@@ -99,21 +99,49 @@ const actions = {
const { username, password } = userInfo
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
login({ username: username.trim(), password: password }).then(response => {
- const { data, msg } = response
- if (msg !== 'ok') {
- Message({
- message: data,
- type: 'error',
- duration: 5 * 1000
- })
- reject(data)
- }
- commit('SET_TOKEN', data.token)
- if (Cookies == null) {
- console.log(1)
+ if(Cookies.get('sso') == 1){
+ // 单点登录=============================
+ const fullURL = window.location.href;
+ // 使用正则表达式提取code参数的值
+ const codeMatch = fullURL.match(/[\?&]access=([^&]+)/);
+ console.log('codeMatch===>',codeMatch)
+ if (codeMatch) {
+ // 如果匹配成功,将code的值存储在组件的data中
+ var code = codeMatch[1];
+ //TODO 保存token
+ // 去除后面的#/login
+ if ( code && code.includes("#/login")) {
+ code = code.replace("#/login", "");
+ }
+ //base64解密this.cose
+ console.log('解密token',atob(code))
+ let token = atob(code)
+ commit('SET_TOKEN', token)
+ setToken(token)
+ resolve()
+ let url = window.location.href;
+ // 使用split方法将URL拆分为数组
+ let jmpurl = url.split('?')[0]+'#/dashboard'
+ window.open(jmpurl, "_self");
+ }
+ // =============================
+ }else{
+ const { data, msg } = response
+ if (msg !== 'ok') {
+ Message({
+ message: data,
+ type: 'error',
+ duration: 5 * 1000
+ })
+ reject(data)
+ }
+ commit('SET_TOKEN', data.token)
+ if (Cookies == null) {
+ console.log(1)
+ }
+ setToken(data.token)
+ resolve()
- setToken(data.token)
- resolve()
}).catch(error => {
@@ -134,7 +162,33 @@ const actions = {
// roles must be a non-empty array
if (!role || role.length <= 0) {
- reject('getInfo: roles must be a non-null array!')
+ reject('该用户未分配角色!')
+ console.log('no=============')
+ if(Cookies.get('sso') == 1){
+ setTimeout(()=>{
+ commit('SET_BUTTONS', [])
+ // console.log('-------------', state)
+ commit('SET_TOKEN', '')
+ commit('SET_ROLES', [])
+ Cookies.remove('employename')
+ Cookies.remove('employeid')
+ Cookies.remove('pastureid')
+ removeToken()
+ resetRouter()
+ resolve()
+ // 单点登录
+ var url = process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API
+ //获取当前url
+ if(url.indexOf('/')==0 && url.length==1){
+ url= window.location.protocol + "//"+window.location.host+url
+ }
+ const externalURL = "https://id.xiandaimuye.com/api/v1/logout?redirect_url="+url+ '&client_id=fTBm64I4k3kqHYtoFTUpvirCDxxCfx7I';
+ // 使用 $router.push 进行页面跳转
+ // 注意: 这里的跳转是在当前窗口进行的,如果需要在新标签页打开,可以使用 window.open(externalURL)
+ window.open(externalURL, "_self");
+ },2000)
+ }
GetDataByName({ 'name': 'getUserPCButtons', 'parammaps': { 'jwt_username': username }}).then(response => {
@@ -222,7 +276,33 @@ const actions = {
- location.reload()
+ if(Cookies.get('sso') == 1){
+ // 单点登录
+ var url = process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API
+ console.log(url,'url')
+ //获取当前url
+ if(url.indexOf('/')==0 && url.length==1){
+ url= window.location.protocol + "//"+window.location.host+url
+ }
+ const externalURL = "https://id.xiandaimuye.com/api/v1/logout?redirect_url=" + url + '&client_id=fTBm64I4k3kqHYtoFTUpvirCDxxCfx7I';
+ // 使用 $router.push 进行页面跳转
+ // 注意: 这里的跳转是在当前窗口进行的,如果需要在新标签页打开,可以使用 window.open(externalURL)
+ window.open(externalURL, "_self");
+ // location.reload()
+ }else{
+ commit('SET_BUTTONS', [])
+ // console.log('-------------', state)
+ commit('SET_TOKEN', '')
+ commit('SET_ROLES', [])
+ Cookies.remove('employename')
+ Cookies.remove('employeid')
+ Cookies.remove('pastureid')
+ removeToken()
+ resetRouter()
+ resolve()
+ location.reload()
+ }
}).catch(error => {