Переглянути джерело

Signed-off-by: 段小段 <1729609802@qq.com>

段小段 3 роки тому

+ 2 - 2

@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ ENV = 'development'
 # base api
 # 测试线
 # 沙巍
 # 白少杰
 # vue-cli uses the VUE_CLI_BABEL_TRANSPILE_MODULES environment variable,

+ 1 - 1

@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ VUE_APP_BASE_API = '/'

+ 0 - 2802

@@ -1,2802 +0,0 @@
-  <div class="app-container1">
-    <div class="search">
-      <el-date-picker
-        ref="inputDatetime"
-        v-model="table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime"
-        :clearable="false"
-        class="inputDatetime filter-item"
-        type="daterange"
-        range-separator="至"
-        start-placeholder="开始日期"
-        end-placeholder="结束日期"
-        style="width: 250px;"
-        :picker-options="pickerOptions"
-        @change="changeDate"
-      />
-      <el-button class="el-icon-arrow-left elIconArrowLeft" :disabled="Beforedisabled" @click="handleBefore" />
-      <el-button class="el-icon-arrow-right elIconArrowRight" :disabled="Nextdisabled" @click="handleNext" />
-      <el-button class="export" @click="handleDownload">导出</el-button>
-      <svg-icon icon-class="Up" class="down" style="width: 40px;height: 40px;float: right;" @click="handleQuickJumpChart" />
-    </div>
-    <div id="table" class="table">
-      <h4>混料</h4>
-      <el-table
-        :key="table.tableKey"
-        v-loading="table.listLoading"
-        element-loading-text="给我一点时间"
-        :data="table.list"
-        border
-        fit
-        highlight-current-row
-        style="width: 100%;"
-        :row-style="rowStyle"
-        :cell-style="tableCellStyle"
-        class="elTable table-fixed"
-      >
-        <el-table-column sortable label="牧场" min-width="90px" align="center">
-          <template slot-scope="{row}">
-            <a @click="clickPasture(row)">{{ row.pasturename }}</a>
-          </template>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column sortable label="理论重量" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="理论重量" />
-        <el-table-column sortable label="实际重量" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="实际重量" />
-        <el-table-column sortable label="计划混料操作数" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="计划混料操作数" />
-        <el-table-column sortable label="已混料操作数" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="已混料操作数" />
-        <el-table-column sortable label="混料操作率" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="混料操作率" />
-        <el-table-column sortable label="混料误差值" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="混料误差值" />
-        <el-table-column sortable label="混料准确率" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="混料准确率" />
-        <el-table-column sortable label="取消次数" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="取消次数" />
-        <el-table-column :key="20" sortable label="混料正确数" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="混料正确数" />
-        <el-table-column :key="21" sortable label="混料正确率" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="混料正确率" />
-        <el-table-column :key="22" sortable label="去除取消正确率" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="去除取消正确率" />
-        <el-table-column sortable label="标准差" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="方差" />
-      </el-table>
-      <h4>撒料</h4>
-      <el-table
-        :key="table2.tableKey"
-        v-loading="table2.listLoading"
-        element-loading-text="给我一点时间"
-        :data="table2.list"
-        border
-        fit
-        highlight-current-row
-        style="width: 100%;"
-        :row-style="rowStyle"
-        :cell-style="tableCellStyle"
-        class="elTable table-fixed"
-      >
-        <el-table-column sortable label="牧场" min-width="90px" align="center">
-          <template slot-scope="{row}">
-            <a @click="clickPasture(row)">{{ row.pasturename }}</a>
-          </template>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column sortable label="理论重量" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="理论重量" />
-        <el-table-column sortable label="实际重量" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="实际重量" />
-        <el-table-column sortable label="计划撒料操作数" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="计划撒料操作数" />
-        <el-table-column sortable label="已撒料操作数" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="已撒料操作数" />
-        <el-table-column sortable label="撒料操作率" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="撒料操作率" />
-        <el-table-column sortable label="撒料误差值" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="撒料误差值" />
-        <el-table-column sortable label="撒料准确率" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="撒料准确率" />
-        <el-table-column sortable label="撒料自动跳转次数" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="撒料自动跳转次数" />
-        <el-table-column sortable label="撒料手动跳转次数" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="撒料手动跳转次数" />
-        <el-table-column :key="20" sortable label="撒料正确数" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="撒料正确数" />
-        <el-table-column :key="21" sortable label="撒料正确率" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="撒料正确率" />
-        <el-table-column :key="22" sortable label="去除取消正确率" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="去除取消正确率" />
-        <el-table-column sortable label="标准差" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="方差" />
-      </el-table>
-    </div>
-    <div class="AnalysisChart">
-      <el-row :gutter="10">
-        <el-col :span="24" style="margin-bottom: 10px;margin-top: 10px;">
-          <span>图表查询时间:</span>
-          <el-radio-group v-model="specificDate" class="specificDate" size="mini" style="display: inline-block;" @change="changeAllSpecificDate">
-            <el-radio-button label="1" border>日</el-radio-button>
-            <el-radio-button label="2" border>周</el-radio-button>
-            <el-radio-button label="3" border>月</el-radio-button>
-          </el-radio-group>
-          <div v-show="specificDate == '1'" class="day" style="display: inline-block;margin-left:10px;">
-            <el-date-picker v-model="chartDate" :clearable="false" class="inputDatetime filter-item" style="width:250px;" type="daterange" range-separator="至" start-placeholder="开始日期" end-placeholder="结束日期" :picker-options="pickerOptionsDate" />
-          </div>
-          <div v-show="specificDate == '2'" class="week" style="display: inline-block; clear: both;margin-left:10px;">
-            <el-select v-model="selectYear" class="filter-item" style="width:130px;margin-right:10px;" placeholder="请选择年份" @change="changeAllYear">
-              <el-option v-for="item in yearList" :key="item" :label="item" :value="item" />
-            </el-select>
-            <el-select v-model="selectWeek" class="filter-item" style="width:170px;" multiple :multiple-limit="2" placeholder="请选择周">
-              <el-option v-for="(item,index) in weekList" :key="index" :label="item.name" :value="item.id" />
-            </el-select>
-          </div>
-          <div v-show="specificDate == '3'" class="month" style="display: inline-block;margin-left:10px;">
-            <el-date-picker v-model="chartMonth" :clearable="false" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" type="monthrange" style="width:250px;" class="inputDatetime filter-item" range-separator="至" :picker-options="pickerOptionsMonth" />
-          </div>
-          <el-button class="successBorder" style="margin-left:10px;" @click="handleAllDate">确认</el-button>
-          <svg-icon icon-class="Up" style="width: 40px;height: 40px;float: right;" @click="handleQuickJumpTop" />
-        </el-col>
-      </el-row>
-      <el-row :gutter="10" class="dashboard-editor-container">
-        <!-- 计划统计 -->
-        <el-col :span="12">
-          <div class="grid-content">
-            <h4>计划统计</h4>
-            <div v-if="chart1.isChart" class="button">
-              <div class="chartButton">
-                <el-radio-group v-model="chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate" class="specificDate" size="mini" style="display: inline-block;" @change="changeChartSpecificDate('chart1')">
-                  <el-radio-button label="1" border>日</el-radio-button>
-                  <el-radio-button label="2" border>周</el-radio-button>
-                  <el-radio-button label="3" border>月</el-radio-button>
-                </el-radio-group>
-                <div v-show="chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '1'" class="day" style="display: inline-block;margin-left:10px;">
-                  <el-date-picker v-model="chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime" style="width:220px;" :clearable="false" class="inputDatetime filter-item" type="daterange" range-separator="至" start-placeholder="开始日期" end-placeholder="结束日期" :picker-options="pickerOptionsDate" />
-                </div>
-                <div v-show="chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '2'" class="week" style="display: inline-block; clear: both;margin-left:10px;">
-                  <el-select v-model="chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear" class="filter-item" style="width:80px;margin-right:10px;" placeholder="年份" @change="changeChartYear('chart1')">
-                    <el-option v-for="item in yearList" :key="item" :label="item" :value="item" />
-                  </el-select>
-                  <el-select v-model="chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek" class="filter-item" style="width:160px;" multiple :multiple-limit="2" placeholder="请选择周">
-                    <el-option v-for="(item,index) in chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList" :key="index" :label="item.name" :value="item.id" />
-                  </el-select>
-                </div>
-                <div v-show="chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '3'" class="month" style="display: inline-block;margin-left:10px;">
-                  <el-date-picker v-model="chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth" style="width:220px;" :clearable="false" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" type="monthrange" class="inputDatetime filter-item" range-separator="至" :picker-options="pickerOptionsMonth" />
-                </div>
-                <el-button class="successBorder" style="margin-left:10px;" @click="handleChartDate('chart1')">确认</el-button>
-              </div>
-              <div>
-                <div class="exportTable2" @click="handleExport('chart1')">导出</div>
-                <div class="exportTable2" @click="handleTable('chart1')">切换表格</div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            <div v-if="chart1.isChart" id="chartLine1" v-loading="chart1.listLoading" style="width:100%;height:400px;background: #fff;" />
-            <div v-if="chart1.isTable" class="table">
-              <div class="button">
-                <div class="exportTable" @click="handleExport('chart1')">导出</div>
-                <div class="exportTable" @click="handleChart('chart1')">切换图表</div>
-              </div>
-              <el-table
-                :key="chart1.table.tableKey"
-                v-loading="chart1.table.listLoading"
-                element-loading-text="给我一点时间"
-                :data="chart1.table.list"
-                border
-                fit
-                highlight-current-row
-                style="width: 100%;"
-                height="400"
-                :row-style="rowStyle"
-                :cell-style="cellStyle"
-                class="elTable table-fixed"
-              >
-                <el-table-column label="牧场" sortable min-width="85px" align="center" prop="牧场" />
-                <el-table-column label="计划执行重量(kg)" sortable min-width="85px" align="center" prop="实际量" />
-                <el-table-column label="配方理论重量(kg)" sortable min-width="85px" align="center" prop="理论量" />
-                <el-table-column label="计划准确率" sortable min-width="80px" align="center" prop="field1" />
-                <el-table-column label="计划取消重量(kg)" sortable min-width="85px" align="center" prop="计划取消重量" />
-                <el-table-column label="计划准确率(去除取消重量)" sortable min-width="110px" align="center" prop="field3" />
-                <el-table-column label="计划正确数" sortable min-width="80px" align="center" prop="正确数" />
-                <el-table-column label="计划数" sortable min-width="70px" align="center" prop="计划数" />
-                <el-table-column label="计划正确率" sortable min-width="80px" align="center" prop="field2" />
-              </el-table>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </el-col>
-        <!-- 牛群准确率 -->
-        <el-col :span="12">
-          <div class="grid-content">
-            <h4>牛群准确率</h4>
-            <div v-if="chart2.isChart" class="button">
-              <div class="chartButton">
-                <el-radio-group v-model="chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate" class="specificDate" size="mini" style="display: inline-block;" @change="changeChartSpecificDate('chart2')">
-                  <el-radio-button label="1" border>日</el-radio-button>
-                  <el-radio-button label="2" border>周</el-radio-button>
-                  <el-radio-button label="3" border>月</el-radio-button>
-                </el-radio-group>
-                <div v-show="chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '1'" class="day" style="display: inline-block;margin-left:10px;">
-                  <el-date-picker v-model="chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime" style="width:220px;" :clearable="false" class="inputDatetime filter-item" type="daterange" range-separator="至" start-placeholder="开始日期" end-placeholder="结束日期" :picker-options="pickerOptionsDate" />
-                </div>
-                <div v-show="chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '2'" class="week" style="display: inline-block; clear: both;margin-left:10px;">
-                  <el-select v-model="chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear" class="filter-item" style="width:80px;margin-right:10px;" placeholder="年份" @change="changeChartYear('chart2')">
-                    <el-option v-for="item in yearList" :key="item" :label="item" :value="item" />
-                  </el-select>
-                  <el-select v-model="chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek" class="filter-item" style="width:160px;" multiple :multiple-limit="2" placeholder="请选择周">
-                    <el-option v-for="(item,index) in chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList" :key="index" :label="item.name" :value="item.id" />
-                  </el-select>
-                </div>
-                <div v-show="chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '3'" class="month" style="display: inline-block;margin-left:10px;">
-                  <el-date-picker v-model="chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth" style="width:220px;" :clearable="false" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" type="monthrange" class="inputDatetime filter-item" range-separator="至" :picker-options="pickerOptionsMonth" />
-                </div>
-                <el-button class="successBorder" style="margin-left:10px;" @click="handleChartDate('chart2')">确认</el-button>
-              </div>
-              <div>
-                <div class="exportTable2" @click="handleExport('chart2')">导出</div>
-                <div class="exportTable2" @click="handleTable('chart2')">切换表格</div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            <div v-if="chart2.isChart" id="chartLine2" style="width:100%;height:400px;" />
-            <div v-if="chart2.isTable" class="table">
-              <div class="button">
-                <div class="exportTable" @click="handleExport('chart2')">导出</div>
-                <div class="exportTable" @click="handleChart('chart2')">切换图表</div>
-              </div>
-              <el-table
-                :key="chart2.table.tableKey"
-                v-loading="chart2.table.listLoading"
-                element-loading-text="给我一点时间"
-                :data="chart2.table.list"
-                border
-                fit
-                highlight-current-row
-                style="width: 100%;"
-                height="400"
-                :row-style="rowStyle"
-                :cell-style="cellStyle"
-                class="elTable table-fixed"
-              >
-                <el-table-column label="牧场" sortable min-width="90px" align="center" prop="牧场" />
-                <el-table-column label="牲畜类别" sortable min-width="90px" align="center" prop="field5" />
-                <el-table-column label="计划重量(kg)" sortable min-width="100px" align="center" prop="理论量" />
-                <el-table-column label="实际重量(kg)" sortable min-width="100px" align="center" prop="实际量" />
-                <el-table-column label="准确率" sortable min-width="90px" align="center" prop="field1" />
-              </el-table>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </el-col>
-      </el-row>
-      <el-row :gutter="10" class="dashboard-editor-container">
-        <!-- 混料次数统计 -->
-        <el-col :span="12">
-          <div class="grid-content">
-            <h4>混料次数统计</h4>
-            <div v-if="chart3.isChart" class="button">
-              <div class="chartButton">
-                <el-radio-group v-model="chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate" class="specificDate" size="mini" style="display: inline-block;" @change="changeChartSpecificDate('chart3')">
-                  <el-radio-button label="1" border>日</el-radio-button>
-                  <el-radio-button label="2" border>周</el-radio-button>
-                  <el-radio-button label="3" border>月</el-radio-button>
-                </el-radio-group>
-                <div v-show="chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '1'" class="day" style="display: inline-block;margin-left:10px;">
-                  <el-date-picker v-model="chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime" style="width:220px;" :clearable="false" class="inputDatetime filter-item" type="daterange" range-separator="至" start-placeholder="开始日期" end-placeholder="结束日期" :picker-options="pickerOptionsDate" />
-                </div>
-                <div v-show="chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '2'" class="week" style="display: inline-block; clear: both;margin-left:10px;">
-                  <el-select v-model="chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear" class="filter-item" style="width:80px;margin-right:10px;" placeholder="年份" @change="changeChartYear('chart3')">
-                    <el-option v-for="item in yearList" :key="item" :label="item" :value="item" />
-                  </el-select>
-                  <el-select v-model="chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek" class="filter-item" style="width:160px;" multiple :multiple-limit="2" placeholder="请选择周">
-                    <el-option v-for="(item,index) in chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList" :key="index" :label="item.name" :value="item.id" />
-                  </el-select>
-                </div>
-                <div v-show="chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '3'" class="month" style="display: inline-block;margin-left:10px;">
-                  <el-date-picker v-model="chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth" style="width:220px;" :clearable="false" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" type="monthrange" class="inputDatetime filter-item" range-separator="至" :picker-options="pickerOptionsMonth" />
-                </div>
-                <el-button class="successBorder" style="margin-left:10px;" @click="handleChartDate('chart3')">确认</el-button>
-              </div>
-              <div>
-                <div class="exportTable2" @click="handleExport('chart3')">导出</div>
-                <div class="exportTable2" @click="handleTable('chart3')">切换表格</div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            <div v-if="chart3.isChart" id="chartLine3" style="width:100%;height:400px;" />
-            <div v-if="chart3.isTable" class="table">
-              <div class="button">
-                <div class="exportTable" @click="handleExport('chart3')">导出</div>
-                <div class="exportTable" @click="handleChart('chart3')">切换图表</div>
-              </div>
-              <el-table
-                :key="chart3.table.tableKey"
-                v-loading="chart3.table.listLoading"
-                element-loading-text="给我一点时间"
-                :data="chart3.table.list"
-                border
-                fit
-                highlight-current-row
-                style="width: 100%;"
-                height="400"
-                :row-style="rowStyle"
-                :cell-style="cellStyle"
-                class="elTable table-fixed"
-              >
-                <el-table-column label="牧场" sortable min-width="90px" align="center" prop="牧场" />
-                <el-table-column label="自动跳转次数" sortable min-width="90px" align="center" prop="field1" />
-                <el-table-column label="手动跳转次数" sortable min-width="100px" align="center" prop="field2" />
-                <el-table-column label="混料取消次数" sortable min-width="100px" align="center" prop="field5" />
-              </el-table>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </el-col>
-        <!-- 混料准确率统计 -->
-        <el-col :span="12">
-          <div class="grid-content">
-            <h4>混料准确率统计</h4>
-            <div v-if="chart4.isChart" class="button">
-              <div class="chartButton">
-                <el-radio-group v-model="chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate" class="specificDate" size="mini" style="display: inline-block;" @change="changeChartSpecificDate('chart4')">
-                  <el-radio-button label="1" border>日</el-radio-button>
-                  <el-radio-button label="2" border>周</el-radio-button>
-                  <el-radio-button label="3" border>月</el-radio-button>
-                </el-radio-group>
-                <div v-show="chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '1'" class="day" style="display: inline-block;margin-left:10px;">
-                  <el-date-picker v-model="chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime" style="width:220px;" :clearable="false" class="inputDatetime filter-item" type="daterange" range-separator="至" start-placeholder="开始日期" end-placeholder="结束日期" :picker-options="pickerOptionsDate" />
-                </div>
-                <div v-show="chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '2'" class="week" style="display: inline-block; clear: both;margin-left:10px;">
-                  <el-select v-model="chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear" class="filter-item" style="width:80px;margin-right:10px;" placeholder="年份" @change="changeChartYear('chart4')">
-                    <el-option v-for="item in yearList" :key="item" :label="item" :value="item" />
-                  </el-select>
-                  <el-select v-model="chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek" class="filter-item" style="width:160px;" multiple :multiple-limit="2" placeholder="请选择周">
-                    <el-option v-for="(item,index) in chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList" :key="index" :label="item.name" :value="item.id" />
-                  </el-select>
-                </div>
-                <div v-show="chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '3'" class="month" style="display: inline-block;margin-left:10px;">
-                  <el-date-picker v-model="chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth" style="width:220px;" :clearable="false" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" type="monthrange" class="inputDatetime filter-item" range-separator="至" :picker-options="pickerOptionsMonth" />
-                </div>
-                <el-button class="successBorder" style="margin-left:10px;" @click="handleChartDate('chart4')">确认</el-button>
-              </div>
-              <div>
-                <div class="exportTable2" @click="handleExport('chart4')">导出</div>
-                <div class="exportTable2" @click="handleTable('chart4')">切换表格</div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            <div v-if="chart4.isChart" id="chartLine4" style="width:100%;height:400px;" />
-            <div v-if="chart4.isTable" class="table">
-              <div class="button">
-                <div class="exportTable" @click="handleExport('chart4')">导出</div>
-                <div class="exportTable" @click="handleChart('chart4')">切换图表</div>
-              </div>
-              <el-table
-                :key="chart4.table.tableKey"
-                v-loading="chart4.table.listLoading"
-                element-loading-text="给我一点时间"
-                :data="chart4.table.list"
-                border
-                fit
-                highlight-current-row
-                style="width: 100%;"
-                height="400"
-                :row-style="rowStyle"
-                :cell-style="cellStyle"
-                class="elTable table-fixed"
-              >
-                <el-table-column sortable label="牧场" sortable min-width="90px" align="center" prop="牧场" />
-                <el-table-column label="自动跳转次数" sortable min-width="80px" align="center" prop="field3" />
-                <el-table-column label="手动跳转次数" sortable min-width="80px" align="center" prop="field4" />
-                <el-table-column label="自动跳转理论重量" sortable min-width="85px" align="center" prop="理论自动" />
-                <el-table-column label="自动跳转实际重量" sortable min-width="85px" align="center" prop="实际自动" />
-                <el-table-column label="自动跳转准确率" sortable min-width="85px" align="center" prop="field1" />
-                <el-table-column label="手动跳转理论重量" sortable min-width="85px" align="center" prop="理论手动" />
-                <el-table-column label="手动跳转实际重量" sortable min-width="85px" align="center" prop="实际手动" />
-                <el-table-column label="手动跳转准确率" sortable min-width="85px" align="center" prop="field2" />
-              </el-table>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </el-col>
-      </el-row>
-      <el-row :gutter="10" class="dashboard-editor-container">
-        <!-- 栏舍平均撒料时间统计 -->
-        <el-col :span="12">
-          <div class="grid-content">
-            <h4>栏舍平均撒料时间统计</h4>
-            <div v-if="chart5.isChart" class="button">
-              <div class="chartButton">
-                <el-radio-group v-model="chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate" class="specificDate" size="mini" style="display: inline-block;" @change="changeChartSpecificDate('chart5')">
-                  <el-radio-button label="1" border>日</el-radio-button>
-                  <el-radio-button label="2" border>周</el-radio-button>
-                  <el-radio-button label="3" border>月</el-radio-button>
-                </el-radio-group>
-                <div v-show="chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '1'" class="day" style="display: inline-block;margin-left:10px;">
-                  <el-date-picker v-model="chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime" style="width:220px;" :clearable="false" class="inputDatetime filter-item" type="daterange" range-separator="至" start-placeholder="开始日期" end-placeholder="结束日期" :picker-options="pickerOptionsDate" />
-                </div>
-                <div v-show="chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '2'" class="week" style="display: inline-block; clear: both;margin-left:10px;">
-                  <el-select v-model="chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear" class="filter-item" style="width:80px;margin-right:10px;" placeholder="年份" @change="changeChartYear('chart5')">
-                    <el-option v-for="item in yearList" :key="item" :label="item" :value="item" />
-                  </el-select>
-                  <el-select v-model="chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek" class="filter-item" style="width:160px;" multiple :multiple-limit="2" placeholder="请选择周">
-                    <el-option v-for="(item,index) in chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList" :key="index" :label="item.name" :value="item.id" />
-                  </el-select>
-                </div>
-                <div v-show="chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '3'" class="month" style="display: inline-block;margin-left:10px;">
-                  <el-date-picker v-model="chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth" style="width:220px;" :clearable="false" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" type="monthrange" class="inputDatetime filter-item" range-separator="至" :picker-options="pickerOptionsMonth" />
-                </div>
-                <el-button class="successBorder" style="margin-left:10px;" @click="handleChartDate('chart5')">确认</el-button>
-              </div>
-              <div>
-                <div class="exportTable2" @click="handleExport('chart5')">导出</div>
-                <div class="exportTable2" @click="handleTable('chart5')">切换表格</div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            <div v-if="chart5.isChart" id="chartLine5" style="width:100%;height:400px;" />
-            <div v-if="chart5.isTable" class="table">
-              <div class="button">
-                <div class="exportTable" @click="handleExport('chart5')">导出</div>
-                <div class="exportTable" @click="handleChart('chart5')">切换图表</div>
-              </div>
-              <el-table
-                :key="chart5.table.tableKey"
-                v-loading="chart5.table.listLoading"
-                element-loading-text="给我一点时间"
-                :data="chart5.table.list"
-                border
-                fit
-                highlight-current-row
-                style="width: 100%;"
-                height="400"
-                :row-style="rowStyle"
-                :cell-style="cellStyle"
-                class="elTable table-fixed"
-              >
-                <el-table-column label="日期" sortable min-width="85px" align="center" prop="日期" />
-                <el-table-column label="牧场" sortable min-width="80px" align="center" prop="名称" />
-                <el-table-column label="平均撒料时间" sortable min-width="80px" align="center" prop="准确率" />
-              </el-table>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </el-col>
-        <el-col :span="12">
-          <div class="grid-content">
-            <h4>混料计划取消次数</h4>
-            <div v-if="chart6.isChart" class="button">
-              <el-date-picker v-model="chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime" :clearable="false" style="width: 250px;" class="inputDatetime" type="daterange" range-separator="至" start-placeholder="开始日期" :picker-options="pickerOptions" end-placeholder="结束日期" @change="changeChartDate('chart6')" />
-              <div class="exportTable" @click="handleExport('chart6')">导出</div>
-              <div class="exportTable" @click="handleTable('chart6')">切换表格</div>
-            </div>
-            <div v-if="chart6.isChart" id="chartLine6" style="width:100%;height:400px;" />
-            <div v-if="chart6.isTable" class="table">
-              <div class="button">
-                <div class="exportTable" @click="handleExport('chart6')">导出</div>
-                <div class="exportTable" @click="handleChart('chart6')">切换图表</div>
-              </div>
-              <el-table
-                :key="chart6.table.tableKey"
-                v-loading="chart6.table.listLoading"
-                element-loading-text="给我一点时间"
-                :data="chart6.table.list"
-                border
-                fit
-                highlight-current-row
-                style="width: 100%;"
-                height="400"
-                :row-style="rowStyle"
-                :cell-style="cellStyle"
-                class="elTable table-fixed"
-              >
-                <el-table-column label="牧场" sortable min-width="85px" align="center" prop="牧场" />
-                <el-table-column label="日期" sortable min-width="80px" align="center" prop="日期" />
-                <el-table-column label="取消次数" sortable min-width="80px" align="center" prop="field1" />
-              </el-table>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </el-col>
-      </el-row>
-    </div>
-    <el-dialog :title="textMap[pasture.dialogStatus]" :destroy-on-close="true" :visible.sync="pasture.dialogFormVisible" :close-on-click-modal="false" width="90%">
-      <div class="app-pasture">
-        <div class="search">
-          <span style="margin-left: 10px;">统计类型:</span>
-          <el-select v-model="pasture.radio" placeholder="统计类型" class="filter-item" style="width: 120px;" @change="changeRadio">
-            <el-option v-for="item in statisticalTypeList" :key="item.id" :label="item.name" :value="item.id" />
-          </el-select>
-          <el-checkbox v-model="pasture.checked" style="margin-right: 10px;" @change="changeChecked">按日期统计</el-checkbox>
-          <el-input v-if="pasture.isDriver" v-model="pasture.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.fname" class="filter-item" style="width: 245px;" placeholder="驾驶员" />
-          <el-input v-if="pasture.isFormulaName" v-model="pasture.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.fname" class="filter-item" style="width: 245px;" placeholder="配方名称" />
-          <el-input v-if="pasture.isHouseName" v-model="pasture.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.fname" class="filter-item" style="width: 245px;" placeholder="栏舍名称" />
-          <el-input v-if="pasture.isLivestockType" v-model="pasture.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.fname" class="filter-item" style="width: 245px;" placeholder="牲畜名称" />
-          <el-input v-if="pasture.isTrainNumber" v-model="pasture.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.sort" class="filter-item" style="width: 150px;" placeholder="车次" />
-          <el-input v-if="pasture.isTrainNumber" v-model="pasture.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.times" class="filter-item" style="width: 150px;" placeholder="班次" />
-          <el-input v-if="pasture.isTrainNumber" v-model="pasture.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.fname" class="filter-item" style="width: 150px;" placeholder="TMR名称" />
-          <el-button class="successBorder" @click="handleSearch">查询</el-button>
-        </div>
-        <div class="table">
-          <h4>混料</h4>
-          <el-table
-            :key="pasture.table.tableKey"
-            v-loading="pasture.table.listLoading"
-            element-loading-text="给我一点时间"
-            :data="pasture.table.list"
-            border
-            fit
-            highlight-current-row
-            style="width: 100%;"
-            :row-style="rowStyle"
-            :cell-style="cellStyle"
-            class="elTable table-fixed"
-          >
-            <el-table-column v-if="pasture.checked" :key="0" sortable label="日期" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="计划时间" />
-            <el-table-column v-if="pasture.isDriver" :key="1" sortable label="驾驶员" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="驾驶员" />
-            <el-table-column v-if="pasture.isFormulaName" :key="2" sortable label="配方名称" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="配方名称" />
-            <el-table-column v-if="pasture.isHouseName" :key="3" sortable label="栏舍名称" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="栏舍名称" />
-            <el-table-column v-if="pasture.isLivestockType" :key="4" sortable label="牲畜类别" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="牲畜类别" />
-            <el-table-column v-if="pasture.isTrainNumber" :key="5" sortable label="车次" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="车次" />
-            <el-table-column v-if="pasture.isTrainNumber" :key="6" sortable label="班次" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="班次" />
-            <el-table-column v-if="pasture.isTrainNumber" :key="7" sortable label="TMR名称" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="TMR名称" />
-            <el-table-column v-if="pasture.isTrainNumber" :key="8" sortable label="驾驶员" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="驾驶员" />
-            <el-table-column :key="9" sortable label="理论重量" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="理论重量" />
-            <el-table-column :key="10" sortable label="实际重量" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="实际重量" />
-            <el-table-column :key="11" sortable label="计划混料操作数" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="计划混料操作数" />
-            <el-table-column :key="12" sortable label="已混料操作数" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="已混料操作数" />
-            <el-table-column :key="13" sortable label="混料操作率" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="混料操作率" />
-            <el-table-column :key="14" sortable label="混料误差值" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="混料误差值" />
-            <el-table-column :key="15" sortable label="混料准确率" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="混料准确率" />
-            <el-table-column v-if="pasture.isTrainNumber" :key="16" sortable label="混料时间" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="混料时间" />
-            <el-table-column v-if="pasture.isTrainNumber" :key="17" sortable label="等待时间" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="等待时间" />
-            <el-table-column :key="18" sortable label="混料自动跳转次数" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="混料自动跳转次数" />
-            <el-table-column :key="19" sortable label="混料手动跳转次数" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="混料手动跳转次数" />
-            <el-table-column :key="20" sortable label="取消次数" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="取消次数" />
-            <el-table-column :key="21" sortable label="方差" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="方差" />
-          </el-table>
-          <h4>撒料</h4>
-          <el-table
-            :key="pasture.table2.tableKey"
-            v-loading="pasture.table2.listLoading"
-            element-loading-text="给我一点时间"
-            :data="pasture.table2.list"
-            border
-            fit
-            highlight-current-row
-            style="width: 100%;"
-            :row-style="rowStyle"
-            :cell-style="cellStyle"
-            class="elTable table-fixed"
-          >
-            <el-table-column v-if="pasture.checked" :key="0" sortable label="日期" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="计划时间" />
-            <el-table-column v-if="pasture.isDriver" :key="1" sortable label="驾驶员" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="驾驶员" />
-            <el-table-column v-if="pasture.isFormulaName" :key="2" sortable label="配方名称" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="配方名称" />
-            <el-table-column v-if="pasture.isHouseName" :key="3" sortable label="栏舍名称" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="栏舍名称" />
-            <el-table-column v-if="pasture.isLivestockType" :key="4" sortable label="牲畜类别" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="牲畜类别" />
-            <el-table-column v-if="pasture.isTrainNumber" :key="5" sortable label="车次" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="车次" />
-            <el-table-column v-if="pasture.isTrainNumber" :key="6" sortable label="班次" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="班次" />
-            <el-table-column v-if="pasture.isTrainNumber" :key="7" sortable label="TMR名称" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="TMR" />
-            <el-table-column v-if="pasture.isTrainNumber" :key="8" sortable label="驾驶员" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="驾驶员" />
-            <el-table-column :key="9" sortable label="理论重量" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="理论重量" />
-            <el-table-column :key="10" sortable label="实际重量" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="实际重量" />
-            <el-table-column :key="11" sortable label="计划撒料操作数" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="计划撒料操作数" />
-            <el-table-column :key="12" sortable label="已撒料操作数" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="已撒料操作数" />
-            <el-table-column :key="13" sortable label="撒料操作率" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="撒料操作率" />
-            <el-table-column :key="14" sortable label="撒料误差值" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="撒料误差值" />
-            <el-table-column :key="15" sortable label="撒料准确率" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="撒料准确率" />
-            <el-table-column v-if="pasture.isTrainNumber" :key="16" sortable label="撒料时间" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="撒料时间" />
-            <el-table-column v-if="pasture.isTrainNumber" :key="17" sortable label="等待时间" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="等待时间" />
-            <el-table-column :key="18" sortable label="撒料自动跳转次数" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="撒料自动跳转次数" />
-            <el-table-column :key="19" sortable label="撒料手动跳转次数" min-width="110px" align="center" prop="撒料手动跳转次数" />
-          </el-table>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer" style="bottom: 10px;">
-        <el-button class="cancelClose1" @click="pasture.dialogFormVisible = false; ">关闭</el-button>
-      </div>
-    </el-dialog>
-  </div>
-import echarts from 'echarts'
-import { GetDataByName, GetReportform, whichWeek } from '@/api/common'
-import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
-import { parseTime } from '@/utils/index.js'
-import { json2excel } from '@/utils/index.js'
-import { MessageBox } from 'element-ui'
-export default {
-  name: 'Tab1',
-  data() {
-    return {
-      Beforedisabled: false,
-      Nextdisabled: false,
-      pickerMinMonth: '',
-      pickerOptionsMonth: {
-        onPick: ({ maxDate, minDate }) => {
-          this.pickerMinMonth = minDate.getTime()
-          if (maxDate) {
-            this.pickerMinMonth = ''
-          }
-        },
-        // 限制不能选择今天之后的日期
-        disabledDate: (time) => {
-          if (this.pickerMinMonth !== '') {
-            const one = 24 * 3600 * 1000 * 365 * 5
-            const minTime = this.pickerMinMonth - 0
-            let maxTime = this.pickerMinMonth + one
-            if (maxTime > new Date()) {
-              maxTime = new Date()
-            }
-            return time.getTime() < minTime || time.getTime() > maxTime
-          }
-          return time.getTime() >= Date.now()
-        }
-      },
-      pickerMinDate: '',
-      pickerOptionsDate: {
-        showWeekNumber: false,
-        onPick: ({ maxDate, minDate }) => {
-          this.pickerMinDate = minDate.getTime()
-          if (maxDate) {
-            this.pickerMinDate = ''
-          }
-        },
-        // 限制不能选择今天之后的日期
-        disabledDate: (time) => {
-          if (this.pickerMinDate !== '') {
-            const one = 31 * 24 * 3600 * 1000
-            const minTime = this.pickerMinDate - one
-            let maxTime = this.pickerMinDate + one
-            if (maxTime > new Date()) {
-              maxTime = new Date()
-            }
-            return time.getTime() < minTime || time.getTime() > maxTime
-          }
-          return time.getTime() > Date.now()
-        }
-      },
-      pickerMinDate: '',
-      pickerOptions: {
-        onPick: ({ maxDate, minDate }) => {
-          this.pickerMinDate = minDate.getTime()
-          if (maxDate) {
-            this.pickerMinDate = ''
-          }
-        },
-        // 限制不能选择今天之后的日期
-        disabledDate: (time) => {
-          if (this.pickerMinDate !== '') {
-            const one = 31 * 24 * 3600 * 1000
-            const minTime = this.pickerMinDate - one
-            let maxTime = this.pickerMinDate + one
-            if (maxTime > new Date()) {
-              maxTime = new Date()
-            }
-            return time.getTime() < minTime || time.getTime() > maxTime
-          }
-          return time.getTime() > Date.now()
-        }
-      },
-      chartDate: [],
-      selectWeek: [],
-      chartMonth: [],
-      specificDate: '1',
-      selectYear: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}'),
-      yearList: [],
-      weekList: [],
-      table: {
-        getdataListParm: {
-          name: 'getAccuracyJTHALL',
-          page: 1,
-          offset: 1,
-          pagecount: '',
-          returntype: 'Map',
-          parammaps: {
-            pastureid: Cookies.get('pastureid'),
-            startTime: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}'),
-            stopTime: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}'),
-            inputDatetime: [new Date(), new Date()],
-            fname: '',
-            sort: '',
-            times: ''
-          }
-        },
-        tableKey: 1,
-        list: [],
-        total: 0,
-        listLoading: true,
-        temp: {}
-      },
-      table2: {
-        getdataListParm: {
-          name: 'getAccuracyJTSALL',
-          page: 1,
-          offset: 1,
-          pagecount: '',
-          returntype: 'Map',
-          parammaps: {
-            pastureid: Cookies.get('pastureid'),
-            startTime: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}'),
-            stopTime: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}'),
-            inputDatetime: [new Date(), new Date()],
-            fname: '',
-            sort: '',
-            times: ''
-          }
-        },
-        tableKey: 2,
-        list: [],
-        total: 0,
-        listLoading: true,
-        temp: {}
-      },
-      // 计划统计
-      chart1: {
-        chartLine: null,
-        chartLine_data: {},
-        getdataListParm: {
-          name: 'getJT1AccuracyAllJH',
-          page: 1,
-          offset: 1,
-          pagecount: '',
-          returntype: 'Map',
-          parammaps: {
-            pastureid: Cookies.get('pastureid'),
-            startTime: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}'),
-            stopTime: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}'),
-            inputDatetime: [new Date(), new Date()],
-            chartDate: [],
-            selectWeek: [],
-            chartMonth: [],
-            specificDate: '1',
-            selectYear: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}'),
-            yearList: [],
-            weekList: []
-          }
-        },
-        tableKey: 1,
-        list: [],
-        total: 0,
-        listLoading: true,
-        statisticsList: [],
-        chart1Data3: [],
-        isChart: true,
-        isTable: false,
-        table: {
-          tableKey: 1,
-          list: [],
-          total: 0,
-          listLoading: false
-        }
-      },
-      // 牛群准确率
-      chart2: {
-        chartLine: null,
-        chartLine_data: {},
-        getdataListParm: {
-          name: 'getJT1AccuracyAllNQ',
-          page: 1,
-          offset: 1,
-          pagecount: '',
-          returntype: 'Map',
-          parammaps: {
-            pastureid: Cookies.get('pastureid'),
-            startTime: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}'),
-            stopTime: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}'),
-            inputDatetime: [new Date(), new Date()],
-            chartDate: [],
-            selectWeek: [],
-            chartMonth: [],
-            specificDate: '1',
-            selectYear: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}'),
-            yearList: [],
-            weekList: []
-          }
-        },
-        tableKey: 1,
-        list: [],
-        total: 0,
-        listLoading: true,
-        isChart: true,
-        isTable: false,
-        table: {
-          tableKey: 1,
-          list: [],
-          total: 0,
-          listLoading: false
-        }
-      },
-      // 混料次数统计
-      chart3: {
-        chartLine: null,
-        chartLine_data: {},
-        getdataListParm: {
-          name: 'getJT1AccuracyAllHL',
-          page: 1,
-          offset: 1,
-          pagecount: '',
-          returntype: 'Map',
-          parammaps: {
-            pastureid: Cookies.get('pastureid'),
-            startTime: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}'),
-            stopTime: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}'),
-            inputDatetime: [new Date(), new Date()],
-            chartDate: [],
-            selectWeek: [],
-            chartMonth: [],
-            specificDate: '1',
-            selectYear: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}'),
-            yearList: [],
-            weekList: []
-          }
-        },
-        tableKey: 1,
-        list: [],
-        total: 0,
-        listLoading: true,
-        statisticsList: [],
-        chart1Data3: [],
-        isChart: true,
-        isTable: false,
-        table: {
-          tableKey: 1,
-          list: [],
-          total: 0,
-          listLoading: false
-        }
-      },
-      // 混料准确率统计
-      chart4: {
-        chartLine: null,
-        chartLine_data: {},
-        getdataListParm: {
-          name: 'getJT1AccuracyAllHLRate',
-          page: 1,
-          offset: 1,
-          pagecount: '',
-          returntype: 'Map',
-          parammaps: {
-            pastureid: Cookies.get('pastureid'),
-            startTime: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}'),
-            stopTime: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}'),
-            inputDatetime: [new Date(), new Date()],
-            chartDate: [],
-            selectWeek: [],
-            chartMonth: [],
-            specificDate: '1',
-            selectYear: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}'),
-            yearList: [],
-            weekList: []
-          }
-        },
-        tableKey: 1,
-        list: [],
-        total: 0,
-        listLoading: true,
-        statisticsList: [],
-        chart4Data3: [],
-        isChart: true,
-        isTable: false,
-        table: {
-          tableKey: 1,
-          list: [],
-          total: 0,
-          listLoading: false
-        }
-      },
-      // 栏舍平均撒料时间统计
-      chart5: {
-        chartLine: null,
-        chartLine_data: {},
-        getdataListParm: {
-          name: 'getAccuracyAllLSJT',
-          page: 1,
-          offset: 1,
-          pagecount: '',
-          returntype: 'Map',
-          parammaps: {
-            pastureid: Cookies.get('pastureid'),
-            startTime: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}'),
-            stopTime: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}'),
-            inputDatetime: [new Date(), new Date()],
-            chartDate: [],
-            selectWeek: [],
-            chartMonth: [],
-            specificDate: '1',
-            selectYear: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}'),
-            yearList: [],
-            weekList: []
-          }
-        },
-        tableKey: 1,
-        list: [],
-        total: 0,
-        listLoading: true,
-        isChart: true,
-        isTable: false,
-        table: {
-          tableKey: 1,
-          list: [],
-          total: 0,
-          listLoading: false
-        }
-      },
-      // 混料准确率统计
-      chart6: {
-        chartLine: null,
-        chartLine_data: {},
-        getdataListParm: {
-          name: 'getJT1AccuracyAllQX',
-          page: 1,
-          offset: 1,
-          pagecount: '',
-          returntype: 'Map',
-          parammaps: {
-            pastureid: Cookies.get('pastureid'),
-            startTime: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}'),
-            stopTime: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}'),
-            inputDatetime: [new Date(), new Date()],
-            chartDate: [],
-            selectWeek: [],
-            chartMonth: [],
-            specificDate: '1',
-            selectYear: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}'),
-            yearList: [],
-            weekList: []
-          }
-        },
-        tableKey: 1,
-        list: [],
-        total: 0,
-        listLoading: true,
-        statisticsList: [],
-        chart4Data3: [],
-        isChart: true,
-        isTable: false,
-        table: {
-          tableKey: 1,
-          list: [],
-          total: 0,
-          listLoading: false
-        }
-      },
-      pasture: {
-        dialogFormVisible: false,
-        dialogStatus: '',
-        radio: '0',
-        isDriver: true, // 驾驶员
-        isFormulaName: false, // 配方名称
-        isHouseName: false, // 栏舍名称
-        isLivestockType: false, // 牲畜类别
-        isTrainNumber: false, // 车次
-        checked: false, // 按日期统计
-        table: {
-          getdataListParm: {
-            name: 'getAccuracyHFT',
-            page: 1,
-            offset: 1,
-            pagecount: '',
-            returntype: 'Map',
-            parammaps: {
-              pastureid: '',
-              startTime: '',
-              stopTime: '',
-              fname: '',
-              sort: '',
-              times: ''
-            }
-          },
-          tableKey: 1,
-          list: [],
-          total: 0,
-          listLoading: true,
-          temp: {}
-        },
-        table2: {
-          getdataListParm: {
-            name: 'getAccuracySFT',
-            page: 1,
-            offset: 1,
-            pagecount: '',
-            returntype: 'Map',
-            parammaps: {
-              pastureid: '',
-              startTime: '',
-              stopTime: '',
-              fname: '',
-              sort: '',
-              times: ''
-            }
-          },
-          tableKey: 2,
-          list: [],
-          total: 0,
-          listLoading: true,
-          temp: {}
-        }
-      },
-      textMap: {
-        pasture: '牧场'
-      },
-      statisticalTypeList: [{ id: '0', name: '驾驶员' }, { id: '1', name: '配方名称' }, { id: '2', name: '栏舍名称' }, { id: '3', name: '牲畜类别' }, { id: '4', name: '车次' }],
-      rowStyle: { maxHeight: 30 + 'px', height: 30 + 'px' },
-      cellStyle: { padding: 0 + 'px' }
-    }
-  },
-  created() {
-    this.getTimeFn()
-    this.getAllYear()
-    this.getList()
-    this.getList2()
-    this.getChart1()
-    this.getChart2()
-    this.getChart3()
-    this.getChart4()
-    this.getChart5()
-    this.getChart6()
-  },
-  methods: {
-    getAllYear() {
-      var myDate = new Date()
-      var thisYear = myDate.getFullYear() // 获取当年年份
-      var Section = thisYear - 2001 // 声明一个变量 获得当前年份至想获取年份差 eg.2008
-      this.yearList = [] // 声明一个空数组 把遍历出的年份添加到数组里
-      for (var i = 0; i <= Section; i++) {
-        this.yearList.push(thisYear--)
-      }
-      console.log(this.yearList)
-    },
-    changeAllYear() {
-      console.log('this.selectYear==>', this.selectYear)
-      this.weekList = []
-      this.selectWeek = []
-      var myWeekList = whichWeek(this.selectYear)
-      console.log(myWeekList)
-      for (let i = 0; i <= myWeekList.length; i++) {
-        var obj = {}
-        var a = i + 1
-        obj.name = '第' + a + '周(' + myWeekList[i].month + '.' + myWeekList[i].date + '~' + myWeekList[i].last.month + '.' + myWeekList[i].last.date + ')'
-        obj.id = i
-        this.weekList.push(obj)
-      }
-    },
-    changeAllSpecificDate() {
-      var start = ''
-      var end = ''
-      if (this.specificDate == '2') {
-        this.selectYear = parseTime(new Date(), '{y}')
-        this.changeAllYear()
-      } else if (this.specificDate == '3') {
-        start = parseTime(new Date().setTime(new Date().getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 31 * 12), '{y}-{m}') + '-01'
-        end = parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-        this.chartMonth = []
-        this.chartMonth.push(start, end)
-      }
-    },
-    handleAllDate() {
-      console.log('点击了确认时间')
-      MessageBox.confirm('是否调整以下所有图表查询时间?', {
-        confirmButtonText: '确认', cancelButtonText: '取消', type: 'warning'
-      }).then(() => {
-        var startDate = ''
-        var endDate = ''
-        var status = ''
-        if (this.specificDate == '1') {
-          startDate = parseTime(this.chartDate[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          endDate = parseTime(this.chartDate[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime = [startDate, endDate]
-          this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime = [startDate, endDate]
-          this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime = [startDate, endDate]
-          this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime = [startDate, endDate]
-          this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime = [startDate, endDate]
-          this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime = [startDate, endDate]
-          status = 0
-          console.log('开始日时==>', startDate)
-          console.log('结束日时==>', endDate)
-        } else if (this.specificDate == '2') {
-          if (this.selectYear == '') {
-            this.$message({ type: 'error', message: '请输入年', duration: 2000 })
-            return
-          }
-          if (this.selectWeek.length !== 2) {
-            this.$message({ type: 'error', message: '请输入查询开始周跟结束周', duration: 2000 })
-            return
-          }
-          startDate = this.selectYear + '-' + whichWeek(this.selectYear)[this.selectWeek[0]].month + '-' + whichWeek(this.selectYear)[this.selectWeek[0]].date
-          endDate = this.selectYear + '-' + whichWeek(this.selectYear)[this.selectWeek[1]].last.month + '-' + whichWeek(this.selectYear)[this.selectWeek[1]].last.date
-          status = 1
-          this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear = this.selectYear
-          this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek = this.selectWeek
-          this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList = this.weekList
-          this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear = this.selectYear
-          this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek = this.selectWeek
-          this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList = this.weekList
-          this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear = this.selectYear
-          this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek = this.selectWeek
-          this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList = this.weekList
-          this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear = this.selectYear
-          this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek = this.selectWeek
-          this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList = this.weekList
-          this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear = this.selectYear
-          this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek = this.selectWeek
-          this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList = this.weekList
-          this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear = this.selectYear
-          this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek = this.selectWeek
-          this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList = this.weekList
-          console.log('开始周时间==>', startDate)
-          console.log('结束周时间==>', endDate)
-        } else if (this.specificDate == '3') {
-          if (this.chartMonth.length > 0) {
-            startDate = this.chartMonth[0]
-            endDate = this.chartMonth[1].substring(0, 8) + '31'
-            status = 2
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-            this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth = [startDate, endDate]
-            this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth = [startDate, endDate]
-            this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth = [startDate, endDate]
-            this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth = [startDate, endDate]
-            this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth = [startDate, endDate]
-            console.log('开始月时间==>', startDate)
-            console.log('结束月时间==>', endDate)
-          } else {
-            this.$message({ type: 'error', message: '请输入月', duration: 2000 })
-          }
-        }
-        this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate = this.specificDate
-        this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = startDate
-        this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = endDate
-        this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = status
-        this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = startDate
-        this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = endDate
-        this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = status
-        this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate = this.specificDate
-        this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = startDate
-        this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = endDate
-        this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = status
-        this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate = this.specificDate
-        this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = startDate
-        this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = endDate
-        this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = status
-        this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate = this.specificDate
-        this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = startDate
-        this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = endDate
-        this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = status
-        this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate = this.specificDate
-        this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = startDate
-        this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = endDate
-        this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = status
-        this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate = this.specificDate
-        this.getChart1()
-        this.getChart2()
-        this.getChart3()
-        this.getChart4()
-        this.getChart5()
-        this.getChart6()
-      })
-    },
-    getTimeFn() {
-      const that = this
-      const start = new Date()
-      const end = new Date()
-      const start2 = new Date()
-      const end2 = new Date()
-      start2.setTime(start2.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 1)
-      end2.setTime(end2.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 1)
-      that.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime = [start2, end2]
-      that.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(start2, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(end2, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime = that.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime
-      that.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = that.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime
-      that.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = that.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime
-      // start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 7)
-      that.chartDate[0] = parseTime(start, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.chartDate[1] = parseTime(end, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime = [start, end]
-      that.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(start, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(end, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0] = parseTime(start, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1] = parseTime(end, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(start, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(end, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0] = parseTime(start, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1] = parseTime(end, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(start, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(end, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0] = parseTime(start, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1] = parseTime(end, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(start, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(end, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0] = parseTime(start, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1] = parseTime(end, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(start, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(end, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0] = parseTime(start, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1] = parseTime(end, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(start, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      that.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(end, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-    },
-    getList() {
-      this.table.listLoading = true
-      GetDataByName(this.table.getdataListParm).then(response => {
-        console.log('汇总统计/混料table数据', response.data.list)
-        if (response.data.list !== null) {
-          this.table.list = response.data.list
-        } else {
-          this.table.list = []
-        }
-        setTimeout(() => {
-          this.table.listLoading = false
-        }, 100)
-      })
-    },
-    // 汇总统计/撒料
-    getList2() {
-      this.table2.listLoading = true
-      GetDataByName(this.table2.getdataListParm).then(response => {
-        console.log('汇总统计/撒料table数据', response.data.list)
-        if (response.data.list !== null) {
-          this.table2.list = response.data.list
-        } else {
-          this.table2.list = []
-        }
-        setTimeout(() => {
-          this.table2.listLoading = false
-        }, 100)
-      })
-    },
-    changeDate() {
-      console.log(this.$refs.inputDatetime.value)
-      const startTime = this.$refs.inputDatetime.value[0]
-      const stopTime = this.$refs.inputDatetime.value[1]
-      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(startTime, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(stopTime, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      this.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(startTime, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      this.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(stopTime, '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      this.getList()
-      this.getList2()
-    },
-    handleBefore() {
-      if (this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== '' && this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== null) {
-        var start = new Date(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0].setDate(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0].getDate() - 1))
-        var stop = new Date(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1].setDate(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1].getDate() - 1))
-        if (stop > Date.now() - 8.64e7) {
-          this.Nextdisabled = true
-          this.Beforedisabled = false
-        } else {
-          this.Nextdisabled = false
-          this.Beforedisabled = false
-        }
-        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime.length = 0
-        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime.push(start, stop)
-        this.$forceUpdate()
-      }
-      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      this.getList()
-      this.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime
-      this.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime
-      this.getList2()
-    },
-    handleNext() {
-      if (this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== '' && this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== null) {
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-        this.getTabList2()
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-        if (this.pasture.radio == '0') {
-          console.log('驾驶员')
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-          console.log('配方名称')
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-          console.log('栏舍名称')
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-          this.getTabList2()
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-          console.log(' 牲畜类别')
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-          this.pasture.isHouseName = false
-          this.pasture.isLivestockType = true
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-          console.log('车次')
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-          console.log('驾驶员')
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-          console.log('配方名称')
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-          console.log('栏舍名称')
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-          this.pasture.isLivestockType = false
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-          console.log(' 牲畜类别')
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-          this.pasture.isHouseName = false
-          this.pasture.isLivestockType = true
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-          console.log('车次')
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-          this.pasture.isTrainNumber = true
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-      this.handleSearch()
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-          this.pasture.isLivestockType = false
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-          console.log('配方名称/查询111')
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-          console.log('栏舍名称/查询')
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-          console.log(' 牲畜类别/查询')
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-          this.pasture.isLivestockType = true
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-          console.log('车次/查询')
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-          this.pasture.isHouseName = false
-          this.pasture.isLivestockType = false
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-          console.log('车次/查询')
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-          this.pasture.isFormulaName = false
-          this.pasture.isHouseName = false
-          this.pasture.isLivestockType = false
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-      this.pasture.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime
-      GetDataByName(this.pasture.table.getdataListParm).then(response => {
-        console.log('汇总统计/混料table数据', response.data.list)
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-        } else {
-          this.pasture.table.list = []
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-        setTimeout(() => {
-          this.pasture.table.listLoading = false
-        }, 100)
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-    getTabList2() {
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-      this.pasture.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime
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-        console.log('汇总统计/撒料table数据', response.data.list)
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-        } else {
-          this.pasture.table2.list = []
-        }
-        setTimeout(() => {
-          this.pasture.table2.listLoading = false
-        }, 100)
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-    // 快速回到顶部
-    handleQuickJumpTop() {
-      window.scrollTo(0, 0)
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-      var endDate = ''
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-        if (this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '1') {
-          startDate = parseTime(this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          endDate = parseTime(this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          console.log('计划统计开始日期==>', startDate)
-          console.log('计划统计结束日期==>', endDate)
-          this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = 0
-        } else if (this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '2') {
-          if (this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear == '') {
-            this.$message({ type: 'error', message: '请输入年', duration: 2000 })
-            return
-          }
-          if (this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek.length !== 2) {
-            this.$message({ type: 'error', message: '请输入查询开始周跟结束周', duration: 2000 })
-            return
-          }
-          startDate = this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[0]].month + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[0]].date
-          endDate = this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[1]].last.month + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[1]].last.date
-          console.log('计划统计开始周日期==>', startDate)
-          console.log('计划统计结束周日期==>', endDate)
-          this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = 1
-        } else if (this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '3') {
-          startDate = this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth[0]
-          endDate = this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth[1].substring(0, 8) + '31'
-          console.log('计划统计开始月日期==>', startDate)
-          console.log('计划统计结束月日期==>', endDate)
-          this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = 2
-        }
-        this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = startDate
-        this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = endDate
-        this.getChart1()
-      } else if (item == 'chart2') {
-        if (this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '1') {
-          startDate = parseTime(this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          endDate = parseTime(this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = 0
-          console.log('牛群准确率开始日期==>', startDate)
-          console.log('牛群准确率结束日期==>', endDate)
-        } else if (this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '2') {
-          if (this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear == '') {
-            this.$message({ type: 'error', message: '请输入年', duration: 2000 })
-            return
-          }
-          if (this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek.length !== 2) {
-            this.$message({ type: 'error', message: '请输入查询开始周跟结束周', duration: 2000 })
-            return
-          }
-          startDate = this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[0]].month + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[0]].date
-          endDate = this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[1]].last.month + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[1]].last.date
-          this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = 1
-          console.log('牛群准确率开始周日期==>', startDate)
-          console.log('牛群准确率结束周日期==>', endDate)
-        } else if (this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '3') {
-          console.log('牛群准确率开始月日期==>', this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth)
-          startDate = this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth[0]
-          endDate = this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth[1].substring(0, 8) + '31'
-          this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = 2
-          console.log('牛群准确率开始月日期==>', startDate)
-          console.log('牛群准确率结束月日期==>', endDate)
-        }
-        this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = startDate
-        this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = endDate
-        this.getChart2()
-      } else if (item == 'chart3') {
-        if (this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '1') {
-          startDate = parseTime(this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          endDate = parseTime(this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = 0
-          console.log('混料次数统计开始日期==>', startDate)
-          console.log('混料次数统计结束日期==>', endDate)
-        } else if (this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '2') {
-          if (this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear == '') {
-            this.$message({ type: 'error', message: '请输入年', duration: 2000 })
-            return
-          }
-          if (this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek.length !== 2) {
-            this.$message({ type: 'error', message: '请输入查询开始周跟结束周', duration: 2000 })
-            return
-          }
-          startDate = this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[0]].month + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[0]].date
-          endDate = this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[1]].last.month + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[1]].last.date
-          this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = 1
-          console.log('混料次数统计开始周日期==>', startDate)
-          console.log('混料次数统计结束周日期==>', endDate)
-        } else if (this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '3') {
-          startDate = this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth[0]
-          endDate = this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth[1].substring(0, 8) + '31'
-          this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = 2
-          console.log('混料次数统计开始月日期==>', startDate)
-          console.log('混料次数统计结束月日期==>', endDate)
-        }
-        this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = startDate
-        this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = endDate
-        this.getChart3()
-      } else if (item == 'chart4') {
-        if (this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '1') {
-          startDate = parseTime(this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          endDate = parseTime(this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = 0
-          console.log('混料准确率统计开始日期==>', startDate)
-          console.log('混料准确率统计结束日期==>', endDate)
-        } else if (this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '2') {
-          if (this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear == '') {
-            this.$message({ type: 'error', message: '请输入年', duration: 2000 })
-            return
-          }
-          if (this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek.length !== 2) {
-            this.$message({ type: 'error', message: '请输入查询开始周跟结束周', duration: 2000 })
-            return
-          }
-          startDate = this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[0]].month + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[0]].date
-          endDate = this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[1]].last.month + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[1]].last.date
-          this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = 1
-          console.log('混料准确率统计开始周日期==>', startDate)
-          console.log('混料准确率统计结束周日期==>', endDate)
-        } else if (this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '3') {
-          startDate = this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth[0]
-          endDate = this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth[1].substring(0, 8) + '31'
-          this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = 2
-          console.log('混料准确率统计开始月日期==>', startDate)
-          console.log('混料准确率统计结束月日期==>', endDate)
-        }
-        this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = startDate
-        this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = endDate
-        this.getChart4()
-      } else if (item == 'chart5') {
-        if (this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '1') {
-          startDate = parseTime(this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          endDate = parseTime(this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = 0
-          console.log('栏舍平均撒料时间统计开始日期==>', startDate)
-          console.log('栏舍平均撒料时间统计结束日期==>', endDate)
-        } else if (this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '2') {
-          if (this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear == '') {
-            this.$message({ type: 'error', message: '请输入年', duration: 2000 })
-            return
-          }
-          if (this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek.length !== 2) {
-            this.$message({ type: 'error', message: '请输入查询开始周跟结束周', duration: 2000 })
-            return
-          }
-          startDate = this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[0]].month + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[0]].date
-          endDate = this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[1]].last.month + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[1]].last.date
-          this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = 1
-          console.log('栏舍平均撒料时间统计开始周日期==>', startDate)
-          console.log('栏舍平均撒料时间统计结束周日期==>', endDate)
-        } else if (this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '3') {
-          startDate = this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth[0]
-          endDate = this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth[1].substring(0, 8) + '31'
-          this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = 2
-          console.log('栏舍平均撒料时间统计开始月日期==>', startDate)
-          console.log('栏舍平均撒料时间统计结束月日期==>', endDate)
-        }
-        this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = startDate
-        this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = endDate
-        this.getChart5()
-      } else if (item == 'chart6') {
-        if (this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '1') {
-          startDate = parseTime(this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          endDate = parseTime(this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = 0
-          console.log('混料计划取消次数开始日期==>', startDate)
-          console.log('混料计划取消次数结束日期==>', endDate)
-        } else if (this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '2') {
-          if (this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear == '') {
-            this.$message({ type: 'error', message: '请输入年', duration: 2000 })
-            return
-          }
-          if (this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek.length !== 2) {
-            this.$message({ type: 'error', message: '请输入查询开始周跟结束周', duration: 2000 })
-            return
-          }
-          startDate = this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[0]].month + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[0]].date
-          endDate = this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[1]].last.month + '-' + whichWeek(this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)[this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek[1]].last.date
-          this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = 1
-          console.log('混料计划取消次数开始周日期==>', startDate)
-          console.log('混料计划取消次数结束周日期==>', endDate)
-        } else if (this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '3') {
-          startDate = this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth[0]
-          endDate = this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth[1].substring(0, 8) + '31'
-          this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.status = 2
-          console.log('混料计划取消次数开始月日期==>', startDate)
-          console.log('混料计划取消次数结束月日期==>', endDate)
-        }
-        this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = startDate
-        this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = endDate
-        this.getChart6()
-      }
-    },
-    changeChartSpecificDate(item) {
-      var start = ''
-      var end = ''
-      if (item == 'chart1') {
-        if (this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '2') {
-          this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear = parseTime(new Date(), '{y}')
-          this.changeChartYear(item)
-        } else if (this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '3') {
-          start = parseTime(new Date().setTime(new Date().getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 31 * 12), '{y}-{m}') + '-01'
-          end = parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList = []
-          this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth = []
-          this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth.push(start, end)
-        }
-      } else if (item == 'chart2') {
-        if (this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '2') {
-          this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear = parseTime(new Date(), '{y}')
-          this.changeChartYear(item)
-        } else if (this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '3') {
-          start = parseTime(new Date().setTime(new Date().getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 31 * 12), '{y}-{m}') + '-01'
-          end = parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList = []
-          this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth = []
-          this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth.push(start, end)
-        }
-      } else if (item == 'chart3') {
-        if (this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '2') {
-          this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear = parseTime(new Date(), '{y}')
-          this.changeChartYear(item)
-        } else if (this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '3') {
-          start = parseTime(new Date().setTime(new Date().getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 31 * 12), '{y}-{m}') + '-01'
-          end = parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList = []
-          this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth = []
-          this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth.push(start, end)
-        }
-      } else if (item == 'chart4') {
-        if (this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '2') {
-          this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear = parseTime(new Date(), '{y}')
-          this.changeChartYear(item)
-        } else if (this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '3') {
-          start = parseTime(new Date().setTime(new Date().getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 31 * 12), '{y}-{m}') + '-01'
-          end = parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList = []
-          this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth = []
-          this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth.push(start, end)
-        }
-      } else if (item == 'chart5') {
-        if (this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '2') {
-          this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear = parseTime(new Date(), '{y}')
-          this.changeChartYear(item)
-        } else if (this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '3') {
-          start = parseTime(new Date().setTime(new Date().getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 31 * 12), '{y}-{m}') + '-01'
-          end = parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList = []
-          this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth = []
-          this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth.push(start, end)
-        }
-      } else if (item == 'chart6') {
-        if (this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '2') {
-          this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear = parseTime(new Date(), '{y}')
-          this.changeChartYear(item)
-        } else if (this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.specificDate == '3') {
-          start = parseTime(new Date().setTime(new Date().getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 31 * 12), '{y}-{m}') + '-01'
-          end = parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList = []
-          this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth = []
-          this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.chartMonth.push(start, end)
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    changeChartYear(item) {
-      var myWeekList = ''
-      if (item == 'chart1') {
-        this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList = []
-        this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek = []
-        myWeekList = whichWeek(this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)
-        console.log(myWeekList)
-        for (let i = 0; i <= myWeekList.length; i++) {
-          var obj = {}
-          var a = i + 1
-          obj.name = '第' + a + '周(' + myWeekList[i].month + '.' + myWeekList[i].date + '~' + myWeekList[i].last.month + '.' + myWeekList[i].last.date + ')'
-          obj.id = i
-          this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList.push(obj)
-        }
-      } else if (item == 'chart2') {
-        this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek = []
-        this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList = []
-        myWeekList = whichWeek(this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)
-        console.log(myWeekList)
-        for (let i = 0; i <= myWeekList.length; i++) {
-          var obj = {}
-          var a = i + 1
-          obj.name = '第' + a + '周(' + myWeekList[i].month + '.' + myWeekList[i].date + '~' + myWeekList[i].last.month + '.' + myWeekList[i].last.date + ')'
-          obj.id = i
-          this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList.push(obj)
-        }
-      } else if (item == 'chart3') {
-        this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek = []
-        this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList = []
-        myWeekList = whichWeek(this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)
-        console.log(myWeekList)
-        for (let i = 0; i <= myWeekList.length; i++) {
-          var obj = {}
-          var a = i + 1
-          obj.name = '第' + a + '周(' + myWeekList[i].month + '.' + myWeekList[i].date + '~' + myWeekList[i].last.month + '.' + myWeekList[i].last.date + ')'
-          obj.id = i
-          this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList.push(obj)
-        }
-      } else if (item == 'chart4') {
-        this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek = []
-        this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList = []
-        myWeekList = whichWeek(this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)
-        console.log(myWeekList)
-        for (let i = 0; i <= myWeekList.length; i++) {
-          var obj = {}
-          var a = i + 1
-          obj.name = '第' + a + '周(' + myWeekList[i].month + '.' + myWeekList[i].date + '~' + myWeekList[i].last.month + '.' + myWeekList[i].last.date + ')'
-          obj.id = i
-          this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList.push(obj)
-        }
-      } else if (item == 'chart5') {
-        this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek = []
-        this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList = []
-        myWeekList = whichWeek(this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)
-        console.log(myWeekList)
-        for (let i = 0; i <= myWeekList.length; i++) {
-          var obj = {}
-          var a = i + 1
-          obj.name = '第' + a + '周(' + myWeekList[i].month + '.' + myWeekList[i].date + '~' + myWeekList[i].last.month + '.' + myWeekList[i].last.date + ')'
-          obj.id = i
-          this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList.push(obj)
-        }
-      } else if (item == 'chart6') {
-        this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectWeek = []
-        this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList = []
-        myWeekList = whichWeek(this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.selectYear)
-        console.log(myWeekList)
-        for (let i = 0; i <= myWeekList.length; i++) {
-          var obj = {}
-          var a = i + 1
-          obj.name = '第' + a + '周(' + myWeekList[i].month + '.' + myWeekList[i].date + '~' + myWeekList[i].last.month + '.' + myWeekList[i].last.date + ')'
-          obj.id = i
-          this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.weekList.push(obj)
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    // 计划统计
-    getChart1() {
-      this.chart1.listLoading = true
-      console.log(this.chart1.getdataListParm.name, '计划统计接口')
-      GetReportform(this.chart1.getdataListParm).then(response => {
-        if (response.data !== null && response.data.list !== null) {
-          this.chart1.table.list = response.data.data
-          this.chart1.total = response.data.total
-          this.chart1.chartLine_data = response.data.list
-          console.log('计划统计图数据', this.chart1.chartLine_data)
-          console.log('计划统计表数据', this.chart1.table.list)
-          this.roadChartLine1(this.chart1.chartLine_data)
-        } else {
-          this.chart1.list = []
-          this.chart1.chartLine_data = {}
-          this.roadChartLine1(this.chart1.chartLine_data)
-        }
-        setTimeout(() => {
-          this.chart1.listLoading = false
-        }, 100)
-      })
-    },
-    roadChartLine1(chartLine_data) {
-      if (this.chart1.chartLine != null) {
-        this.chart1.chartLine.dispose()
-      }
-      this.chart1.chartLine = echarts.init(document.getElementById('chartLine1'))
-      var option = {
-        tooltip: { trigger: 'axis', axisPointer: { type: 'cross', crossStyle: { color: '#999' }}},
-        legend: { data: ['计划准确率', '计划正确率', '计划准确率(去除取消重量)'] },
-        xAxis: [{ type: 'category', data: chartLine_data.data1, axisPointer: { type: 'shadow' }}],
-        yAxis: [{ type: 'value', name: '百分比', min: 0, max: 100, interval: 20, axisLabel: { formatter: '{value}' }}],
-        series: [
-          { name: '计划准确率', type: 'bar', itemStyle: { normal: { color: '#7ecf51' }}, data: chartLine_data.data2, markLine: { data: [{ type: 'average' }], symbol: ['none', 'none'], position: 'insideTopCenter', itemStyle: { normal: { lineStyle: { type: 'dotted', width: 3 }, label: { show: true, position: 'middle', formatter: '' }}}, large: true, effect: { show: false, loop: true, period: 0, scaleSize: 2, color: null, shadowColor: null, shadowBlur: null }}},
-          { name: '计划正确率', type: 'bar', itemStyle: { normal: { color: '#ff6600' }}, data: chartLine_data.data3, markLine: { data: [{ type: 'average' }], symbol: ['none', 'none'], position: 'insideTopCenter', itemStyle: { normal: { lineStyle: { type: 'dotted', width: 3 }, label: { show: true, position: 'middle', formatter: '' }}}, large: true, effect: { show: false, loop: true, period: 0, scaleSize: 2, color: null, shadowColor: null, shadowBlur: null }}},
-          { name: '计划准确率(去除取消重量)', type: 'bar', itemStyle: { normal: { color: '#61a5e8' }}, data: chartLine_data.data4, markLine: { data: [{ type: 'average' }], symbol: ['none', 'none'], position: 'insideTopCenter', itemStyle: { normal: { lineStyle: { type: 'dotted', width: 3 }, label: { show: true, position: 'middle', formatter: '' }}}, large: true, effect: { show: false, loop: true, period: 0, scaleSize: 2, color: null, shadowColor: null, shadowBlur: null }}}
-        ]
-      }
-      this.chart1.chartLine.setOption(option)
-      window.onresize = function() {
-        this.chart1.chartLine.resize()
-      }
-    },
-    // 牛群准确率
-    getChart2() {
-      this.chart2.listLoading = true
-      GetReportform(this.chart2.getdataListParm).then(response => {
-        console.log('牛群准确率图数据', this.chart2.chartLine_data)
-        if (response.data !== null && response.data.list !== null) {
-          // for (let i = 0; i < response.data.data.length; i++) {
-          //   response.data.data[i].准确率 = response.data.data[i].准确率 + '%'
-          // }
-          this.chart2.table.list = response.data.data
-          this.chart2.chartLine_data = response.data.list
-          this.chart2.total = response.data.total
-          this.chart2.chart3Data3 = response.data.list.data3
-          this.chart2.total = response.data.total
-          console.log('牛群准确率图数据', this.chart2.chartLine_data)
-          console.log('牛群准确率表数据', this.chart2.table.list)
-          this.roadChartLine2(this.chart2.chartLine_data)
-        } else {
-          this.chart2.list = []
-          this.chart2.chartLine_data = {}
-          this.roadChartLine2(this.chart2.chartLine_data)
-        }
-        setTimeout(() => {
-          this.chart2.listLoading = false
-        }, 100)
-      })
-    },
-    roadChartLine2(chartLine_data) {
-      if (this.chart2.chartLine != null) {
-        this.chart2.chartLine.dispose()
-      }
-      this.chart2.chartLine = echarts.init(document.getElementById('chartLine2'))
-      var option = {
-        tooltip: {
-          trigger: 'axis',
-          axisPointer: {
-            type: 'cross',
-            crossStyle: {
-              color: '#999'
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        legend: {
-          data: ['泌乳牛', '后备牛', '干奶牛', '围产牛']
-        },
-        xAxis: [{ type: 'category', data: chartLine_data.data1, axisPointer: { type: 'shadow' }}],
-        yAxis: [{ type: 'value', name: '准确率', min: 0, max: 100, interval: 20, axisLabel: { formatter: '{value}%' }}],
-        series: [{ name: '泌乳牛', type: 'bar', itemStyle: { normal: { color: '#7ecf51' }},
-          data: chartLine_data.data2,
-          markLine: {
-            data: [{ type: 'average' }],
-            symbol: ['none', 'none'],
-            position: 'insideTopCenter',
-            itemStyle: {
-              normal: {
-                lineStyle: { type: 'dotted', width: 3 },
-                label: { show: true, position: 'middle', formatter: '' }
-              }
-            },
-            large: true,
-            effect: { show: false, loop: true, period: 0, scaleSize: 2, color: null, shadowColor: null, shadowBlur: null }
-          }
-        },
-        {
-          name: '后备牛',
-          type: 'bar',
-          itemStyle: {
-            normal: {
-              color: '#ff6600'
-            }
-          },
-          data: chartLine_data.data3,
-          markLine: {
-            data: [{ type: 'average' }],
-            symbol: ['none', 'none'],
-            position: 'insideTopCenter',
-            itemStyle: {
-              normal: {
-                lineStyle: { type: 'dotted', width: 3 },
-                label: { show: true, position: 'middle', formatter: '' }
-              }
-            },
-            large: true,
-            effect: { show: false, loop: true, period: 0, scaleSize: 2, color: null, shadowColor: null, shadowBlur: null }
-          }
-        },
-        {
-          name: '干奶牛',
-          type: 'bar',
-          itemStyle: {
-            normal: {
-              color: '#61a5e8'
-            }
-          },
-          data: chartLine_data.data4,
-          markLine: {
-            data: [{ type: 'average' }],
-            symbol: ['none', 'none'],
-            position: 'insideTopCenter',
-            itemStyle: {
-              normal: {
-                lineStyle: { type: 'dotted', width: 3 },
-                label: { show: true, position: 'middle', formatter: '' }
-              }
-            },
-            large: true,
-            effect: { show: false, loop: true, period: 0, scaleSize: 2, color: null, shadowColor: null, shadowBlur: null }
-          }
-        },
-        {
-          name: '围产牛',
-          type: 'bar',
-          itemStyle: {
-            normal: {
-              color: '#ffff00'
-            }
-          },
-          data: chartLine_data.data5,
-          markLine: {
-            data: [{ type: 'average' }],
-            symbol: ['none', 'none'],
-            position: 'insideTopCenter',
-            itemStyle: {
-              normal: {
-                lineStyle: { type: 'dotted', width: 3 },
-                label: { show: true, position: 'middle', formatter: '' }
-              }
-            },
-            large: true,
-            effect: { show: false, loop: true, period: 0, scaleSize: 2, color: null, shadowColor: null, shadowBlur: null }
-          }
-        }
-        ]
-      }
-      this.chart2.chartLine.setOption(option)
-      window.onresize = function() {
-        this.chart2.chartLine.resize()
-      }
-    },
-    // 混料次数统计
-    getChart3() {
-      this.chart3.listLoading = true
-      GetReportform(this.chart3.getdataListParm).then(response => {
-        if (response.data !== null && response.data.list !== null) {
-          // for (let i = 0; i < response.data.data.length; i++) {
-          //   response.data.data[i].准确率 = response.data.data[i].准确率 + '%'
-          // }
-          this.chart3.table.list = response.data.data
-          this.chart3.chartLine_data = response.data.list
-          this.chart3.total = response.data.total
-          this.chart3.total = response.data.total
-          console.log('混料次数统计图', this.chart3.chartLine_data)
-          console.log('混料次数统计表', this.chart3.table.list)
-          this.roadChartLine3(this.chart3.chartLine_data)
-        } else {
-          this.chart3.list = []
-          this.chart3.chartLine_data = {}
-          this.roadChartLine3(this.chart3.chartLine_data)
-        }
-        setTimeout(() => {
-          this.chart3.listLoading = false
-        }, 100)
-      })
-    },
-    roadChartLine3(chartLine_data) {
-      if (this.chart3.chartLine != null) {
-        this.chart3.chartLine.dispose()
-      }
-      this.chart3.chartLine = echarts.init(document.getElementById('chartLine3'))
-      var option = {
-        tooltip: {
-          trigger: 'axis',
-          axisPointer: {
-            type: 'cross',
-            crossStyle: {
-              color: '#999'
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        legend: {
-          data: ['自动跳转', '手动跳转', '取消次数']
-        },
-        xAxis: [{ type: 'category', data: chartLine_data.data1, axisPointer: { type: 'shadow' }}],
-        yAxis: [{ type: 'value', name: '次数', min: 0, max: 100, interval: 20, axisLabel: { formatter: '{value}' }}],
-        series: [{ name: '自动跳转', type: 'bar', itemStyle: { normal: { color: '#7ecf51' }},
-          data: chartLine_data.data2,
-          markLine: {
-            data: [{ type: 'average' }],
-            symbol: ['none', 'none'],
-            position: 'insideTopCenter',
-            itemStyle: {
-              normal: {
-                lineStyle: { type: 'dotted', width: 3 },
-                label: { show: true, position: 'middle', formatter: '' }
-              }
-            },
-            large: true,
-            effect: { show: false, loop: true, period: 0, scaleSize: 2, color: null, shadowColor: null, shadowBlur: null }
-          }
-        },
-        {
-          name: '手动跳转',
-          type: 'bar',
-          itemStyle: {
-            normal: {
-              color: '#ff6600'
-            }
-          },
-          data: chartLine_data.data3,
-          markLine: {
-            data: [{ type: 'average' }],
-            symbol: ['none', 'none'],
-            position: 'insideTopCenter',
-            itemStyle: {
-              normal: {
-                lineStyle: { type: 'dotted', width: 3 },
-                label: { show: true, position: 'middle', formatter: '' }
-              }
-            },
-            large: true,
-            effect: { show: false, loop: true, period: 0, scaleSize: 2, color: null, shadowColor: null, shadowBlur: null }
-          }
-        }]
-      }
-      this.chart3.chartLine.setOption(option)
-      window.onresize = function() {
-        this.chart3.chartLine.resize()
-      }
-    },
-    // 混料准确率统计
-    getChart4() {
-      this.chart4.listLoading = true
-      GetReportform(this.chart4.getdataListParm).then(response => {
-        if (response.data !== null && response.data.list !== null) {
-          // for (let i = 0; i < response.data.data.length; i++) {
-          //   response.data.data[i].准确率 = response.data.data[i].准确率 + '%'
-          // }
-          this.chart4.table.list = response.data.data
-          this.chart4.chartLine_data = response.data.list
-          // this.chart4.chartLine_data = {
-          //   'data1': ['1牧', '2牧', '3牧', '4牧', '5牧', '6牧', '7牧', '8牧', '9牧', '10牧', '11牧', '12牧'], // x轴
-          //   'data2': [2.0, 4.9, 7.0, 23.2, 25.6, 76.7, 135.6, 162.2, 32.6, 20.0, 6.4, 3.3], // 自动跳转准确率
-          //   'data3': [2.6, 5.9, 9.0, 30, 28.7, 70.7, 175.6, 182.2, 48.7, 18.8, 6.0, 2.3] // 手动跳转准确率
-          // }
-          this.chart4.total = response.data.total
-          console.log('混料准确率统计图', this.chart4.chartLine_data)
-          console.log('混料准确率统计表', this.chart4.table.list)
-          this.roadChartLine4(this.chart4.chartLine_data)
-        } else {
-          this.chart4.list = []
-          this.chart4.chartLine_data = {}
-          this.roadChartLine4(this.chart4.chartLine_data)
-        }
-        setTimeout(() => {
-          this.chart4.listLoading = false
-        }, 100)
-      })
-    },
-    roadChartLine4(chartLine_data) {
-      if (this.chart4.chartLine != null) {
-        this.chart4.chartLine.dispose()
-      }
-      this.chart4.chartLine = echarts.init(document.getElementById('chartLine4'))
-      var option = {
-        tooltip: {
-          trigger: 'axis',
-          axisPointer: {
-            type: 'cross',
-            crossStyle: {
-              color: '#999'
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        legend: {
-          data: ['自动跳转准确率', '手动跳转准确率']
-        },
-        xAxis: [{ type: 'category', data: chartLine_data.data1, axisPointer: { type: 'shadow' }}],
-        yAxis: [{ type: 'value', name: '混料准确率', min: 0, max: 100, interval: 20, axisLabel: { formatter: '{value}%' }}],
-        series: [{ name: '自动跳转准确率', type: 'bar', itemStyle: { normal: { color: '#7ecf51' }},
-          data: chartLine_data.data2,
-          markLine: {
-            data: [{ type: 'average' }],
-            symbol: ['none', 'none'],
-            position: 'insideTopCenter',
-            itemStyle: {
-              normal: {
-                lineStyle: { type: 'dotted', width: 3 },
-                label: { show: true, position: 'middle', formatter: '' }
-              }
-            },
-            large: true,
-            effect: { show: false, loop: true, period: 0, scaleSize: 2, color: null, shadowColor: null, shadowBlur: null }
-          }
-        },
-        {
-          name: '手动跳转准确率',
-          type: 'bar',
-          itemStyle: {
-            normal: {
-              color: '#ff6600'
-            }
-          },
-          data: chartLine_data.data3,
-          markLine: {
-            data: [{ type: 'average' }],
-            symbol: ['none', 'none'],
-            position: 'insideTopCenter',
-            itemStyle: {
-              normal: {
-                lineStyle: { type: 'dotted', width: 3 },
-                label: { show: true, position: 'middle', formatter: '' }
-              }
-            },
-            large: true,
-            effect: { show: false, loop: true, period: 0, scaleSize: 2, color: null, shadowColor: null, shadowBlur: null }
-          }
-        }]
-      }
-      this.chart4.chartLine.setOption(option)
-      window.onresize = function() {
-        this.chart4.chartLine.resize()
-      }
-    },
-    // 栏舍平均撒料时间统计
-    getChart5() {
-      this.chart5.listLoading = true
-      GetReportform(this.chart5.getdataListParm).then(response => {
-        if (response.data !== null && response.data.list !== null) {
-          this.chart5.table.list = response.data.data
-          this.chart5.chartLine_data = response.data.list
-          this.chart5.total = response.data.total
-          console.log('栏舍平均撒料时间统计图', this.chart5.chartLine_data)
-          console.log('栏舍平均撒料时间统计表', this.chart5.table.list)
-          this.roadChartLine5(this.chart5.chartLine_data)
-        } else {
-          this.chart5.list = []
-          this.chart5.chartLine_data = {}
-          this.roadChartLine5(this.chart5.chartLine_data)
-        }
-        setTimeout(() => {
-          this.chart5.listLoading = false
-        }, 100)
-      })
-    },
-    roadChartLine5(chartLine_data) {
-      if (this.chart5.chartLine != null) {
-        this.chart5.chartLine.dispose()
-      }
-      this.chart5.chartLine = echarts.init(document.getElementById('chartLine5'))
-      var option = {
-        title: {
-          text: ''
-        },
-        tooltip: {
-          trigger: 'axis',
-          formatter: function(params) {
-            // console.log(params)
-            if (params.length > 0) {
-              var tip = params[0].name
-              for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
-                var b = []
-                // var str = params[i].value
-                for (let j = 0; j <= params[i].value.length; j++) {
-                  if (params[i].value !== '') {
-                    if (params[i].value.charAt(j) == '.') {
-                      b[j] = params[i].value.replace('.', ':')
-                    }
-                  } else {
-                    b[j] = ''
-                  }
-                }
-                tip += '<br>' + params[i].seriesName + ': ' + b[b.length - 1]
-              }
-              return tip
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        legend: {
-          data: chartLine_data.data1,
-          right: 10
-        },
-        grid: {
-          top: '20%',
-          left: '5%',
-          right: '8%',
-          containLabel: true
-        },
-        toolbox: {
-          show: true,
-          right: '2%',
-          feature: {}
-        },
-        xAxis: { type: 'category', boundaryGap: false, data: chartLine_data.data2, name: '日期' },
-        yAxis: [{
-          type: '',
-          name: '时间',
-          mix: 0,
-          max: 24,
-          interval: 2,
-          axisLabel: {
-            formatter: function(value) {
-              var texts = []
-              if (value < 10) {
-                texts.push('0' + value + ':00')
-              } else {
-                texts.push(value + ':00')
-              }
-              return texts
-            }
-          }
-        }],
-        series: (function() {
-          if (chartLine_data.data3 !== undefined) {
-            var serie = []
-            for (var i = 0; i < chartLine_data.data3.length; i++) {
-              var item = {
-                name: chartLine_data.data1[i],
-                type: 'line',
-                data: chartLine_data.data3[i].data
-              }
-              serie.push(item)
-            }
-            return serie
-          }
-        }())
-      }
-      this.chart5.chartLine.setOption(option)
-      window.onresize = function() {
-        this.chart5.chartLine.resize()
-      }
-    },
-    // 混料计划取消次数
-    getChart6() {
-      this.chart6.listLoading = true
-      GetReportform(this.chart6.getdataListParm).then(response => {
-        if (response.data !== null && response.data.list !== null) {
-          // for (let i = 0; i < response.data.data.length; i++) {
-          //   response.data.data[i].准确率 = response.data.data[i].准确率 + '%'
-          // }
-          this.chart6.table.list = response.data.data
-          this.chart6.chartLine_data = response.data.list
-          // this.chart6.chartLine_data = {
-          //   'data1': ['1牧', '2牧', '3牧', '4牧', '5牧', '6牧', '7牧', '8牧', '9牧', '10牧', '11牧', '12牧'], // x轴
-          //   'data2': [2.0, 4.9, 7.0, 23.2, 25.6, 76.7, 135.6, 162.2, 32.6, 20.0, 6.4, 3.3], // 自动跳转准确率
-          //   'data3': [2.6, 5.9, 9.0, 30, 28.7, 70.7, 175.6, 182.2, 48.7, 18.8, 6.0, 2.3] // 手动跳转准确率
-          // }
-          this.chart6.total = response.data.total
-          console.log('混料计划取消次数图', this.chart6.chartLine_data)
-          console.log('混料计划取消次数表', this.chart6.table.list)
-          this.roadChartLine6(this.chart6.chartLine_data)
-        } else {
-          this.chart6.list = []
-          this.chart6.chartLine_data = {}
-          this.roadChartLine6(this.chart6.chartLine_data)
-        }
-        setTimeout(() => {
-          this.chart6.listLoading = false
-        }, 100)
-      })
-    },
-    roadChartLine6(chartLine_data) {
-      if (this.chart6.chartLine != null) {
-        this.chart6.chartLine.dispose()
-      }
-      this.chart6.chartLine = echarts.init(document.getElementById('chartLine6'))
-      var option = {
-        tooltip: {
-          trigger: 'axis',
-          axisPointer: {
-            type: 'cross',
-            crossStyle: {
-              color: '#999'
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        legend: {
-          data: ['混料计划取消次数']
-        },
-        xAxis: [{ type: 'category', data: chartLine_data.data1, axisPointer: { type: 'shadow' }}],
-        yAxis: [{ type: 'value', name: '次数', min: 0, max: 100, interval: 20, axisLabel: { formatter: '{value}%' }}],
-        series: [{ name: '混料计划取消次数', type: 'bar', itemStyle: { normal: { color: '#7ecf51' }},
-          data: chartLine_data.data2,
-          markLine: {
-            data: [{ type: 'average' }],
-            symbol: ['none', 'none'],
-            position: 'insideTopCenter',
-            itemStyle: {
-              normal: {
-                lineStyle: { type: 'dotted', width: 3 },
-                label: { show: true, position: 'middle', formatter: '' }
-              }
-            },
-            large: true,
-            effect: { show: false, loop: true, period: 0, scaleSize: 2, color: null, shadowColor: null, shadowBlur: null }
-          }
-        }]
-      }
-      this.chart6.chartLine.setOption(option)
-      window.onresize = function() {
-        this.chart6.chartLine.resize()
-      }
-    },
-    handleDownload() {
-      var excelDatas = [
-        {
-          tHeader: ['配方名称', '理论重量', '实际重量', '计划混料操作数', '已混料操作数', '混料操作率', '混料误差值', '混料准确率', '混料自动跳转次数', '混料手动跳转次数', '取消次数', '混料正确数', '混料正确率', '去除取消正确率', '标准差'],
-          filterVal: ['配方名称', '理论重量', '实际重量', '计划混料操作数', '已混料操作数', '混料操作率', '混料误差值', '混料准确率', '混料自动跳转次数', '混料手动跳转次数', '取消次数', '混料正确数', '混料正确率', '去除取消正确率', '方差'],
-          tableDatas: this.table.list,
-          sheetName: '混料'
-        },
-        {
-          tHeader: ['配方名称', '理论重量', '实际重量', '计划撒料操作数', '已撒料操作数', '撒料操作率', '撒料误差值', '撒料准确率', '撒料自动跳转次数', '撒料手动跳转次数', '撒料正确数', '撒料正确率', '去除取消正确率', '标准差'],
-          filterVal: ['配方名称', '理论重量', '实际重量', '计划撒料操作数', '已撒料操作数', '撒料操作率', '撒料误差值', '撒料准确率', '撒料自动跳转次数', '撒料手动跳转次数', '撒料正确数', '撒料正确率', '去除取消正确率', '方差'],
-          tableDatas: this.table2.list,
-          sheetName: '撒料'
-        }
-      ]
-      json2excel(excelDatas, '汇总统计-配方名称', true, 'xlsx')
-    },
-    // 时间
-    changeChartDate(item) {
-      console.log(item)
-      if (item == 'chart1') {
-        if (this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== '' && this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== null) {
-          this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.getChart1()
-        } else {
-          this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime = ''
-          this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = ''
-          this.chart1.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = ''
-          this.getChart1()
-        }
-      } else if (item == 'chart2') {
-        if (this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== '' && this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== null) {
-          this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.getChart2()
-        } else {
-          this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime = ''
-          this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = ''
-          this.chart2.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = ''
-          this.getChart2()
-        }
-      } else if (item == 'chart3') {
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-          this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.getChart3()
-        } else {
-          this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime = ''
-          this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = ''
-          this.chart3.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = ''
-          this.getChart3()
-        }
-      } else if (item == 'chart4') {
-        if (this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== '' && this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== null) {
-          this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.getChart4()
-        } else {
-          this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime = ''
-          this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = ''
-          this.chart4.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = ''
-          this.getChart4()
-        }
-      } else if (item == 'chart5') {
-        if (this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== '' && this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== null) {
-          this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.getChart5()
-        } else {
-          this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime = ''
-          this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = ''
-          this.chart5.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = ''
-          this.getChart5()
-        }
-      } else if (item == 'chart6') {
-        if (this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== '' && this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== null) {
-          this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-          this.getChart6()
-        } else {
-          this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime = ''
-          this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = ''
-          this.chart6.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = ''
-          this.getChart6()
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    handleExport(item) {
-      if (item == 'chart1') {
-        console.log('计划统计导出')
-        var excelDatasTabChart1 = [
-          {
-            tHeader: ['日期', '配方名称', '计划重量(kg)', '实际重量(kg)', '准确率'],
-            filterVal: ['日期', '名称', '理论量', '实际量', '准确率'],
-            tableDatas: this.chart1.table.list,
-            sheetName: '计划统计'
-          }
-        ]
-        json2excel(excelDatasTabChart1, '计划统计', true, 'xlsx')
-      } else if (item == 'chart2') {
-        console.log('计划统计导出')
-        var excelDatasTabChart2 = [
-          {
-            tHeader: ['日期', '计划执行重量(kg)', '配方理论重量(kg)', '计划准确率', '计划取消重量(kg)', '计划准确率(去除取消重量)', '计划正确数', '计划数', '计划正确率'],
-            filterVal: ['日期', '实际量', '理论量', 'field1', '计划取消重量', 'field3', '正确数', '计划数', 'field2'],
-            tableDatas: this.chart2.table.list,
-            sheetName: '计划统计'
-          }
-        ]
-        json2excel(excelDatasTabChart2, '计划统计', true, 'xlsx')
-      } else if (item == 'chart3') {
-        console.log('牛群准确率导出')
-        var excelDatasTabChart3 = [
-          {
-            tHeader: ['日期', '牲畜类别', '计划重量(kg)', '实际重量(kg)', '准确率'],
-            filterVal: ['日期', '名称', '理论量', '实际量', '准确率'],
-            tableDatas: this.chart3.table.list,
-            sheetName: '牛群准确率'
-          }
-        ]
-        json2excel(excelDatasTabChart3, '牛群准确率', true, 'xlsx')
-      } else if (item == 'chart4') {
-        console.log('车辆准确率(重量)导出')
-        var excelDatasTabChart4 = [
-          {
-            tHeader: ['日期', '车次', '计划重量(kg)', '实际重量(kg)', '准确率'],
-            filterVal: ['日期', '名称', '理论量', '实际量', '准确率'],
-            tableDatas: this.chart4.table.list,
-            sheetName: '车辆准确率(重量)'
-          }
-        ]
-        json2excel(excelDatasTabChart4, '车辆准确率(重量)', true, 'xlsx')
-      } else if (item == 'chart5') {
-        console.log('混料统计导出')
-        var excelDatasTabChart5 = [
-          {
-            tHeader: ['日期', '自动跳转次数', '手动跳转次数', '自动跳转理论重量', '自动跳转实际重量', '自动跳转准确率', '手动跳转理论重量', '手动跳转实际重量', '手动跳转准确率'],
-            filterVal: ['日期', 'field1', 'field2', '理论自动', '实际自动', 'field3', '理论手动', '实际手动', 'field4'],
-            tableDatas: this.chart5.table.list,
-            sheetName: '混料统计'
-          }
-        ]
-        json2excel(excelDatasTabChart5, '混料统计', true, 'xlsx')
-      } else if (item == 'chart6') {
-        console.log('混料计划取消次数导出')
-        var excelDatasTabChart5 = [
-          {
-            tHeader: ['日期', '自动跳转次数', '手动跳转次数', '自动跳转理论重量', '自动跳转实际重量', '自动跳转准确率', '手动跳转理论重量', '手动跳转实际重量', '手动跳转准确率'],
-            filterVal: ['日期', 'field1', 'field2', '理论自动', '实际自动', 'field3', '理论手动', '实际手动', 'field4'],
-            tableDatas: this.chart5.table.list,
-            sheetName: '混料计划取消次数'
-          }
-        ]
-        json2excel(excelDatasTabChart5, '混料计划取消次数', true, 'xlsx')
-      }
-    },
-    handleTable(item) {
-      // 显示切换表格
-      if (item == 'chart1') {
-        console.log('计划统计表格')
-        this.chart1.isTable = true
-        this.chart1.isChart = false
-      } else if (item == 'chart2') {
-        console.log('计划统计表格')
-        this.chart2.isTable = true
-        this.chart2.isChart = false
-      } else if (item == 'chart3') {
-        console.log('牛群准确率表格')
-        this.chart3.isTable = true
-        this.chart3.isChart = false
-      } else if (item == 'chart4') {
-        console.log('车辆准确率(重量)表格')
-        this.chart4.isTable = true
-        this.chart4.isChart = false
-      } else if (item == 'chart5') {
-        console.log('混料统计表格')
-        this.chart5.isTable = true
-        this.chart5.isChart = false
-      } else if (item == 'chart6') {
-        console.log('混料计划取消次数表格')
-        this.chart6.isTable = true
-        this.chart6.isChart = false
-      }
-    },
-    // 切换图表
-    handleChart(item) {
-      // 显示切换图表
-      if (item == 'chart1') {
-        console.log('计划统计图表')
-        this.chart1.isTable = false
-        this.chart1.isChart = true
-        this.getChart1()
-      } else if (item == 'chart2') {
-        console.log('计划统计图表')
-        this.chart2.isTable = false
-        this.chart2.isChart = true
-        this.getChart2()
-      } else if (item == 'chart3') {
-        console.log('牛群准确率图表')
-        this.chart3.isTable = false
-        this.chart3.isChart = true
-        this.getChart3()
-      } else if (item == 'chart4') {
-        console.log('车辆准确率(重量)图表')
-        this.chart4.isTable = false
-        this.chart4.isChart = true
-        this.getChart4()
-      } else if (item == 'chart5') {
-        console.log('混料统计图表')
-        this.chart5.isTable = false
-        this.chart5.isChart = true
-        this.getChart5()
-      } else if (item == 'chart6') {
-        console.log('混料计划取消次数图表')
-        this.chart6.isTable = false
-        this.chart6.isChart = true
-        this.getChart6()
-      }
-    }
-  }
-<style lang="scss" scoped>
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Різницю між файлами не показано, бо вона завелика
+ 961 - 136

Різницю між файлами не показано, бо вона завелика
+ 136 - 961

+ 796 - 782

@@ -1,237 +1,246 @@
-  <div class="app-container">
-    <div class="operation">
-      <el-date-picker v-model="table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime" :clearable="false" class="inputDatetime filter-item" type="daterange" range-separator="至" start-placeholder="开始日期" end-placeholder="结束日期" style="width: 250px;margin-right: 10px;" @change="changeDate" />
-      <el-button class="el-icon-arrow-left elIconArrowLeft" @click="handleBefore" />
+  <div class="app-container">
+    <div class="operation">
+      <el-date-picker v-model="table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime" :clearable="false" class="inputDatetime filter-item" type="daterange" range-separator="至" start-placeholder="开始日期" end-placeholder="结束日期" style="width: 250px;margin-right: 10px;float: left;" @change="changeDate" />
+      <el-button class="el-icon-arrow-left elIconArrowLeft" @click="handleBefore" />
       <el-button class="el-icon-arrow-right elIconArrowRight" @click="handleNext" />
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-        :key="table.tableKey"
-        v-loading="table.listLoading"
-        element-loading-text="给我一点时间"
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-        fit
-        highlight-current-row
-        style="width: 100%;"
-        :row-style="rowStyle"
-        :cell-style="tableCellStyle"
-        class="elTable table-fixed"
-      >
-        <el-table-column sortable label="配方模板/指标" min-width="98px" align="center">
-          <template slot-scope="{row}">
-            <a @click="clickFormulaTemplateIndex(row)">{{ row.tname }}</a>
-          </template>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column sortable label="牛头数" prop="ccount" min-width="58px" align="center" />
-        <el-table-column label="干物质(kg)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="dry" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.dry) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.dry) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="产奶净能(MJ)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="nm" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.nm) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.nm) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="奶牛能量单位(NND)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="nuint" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.nuint) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.nuint) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="粗蛋白(g)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column prop="cp" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.cp) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.cp) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="磷(g)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="p" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.p) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.p) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="产奶净能(MCal/DM)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="nmd" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.nmd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.nmd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="粗蛋白(%DM)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="cpd" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.cpd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.cpd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="脂肪(%DM)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="fat" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.fat) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.fat) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="淀粉(%DM)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="starch" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.starch) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.starch) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="NDF(%DM)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="ndf" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.ndf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.ndf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="粗料中的NDF(%DM)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="cndf" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.cndf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.cndf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="ADF(%DM)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="adf" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.adf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.adf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="钙(%DM)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="cad" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.cad) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.cad) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="磷(%DM)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="pd" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.pd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.pd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column sortable label="精粗比(%)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="jcrate" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.jcrate) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.jcrate) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="操作" align="center" width="70" class-name="small-padding fixed-width" fixed="right">
-          <template slot-scope="{row}">
-            <el-button class="miniSuccess" icon="el-icon-search" @click="handleSee(row)" />
-          </template>
-        </el-table-column>
-      </el-table>
-      <pagination v-show="table.total>0" :total="table.total" :page.sync="table.getdataListParm.offset" :limit.sync="table.getdataListParm.pagecount" @pagination="getList" />
-    </div>
-    <!-- 查看 -->
-    <el-dialog :fullscreen="dialogFull" :destroy-on-close="true" class="dialogMinHeight" :visible.sync="see.dialogFormVisible" :close-on-click-modal="false" width="90%">
+      <el-select v-model="table.getdataListParm.parammaps.search" placeholder="查询" class="filter-item" style="width: 120px;margin-right: 10px;">
+        <el-option v-for="item in searchList" :key="item.id" :label="item.name" :value="item.id" />
+      </el-select>
+      <el-select v-if="table.getdataListParm.parammaps.search == '0'" v-model="table.getdataListParm.parammaps.fanme" placeholder="请选择配方" class="filter-item" style="width: 120px;" clearable>
+        <el-option v-for="item in formulaList" :key="item.id" :label="item.name" :value="item.id" />
+      </el-select>
+      <el-select v-else v-model="table.getdataListParm.parammaps.fanme" placeholder="请选择栏舍" class="filter-item" style="width: 120px;" clearable>
+        <el-option v-for="item in fenceHouseList" :key="item.id" :label="item.name" :value="item.id" />
+      </el-select>
+    </div>
+    <div class="search" />
+    <div class="table">
+      <el-table
+        :key="table.tableKey"
+        v-loading="table.listLoading"
+        element-loading-text="给我一点时间"
+        :data="table.list"
+        border
+        fit
+        highlight-current-row
+        style="width: 100%;"
+        :row-style="rowStyle"
+        :cell-style="tableCellStyle"
+        class="elTable table-fixed"
+      >
+        <el-table-column sortable label="配方模板/指标" min-width="98px" align="center">
+          <template slot-scope="{row}">
+            <a @click="clickFormulaTemplateIndex(row)">{{ row.tname }}</a>
+          </template>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column sortable label="牛头数" prop="ccount" min-width="58px" align="center" />
+        <el-table-column label="干物质(kg)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="dry" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.dry) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.dry) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="产奶净能(MJ)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="nm" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.nm) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.nm) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="奶牛能量单位(NND)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="nuint" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.nuint) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.nuint) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="粗蛋白(g)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column prop="cp" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.cp) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.cp) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="磷(g)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="p" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.p) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.p) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="产奶净能(MCal/DM)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="nmd" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.nmd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.nmd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="粗蛋白(%DM)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="cpd" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.cpd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.cpd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="脂肪(%DM)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="fat" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.fat) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.fat) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="淀粉(%DM)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="starch" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.starch) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.starch) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="NDF(%DM)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="ndf" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.ndf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.ndf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="粗料中的NDF(%DM)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="cndf" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.cndf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.cndf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="ADF(%DM)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="adf" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.adf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.adf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="钙(%DM)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="cad" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.cad) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.cad) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="磷(%DM)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="pd" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.pd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.pd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column sortable label="精粗比(%)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="jcrate" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.jcrate) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.jcrate) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="操作" align="center" width="70" class-name="small-padding fixed-width" fixed="right">
+          <template slot-scope="{row}">
+            <el-button class="miniSuccess" icon="el-icon-search" @click="handleSee(row)" />
+          </template>
+        </el-table-column>
+      </el-table>
+      <pagination v-show="table.total>0" :total="table.total" :page.sync="table.getdataListParm.offset" :limit.sync="table.getdataListParm.pagecount" @pagination="getList" />
+    </div>
+    <!-- 查看 -->
+    <el-dialog :fullscreen="dialogFull" :destroy-on-close="true" class="dialogMinHeight" :visible.sync="see.dialogFormVisible" :close-on-click-modal="false" width="90%">
       <template slot="title">
         <div class="avue-crud__dialog__header">
           <span class="el-dialog__title">
@@ -244,158 +253,158 @@
-      <div class="app-see dialogMinHeight">
-        <div class="tableSee">
-          <el-table
-            :key="see.table.tableKey"
-            v-loading="see.table.listLoading"
-            element-loading-text="给我一点时间"
-            :data="see.table.list"
-            border
-            fit
-            show-summary
-            highlight-current-row
-            style="width: 100%;"
-            :row-style="rowStyle"
-            :cell-style="tableCellStyle"
-            class="elTable table-fixed"
-          >
-            <el-table-column label="栏舍/指标" min-width="100px" align="center">
-              <template slot-scope="{row}">
-                <a @click="clickFormulaHurdlesIndex(row)">{{ row.barname }}</a>
-              </template>
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="牛头数" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="ccount" />
-            <el-table-column label="干物质(kg)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="dry-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="dry-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="dry-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="dry-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="产奶净能(M)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="nm-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="nm-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="nm-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="nm-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="奶牛能量单位(NND)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="nuint-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="nuint-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="nuint-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="nuint-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="粗蛋白(g)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="cp-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="cp-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="cp-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="cp-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="磷(g)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="p-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="p-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="p-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="p-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="产奶净能(MCal/DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="nmd-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="nmd-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="nmd-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="nmd-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="粗蛋白(%DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="cpd-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="cpd-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
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-              <el-table-column prop="trans35f-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
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-            fit
-            show-summary
-            highlight-current-row
-            style="width: 100%;"
-            :row-style="rowStyle"
-            :cell-style="cellStyle"
-            class="elTable table-fixed"
-          >
-            <el-table-column label="序号" type="index" width="50" align="center" />
-            <el-table-column label="饲料组" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="feedgroup" />
-            <el-table-column label="饲料名称" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="fname" />
-            <el-table-column label="重量(KG)" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="fweight" />
-            <el-table-column label="搅拌延时(min)" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="autosecond" />
+            <el-table-column label="序号" type="index" width="50" align="center" />
+            <el-table-column label="配方名称" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="tname" />
+            <el-table-column label="牲畜类别" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="ccname" />
+            <el-table-column label="配方类型" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="fttype" />
+            <el-table-column label="来源" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="source" />
+            <el-table-column label="版本号" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="version" />
+            <el-table-column label="版本时间" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="versiontime" />
+          </el-table>
+        </div>
+        <div class="table2 detailDialog">
+          <div class="recipeTemplateF">
+            <p>配方详情表</p>
+          </div>
+          <el-table
+            :key="details.table2.tableKey"
+            v-loading="details.table2.listLoading"
+            element-loading-text="给我一点时间"
+            :data="details.table2.list"
+            border
+            fit
+            show-summary
+            highlight-current-row
+            style="width: 100%;"
+            :row-style="rowStyle"
+            :cell-style="cellStyle"
+            class="elTable table-fixed"
+          >
+            <el-table-column label="序号" type="index" width="50" align="center" />
+            <el-table-column label="饲料组" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="feedgroup" />
+            <el-table-column label="饲料名称" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="fname" />
+            <el-table-column label="重量(KG)" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="fweight" />
+            <el-table-column label="搅拌延时(min)" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="autosecond" />
             <el-table-column label="是否锁定牛头数比例" min-width="100" align="center">
               <template slot-scope="scope">
                 <span v-if="scope.row.islockcount == '0'">否</span>
@@ -479,349 +488,354 @@
               <template slot-scope="scope">
                 <span>{{ scope.row.sort }}</span>
-            </el-table-column>
-          </el-table>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer" style="bottom: 10px;">
-        <el-button class="cancelClose" style="right: 20px" @click="details.dialogFormVisible = false;">关闭</el-button>
-      </div>
-    </el-dialog>
-  </div>
-import { GetDataByName, postJson } from '@/api/common'
-import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
-import Pagination from '@/components/Pagination'
-import { parseTime } from '@/utils/index.js'
-export default {
-  name: 'FormulationEvaluation',
-  components: { Pagination },
-  filters: {
-    keepTreeNum(value) {
-      value = Number(value)
-      return value.toFixed(3)
-    }
-  },
-  data() {
+            </el-table-column>
+          </el-table>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer" style="bottom: 10px;">
+        <el-button class="cancelClose" style="right: 20px" @click="details.dialogFormVisible = false;">关闭</el-button>
+      </div>
+    </el-dialog>
+  </div>
+import { GetDataByName, postJson } from '@/api/common'
+import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
+import Pagination from '@/components/Pagination'
+import { parseTime } from '@/utils/index.js'
+export default {
+  name: 'FormulationEvaluation',
+  components: { Pagination },
+  filters: {
+    keepTreeNum(value) {
+      value = Number(value)
+      return value.toFixed(3)
+    }
+  },
+  data() {
     return {
       dialogFull: false,
-      table: {
-        getdataListParm: {
-          name: 'judgenurFTReport',
-          page: 1,
-          offset: 1,
-          pagecount: parseInt(Cookies.get('pageCount')),
-          returntype: 'Map',
-          parammaps: {
-            pastureid: Cookies.get('pastureid'),
-            startTime: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}'),
-            stopTime: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}'),
-            inputDatetime: [new Date(), new Date()]
-          }
-        },
-        tableKey: 1,
-        list: [],
-        total: 0,
-        listLoading: true,
-        temp: {}
-      },
-      see: {
-        dialogFormVisible: false,
-        dialogStatus: '',
-        temp: {},
-        rules: {},
-        table: {
-          tableKey: 0,
-          list: [],
-          total: 0,
-          listLoading: true,
-          getdataListParm: {
-            name: 'judgenurFTReport',
-            page: 1,
-            offset: 1,
-            pagecount: 0,
-            returntype: 'Map',
-            parammaps: {
-              name: 'judgenurBarBmReport',
-              name1: 'judgenurBarHSL'
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      },
-      details: {
-        dialogFormVisible: false,
-        dialogStatus: '',
-        temp: {
-          maxDate: ''
-        },
-        rules: {},
-        table1: {
-          tableKey: 0,
-          list: [],
-          total: 0,
-          listLoading: true,
-          getdataListParm: {
-            name: 'getFTListDateHis',
-            page: 1,
-            offset: 1,
-            pagecount: 10,
-            returntype: 'Map',
-            parammaps: {
-              pastureid: '',
-              id: ''
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        table2: {
-          tableKey: 0,
-          list: [],
-          total: 0,
-          listLoading: true,
-          getdataListParm: {
-            name: 'getFTdetailListDate',
-            page: 1,
-            offset: 1,
-            pagecount: 10,
-            returntype: 'Map',
-            parammaps: {
-              pastureid: '',
-              ftid: '',
-              date: '',
-              version: ''
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        maxDate: {
-          getdataListParm: {
-            name: 'getFTMaxDate',
-            page: 1,
-            offset: 1,
-            pagecount: 10,
-            returntype: 'Map',
-            parammaps: {
-              pastureid: ''
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      },
-      textMap: {
-        see: '',
-        details: '配方详情'
-      },
-      rowStyle: { maxHeight: 30 + 'px', height: 30 + 'px' },
-      cellStyle: { padding: 0 + 'px' }
-    }
-  },
-  created() {
-    if (this.$route.params.tname !== '' && this.$route.params.tname !== undefined && this.$route.params.startTime !== undefined && this.$route.params.stopTime !== undefined) {
-      console.log(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime, 'this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime')
-      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = this.$route.params.startTime
-      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = this.$route.params.stopTime
-      this.textMap.see = '栏舍详情——' + this.$route.params.tname
+      searchList: [{ id: '0', name: '按配方查询' }, { id: '1', name: '按栏舍查询' }],
+      formulaList: [],
+      fenceHouseList: [],
+      table: {
+        getdataListParm: {
+          name: 'judgenurFTReport',
+          page: 1,
+          offset: 1,
+          pagecount: parseInt(Cookies.get('pageCount')),
+          returntype: 'Map',
+          parammaps: {
+            pastureid: Cookies.get('pastureid'),
+            startTime: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}'),
+            stopTime: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}'),
+            inputDatetime: [new Date(), new Date()],
+            search: '0'
+          }
+        },
+        tableKey: 1,
+        list: [],
+        total: 0,
+        listLoading: true,
+        temp: {}
+      },
+      see: {
+        dialogFormVisible: false,
+        dialogStatus: '',
+        temp: {},
+        rules: {},
+        table: {
+          tableKey: 0,
+          list: [],
+          total: 0,
+          listLoading: true,
+          getdataListParm: {
+            name: 'judgenurFTReport',
+            page: 1,
+            offset: 1,
+            pagecount: 0,
+            returntype: 'Map',
+            parammaps: {
+              name: 'judgenurBarBmReport',
+              name1: 'judgenurBarHSL'
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      details: {
+        dialogFormVisible: false,
+        dialogStatus: '',
+        temp: {
+          maxDate: ''
+        },
+        rules: {},
+        table1: {
+          tableKey: 0,
+          list: [],
+          total: 0,
+          listLoading: true,
+          getdataListParm: {
+            name: 'getFTListDateHis',
+            page: 1,
+            offset: 1,
+            pagecount: 10,
+            returntype: 'Map',
+            parammaps: {
+              pastureid: '',
+              id: ''
+            }
+          }
+        },
+        table2: {
+          tableKey: 0,
+          list: [],
+          total: 0,
+          listLoading: true,
+          getdataListParm: {
+            name: 'getFTdetailListDate',
+            page: 1,
+            offset: 1,
+            pagecount: 10,
+            returntype: 'Map',
+            parammaps: {
+              pastureid: '',
+              ftid: '',
+              date: '',
+              version: ''
+            }
+          }
+        },
+        maxDate: {
+          getdataListParm: {
+            name: 'getFTMaxDate',
+            page: 1,
+            offset: 1,
+            pagecount: 10,
+            returntype: 'Map',
+            parammaps: {
+              pastureid: ''
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      textMap: {
+        see: '',
+        details: '配方详情'
+      },
+      rowStyle: { maxHeight: 30 + 'px', height: 30 + 'px' },
+      cellStyle: { padding: 0 + 'px' }
+    }
+  },
+  created() {
+    if (this.$route.params.tname !== '' && this.$route.params.tname !== undefined && this.$route.params.startTime !== undefined && this.$route.params.stopTime !== undefined) {
+      console.log(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime, 'this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime')
+      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = this.$route.params.startTime
+      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = this.$route.params.stopTime
+      this.textMap.see = '栏舍详情——' + this.$route.params.tname
       setTimeout(() => {
-        this.dialogFull = false
-        this.see.dialogStatus = 'see'
-        this.see.dialogFormVisible = true
-      }, 500)
-      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.ftid = this.$route.params.ftid
-      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.pastureid = this.$route.params.pastureid
-      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime
-      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime
-      this.getListSee()
-    }
-    this.getList()
-  },
-  methods: {
-    getList() {
-      this.table.listLoading = true
-      GetDataByName(this.table.getdataListParm).then(response => {
-        console.log('table数据', response.data.list)
-        if (response.data.list !== null) {
-          this.table.list = response.data.list
-          this.table.pageNum = response.data.pageNum
-          this.table.pageSize = response.data.pageSize
-          this.table.total = response.data.total
-        } else {
-          this.table.list = []
-        }
-        console.log(this.$route.params.tname)
-        // this.see.dialogFormVisible = false
-        setTimeout(() => {
-          this.table.listLoading = false
-        }, 100)
-      })
-    },
-    changeDate() {
-      if (this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== '' && this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== null) {
-        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-        this.getList()
-      }
-    },
-    handleBefore() {
-      if (this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== '' && this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== null) {
-        var start = new Date(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0].setDate(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0].getDate() - 1))
-        var stop = new Date(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1].setDate(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1].getDate() - 1))
-        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime.length = 0
-        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime.push(start, stop)
-        this.$forceUpdate()
-      }
-      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      this.getList()
-    },
-    handleNext() {
-      if (this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== '' && this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== null) {
-        var start2 = new Date(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0].setDate(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0].getDate() + 1))
-        var stop2 = new Date(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1].setDate(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1].getDate() + 1))
-        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime.length = 0
-        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime.push(start2, stop2)
-        this.$forceUpdate()
-      }
-      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      this.getList()
-    },
-    tableCellStyle({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) {
-      if (columnIndex === 0) {
-        return {
-          textDecoration: 'underline'
-        }
-      }
-      return {
-        textDecoration: 'none'
-      }
-    },
-    clickFormulaTemplateIndex(row) {
+        this.dialogFull = false
+        this.see.dialogStatus = 'see'
+        this.see.dialogFormVisible = true
+      }, 500)
+      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.ftid = this.$route.params.ftid
+      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.pastureid = this.$route.params.pastureid
+      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime
+      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime
+      this.getListSee()
+    }
+    this.getList()
+  },
+  methods: {
+    getList() {
+      this.table.listLoading = true
+      GetDataByName(this.table.getdataListParm).then(response => {
+        console.log('table数据', response.data.list)
+        if (response.data.list !== null) {
+          this.table.list = response.data.list
+          this.table.pageNum = response.data.pageNum
+          this.table.pageSize = response.data.pageSize
+          this.table.total = response.data.total
+        } else {
+          this.table.list = []
+        }
+        console.log(this.$route.params.tname)
+        // this.see.dialogFormVisible = false
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          this.table.listLoading = false
+        }, 100)
+      })
+    },
+    changeDate() {
+      if (this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== '' && this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== null) {
+        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
+        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
+        this.getList()
+      }
+    },
+    handleBefore() {
+      if (this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== '' && this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== null) {
+        var start = new Date(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0].setDate(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0].getDate() - 1))
+        var stop = new Date(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1].setDate(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1].getDate() - 1))
+        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime.length = 0
+        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime.push(start, stop)
+        this.$forceUpdate()
+      }
+      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
+      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
+      this.getList()
+    },
+    handleNext() {
+      if (this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== '' && this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== null) {
+        var start2 = new Date(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0].setDate(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0].getDate() + 1))
+        var stop2 = new Date(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1].setDate(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1].getDate() + 1))
+        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime.length = 0
+        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime.push(start2, stop2)
+        this.$forceUpdate()
+      }
+      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
+      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
+      this.getList()
+    },
+    tableCellStyle({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) {
+      if (columnIndex === 0) {
+        return {
+          textDecoration: 'underline'
+        }
+      }
+      return {
+        textDecoration: 'none'
+      }
+    },
+    clickFormulaTemplateIndex(row) {
-      this.dialogFull = false
-      this.details.dialogStatus = 'details'
-      this.details.dialogFormVisible = true
-      this.details.table1.getdataListParm.parammaps.pastureid = row.pastureid
-      this.details.table1.getdataListParm.parammaps.id = row.ftid
-      this.details.maxDate.getdataListParm.parammaps.pastureid = row.pastureid
-      this.getMaxDate()
-    },
-    getMaxDate() {
-      GetDataByName(this.details.maxDate.getdataListParm).then(response => {
-        if (response.data.list !== null) {
-          this.details.temp.maxDate = response.data.list[0].maxdate
-        } else {
-          this.details.temp.maxDate = ''
-        }
-        this.details.table1.getdataListParm.parammaps.date = this.details.temp.maxDate
-        this.details.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.date = this.details.temp.maxDate
-        this.getListDetails1()
-      })
-    },
-    changeMaxDate(item) {
-      this.details.table1.getdataListParm.parammaps.date = this.details.temp.maxDate
-      this.getListDetails1()
-    },
-    getListDetails1() {
-      this.details.table1.listLoading = true
-      GetDataByName(this.details.table1.getdataListParm).then(response => {
-        console.log('table数据', response.data.list)
-        if (response.data.list !== null) {
-          this.details.table1.list = response.data.list
-          this.details.table1.pageNum = response.data.pageNum
-          this.details.table1.pageSize = response.data.pageSize
-          this.details.table1.total = response.data.total
-          this.details.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.pastureid = this.details.table1.list[0].pastureid
-          this.details.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.ftid = this.details.table1.list[0].id
-          this.details.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.version = this.details.table1.list[0].version
-          this.getListDetails2()
-        } else {
-          this.details.table1.list = []
-          this.details.table2.list = []
-        }
-        setTimeout(() => {
-          this.details.table1.listLoading = false
-        }, 100)
-      })
-    },
-    getListDetails2() {
-      this.details.table2.listLoading = true
-      GetDataByName(this.details.table2.getdataListParm).then(response => {
-        console.log('table数据', response.data.list)
-        if (response.data.list !== null) {
-          this.details.table2.list = response.data.list
-          this.details.table2.pageNum = response.data.pageNum
-          this.details.table2.pageSize = response.data.pageSize
-          this.details.table2.total = response.data.total
-        } else {
-          this.details.table2.list = []
-        }
-        setTimeout(() => {
-          this.details.table2.listLoading = false
-        }, 100)
-      })
-    },
-    clickFormulaHurdlesIndex(row) {
-      console.log('点击了栏舍/指标')
-      this.$router.push('/formulationPlan/DhedFormula')
-    },
-    handleSee(row) {
+      this.dialogFull = false
+      this.details.dialogStatus = 'details'
+      this.details.dialogFormVisible = true
+      this.details.table1.getdataListParm.parammaps.pastureid = row.pastureid
+      this.details.table1.getdataListParm.parammaps.id = row.ftid
+      this.details.maxDate.getdataListParm.parammaps.pastureid = row.pastureid
+      this.getMaxDate()
+    },
+    getMaxDate() {
+      GetDataByName(this.details.maxDate.getdataListParm).then(response => {
+        if (response.data.list !== null) {
+          this.details.temp.maxDate = response.data.list[0].maxdate
+        } else {
+          this.details.temp.maxDate = ''
+        }
+        this.details.table1.getdataListParm.parammaps.date = this.details.temp.maxDate
+        this.details.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.date = this.details.temp.maxDate
+        this.getListDetails1()
+      })
+    },
+    changeMaxDate(item) {
+      this.details.table1.getdataListParm.parammaps.date = this.details.temp.maxDate
+      this.getListDetails1()
+    },
+    getListDetails1() {
+      this.details.table1.listLoading = true
+      GetDataByName(this.details.table1.getdataListParm).then(response => {
+        console.log('table数据', response.data.list)
+        if (response.data.list !== null) {
+          this.details.table1.list = response.data.list
+          this.details.table1.pageNum = response.data.pageNum
+          this.details.table1.pageSize = response.data.pageSize
+          this.details.table1.total = response.data.total
+          this.details.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.pastureid = this.details.table1.list[0].pastureid
+          this.details.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.ftid = this.details.table1.list[0].id
+          this.details.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.version = this.details.table1.list[0].version
+          this.getListDetails2()
+        } else {
+          this.details.table1.list = []
+          this.details.table2.list = []
+        }
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          this.details.table1.listLoading = false
+        }, 100)
+      })
+    },
+    getListDetails2() {
+      this.details.table2.listLoading = true
+      GetDataByName(this.details.table2.getdataListParm).then(response => {
+        console.log('table数据', response.data.list)
+        if (response.data.list !== null) {
+          this.details.table2.list = response.data.list
+          this.details.table2.pageNum = response.data.pageNum
+          this.details.table2.pageSize = response.data.pageSize
+          this.details.table2.total = response.data.total
+        } else {
+          this.details.table2.list = []
+        }
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          this.details.table2.listLoading = false
+        }, 100)
+      })
+    },
+    clickFormulaHurdlesIndex(row) {
+      console.log('点击了栏舍/指标')
+      this.$router.push('/formulationPlan/DhedFormula')
+    },
+    handleSee(row) {
       console.log('查看', row)
-      this.dialogFull = false
-      this.textMap.see = '栏舍详情——' + row.tname
-      this.see.dialogStatus = 'see'
-      this.see.dialogFormVisible = true
-      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.ftid = row.ftid
-      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.pastureid = row.pastureid
-      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime
-      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime
-      this.getListSee()
-    },
-    getListSee() {
+      this.dialogFull = false
+      this.textMap.see = '栏舍详情——' + row.tname
+      this.see.dialogStatus = 'see'
+      this.see.dialogFormVisible = true
+      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.ftid = row.ftid
+      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.pastureid = row.pastureid
+      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime
+      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime
+      this.getListSee()
+    },
+    getListSee() {
       this.see.table.listLoading = true
       const url = 'authdata/GETNurJudgeRport'
       const data = this.see.table.getdataListParm
-      postJson(url, data).then(response => {
-        if (response.data !== null) {
-          console.log('table数据', response.data)
-          this.see.table.list = response.data
-          this.see.table.pageNum = response.data.pageNum
-          this.see.table.pageSize = response.data.pageSize
-          this.see.table.total = response.data.total
-        } else {
-          this.see.table.list = []
-        }
-        setTimeout(() => {
-          this.see.table.listLoading = false
-        }, 100)
-      })
-    }
-  }
-<style lang="scss" scoped>
-  .search {clear: both; }
-  .table { margin-top: 10px; }
-  .table2{margin-top: 20px;}
-  .templateDialog{
-     background: #fff;
-     position: relative;
-   }
-  .detailDialog{
-     background: #fff;
-     position: relative;
-   }
-  .tableSee .el-table { overflow-x: auto; }
-  .tableSee .el-table__header-wrapper,
-  .tableSee .el-table__body-wrapper,
-  .tableSee .el-table__footer-wrapper { overflow: visible; }
-  .tableSee .el-table::after { position: relative; }
-  .tableSee .el-table--scrollable-x .el-table__body-wrapper { overflow: visible; }
+      postJson(url, data).then(response => {
+        if (response.data !== null) {
+          console.log('table数据', response.data)
+          this.see.table.list = response.data
+          this.see.table.pageNum = response.data.pageNum
+          this.see.table.pageSize = response.data.pageSize
+          this.see.table.total = response.data.total
+        } else {
+          this.see.table.list = []
+        }
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          this.see.table.listLoading = false
+        }, 100)
+      })
+    }
+  }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+  .search {clear: both; }
+  .table { margin-top: 10px; }
+  .table2{margin-top: 20px;}
+  .templateDialog{
+     background: #fff;
+     position: relative;
+   }
+  .detailDialog{
+     background: #fff;
+     position: relative;
+   }
+  .tableSee .el-table { overflow-x: auto; }
+  .tableSee .el-table__header-wrapper,
+  .tableSee .el-table__body-wrapper,
+  .tableSee .el-table__footer-wrapper { overflow: visible; }
+  .tableSee .el-table::after { position: relative; }
+  .tableSee .el-table--scrollable-x .el-table__body-wrapper { overflow: visible; }

+ 782 - 796
src/views/statisticalAnalysis/formulationEvaluation/index改.vue → src/views/statisticalAnalysis/formulationEvaluation/index备.vue

@@ -1,246 +1,237 @@
-  <div class="app-container">
-    <div class="operation">
-      <el-date-picker v-model="table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime" :clearable="false" class="inputDatetime filter-item" type="daterange" range-separator="至" start-placeholder="开始日期" end-placeholder="结束日期" style="width: 250px;margin-right: 10px;float: left;" @change="changeDate" />
-      <el-button class="el-icon-arrow-left elIconArrowLeft" @click="handleBefore" />
+  <div class="app-container">
+    <div class="operation">
+      <el-date-picker v-model="table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime" :clearable="false" class="inputDatetime filter-item" type="daterange" range-separator="至" start-placeholder="开始日期" end-placeholder="结束日期" style="width: 250px;margin-right: 10px;" @change="changeDate" />
+      <el-button class="el-icon-arrow-left elIconArrowLeft" @click="handleBefore" />
       <el-button class="el-icon-arrow-right elIconArrowRight" @click="handleNext" />
-      <el-select v-model="table.getdataListParm.parammaps.search" placeholder="查询" class="filter-item" style="width: 120px;margin-right: 10px;">
-        <el-option v-for="item in searchList" :key="item.id" :label="item.name" :value="item.id" />
-      </el-select>
-      <el-select v-if="table.getdataListParm.parammaps.search == '0'" v-model="table.getdataListParm.parammaps.fanme" placeholder="请选择配方" class="filter-item" style="width: 120px;" clearable>
-        <el-option v-for="item in formulaList" :key="item.id" :label="item.name" :value="item.id" />
-      </el-select>
-      <el-select v-else v-model="table.getdataListParm.parammaps.fanme" placeholder="请选择栏舍" class="filter-item" style="width: 120px;" clearable>
-        <el-option v-for="item in fenceHouseList" :key="item.id" :label="item.name" :value="item.id" />
-      </el-select>
-    </div>
-    <div class="search" />
-    <div class="table">
-      <el-table
-        :key="table.tableKey"
-        v-loading="table.listLoading"
-        element-loading-text="给我一点时间"
-        :data="table.list"
-        border
-        fit
-        highlight-current-row
-        style="width: 100%;"
-        :row-style="rowStyle"
-        :cell-style="tableCellStyle"
-        class="elTable table-fixed"
-      >
-        <el-table-column sortable label="配方模板/指标" min-width="98px" align="center">
-          <template slot-scope="{row}">
-            <a @click="clickFormulaTemplateIndex(row)">{{ row.tname }}</a>
-          </template>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column sortable label="牛头数" prop="ccount" min-width="58px" align="center" />
-        <el-table-column label="干物质(kg)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="dry" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.dry) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.dry) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="产奶净能(MJ)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="nm" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.nm) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.nm) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="奶牛能量单位(NND)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="nuint" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.nuint) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.nuint) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="粗蛋白(g)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column prop="cp" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.cp) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.cp) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="磷(g)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="p" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.p) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.p) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="产奶净能(MCal/DM)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="nmd" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.nmd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.nmd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="粗蛋白(%DM)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="cpd" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.cpd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.cpd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="脂肪(%DM)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="fat" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.fat) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.fat) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="淀粉(%DM)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="starch" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.starch) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.starch) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="NDF(%DM)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="ndf" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.ndf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.ndf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="粗料中的NDF(%DM)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="cndf" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.cndf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.cndf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="ADF(%DM)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="adf" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.adf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.adf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="钙(%DM)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="cad" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.cad) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.cad) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="磷(%DM)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="pd" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.pd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.pd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column sortable label="精粗比(%)" align="center">
-          <el-table-column sortable prop="jcrate" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.jcrate) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
-            <template slot-scope="scope">
-              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.jcrate) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
-            </template>
-          </el-table-column>
-        </el-table-column>
-        <el-table-column label="操作" align="center" width="70" class-name="small-padding fixed-width" fixed="right">
-          <template slot-scope="{row}">
-            <el-button class="miniSuccess" icon="el-icon-search" @click="handleSee(row)" />
-          </template>
-        </el-table-column>
-      </el-table>
-      <pagination v-show="table.total>0" :total="table.total" :page.sync="table.getdataListParm.offset" :limit.sync="table.getdataListParm.pagecount" @pagination="getList" />
-    </div>
-    <!-- 查看 -->
-    <el-dialog :fullscreen="dialogFull" :destroy-on-close="true" class="dialogMinHeight" :visible.sync="see.dialogFormVisible" :close-on-click-modal="false" width="90%">
+    </div>
+    <div class="search" />
+    <div class="table">
+      <el-table
+        :key="table.tableKey"
+        v-loading="table.listLoading"
+        element-loading-text="给我一点时间"
+        :data="table.list"
+        border
+        fit
+        highlight-current-row
+        style="width: 100%;"
+        :row-style="rowStyle"
+        :cell-style="tableCellStyle"
+        class="elTable table-fixed"
+      >
+        <el-table-column sortable label="配方模板/指标" min-width="98px" align="center">
+          <template slot-scope="{row}">
+            <a @click="clickFormulaTemplateIndex(row)">{{ row.tname }}</a>
+          </template>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column sortable label="牛头数" prop="ccount" min-width="58px" align="center" />
+        <el-table-column label="干物质(kg)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="dry" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.dry) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.dry) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="产奶净能(MJ)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="nm" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.nm) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.nm) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="奶牛能量单位(NND)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="nuint" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.nuint) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.nuint) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="粗蛋白(g)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column prop="cp" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.cp) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.cp) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="磷(g)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="p" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.p) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.p) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="产奶净能(MCal/DM)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="nmd" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.nmd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.nmd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="粗蛋白(%DM)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="cpd" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.cpd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.cpd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="脂肪(%DM)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="fat" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.fat) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.fat) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="淀粉(%DM)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="starch" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.starch) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.starch) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="NDF(%DM)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="ndf" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.ndf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.ndf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="粗料中的NDF(%DM)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="cndf" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.cndf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.cndf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="ADF(%DM)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="adf" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.adf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.adf) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="钙(%DM)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="cad" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.cad) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.cad) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="磷(%DM)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="pd" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.pd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.pd) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column sortable label="精粗比(%)" align="center">
+          <el-table-column sortable prop="jcrate" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+          <el-table-column sortable label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Hrate * scope.row.jcrate) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+          <el-table-column sortable label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center">
+            <template slot-scope="scope">
+              <span>{{ (scope.row.Srate * scope.row.jcrate) | keepTreeNum }}</span>
+            </template>
+          </el-table-column>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="操作" align="center" width="70" class-name="small-padding fixed-width" fixed="right">
+          <template slot-scope="{row}">
+            <el-button class="miniSuccess" icon="el-icon-search" @click="handleSee(row)" />
+          </template>
+        </el-table-column>
+      </el-table>
+      <pagination v-show="table.total>0" :total="table.total" :page.sync="table.getdataListParm.offset" :limit.sync="table.getdataListParm.pagecount" @pagination="getList" />
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       <template slot="title">
         <div class="avue-crud__dialog__header">
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@@ -253,158 +244,158 @@
-      <div class="app-see dialogMinHeight">
-        <div class="tableSee">
-          <el-table
-            :key="see.table.tableKey"
-            v-loading="see.table.listLoading"
-            element-loading-text="给我一点时间"
-            :data="see.table.list"
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-            fit
-            show-summary
-            highlight-current-row
-            style="width: 100%;"
-            :row-style="rowStyle"
-            :cell-style="tableCellStyle"
-            class="elTable table-fixed"
-          >
-            <el-table-column label="栏舍/指标" min-width="100px" align="center">
-              <template slot-scope="{row}">
-                <a @click="clickFormulaHurdlesIndex(row)">{{ row.barname }}</a>
-              </template>
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="牛头数" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="ccount" />
-            <el-table-column label="干物质(kg)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="dry-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="dry-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="dry-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="dry-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="产奶净能(M)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="nm-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="nm-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="nm-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="nm-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="奶牛能量单位(NND)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="nuint-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="nuint-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="nuint-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="nuint-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="粗蛋白(g)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="cp-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="cp-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="cp-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="cp-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="磷(g)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="p-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="p-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="p-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="p-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="产奶净能(MCal/DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="nmd-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="nmd-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="nmd-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="nmd-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="粗蛋白(%DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="cpd-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="cpd-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="cpd-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="cpd-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="脂肪(%DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="fat-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="fat-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="fat-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="fat-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="淀粉(%DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="starch-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="starch-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="starch-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="starch-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="NDF(%DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="ndf-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="ndf-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="ndf-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="ndf-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="粗料中的NDF(%DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="cndf-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="cndf-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="cndf-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="cndf-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="ADF(%DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="adf-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="adf-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="adf-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="adf-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="钙(%DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="cad-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="cad-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="cad-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="cad-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="磷(%DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="pd-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="pd-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="pd-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="pd-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="(4.0)饲料转化效率(kg/DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="trans4f-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="trans4f-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="trans4f-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="trans4f-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="(3.5)饲料转化效率(kg/DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="trans35f-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="trans35f-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="trans35f-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="trans35f-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="精粗比(%)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="jcrate-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="jcrate-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="jcrate-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="jcrate-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="日粮成本(元)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="uprice-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="uprice-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="uprice-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="uprice-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="干物质成本(元/公斤)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="upriced-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="upriced-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="upriced-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="upriced-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-            </el-table-column>
-            <el-table-column label="日公斤奶成本(元)" min-width="130px" align="center">
-              <el-table-column prop="kprice-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="kprice-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="kprice-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
-              <el-table-column prop="kprice-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
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+            </el-table-column>
+            <el-table-column label="产奶净能(M)" min-width="130px" align="center">
+              <el-table-column prop="nm-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
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+            <el-table-column label="奶牛能量单位(NND)" min-width="130px" align="center">
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+              <el-table-column prop="nuint-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
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+            </el-table-column>
+            <el-table-column label="粗蛋白(g)" min-width="130px" align="center">
+              <el-table-column prop="cp-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="cp-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
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+            </el-table-column>
+            <el-table-column label="磷(g)" min-width="130px" align="center">
+              <el-table-column prop="p-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="p-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="p-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="p-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+            </el-table-column>
+            <el-table-column label="产奶净能(MCal/DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
+              <el-table-column prop="nmd-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="nmd-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="nmd-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="nmd-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+            </el-table-column>
+            <el-table-column label="粗蛋白(%DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
+              <el-table-column prop="cpd-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="cpd-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="cpd-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="cpd-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+            </el-table-column>
+            <el-table-column label="脂肪(%DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
+              <el-table-column prop="fat-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="fat-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="fat-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="fat-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+            </el-table-column>
+            <el-table-column label="淀粉(%DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
+              <el-table-column prop="starch-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="starch-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="starch-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="starch-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+            </el-table-column>
+            <el-table-column label="NDF(%DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
+              <el-table-column prop="ndf-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="ndf-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="ndf-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="ndf-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+            </el-table-column>
+            <el-table-column label="粗料中的NDF(%DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
+              <el-table-column prop="cndf-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="cndf-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="cndf-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="cndf-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+            </el-table-column>
+            <el-table-column label="ADF(%DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
+              <el-table-column prop="adf-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="adf-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="adf-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="adf-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+            </el-table-column>
+            <el-table-column label="钙(%DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
+              <el-table-column prop="cad-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="cad-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="cad-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="cad-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+            </el-table-column>
+            <el-table-column label="磷(%DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
+              <el-table-column prop="pd-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="pd-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="pd-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="pd-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+            </el-table-column>
+            <el-table-column label="(4.0)饲料转化效率(kg/DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
+              <el-table-column prop="trans4f-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="trans4f-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="trans4f-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="trans4f-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+            </el-table-column>
+            <el-table-column label="(3.5)饲料转化效率(kg/DM)" min-width="130px" align="center">
+              <el-table-column prop="trans35f-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="trans35f-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="trans35f-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="trans35f-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+            </el-table-column>
+            <el-table-column label="精粗比(%)" min-width="130px" align="center">
+              <el-table-column prop="jcrate-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="jcrate-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="jcrate-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="jcrate-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+            </el-table-column>
+            <el-table-column label="日粮成本(元)" min-width="130px" align="center">
+              <el-table-column prop="uprice-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="uprice-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="uprice-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="uprice-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+            </el-table-column>
+            <el-table-column label="干物质成本(元/公斤)" min-width="130px" align="center">
+              <el-table-column prop="upriced-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="upriced-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="upriced-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="upriced-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+            </el-table-column>
+            <el-table-column label="日公斤奶成本(元)" min-width="130px" align="center">
+              <el-table-column prop="kprice-nur" label="奶牛需要" min-width="70" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="kprice-FT" label="配方量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="kprice-H" label="TMR料" min-width="65" align="center" />
+              <el-table-column prop="kprice-S" label="采食量" min-width="58" align="center" />
+            </el-table-column>
+          </el-table>
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         <el-button class="cancelClose" style="right: 20px" @click="see.dialogFormVisible = false;$route.params.tname = '' ">关闭</el-button>
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+    </el-dialog>
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+    <el-dialog :fullscreen="dialogFull" :destroy-on-close="true" :visible.sync="details.dialogFormVisible" :close-on-click-modal="false" width="90%">
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         <div class="avue-crud__dialog__header">
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@@ -417,67 +408,67 @@
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-        </el-form>
-        <div class="table1">
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-            <div class="recipeTemplateF">
-              <p>配方模板表</p>
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+              <el-form-item label="历史记录时间:" prop="maxDate">
+                <el-date-picker v-model="details.temp.maxDate" :clearable="false" format="yyyy-MM-dd" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" type="date" placeholder="请选择历史记录时间" @change="changeMaxDate" />
+              </el-form-item>
+            </el-col>
+          </el-row>
+        </el-form>
+        <div class="table1">
+          <div ref="templateDialog" class="templateDialog">
+            <div class="recipeTemplateF">
+              <p>配方模板表</p>
+            </div>
+          </div>
+          <el-table
+            :key="details.table1.tableKey"
+            v-loading="details.table1.listLoading"
+            element-loading-text="给我一点时间"
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-            <el-table-column label="序号" type="index" width="50" align="center" />
-            <el-table-column label="配方名称" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="tname" />
-            <el-table-column label="牲畜类别" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="ccname" />
-            <el-table-column label="配方类型" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="fttype" />
-            <el-table-column label="来源" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="source" />
-            <el-table-column label="版本号" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="version" />
-            <el-table-column label="版本时间" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="versiontime" />
-          </el-table>
-        </div>
-        <div class="table2 detailDialog">
-          <div class="recipeTemplateF">
-            <p>配方详情表</p>
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-            :key="details.table2.tableKey"
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-            element-loading-text="给我一点时间"
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-            <el-table-column label="序号" type="index" width="50" align="center" />
-            <el-table-column label="饲料组" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="feedgroup" />
-            <el-table-column label="饲料名称" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="fname" />
-            <el-table-column label="重量(KG)" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="fweight" />
-            <el-table-column label="搅拌延时(min)" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="autosecond" />
+            <el-table-column label="序号" type="index" width="50" align="center" />
+            <el-table-column label="配方名称" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="tname" />
+            <el-table-column label="牲畜类别" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="ccname" />
+            <el-table-column label="配方类型" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="fttype" />
+            <el-table-column label="来源" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="source" />
+            <el-table-column label="版本号" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="version" />
+            <el-table-column label="版本时间" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="versiontime" />
+          </el-table>
+        </div>
+        <div class="table2 detailDialog">
+          <div class="recipeTemplateF">
+            <p>配方详情表</p>
+          </div>
+          <el-table
+            :key="details.table2.tableKey"
+            v-loading="details.table2.listLoading"
+            element-loading-text="给我一点时间"
+            :data="details.table2.list"
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+            fit
+            show-summary
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+            style="width: 100%;"
+            :row-style="rowStyle"
+            :cell-style="cellStyle"
+            class="elTable table-fixed"
+          >
+            <el-table-column label="序号" type="index" width="50" align="center" />
+            <el-table-column label="饲料组" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="feedgroup" />
+            <el-table-column label="饲料名称" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="fname" />
+            <el-table-column label="重量(KG)" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="fweight" />
+            <el-table-column label="搅拌延时(min)" min-width="100px" align="center" prop="autosecond" />
             <el-table-column label="是否锁定牛头数比例" min-width="100" align="center">
               <template slot-scope="scope">
                 <span v-if="scope.row.islockcount == '0'">否</span>
@@ -488,354 +479,349 @@
               <template slot-scope="scope">
                 <span>{{ scope.row.sort }}</span>
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-          </el-table>
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-import { GetDataByName, postJson } from '@/api/common'
-import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
-import Pagination from '@/components/Pagination'
-import { parseTime } from '@/utils/index.js'
-export default {
-  name: 'FormulationEvaluation',
-  components: { Pagination },
-  filters: {
-    keepTreeNum(value) {
-      value = Number(value)
-      return value.toFixed(3)
-    }
-  },
-  data() {
+            </el-table-column>
+          </el-table>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer" style="bottom: 10px;">
+        <el-button class="cancelClose" style="right: 20px" @click="details.dialogFormVisible = false;">关闭</el-button>
+      </div>
+    </el-dialog>
+  </div>
+import { GetDataByName, postJson } from '@/api/common'
+import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
+import Pagination from '@/components/Pagination'
+import { parseTime } from '@/utils/index.js'
+export default {
+  name: 'FormulationEvaluation',
+  components: { Pagination },
+  filters: {
+    keepTreeNum(value) {
+      value = Number(value)
+      return value.toFixed(3)
+    }
+  },
+  data() {
     return {
       dialogFull: false,
-      searchList: [{ id: '0', name: '按配方查询' }, { id: '1', name: '按栏舍查询' }],
-      formulaList: [],
-      fenceHouseList: [],
-      table: {
-        getdataListParm: {
-          name: 'judgenurFTReport',
-          page: 1,
-          offset: 1,
-          pagecount: parseInt(Cookies.get('pageCount')),
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-            pastureid: Cookies.get('pastureid'),
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-            stopTime: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}'),
-            inputDatetime: [new Date(), new Date()],
-            search: '0'
-          }
-        },
-        tableKey: 1,
-        list: [],
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-        temp: {}
-      },
-      see: {
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-        dialogStatus: '',
-        temp: {},
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-          tableKey: 0,
-          list: [],
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-          getdataListParm: {
-            name: 'judgenurFTReport',
-            page: 1,
-            offset: 1,
-            pagecount: 0,
-            returntype: 'Map',
-            parammaps: {
-              name: 'judgenurBarBmReport',
-              name1: 'judgenurBarHSL'
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      },
-      details: {
-        dialogFormVisible: false,
-        dialogStatus: '',
-        temp: {
-          maxDate: ''
-        },
-        rules: {},
-        table1: {
-          tableKey: 0,
-          list: [],
-          total: 0,
-          listLoading: true,
-          getdataListParm: {
-            name: 'getFTListDateHis',
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-            offset: 1,
-            pagecount: 10,
-            returntype: 'Map',
-            parammaps: {
-              pastureid: '',
-              id: ''
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        table2: {
-          tableKey: 0,
-          list: [],
-          total: 0,
-          listLoading: true,
-          getdataListParm: {
-            name: 'getFTdetailListDate',
-            page: 1,
-            offset: 1,
-            pagecount: 10,
-            returntype: 'Map',
-            parammaps: {
-              pastureid: '',
-              ftid: '',
-              date: '',
-              version: ''
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        maxDate: {
-          getdataListParm: {
-            name: 'getFTMaxDate',
-            page: 1,
-            offset: 1,
-            pagecount: 10,
-            returntype: 'Map',
-            parammaps: {
-              pastureid: ''
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      },
-      textMap: {
-        see: '',
-        details: '配方详情'
-      },
-      rowStyle: { maxHeight: 30 + 'px', height: 30 + 'px' },
-      cellStyle: { padding: 0 + 'px' }
-    }
-  },
-  created() {
-    if (this.$route.params.tname !== '' && this.$route.params.tname !== undefined && this.$route.params.startTime !== undefined && this.$route.params.stopTime !== undefined) {
-      console.log(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime, 'this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime')
-      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = this.$route.params.startTime
-      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = this.$route.params.stopTime
-      this.textMap.see = '栏舍详情——' + this.$route.params.tname
+      table: {
+        getdataListParm: {
+          name: 'judgenurFTReport',
+          page: 1,
+          offset: 1,
+          pagecount: parseInt(Cookies.get('pageCount')),
+          returntype: 'Map',
+          parammaps: {
+            pastureid: Cookies.get('pastureid'),
+            startTime: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}'),
+            stopTime: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}-{d}'),
+            inputDatetime: [new Date(), new Date()]
+          }
+        },
+        tableKey: 1,
+        list: [],
+        total: 0,
+        listLoading: true,
+        temp: {}
+      },
+      see: {
+        dialogFormVisible: false,
+        dialogStatus: '',
+        temp: {},
+        rules: {},
+        table: {
+          tableKey: 0,
+          list: [],
+          total: 0,
+          listLoading: true,
+          getdataListParm: {
+            name: 'judgenurFTReport',
+            page: 1,
+            offset: 1,
+            pagecount: 0,
+            returntype: 'Map',
+            parammaps: {
+              name: 'judgenurBarBmReport',
+              name1: 'judgenurBarHSL'
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      details: {
+        dialogFormVisible: false,
+        dialogStatus: '',
+        temp: {
+          maxDate: ''
+        },
+        rules: {},
+        table1: {
+          tableKey: 0,
+          list: [],
+          total: 0,
+          listLoading: true,
+          getdataListParm: {
+            name: 'getFTListDateHis',
+            page: 1,
+            offset: 1,
+            pagecount: 10,
+            returntype: 'Map',
+            parammaps: {
+              pastureid: '',
+              id: ''
+            }
+          }
+        },
+        table2: {
+          tableKey: 0,
+          list: [],
+          total: 0,
+          listLoading: true,
+          getdataListParm: {
+            name: 'getFTdetailListDate',
+            page: 1,
+            offset: 1,
+            pagecount: 10,
+            returntype: 'Map',
+            parammaps: {
+              pastureid: '',
+              ftid: '',
+              date: '',
+              version: ''
+            }
+          }
+        },
+        maxDate: {
+          getdataListParm: {
+            name: 'getFTMaxDate',
+            page: 1,
+            offset: 1,
+            pagecount: 10,
+            returntype: 'Map',
+            parammaps: {
+              pastureid: ''
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      textMap: {
+        see: '',
+        details: '配方详情'
+      },
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+      cellStyle: { padding: 0 + 'px' }
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+  created() {
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+      console.log(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime, 'this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime')
+      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = this.$route.params.startTime
+      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = this.$route.params.stopTime
+      this.textMap.see = '栏舍详情——' + this.$route.params.tname
       setTimeout(() => {
-        this.dialogFull = false
-        this.see.dialogStatus = 'see'
-        this.see.dialogFormVisible = true
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-      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.ftid = this.$route.params.ftid
-      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.pastureid = this.$route.params.pastureid
-      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime
-      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime
-      this.getListSee()
-    }
-    this.getList()
-  },
-  methods: {
-    getList() {
-      this.table.listLoading = true
-      GetDataByName(this.table.getdataListParm).then(response => {
-        console.log('table数据', response.data.list)
-        if (response.data.list !== null) {
-          this.table.list = response.data.list
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-          this.table.pageSize = response.data.pageSize
-          this.table.total = response.data.total
-        } else {
-          this.table.list = []
-        }
-        console.log(this.$route.params.tname)
-        // this.see.dialogFormVisible = false
-        setTimeout(() => {
-          this.table.listLoading = false
-        }, 100)
-      })
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-    changeDate() {
-      if (this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== '' && this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== null) {
-        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-        this.getList()
-      }
-    },
-    handleBefore() {
-      if (this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== '' && this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== null) {
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-        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime.length = 0
-        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime.push(start, stop)
-        this.$forceUpdate()
-      }
-      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      this.getList()
-    },
-    handleNext() {
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-        var start2 = new Date(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0].setDate(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0].getDate() + 1))
-        var stop2 = new Date(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1].setDate(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1].getDate() + 1))
-        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime.length = 0
-        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime.push(start2, stop2)
-        this.$forceUpdate()
-      }
-      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
-      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
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-    clickFormulaTemplateIndex(row) {
+        this.dialogFull = false
+        this.see.dialogStatus = 'see'
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+      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.pastureid = this.$route.params.pastureid
+      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime
+      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime
+      this.getListSee()
+    }
+    this.getList()
+  },
+  methods: {
+    getList() {
+      this.table.listLoading = true
+      GetDataByName(this.table.getdataListParm).then(response => {
+        console.log('table数据', response.data.list)
+        if (response.data.list !== null) {
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+          this.table.total = response.data.total
+        } else {
+          this.table.list = []
+        }
+        console.log(this.$route.params.tname)
+        // this.see.dialogFormVisible = false
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          this.table.listLoading = false
+        }, 100)
+      })
+    },
+    changeDate() {
+      if (this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== '' && this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== null) {
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+        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
+        this.getList()
+      }
+    },
+    handleBefore() {
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+        var stop = new Date(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1].setDate(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1].getDate() - 1))
+        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime.length = 0
+        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime.push(start, stop)
+        this.$forceUpdate()
+      }
+      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
+      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
+      this.getList()
+    },
+    handleNext() {
+      if (this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== '' && this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime !== null) {
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+        var stop2 = new Date(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1].setDate(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1].getDate() + 1))
+        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime.length = 0
+        this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime.push(start2, stop2)
+        this.$forceUpdate()
+      }
+      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[0], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
+      this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = parseTime(this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.inputDatetime[1], '{y}-{m}-{d}')
+      this.getList()
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+      }
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+    clickFormulaTemplateIndex(row) {
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-      this.details.dialogStatus = 'details'
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-      this.details.table1.getdataListParm.parammaps.id = row.ftid
-      this.details.maxDate.getdataListParm.parammaps.pastureid = row.pastureid
-      this.getMaxDate()
-    },
-    getMaxDate() {
-      GetDataByName(this.details.maxDate.getdataListParm).then(response => {
-        if (response.data.list !== null) {
-          this.details.temp.maxDate = response.data.list[0].maxdate
-        } else {
-          this.details.temp.maxDate = ''
-        }
-        this.details.table1.getdataListParm.parammaps.date = this.details.temp.maxDate
-        this.details.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.date = this.details.temp.maxDate
-        this.getListDetails1()
-      })
-    },
-    changeMaxDate(item) {
-      this.details.table1.getdataListParm.parammaps.date = this.details.temp.maxDate
-      this.getListDetails1()
-    },
-    getListDetails1() {
-      this.details.table1.listLoading = true
-      GetDataByName(this.details.table1.getdataListParm).then(response => {
-        console.log('table数据', response.data.list)
-        if (response.data.list !== null) {
-          this.details.table1.list = response.data.list
-          this.details.table1.pageNum = response.data.pageNum
-          this.details.table1.pageSize = response.data.pageSize
-          this.details.table1.total = response.data.total
-          this.details.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.pastureid = this.details.table1.list[0].pastureid
-          this.details.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.ftid = this.details.table1.list[0].id
-          this.details.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.version = this.details.table1.list[0].version
-          this.getListDetails2()
-        } else {
-          this.details.table1.list = []
-          this.details.table2.list = []
-        }
-        setTimeout(() => {
-          this.details.table1.listLoading = false
-        }, 100)
-      })
-    },
-    getListDetails2() {
-      this.details.table2.listLoading = true
-      GetDataByName(this.details.table2.getdataListParm).then(response => {
-        console.log('table数据', response.data.list)
-        if (response.data.list !== null) {
-          this.details.table2.list = response.data.list
-          this.details.table2.pageNum = response.data.pageNum
-          this.details.table2.pageSize = response.data.pageSize
-          this.details.table2.total = response.data.total
-        } else {
-          this.details.table2.list = []
-        }
-        setTimeout(() => {
-          this.details.table2.listLoading = false
-        }, 100)
-      })
-    },
-    clickFormulaHurdlesIndex(row) {
-      console.log('点击了栏舍/指标')
-      this.$router.push('/formulationPlan/DhedFormula')
-    },
-    handleSee(row) {
+      this.dialogFull = false
+      this.details.dialogStatus = 'details'
+      this.details.dialogFormVisible = true
+      this.details.table1.getdataListParm.parammaps.pastureid = row.pastureid
+      this.details.table1.getdataListParm.parammaps.id = row.ftid
+      this.details.maxDate.getdataListParm.parammaps.pastureid = row.pastureid
+      this.getMaxDate()
+    },
+    getMaxDate() {
+      GetDataByName(this.details.maxDate.getdataListParm).then(response => {
+        if (response.data.list !== null) {
+          this.details.temp.maxDate = response.data.list[0].maxdate
+        } else {
+          this.details.temp.maxDate = ''
+        }
+        this.details.table1.getdataListParm.parammaps.date = this.details.temp.maxDate
+        this.details.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.date = this.details.temp.maxDate
+        this.getListDetails1()
+      })
+    },
+    changeMaxDate(item) {
+      this.details.table1.getdataListParm.parammaps.date = this.details.temp.maxDate
+      this.getListDetails1()
+    },
+    getListDetails1() {
+      this.details.table1.listLoading = true
+      GetDataByName(this.details.table1.getdataListParm).then(response => {
+        console.log('table数据', response.data.list)
+        if (response.data.list !== null) {
+          this.details.table1.list = response.data.list
+          this.details.table1.pageNum = response.data.pageNum
+          this.details.table1.pageSize = response.data.pageSize
+          this.details.table1.total = response.data.total
+          this.details.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.pastureid = this.details.table1.list[0].pastureid
+          this.details.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.ftid = this.details.table1.list[0].id
+          this.details.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.version = this.details.table1.list[0].version
+          this.getListDetails2()
+        } else {
+          this.details.table1.list = []
+          this.details.table2.list = []
+        }
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          this.details.table1.listLoading = false
+        }, 100)
+      })
+    },
+    getListDetails2() {
+      this.details.table2.listLoading = true
+      GetDataByName(this.details.table2.getdataListParm).then(response => {
+        console.log('table数据', response.data.list)
+        if (response.data.list !== null) {
+          this.details.table2.list = response.data.list
+          this.details.table2.pageNum = response.data.pageNum
+          this.details.table2.pageSize = response.data.pageSize
+          this.details.table2.total = response.data.total
+        } else {
+          this.details.table2.list = []
+        }
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          this.details.table2.listLoading = false
+        }, 100)
+      })
+    },
+    clickFormulaHurdlesIndex(row) {
+      console.log('点击了栏舍/指标')
+      this.$router.push('/formulationPlan/DhedFormula')
+    },
+    handleSee(row) {
       console.log('查看', row)
-      this.dialogFull = false
-      this.textMap.see = '栏舍详情——' + row.tname
-      this.see.dialogStatus = 'see'
-      this.see.dialogFormVisible = true
-      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.ftid = row.ftid
-      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.pastureid = row.pastureid
-      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime
-      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime
-      this.getListSee()
-    },
-    getListSee() {
+      this.dialogFull = false
+      this.textMap.see = '栏舍详情——' + row.tname
+      this.see.dialogStatus = 'see'
+      this.see.dialogFormVisible = true
+      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.ftid = row.ftid
+      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.pastureid = row.pastureid
+      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime = this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.startTime
+      this.see.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime = this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.stopTime
+      this.getListSee()
+    },
+    getListSee() {
       this.see.table.listLoading = true
       const url = 'authdata/GETNurJudgeRport'
       const data = this.see.table.getdataListParm
-      postJson(url, data).then(response => {
-        if (response.data !== null) {
-          console.log('table数据', response.data)
-          this.see.table.list = response.data
-          this.see.table.pageNum = response.data.pageNum
-          this.see.table.pageSize = response.data.pageSize
-          this.see.table.total = response.data.total
-        } else {
-          this.see.table.list = []
-        }
-        setTimeout(() => {
-          this.see.table.listLoading = false
-        }, 100)
-      })
-    }
-  }
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-  .table { margin-top: 10px; }
-  .table2{margin-top: 20px;}
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-     background: #fff;
-     position: relative;
-   }
-  .detailDialog{
-     background: #fff;
-     position: relative;
-   }
-  .tableSee .el-table { overflow-x: auto; }
-  .tableSee .el-table__header-wrapper,
-  .tableSee .el-table__body-wrapper,
-  .tableSee .el-table__footer-wrapper { overflow: visible; }
-  .tableSee .el-table::after { position: relative; }
-  .tableSee .el-table--scrollable-x .el-table__body-wrapper { overflow: visible; }
+      postJson(url, data).then(response => {
+        if (response.data !== null) {
+          console.log('table数据', response.data)
+          this.see.table.list = response.data
+          this.see.table.pageNum = response.data.pageNum
+          this.see.table.pageSize = response.data.pageSize
+          this.see.table.total = response.data.total
+        } else {
+          this.see.table.list = []
+        }
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          this.see.table.listLoading = false
+        }, 100)
+      })
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+  }
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+  .table { margin-top: 10px; }
+  .table2{margin-top: 20px;}
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+     background: #fff;
+     position: relative;
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+  .detailDialog{
+     background: #fff;
+     position: relative;
+   }
+  .tableSee .el-table { overflow-x: auto; }
+  .tableSee .el-table__header-wrapper,
+  .tableSee .el-table__body-wrapper,
+  .tableSee .el-table__footer-wrapper { overflow: visible; }
+  .tableSee .el-table::after { position: relative; }
+  .tableSee .el-table--scrollable-x .el-table__body-wrapper { overflow: visible; }

Деякі файли не було показано, через те що забагато файлів було змінено