].(int64), name: area["name"].(string), parentid: area["parentid"].(int64), layer: area["layer"].(int64), sort: area["ord"].(int64), }) } } sort.Slice(smallarea, func(i, j int) bool { return smallarea[i].areaid < smallarea[j].areaid // 升序 }) sort.Slice(smallarea, func(i, j int) bool { return smallarea[i].sort < smallarea[j].sort // 升序 }) smallhead := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) for _, small := range smallarea { data1 := make(map[string]interface{}) data1["column_id"] = small.areaid data1["column_name"] = fmt.Sprintf("column_%d", small.areaid) data1["column_title"] = smallhead = append(smallhead, data1) } head["headlist"] = smallhead headlist = append(headlist, head) } type priceStruct struct { marketid int64 price float64 pricedate string } priceMap := make(map[int64][]priceStruct) if productid == 0 { productpricesql := `SELECT productid,marketid as smallareaid , marketclass as bigareaid,avg(price) as price,pricedate FROM ( SELECT * FROM productprice WHERE productid in (%s) ORDER BY pricedate DESC limit 10000000000000000 ) AS t where 1=1 ` if starttime != "" && endtime != "" { productpricesql += fmt.Sprintf(" and pricedate BETWEEN '%s' and '%s' ", fmt.Sprintf("%s 00:00:00", starttime), fmt.Sprintf("%s 23:59:59", endtime)) } if len(areaids) > 0 { productpricesql += fmt.Sprintf(" and t.marketclass in (%s)", areaids) } productpricesql += " group by productid, marketid " if offset != 0 || pagecount != 0 { productpricesql += fmt.Sprintf(" limit %d,%d", (offset-1)*pagecount, pagecount) } productpricerow := tx.SQL(fmt.Sprintf(productpricesql, strings.Join(productidlist, ","))) defer productpricerow.Close() productpriceData, err := productpricerow.Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("GetAveragePrice-err4: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } for _, productprice := range productpriceData { price, err := strconv.ParseFloat(productprice["price"].(string), 64) if err != nil { log.Println("GetAveragePrice-err6: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } priceMap[productprice["productid"].(int64)] = append(priceMap[productprice["productid"].(int64)], priceStruct{ marketid: productprice["smallareaid"].(int64), price: utils.Round(price, 2), }) } for _, query := range queryData { for _, area := range areaData { if area["layer"].(int64) == 2 { query[fmt.Sprintf("column_%v", area["id"])] = 0 } } query["Edit"] = false query["NoEdit"] = true query["isCreate"] = false query["isUpdate"] = true query["isUpdateSave"] = false } for _, query := range queryData { for _, price := range priceMap[query["productid"].(int64)] { query[fmt.Sprintf("column_%d", price.marketid)] = price.price } } data["list"] = queryData } else { timesql := `SELECT date_format(pricedate, '%%Y-%%c-%%d') as pricedate FROM ( SELECT * FROM productprice WHERE productid in (%s) ORDER BY pricedate desc limit 10000000000000000 ) AS t where 1=1 ` if len(areaids) > 0 { timesql += fmt.Sprintf(" and t.marketclass in (%s)", areaids) } timesql += " group by date_format(pricedate, '%%Y-%%c-%%d') ORDER BY pricedate desc" count, err := tx.SQL(fmt.Sprintf(timesql, strings.Join(productidlist, ","))).Query().Count() if err != nil { log.Println("GetAveragePrice-err4: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } recordcount = int(count) dates := []string{} if offset != 0 || pagecount != 0 { timesql += fmt.Sprintf(" limit %d,%d", (offset-1)*pagecount, pagecount) } timeData, err := tx.SQL(fmt.Sprintf(timesql, strings.Join(productidlist, ","))).Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("GetAveragePrice-err5: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } productpricesql := `SELECT productid,marketid as smallareaid , marketclass as bigareaid,avg(price) as price,date_format(pricedate, '%%Y-%%c-%%d') as pricedate FROM ( SELECT * FROM productprice WHERE productid in (%s) ORDER BY pricedate DESC limit 10000000000000000 ) AS t where 1=1 ` if len(areaids) > 0 { productpricesql += fmt.Sprintf(" and t.marketclass in (%s)", areaids) } if len(timeData) > 0 { starttime = fmt.Sprintf("%s 00:00:00", timeData[len(timeData)-1]["pricedate"].(string)) endtime = fmt.Sprintf("%s 23:59:59", timeData[0]["pricedate"].(string)) productpricesql += fmt.Sprintf(" and pricedate BETWEEN '%s' and '%s' ", fmt.Sprintf("%s 00:00:00", starttime), fmt.Sprintf("%s 23:59:59", endtime)) } productpricesql += " group by marketid,date_format(pricedate, '%%Y-%%c-%%d') " productpricerow := tx.SQL(fmt.Sprintf(productpricesql, strings.Join(productidlist, ","))) defer productpricerow.Close() productpriceData, err := productpricerow.Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("GetAveragePrice-err6: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } for _, productprice := range productpriceData { dates = append(dates, productprice["pricedate"].(string)) price, err := strconv.ParseFloat(productprice["price"].(string), 64) if err != nil { log.Println("GetAveragePrice-err7: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } priceMap[productprice["productid"].(int64)] = append(priceMap[productprice["productid"].(int64)], priceStruct{ marketid: productprice["smallareaid"].(int64), price: utils.Round(price, 2), pricedate: productprice["pricedate"].(string), }) } datelist := utils.RemoveRepeatedElement(dates) sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(sort.StringSlice(datelist))) productmap := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) for _, date := range datelist { product := make(map[string]interface{}, 0) product["productid"] = productid for _, query := range queryData { if query["productid"].(int64) == productid { product["productclass"] = query["productclass"] product["productname"] = query["productname"] product["unit"] = query["unit"] product["specifications"] = query["specifications"] break } } for _, area := range areaData { if area["layer"].(int64) == 2 { product[fmt.Sprintf("column_%v", area["id"])] = 0 } } product["Edit"] = false product["NoEdit"] = true product["isCreate"] = false product["isUpdate"] = true product["isUpdateSave"] = false product["pricedate"] = date for _, price := range priceMap[product["productid"].(int64)] { if date == price.pricedate { product[fmt.Sprintf("column_%d", price.marketid)] = price.price } } productmap = append(productmap, product) } data["list"] = productmap } } data["headlist"] = headlist data["total"] = recordcount data["code"] = 0 data["message"] = "ok" if pagecount > 0 { data["pages"] = math.Ceil(float64(recordcount) / float64(pagecount)) data["pageNum"] = math.Ceil(float64(offset+1) / float64(pagecount)) } data["pageSize"] = pagecount appG.Response(http.StatusOK, e.SUCCESS, data) } //查看平均价格图标信息 func GetQuotationChart(c *gin.Context) { // areaids := getroleareaid(c.GetHeader("token")) appG := app.Gin{C: c} dataByte, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(c.Request.Body) fsion := gofasion.NewFasion(string(dataByte)) parammaps := fsion.Get("parammaps") productid := parammaps.Get("productid").ValueInt64() areaids := parammaps.Get("areaids").ValueStr() tx := restful.Engine.NewSession() defer tx.Close() areasql := `select name from canton t1 join productarea t2 on t2.productid = ? and t1.PARENT_ID = t2.areaid where layer = 2 ` if len(areaids) > 0 { areasql += fmt.Sprintf(" and in (%s)", areaids) } areamap, err := tx.SQL(areasql, productid).Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("GetQuotationChart-err0: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } sqlstr := `select avg(t1.price) as price , date_format(t1.pricedate, '%Y-%c-%d') as date , from productprice t1 join canton t2 on = t1.marketid where t1.productid = ? ` if len(areaids) > 0 { sqlstr += fmt.Sprintf(" and t1.marketid in (%s)", areaids) } sqlstr += " group by date,name order by date desc" priceData, err := tx.SQL(sqlstr, productid).Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("GetQuotationChart-err1: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } datelist := []string{} daylist := []interface{}{} for _, price := range priceData { datelist = append(datelist, price["date"].(string)) } days := utils.RemoveRepeatedElement(datelist) sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(sort.StringSlice(days))) for _, day := range days { daylist = append(daylist, day) } var list [][]interface{} namelist := []interface{}{} for _, area := range areamap { namelist = append(namelist, area["name"].(string)) } list = append(list, namelist) if len(daylist) == 0 { now := time.Now() for i := 0; i < 7; i++ { daylist = append(daylist, now.AddDate(0, 0, -i).Format("2006-01-02")) } } list = append(list, daylist) for _, name := range namelist { pricelist := []interface{}{} for _, day := range daylist { exist := false for _, pricemap := range priceData { if pricemap["name"].(string) == name.(string) && day.(string) == pricemap["date"].(string) { price, err := strconv.ParseFloat(pricemap["price"].(string), 64) if err != nil { log.Println("GetAveragePrice-err6: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } pricelist = append(pricelist, utils.Round(price, 2)) exist = true } } if !exist { pricelist = append(pricelist, 0) } } if len(pricelist) == 0 { for i := 0; i < 7; i++ { pricelist = append(pricelist, 0) } } else { list = append(list, pricelist) } } appG.Response(http.StatusOK, e.SUCCESS, list) } func AttentionProduce(c *gin.Context) { appG := app.Gin{C: c} dataByte, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(c.Request.Body) fsion := gofasion.NewFasion(string(dataByte)) userid := fsion.Get("userid").ValueStr() params := fsion.Get("params").Array() tx := restful.Engine.NewSession() defer tx.Close() productids := []string{} for _, product := range params { productids = append(productids, product.ValueStr()) exist, err := tx.SQL("select id from attention where userid = ? and productid = ? ", userid, product.ValueInt64()).Exist() if err != nil { log.Println("AttentionProduce-err1: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } if !exist { _, err := tx.SQL("insert into attention(userid,productid)values(?,?)", userid, product.ValueInt64()).Execute() if err != nil { log.Println("AttentionProduce-err2: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } } } if len(productids) == 0 { productids = append(productids, "0") } _, err := tx.SQL(fmt.Sprintf("delete from attention where userid = ? and productid not in(%s)", strings.Join(productids, ",")), userid).Execute() if err != nil { log.Println("AttentionProduce-err3: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } appG.Response(http.StatusOK, e.SUCCESS, true) } func GetAveragePriceExcel(c *gin.Context) { areaids := getroleareaid(c.GetHeader("token")) user, _ := util.ParseToken(c.GetHeader("token")) appG := app.Gin{C: c} dataByte, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(c.Request.Body) fsion := gofasion.NewFasion(string(dataByte)) offset := fsion.Get("offset").ValueDefaultInt(0) pagecount := fsion.Get("pagecount").ValueDefaultInt(0) parammaps := fsion.Get("parammaps") productclass := parammaps.Get("productclassid").ValueStr() productid := parammaps.Get("productid").ValueInt64() starttime := parammaps.Get("starttime").ValueStr() endtime := parammaps.Get("endtime").ValueStr() productname := parammaps.Get("productname").ValueStr() userid := parammaps.Get("userid").ValueStr() username := parammaps.Get("empname").ValueStr() // var productidlist []string // if productid != 0 { // productidlist = append(productidlist, fmt.Sprintf("%d", productid)) // } // data := make(map[string]interface{}) // var err error // queryData := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) var productidlist []string if productid != 0 { productidlist = append(productidlist, fmt.Sprintf("%d", productid)) } data := make(map[string]interface{}) var err error queryData := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) // var recordcount int tx := restful.Engine.NewSession() defer tx.Close() if userid != "" { productidmap, err := tx.SQL("select Productid as productid from attention where userid = ?", userid).Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("GetAveragePrice-err1: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } for _, product := range productidmap { productidlist = append(productidlist, fmt.Sprintf("%v", product["productid"])) } if len(productidlist) == 0 { appG.Response(http.StatusOK, e.SUCCESS, data) return } } { // sqlstr := `select t3.classname, as productid,t1.productname,t1.productclass,ifnull(t1.spec,"") as specifications ,ifnull(t2.unitname,"") as unit from productinfo t1 // join prounit t2 on = t1.prounit join productclass t3 on = t1.productclass where 1=1 and t1.enable = 1 ` sqlstr := `select if(t5.code= "",0,1) as coedisnull,ifnull(t5.code,"")as productcode ,t3.classname, as productid,t1.productname,t1.productclass,ifnull(t1.spec,"") as specifications ,ifnull(t2.unitname,"") as unit from productinfo t1 left join prounit t2 on = t1.prounit join productclass t3 on = t1.productclass join productarea t4 on = t4.Productid ` if len(areaids) > 0 { sqlstr += fmt.Sprintf(" and t4.Areaid in (%s)", areaids) } sqlstr += " left join productusercode t5 on t5.userid = ? and t5.productid = " var args []interface{} args = append(args, user.Username) sqlstr += ` where 1=1 and t1.enable = 1 ` // var args []interface{} if len(productclass) > 0 { sqlstr += fmt.Sprintf(" and t1.productclass in (%s)", productclass) } if len(productname) > 0 { sqlstr += " and t1.productname like CONCAT('%',?,'%')" args = append(args, productname) } // if productid != 0 { // sqlstr += " and in (?) " // args = append(args, strings.Join(productidlist, ",")) // } if len(productidlist) > 0 { sqlstr += fmt.Sprintf(" and in (%s) ", strings.Join(productidlist, ",")) } sqlstr += " group by order by coedisnull desc, t5.code +0,t3.ordernum,,t1.ordernum," // if pagecount > 0 && productid == 0 { // sqlstr += " limit ?,?" // args = append(args, (offset-1)*pagecount, pagecount) // } productrow := tx.SQL(sqlstr, args...) defer productrow.Close() queryData, err = productrow.Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("GetAveragePrice-err1: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } // if productid == 0 { // var args1 []interface{} // sqlstr1 := `select from productinfo t1 // join prounit t2 on = t1.prounit where 1=1 and t1.enable = 1 ` // if len(productclass) > 0 { // sqlstr1 += fmt.Sprintf(" and t1.productclass in (%s) ", productclass) // } // if len(productname) > 0 { // sqlstr1 += " and t1.productname like CONCAT('%',?,'%')" // args1 = append(args1, productname) // } // if len(productidlist) > 0 { // sqlstr1 += fmt.Sprintf(" and in (%s) ", strings.Join(productidlist, ",")) // } // row := tx.SQL(sqlstr1, args1...) // defer row.Close() // count, err := row.Query().Count() // if err != nil { // log.Println("GetAveragePrice-err2: ", err) // appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) // return // } // recordcount = count // defer row.Close() // } defer productrow.Close() } // productidlist := []string{"0"} for _, data := range queryData { productidlist = append(productidlist, strconv.FormatInt(data["productid"].(int64), 10)) } type areaid struct { areaid int64 name string parentid int64 layer int64 sort int64 } headlist := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) if len(productidlist) > 0 { // sqlstr := `select,,t1.parent_id as parentid ,t1.layer,t1.ord from canton t1 // join (select DISTINCT(areaid) as areaid, from productarea t1 join canton t2 on = t1.areaid // where productid in (%s)) t2 on ( = t2.areaid or t1.PARENT_ID = t2.areaid)` sqlstr := ` select,,t1.parent_id as parentid ,t1.layer,t1.ord from canton t1 where layer >0 ` if len(areaids) > 0 { sqlstr += fmt.Sprintf(" and PARENT_ID in (%s) or id in (%s)", areaids, areaids) } arearow := tx.SQL(sqlstr) areaData, err := arearow.Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("GetAveragePrice-err3: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } bigarea := make([]*areaid, 0) for _, area := range areaData { if area["layer"].(int64) == 1 { bigarea = append(bigarea, &areaid{ areaid: area["id"].(int64), name: area["name"].(string), parentid: area["parentid"].(int64), layer: area["layer"].(int64), sort: area["ord"].(int64), }) } } sort.Slice(bigarea, func(i, j int) bool { return bigarea[i].areaid < bigarea[j].areaid // 升序 }) sort.Slice(bigarea, func(i, j int) bool { return bigarea[i].sort < bigarea[j].sort // 升序 }) for _, big := range bigarea { head := make(map[string]interface{}) head["column_id"] = big.areaid head["column_name"] = fmt.Sprintf("column_%d", big.areaid) head["column_title"] = smallarea := make([]*areaid, 0) for _, area := range areaData { if area["parentid"].(int64) == big.areaid { smallarea = append(smallarea, &areaid{ areaid: area["id"].(int64), name: area["name"].(string), parentid: area["parentid"].(int64), layer: area["layer"].(int64), sort: area["ord"].(int64), }) } } sort.Slice(smallarea, func(i, j int) bool { return smallarea[i].areaid < smallarea[j].areaid // 升序 }) sort.Slice(smallarea, func(i, j int) bool { return smallarea[i].sort < smallarea[j].sort // 升序 }) smallhead := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) for _, small := range smallarea { data1 := make(map[string]interface{}) data1["column_id"] = small.areaid data1["column_name"] = fmt.Sprintf("column_%d", small.areaid) data1["column_title"] = smallhead = append(smallhead, data1) } head["headlist"] = smallhead headlist = append(headlist, head) } type priceStruct struct { marketid int64 price float64 pricedate string } priceMap := make(map[int64][]priceStruct) if productid == 0 { productpricesql := `SELECT productid,marketid as smallareaid , marketclass as bigareaid,avg(price) as price,pricedate FROM ( SELECT * FROM productprice WHERE productid in (%s) ORDER BY pricedate DESC limit 10000000000000000 ) AS t where 1=1 ` if starttime != "" && endtime != "" { productpricesql += fmt.Sprintf(" and pricedate BETWEEN '%s' and '%s' ", fmt.Sprintf("%s 00:00:00", starttime), fmt.Sprintf("%s 23:59:59", endtime)) } if len(areaids) > 0 { productpricesql += fmt.Sprintf(" and t.marketclass in (%s)", areaids) } productpricesql += " group by productid, marketid " if offset != 0 || pagecount != 0 { productpricesql += fmt.Sprintf(" limit %d,%d", (offset-1)*pagecount, pagecount) } productpricerow := tx.SQL(fmt.Sprintf(productpricesql, strings.Join(productidlist, ","))) defer productpricerow.Close() productpriceData, err := productpricerow.Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("GetAveragePrice-err4: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } for _, productprice := range productpriceData { price, err := strconv.ParseFloat(productprice["price"].(string), 64) if err != nil { log.Println("GetAveragePrice-err6: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } priceMap[productprice["productid"].(int64)] = append(priceMap[productprice["productid"].(int64)], priceStruct{ marketid: productprice["smallareaid"].(int64), price: utils.Round(price, 2), }) } for _, query := range queryData { for _, area := range areaData { if area["layer"].(int64) == 2 { query[fmt.Sprintf("column_%v", area["id"])] = 0 } } query["Edit"] = false query["NoEdit"] = true query["isCreate"] = false query["isUpdate"] = true query["isUpdateSave"] = false } for _, query := range queryData { for _, price := range priceMap[query["productid"].(int64)] { query[fmt.Sprintf("column_%d", price.marketid)] = price.price } } data["list"] = queryData } else { timesql := `SELECT date_format(pricedate, '%%Y-%%c-%%d') as pricedate FROM ( SELECT * FROM productprice WHERE productid in (%s) ORDER BY pricedate desc limit 10000000000000000 ) AS t where 1=1 ` if len(areaids) > 0 { timesql += fmt.Sprintf(" and t.marketclass in (%s)", areaids) } timesql += "group by date_format(pricedate, '%%Y-%%c-%%d') ORDER BY pricedate desc" // count, err := tx.SQL(fmt.Sprintf(timesql, strings.Join(productidlist, ","))).Query().Count() // if err != nil { // log.Println("GetAveragePrice-err4: ", err) // appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) // return // } // recordcount = int(count) dates := []string{} if offset != 0 || pagecount != 0 { timesql += fmt.Sprintf(" limit %d,%d", (offset-1)*pagecount, pagecount) } timeData, err := tx.SQL(fmt.Sprintf(timesql, strings.Join(productidlist, ","))).Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("GetAveragePrice-err5: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } productpricesql := `SELECT productid,marketid as smallareaid , marketclass as bigareaid,avg(price) as price,date_format(pricedate, '%%Y-%%c-%%d') as pricedate FROM ( SELECT * FROM productprice WHERE productid in (%s) ORDER BY pricedate DESC limit 10000000000000000 ) AS t where 1=1 ` if len(areaids) > 0 { productpricesql += fmt.Sprintf(" and t.marketclass in (%s)", areaids) } if len(timeData) > 0 { starttime = fmt.Sprintf("%s 00:00:00", timeData[len(timeData)-1]["pricedate"].(string)) endtime = fmt.Sprintf("%s 23:59:59", timeData[0]["pricedate"].(string)) productpricesql += fmt.Sprintf(" and pricedate BETWEEN '%s' and '%s' ", fmt.Sprintf("%s 00:00:00", starttime), fmt.Sprintf("%s 23:59:59", endtime)) } productpricesql += " group by marketid,date_format(pricedate, '%%Y-%%c-%%d') " productpricerow := tx.SQL(fmt.Sprintf(productpricesql, strings.Join(productidlist, ","))) defer productpricerow.Close() productpriceData, err := productpricerow.Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("GetAveragePrice-err6: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } for _, productprice := range productpriceData { dates = append(dates, productprice["pricedate"].(string)) price, err := strconv.ParseFloat(productprice["price"].(string), 64) if err != nil { log.Println("GetAveragePrice-err7: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } priceMap[productprice["productid"].(int64)] = append(priceMap[productprice["productid"].(int64)], priceStruct{ marketid: productprice["smallareaid"].(int64), price: utils.Round(price, 2), pricedate: productprice["pricedate"].(string), }) } datelist := utils.RemoveRepeatedElement(dates) sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(sort.StringSlice(datelist))) productmap := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) for _, date := range datelist { product := make(map[string]interface{}, 0) product["productid"] = productid for _, query := range queryData { if query["productid"].(int64) == productid { product["productclass"] = query["productclass"] product["productname"] = query["productname"] product["unit"] = query["unit"] product["specifications"] = query["specifications"] product["classname"] = query["classname"] break } } for _, area := range areaData { if area["layer"].(int64) == 2 { product[fmt.Sprintf("column_%v", area["id"])] = 0 } } product["Edit"] = false product["NoEdit"] = true product["isCreate"] = false product["isUpdate"] = true product["isUpdateSave"] = false product["pricedate"] = date for _, price := range priceMap[product["productid"].(int64)] { if date == price.pricedate { product[fmt.Sprintf("column_%d", price.marketid)] = price.price } } productmap = append(productmap, product) } data["list"] = productmap } } var file *xlsx.File var sheet *xlsx.Sheet var row *xlsx.Row var cell *xlsx.Cell style := xlsx.NewStyle() style.ApplyBorder = true border := *xlsx.NewBorder("thin", "thin", "thin", "thin") style.Border = border style.Font.Size = 15 style.Alignment = xlsx.Alignment{ Horizontal: "center", Vertical: "center", WrapText: true, ShrinkToFit: true, } style.ApplyBorder = true file = xlsx.NewFile() sheet, _ = file.AddSheet("Sheet1") row = sheet.AddRow() cell = row.AddCell() classnum := make(map[string]int64) datamap := make(map[string][]interface{}) classlist := []string{} for _, query := range data["list"].([]map[string]interface{}) { exist := false for _, class := range classlist { if query["classname"].(string) == class { exist = true } } if !exist { classlist = append(classlist, query["classname"].(string)) } classnum[query["classname"].(string)]++ datamap[query["classname"].(string)] = append(datamap[query["classname"].(string)], query) } var datatitle []string for _, data := range headlist { headlist := data["headlist"].([]map[string]interface{}) for _, head := range headlist { datatitle = append(datatitle, head["column_name"].(string)) } } exceltitle := "品种: " for _, v := range classlist { exceltitle += v + "," } exceltitle = exceltitle[:len(exceltitle)-1] exceltitle = fmt.Sprintf("%s 用户: %s", exceltitle, username) cell.Value = exceltitle cell.Merge(len(datatitle)+6, 2) cell.SetStyle(style) num := len(datatitle) + 6 for i := 0; i < num; i++ { cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) } row = sheet.AddRow() cell = row.AddCell() for i := 0; i < num; i++ { cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) } row = sheet.AddRow() cell = row.AddCell() for i := 0; i < num; i++ { cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) } style = xlsx.NewStyle() style.Border = border style.ApplyBorder = true style.Alignment = xlsx.Alignment{ Horizontal: "center", Vertical: "center", // WrapText: true, // ShrinkToFit: true, } style.Font.Size = 13 row = sheet.AddRow() cell = row.AddCell() cell.Value = "分类" cell.Merge(0, 1) cell.SetStyle(style) cell = row.AddCell() cell.Value = "序号" cell.SetStyle(style) cell.Merge(0, 1) cell = row.AddCell() cell.Value = "产品ID" cell.SetStyle(style) cell.Merge(0, 1) cell = row.AddCell() cell.Value = "品名" cell.SetStyle(style) cell.Merge(0, 1) cell = row.AddCell() cell.Value = "编码" cell.SetStyle(style) cell.Merge(0, 1) cell = row.AddCell() cell.Value = "规格" cell.SetStyle(style) cell.Merge(0, 1) cell = row.AddCell() cell.Value = "单位" cell.SetStyle(style) cell.Merge(0, 1) if data["list"] == nil { _ = file.Write(c.Writer) return } v := 0 for _, data := range headlist { for i := 0; i < v; i++ { cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) cell.Value = "" } cell = row.AddCell() cell.Value = data["column_title"].(string) cell.SetStyle(style) head := data["headlist"].([]map[string]interface{}) hcells := len(head) - 1 cell.Merge(hcells, 0) v = hcells } for i := 0; i < v; i++ { cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) cell.Value = "" } row = sheet.AddRow() for i := 0; i < 7; i++ { cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) cell.Value = "" } // var datatitle []string for _, data := range headlist { headlist := data["headlist"].([]map[string]interface{}) for _, head := range headlist { cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) cell.Value = head["column_title"].(string) // datatitle = append(datatitle, head["column_name"].(string)) } } style = xlsx.NewStyle() style.ApplyBorder = true style.Alignment = xlsx.Alignment{ Horizontal: "center", Vertical: "center", // WrapText: true, // ShrinkToFit: true, } style.Border = border style.Font.Size = 10 i := 0 for _, v := range classlist { style = xlsx.NewStyle() style.ApplyBorder = true style.Border = border style.Alignment = xlsx.Alignment{ Horizontal: "center", Vertical: "top", // WrapText: true, // ShrinkToFit: true, } style.Font.Size = 10 row = sheet.AddRow() cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) cell.Value = v cell.Merge(0, int(classnum[v])-1) n := len(datamap[v]) - 1 style = xlsx.NewStyle() style.ApplyBorder = true style.Border = border style.Alignment = xlsx.Alignment{ Horizontal: "center", Vertical: "center", // WrapText: true, // ShrinkToFit: true, } style.Font.Size = 10 for m, data := range datamap[v] { avgdata := data.(map[string]interface{}) i++ cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) cell.SetValue(i) cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) cell.SetValue(avgdata["productid"]) cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) cell.SetValue(avgdata["productname"]) cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) cell.SetValue(avgdata["productcode"]) cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) cell.SetValue(avgdata["specifications"]) cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) cell.SetValue(avgdata["unit"]) for _, title := range datatitle { var value float64 if _, ok := avgdata[title].(float64); ok { value = avgdata[title].(float64) } cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) // value := avgdata[title].(float64) cell.SetValue(value) } if n != m { row = sheet.AddRow() cell.SetStyle(style) cell = row.AddCell() } } } style = xlsx.NewStyle() style.ApplyBorder = true style.Border = border style.Alignment = xlsx.Alignment{} style.Font.Size = 10 row = sheet.AddRow() cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) cell.Merge(len(datatitle)+6, 1) cell.Value = "备注:1、本网站市场价格为市场现金交易价,不含增值税专用发票。配送价为配送到酒店的价格(含运输费,发票,15天帐期)。" for i := 0; i < num; i++ { cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) } row = sheet.AddRow() cell = row.AddCell() for i := 0; i < num; i++ { cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) } row = sheet.AddRow() cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) cell.Merge(len(datatitle)+6, 1) cell.Value = " 2、本网站蔬菜类价格主要是市场上大量采购及供货商拿货时间段(凌晨4:00-6:00)的价格。" for i := 0; i < num; i++ { cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) } row = sheet.AddRow() cell = row.AddCell() for i := 0; i < num; i++ { cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) } row = sheet.AddRow() cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) cell.Merge(len(datatitle)+6, 1) cell.Value = " 3、会员企业可根据市场价格上浮一定比例给供应商定价,部分加工品种可根据加工程度另调上浮比例来定价。" for i := 0; i < num; i++ { cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) } row = sheet.AddRow() cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) for i := 0; i < num; i++ { cell = row.AddCell() cell.SetStyle(style) } c.Header("Content-Type", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet") c.Header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="+"Workbook.xlsx") c.Header("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary") _ = file.Write(c.Writer) // appG.Response(http.StatusOK, e.SUCCESS, nil) } func UpdateRoleArea(c *gin.Context) { appG := app.Gin{C: c} dataByte, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(c.Request.Body) fsion := gofasion.NewFasion(string(dataByte)) params := fsion.Get("params").Array() roleid := fsion.Get("id").ValueStr() arealist := []string{} for _, arg := range params { arealist = append(arealist, arg.ValueStr()) } tx := restful.Engine.NewSession() defer tx.Close() _, err := tx.SQL("update role set areaid = ? where id = ?", strings.Join(arealist, ","), roleid).Execute() if err != nil { log.Println("UpdateRoleArea-err3: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusInternalServerError, e.ERROR, nil) return } appG.Response(http.StatusOK, e.SUCCESS, true) } func getroleareaid(token string) string { user, _ := util.ParseToken(token) tx := restful.Engine.NewSession() defer tx.Close() sqlstr := `select areaid from user t1 join role t3 on = t1.roleid where t1.username = ?` data, err := tx.SQL(sqlstr, user.Username).Query().List() if err != nil { log.Println("getroleareaid-err3: ", err) return "" } if _, ok := data[0]["areaid"]; ok { return data[0]["areaid"].(string) } return "" } type areaStruct struct { AreaID int64 `xorm:"id"` Name string `xorm:"name"` } func GetAreaInfo(c *gin.Context) { appG := app.Gin{C: c} areaids := getroleareaid(c.GetHeader("token")) arealist := make([]*areaStruct, 0) tx := restful.Engine.NewSession() err := tx.SQL(fmt.Sprintf(`select id,name from canton where PARENT_ID in (%s)`, areaids)).Find(&arealist) if err != nil { log.Println("GetAreaInfo-err: ", err) appG.Response(http.StatusOK, e.ERROR, nil) return } data := make(map[string]interface{}) data["list"] = arealist data["total"] = len(arealist) data["code"] = 0 appG.Response(http.StatusOK, e.SUCCESS, data) }