Browse Source


epans 2 years ago
2 changed files with 371 additions and 3 deletions
  1. 88 3
  2. 283 0

+ 88 - 3

@@ -45,13 +45,15 @@
+      <!-- 等后端接口 -->
+      <!-- <el-select v-model="table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.typeId" filterable placeholder="类别" class="filter-item" style="width: 120px;" clearable>
+        <el-option v-for="item in typeNameList" :key="" :label="" :value="" />
+      </el-select> -->
       <el-button v-waves class="filter-item" type="primary" icon="el-icon-search" @click="form_search">搜索</el-button>
       <el-button class="filter-item" type="success" icon="el-icon-upload2" @click="handleDownload">导出</el-button>
-    <el-table
+    <el-table v-if="tableShow1"
@@ -85,6 +87,36 @@
       <el-table-column label="使用人确认日期" min-width="70px" sortable align="center" prop="useSHTime" />
     <pagination v-show=">0" :total="" :page.sync="table.getdataListParm.offset" :limit.sync="table.getdataListParm.pagecount" @pagination="getList" />
+    <!-- 等后端接口  -->
+    <!-- <el-table v-if="tableShow2"
+      :key="table2.tableKey"
+      v-loading="table2.listLoading"
+      element-loading-text="给我一点时间"
+      :data="table2.list"
+      border
+      fit
+      highlight-current-row
+      style="width: 100%;"
+      :row-style="rowStyle"
+      :cell-style="cellStyle"
+      class="elTable"
+    >
+      <el-table-column label="序号" align="center" type="index" width="50px">
+        <template slot-scope="scope">
+          <span>{{ scope.$index + (table2.pageNum-1) * table2.pageSize + 1 }}</span>
+        </template>
+      </el-table-column>
+      <el-table-column label="牧场" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="pastureName" />
+      <el-table-column label="月份" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="repairCode" />
+      <el-table-column label="设备名称" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="eqName" />
+      <el-table-column label="维修次数" min-width="90px" align="center" prop="eqCode" />
+      <el-table-column label="平均维修时间" min-width="70px" align="center" prop="BXTime" />
+      <el-table-column label="无故障时间" min-width="90px" sortable align="center" prop="BxAndJd" />
+      <el-table-column label="平均故障间隔时间" min-width="90px" sortable align="center" prop="JDTime" />
+    </el-table> -->
@@ -103,6 +135,9 @@ export default {
     return {
       rowStyle: { maxHeight: 50 + 'px', height: 45 + 'px' },
       cellStyle: { padding: 0 + 'px' },
+      tableShow1:true,
+      tableShow2:false,
       table: {
         tableKey: 0,
         list: [],
@@ -120,6 +155,23 @@ export default {
+      table2: {
+        tableKey: 0,
+        list: [
+          {id:1}
+        ],
+        total: 0,
+        listLoading: false,
+        getdataListParm: {
+          name: 'getAlleqWX',
+          page: 1, offset: 1, pagecount: 10, returntype: 'Map',
+          parammaps: {
+            typeId:'',
+            pastureName: Cookies.get('pasturename')
+          }
+        }
+      },
       //  下拉框 - 状态 
       typeNameList: [
         {id: "刮粪机", name: "刮粪机"}
@@ -182,6 +234,26 @@ export default {
         }, 100)
+    getList2() {
+      this.table2.listLoading = true
+      GetDataByName(this.table.getdataListParm).then(response => {
+        console.log('table数据',
+        if ( !== null) {
+          this.table2.list =
+          this.table2.pageNum =
+          this.table2.pageSize =
+ =
+        } else {
+          this.table2.list = []
+ = 0
+        }
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          this.table2.listLoading = false
+        }, 100)
+      })
+    },
     form_search() {
       this.table.listLoading = true
       this.table.getdataListParm.offset = 1
@@ -216,6 +288,19 @@ export default {
         this.table.getdataListParm.parammaps.useSHTimeEnd = ''
+      //选了类别,就执行第二个表格
+      //等后端接口 
+      // if(this.table2.getdataListParm.parammaps.typeId != ""){
+      //   this.tableShow2 = true
+      //   this.tableShow1 = false
+      //   this.getList2()
+      // } else {
+      //   this.tableShow2 = false
+      //   this.tableShow1 = true
+      //   this.getList()
+      // }
     handleDownload() {
       this.$alert('维修周期效率统计正在导出中,请勿刷新或离开本页面,若导出时间过长,建议缩小导出数据范围重新导出', {})

+ 283 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+  <div class="app-container">
+    <div v-if="isPercentage" class="percentage" style="width: 210px;height: 90px;background: #fff;position: fixed;bottom: 0;left: 0;z-index: 9999999999999;">
+      <h4 style="padding-left: 10px;line-height: 0;">导出进度:</h4>
+      <el-progress style="padding-left: 10px;" :text-inside="true" :stroke-width="26" :percentage="percentage" />
+    </div>
+    <div class="filter-container">
+      <el-date-picker v-model="getdataListParm.parammaps.month" type="month" style="width: 250px;top:-3px;" placeholder="选择月份" format="yyyy-MM" value-format="yyyy-MM" />
+      <el-select v-model="getdataListParm.parammaps.pastureName" style="width: 140px;" placeholder="牧场" class="filter-item">
+        <el-option v-for="item in findAllPasture" :key="" :label="" :value="" />
+      </el-select>
+      <el-button v-waves class="filter-item" type="primary" icon="el-icon-search" @click="form_search">搜索</el-button>
+      <el-button class="filter-item" style="position:absolute;right:10px" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit" @click="handleDownload">导出</el-button>
+    </div>
+    <el-table slot="reference" v-loading="listLoading" border :data="list" header-align="center" :row-style="rowStyle" :cell-style="cellStyle">
+      <template v-for="(item,index) in tablelist">
+        <el-table-column :key="index" show-overflow-tooltip sortable :prop="item.column_name" :label="item.label" :width="item.width" />
+      </template>
+    </el-table>
+    <pagination v-show="total>0" :total="total" :page.sync="getdataListParm.offset" :limit.sync="getdataListParm.pagecount" @pagination="getList" />
+  </div>
+// 引入
+import { GetAccount, GetDataByNames } from '@/api/common'
+import waves from '@/directive/waves' // waves directive
+import Pagination from '@/components/Pagination'
+import { parseTime } from '@/utils/index.js'
+import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
+import { json2excel } from '@/utils/index.js'
+import { MessageBox } from 'element-ui'
+export default {
+  name: 'RepairRecord',
+  components: { Pagination },
+  directives: { waves },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      // ----------------------------------------------------
+      visible: false,
+      disabled: false,
+      findAllPasture: [],
+      requestParams: [
+        { name: 'findAllPasture', offset: 0, pagecount: 0, returntype: 'Map', parammaps: { 'id': Cookies.get('pastureid') }}
+      ],
+      rowStyle: { maxHeight: 30 + 'px', height: 25 + 'px' },
+      cellStyle: { padding: 0 + 'px' },
+      total: 0,
+      tableKey: 0,
+      listLoading: true,
+      list: [],
+      listTest: {},
+      tablelist: [],
+      getdataListParm: {
+        name: 'getPartrepertryAccount',
+        page: 1,
+        offset: 1,
+        pagecount: 10,
+        returntype: 'Map',
+        parammaps: {
+          pastureName: Cookies.get('pasturename'),
+          month: parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}')
+        }
+      },
+      dialogStatus: '',
+      dialogFormVisible: false,
+      isokDisable: false,
+      rules: { },
+      textMap: { },
+      months: [],
+      month: [],
+      downLoadParm: {},
+      downLoadList: [],
+      isPercentage: false,
+      percentage: 1
+    }
+  },
+  computed: {
+  },
+  created() {
+    this.getList()
+    this.get_select_list()
+    // this.getMonths()
+  },
+  methods: {
+    forDight(_num, _x) {
+      var n = 1
+      for (var i = 0; i < _x; i++) {
+        n = n * 10
+      }
+      return Math.round(_num * n) / n
+    },
+    get_select_list() {
+      GetDataByNames(this.requestParams).then(response => {
+        this.findAllPasture =
+      })
+    },
+    getList() {
+      this.listLoading = true
+      // this.getdataListParm.month = parseTime(new Date(), '{y}-{m}') // 更改为请求的月份
+      // this.getdataListParm.month = '2020-03' // 更改为请求的月份
+      // this.getdataListParm.timeout = 80000
+      GetAccount(this.getdataListParm).then(response => {
+        console.log('table数据',
+        if ( !== null) {
+          this.list =
+        } else {
+          this.list = []
+        }
+        this.pageNum =
+        this.pageSize =
+        if ( {
+ =
+        }
+        var temp = this.getdataListParm.parammaps.month.split('-')
+        var year = temp[0]
+        var month = temp[1]
+        var d = new Date(year, month, 0)
+        var table = [{ 'label': '序号', 'column_name': 'i' }, { 'label': '牧场', 'column_name': 'pastureName' }, { 'label': '月份', 'column_name': 'month' }, { 'label': '备件编号', 'column_name': 'partCode', 'width': '120' }, { 'label': '备件名称', 'column_name': 'partName' }, { 'label': '备件规格', 'column_name': 'specification' }, { 'label': '单位', 'column_name': 'unit' }, { 'label': '品牌', 'column_name': 'brandName' }, { 'label': '供应商', 'column_name': 'providerName' }, { 'label': '单价', 'column_name': 'price' }, { 'label': '期初数量', 'column_name': 'startSum' }, { 'label': '期初金额', 'column_name': 'startPrice' }]
+        for (let index = 1; index <= d.getDate(); index++) {
+          // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
+          index = JSON.stringify(index)
+          const index1 = '入库数量' + index + '日'
+          const index2 = '入库金额' + index + '日'
+          const m1 = { 'label': index1, 'column_name': 'laid' + index, 'width': '80' }
+          const m2 = { 'label': index2, 'column_name': 'laidPrice' + index, 'width': '80' }
+          table.push(m1)
+          table.push(m2)
+        }
+        const m3 = { 'label': '合计入库数量', 'column_name': 'Sumlaid', 'width': '120' }
+        const m4 = { 'label': '合计入库金额', 'column_name': 'SumlaidPrice', 'width': '120' }
+        table.push(m3)
+        table.push(m4)
+        console.log(d.getDate(), '----------')
+        for (let index = 1; index <= d.getDate(); index++) {
+          // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
+          index = JSON.stringify(index)
+          const index5 = '出库数量' + index + '日'
+          const index6 = '出库金额' + index + '日'
+          const m5 = { 'label': index5, 'column_name': 'use' + index, 'width': '80' }
+          const m6 = { 'label': index6, 'column_name': 'usePrice' + index, 'width': '80' }
+          table.push(m5)
+          table.push(m6)
+        }
+        const m7 = { 'label': '合计出库数量', 'column_name': 'Sumuse', 'width': '120' }
+        const m8 = { 'label': '合计出库金额', 'column_name': 'SumusePrice', 'width': '120' }
+        const m9 = { 'label': '退货数量', 'column_name': 'THsum', 'width': '120' }
+        const m10 = { 'label': '退货金额', 'column_name': 'THsumPrice', 'width': '120' }
+        const m11 = { 'label': '期末数量', 'column_name': 'endSum', 'width': '120' }
+        const m12 = { 'label': '期末金额', 'column_name': 'endSumPrice', 'width': '120' }
+        table.push(m7)
+        table.push(m8)
+        table.push(m9)
+        table.push(m10)
+        table.push(m11)
+        table.push(m12)
+        this.tablelist = table
+        if (this.list !== null) {
+          for (var i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) {
+            this.list[i].i = i + 1
+            console.log(this.list[i])
+            this.$set(this.list[i], 'startPrice', this.forDight((parseFloat(this.list[i].startSum) * parseFloat(this.list[i].price)), 3)) // 期初金额
+            this.$set(this.list[i], 'SumlaidPrice', this.forDight((parseFloat(this.list[i].Sumlaid) * parseFloat(this.list[i].price)), 3)) // 合计入库金额
+            this.$set(this.list[i], 'SumusePrice', this.forDight((parseFloat(this.list[i].Sumuse) * parseFloat(this.list[i].price)), 3)) // 合计出库金额
+            this.$set(this.list[i], 'THsumPrice', this.forDight((parseFloat(this.list[i].THsum) * parseFloat(this.list[i].price)), 3)) // 退货金额
+            this.$set(this.list[i], 'endSumPrice', this.forDight((parseFloat(this.list[i].endSum) * parseFloat(this.list[i].price)), 3)) // 期末金额
+            for (let index = 1; index <= d.getDate(); index++) {
+              index = JSON.stringify(index)
+              console.log('laid' + index)
+              const laid = 'laid' + index
+              const use = 'use' + index
+              console.log(this.list[i][laid]) // underfind
+              this.$set(this.list[i], 'laidPrice' + index, this.forDight((parseFloat(this.list[i][laid]) * parseFloat(this.list[i].price)), 3)) // 入库金额
+              this.$set(this.list[i], 'usePrice' + index, this.forDight((parseFloat(this.list[i][use]) * parseFloat(this.list[i].price)), 3)) // 出库金额
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        console.log('table数据', this.list)
+        console.log('表头数据', this.tablelist)
+        this.$forceUpdate()
+        setTimeout(() => {
+          this.listLoading = false
+        }, 100)
+      })
+    },
+    form_search() {
+      this.listLoading = true
+      this.getdataListParm.offset = 1
+      this.getList()
+    },
+    handleDownload() {
+      this.$alert('备件台账信息正在导出中,请勿刷新或离开本页面,若导出时间过长,建议缩小导出数据范围重新导出', {})
+      this.isPercentage = true
+      this.percentage = 1
+      var timer = setInterval(() => {
+        this.percentage += 5
+        if (this.percentage > 95) {
+          this.percentage = 99
+          clearInterval(timer)
+        }
+        this.percentage = this.percentage
+      }, 1000)
+ = 'getPartrepertryAccount'
+      this.downLoadParm.returntype = 'Map'
+      // this.downLoadParm.timeout = 80000
+      this.downLoadParm.parammaps = this.getdataListParm.parammaps
+      GetAccount(this.downLoadParm).then(response => {
+        if ( !== '') {
+          this.percentage = 99
+          setTimeout(() => {
+            this.isPercentage = false
+          }, 2000)
+        }
+        this.$nextTick(() => {
+          this.downLoadList =
+          if ( !== null) {
+            const temp = this.getdataListParm.parammaps.month.split('-')
+            const year = temp[0]
+            const month = temp[1]
+            const d = new Date(year, month, 0)
+            for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
+              this.$set([i], 'startPrice', this.forDight((parseFloat([i].startSum) * parseFloat([i].price)), 3)) // 期初金额
+              this.$set([i], 'SumlaidPrice', this.forDight((parseFloat([i].Sumlaid) * parseFloat([i].price)), 3)) // 合计入库金额
+              this.$set([i], 'SumusePrice', this.forDight((parseFloat([i].Sumuse) * parseFloat([i].price)), 3)) // 合计出库金额
+              this.$set([i], 'THsumPrice', this.forDight((parseFloat([i].THsum) * parseFloat([i].price)), 3)) // 退货金额
+              this.$set([i], 'endSumPrice', this.forDight((parseFloat([i].endSum) * parseFloat([i].price)), 3)) // 期末金额
+              for (let index = 1; index <= d.getDate(); index++) {
+                index = JSON.stringify(index)
+                console.log('laid' + index)
+                const laid = 'laid' + index
+                const use = 'use' + index
+                console.log([i][laid]) // underfind
+                this.$set([i], 'laidPrice' + index, this.forDight((parseFloat([i][laid]) * parseFloat([i].price)), 3)) // 入库金额
+                this.$set([i], 'usePrice' + index, this.forDight((parseFloat([i][use]) * parseFloat([i].price)), 3)) // 出库金额
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          console.log(this.tablelist)
+          const tHeader = []
+          const filterVal = []
+          for (let i = 1; i < this.tablelist.length; i++) {
+            tHeader.push(this.tablelist[i].label)
+            filterVal.push(this.tablelist[i].column_name)
+          }
+          console.log(tHeader, filterVal)
+          const ExcelDatas = [
+            {
+              tHeader: tHeader,
+              filterVal: filterVal,
+              tableDatas: this.downLoadList,
+              sheetName: '备件台账'
+            }
+          ]
+          json2excel(ExcelDatas, '备件台账', true, 'xlsx')
+        })
+      })
+    }
+  }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+.el-input--small .el-input__inner{
+  height: 38px !important;
+.el-table .cell.el-tooltip{
+  text-align: center;
+.el-table th>.cell{
+  text-align: center;
+.el-table .cell.el-tooltip{
+  white-space:pre-wrap;